No. | 会議名 | 開催・発表年月日 | 開催地 |
1. | The Impact of the Publication of School Test Scores on Housing Markets: Evidence from Japan(Kobe University) |
発表年月日: 2025年01月22日 |
2. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(11th Asian Policy Forum) |
発表年月日: 2024年11月22日 |
3. | The Impact of the Publication of School Test Scores on Housing Markets: Evidence from Japan(Tohoku University) |
2024年6月20日 発表年月日: 2024年06月20日 |
4. | Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) Annual Conference (Taipei)) |
発表年月日: 2023年12月08日 |
5. | Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Academia Sinica (Taipei)) |
発表年月日: 2023年08月25日 |
6. | Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES) (Singapore)) |
発表年月日: 2023年07月29日 |
7. | Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Western Economic Association International (WEAI) Annual Conference (San Diego)) |
発表年月日: 2023年07月02日 |
8. | Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Nagoya City University) |
2023年5月16日 発表年月日: 2023年05月16日 |
9. | Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Keio University) |
発表年月日: 2022年07月08日 |
10. | Do Mentoring and Oversight Matter? The Effects of Allocating Central Administrators to Local Government Units: Evidence from Japan(The University of Tokyo) |
発表年月日: 2022年05月20日 |
11. | Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Osaka University) |
発表年月日: 2021年12月15日 |
12. | The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Asian and Australasian Society of Labor Economics Annual Conference) |
~ 2021年12月11日 発表年月日: 2021年12月09日 |
13. | The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Kyoto University) |
発表年月日: 2021年07月16日 |
Kyoto University (Online) |
14. | The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Applied Microeconomics Conference) |
発表年月日: 2021年06月22日 |
Korea University (Online) |
15. | Does Single-Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in South Korea(Modern Economics Seminar) |
発表年月日: 2021年06月17日 |
Tohoku University (Online) |
16. | Does Single-Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(HIAS Seminar) |
発表年月日: 2021年05月26日 |
Hitotsubashi University (Online) |
17. | The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference) |
発表年月日: 2021年05月14日 |
Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference (Online) |
18. | Does Working with a Future Executive Make Junior Employees More Likely to Be Promoted?(Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop) |
発表年月日: 2021年02月12日 |
Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop (Online) |
19. | Does Single Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(Applied Microeconomics Seminar) |
発表年月日: 2020年12月04日 |
Tokyo Keizai University (Online) |
20. | Does Working with a Future Executive Make Junior Employees More Likely to Be Promoted?(HIAS Seminar) |
発表年月日: 2020年11月18日 |
Hitotsubashi University (Online) |
21. | Does Single Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting) |
発表年月日: 2020年10月10日 |
Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting (Online) |
22. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Japanese Studies Program at University of California, San Diego) |
発表年月日: 2020年03月06日 |
University of California, San Diego (San Diego) |
23. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Seminar at National Chengchi University) |
発表年月日: 2020年02月14日 |
National Chengchi University (Taipei) |
24. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Seminar at Academia Sinica) |
発表年月日: 2020年02月10日 |
Academia Sinica (Taipei) |
25. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Annual Conference of the Southwestern Social Science Association) |
発表年月日: 2019年10月31日 |
San Diego |
26. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Quantitative Society for Pensions and Saving 2019 Workshop) |
発表年月日: 2019年09月19日 |
Logan |
27. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association) |
発表年月日: 2019年05月30日 |
Banff |
28. | The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(The 15th Irvine-Japan Conference on Public Policy) |
発表年月日: 2019年02月08日 |
Irvine |
29. | Does How Air Pollution Levels Are Labeled Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Japan-Tokyo Resource and Environmental Economics (J-TREE) Seminar (Tokyo)) |
発表年月日: |
No. | 研究題目 | 研究種目(提供機関・制度) | 研究期間 |
1. | The effects of the influx of public administrators on non-profit organizations such as universities
( 提供機関: 日本学術振興会 制度: 科学研究費助成事業 ) |
2021年4月 ~ 2023年3月 |