中澤 伸彦(ナカザワ ノブヒコ)


1. Do Mentoring and Oversight Matter? The Effects of Allocating Central Administrators to Local Government Units: Evidence from Japan (査読有り)
Nobuhiko Nakazawa
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 40巻2号338-361頁 2024年7月
2. Does single-sex schooling help or hurt labor market outcomes? Evidence from a natural experiment in South Korea (査読有り)
Youngju Lee, Nobuhiko Nakazawa
Journal of Public Economics 214巻2号104729頁 2022年10月
3. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan (査読有り)
Nobuhiko Nakazawa
Journal of Human Resources 2022年


No. 会議名 開催・発表年月日 開催地
1. The Impact of the Publication of School Test Scores on Housing Markets: Evidence from Japan(Kobe University)
発表年月日: 2025年01月22日
2. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(11th Asian Policy Forum)
発表年月日: 2024年11月22日
3. The Impact of the Publication of School Test Scores on Housing Markets: Evidence from Japan(Tohoku University)
開催年月日: 2024年6月20日
発表年月日: 2024年06月20日
4. Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) Annual Conference (Taipei))
発表年月日: 2023年12月08日
5. Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Academia Sinica (Taipei))
発表年月日: 2023年08月25日
6. Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES) (Singapore))
発表年月日: 2023年07月29日
7. Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Western Economic Association International (WEAI) Annual Conference (San Diego))
発表年月日: 2023年07月02日
8. Does Labeling Air Pollution Levels Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Nagoya City University)
開催年月日: 2023年5月16日
発表年月日: 2023年05月16日
9. Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Keio University)
発表年月日: 2022年07月08日
10. Do Mentoring and Oversight Matter? The Effects of Allocating Central Administrators to Local Government Units: Evidence from Japan(The University of Tokyo)
発表年月日: 2022年05月20日
11. Direct and indirect effects of mandatory retirement systems on workers of different ages(Osaka University)
発表年月日: 2021年12月15日
12. The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Asian and Australasian Society of Labor Economics Annual Conference)
開催年月日: 2021年12月9日 ~ 2021年12月11日
発表年月日: 2021年12月09日
13. The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Kyoto University)
発表年月日: 2021年07月16日
Kyoto University (Online)
14. The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Applied Microeconomics Conference)
発表年月日: 2021年06月22日
Korea University (Online)
15. Does Single-Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in South Korea(Modern Economics Seminar)
発表年月日: 2021年06月17日
Tohoku University (Online)
16. Does Single-Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(HIAS Seminar)
発表年月日: 2021年05月26日
Hitotsubashi University (Online)
17. The Effects of Changing Mandatory Retirement Systems on Labor Supply: Direct Effects on the Old and Intergenerational Substitution Effects on the Young(Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference)
発表年月日: 2021年05月14日
Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference (Online)
18. Does Working with a Future Executive Make Junior Employees More Likely to Be Promoted?(Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop)
発表年月日: 2021年02月12日
Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop (Online)
19. Does Single Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(Applied Microeconomics Seminar)
発表年月日: 2020年12月04日
Tokyo Keizai University (Online)
20. Does Working with a Future Executive Make Junior Employees More Likely to Be Promoted?(HIAS Seminar)
発表年月日: 2020年11月18日
Hitotsubashi University (Online)
21. Does Single Sex Schooling Help or Hurt Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment in South Korea(Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting)
発表年月日: 2020年10月10日
Japanese Economic Association Fall Meeting (Online)
22. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Japanese Studies Program at University of California, San Diego)
発表年月日: 2020年03月06日
University of California, San Diego (San Diego)
23. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Seminar at National Chengchi University)
発表年月日: 2020年02月14日
National Chengchi University (Taipei)
24. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Seminar at Academia Sinica)
発表年月日: 2020年02月10日
Academia Sinica (Taipei)
25. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Annual Conference of the Southwestern Social Science Association)
発表年月日: 2019年10月31日
San Diego
26. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(Quantitative Society for Pensions and Saving 2019 Workshop)
発表年月日: 2019年09月19日
27. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association)
発表年月日: 2019年05月30日
28. The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan(The 15th Irvine-Japan Conference on Public Policy)
発表年月日: 2019年02月08日
29. Does How Air Pollution Levels Are Labeled Matter? Evidence from Consumption of Respiratory Medicine in South Korea(Japan-Tokyo Resource and Environmental Economics (J-TREE) Seminar (Tokyo))



No. 研究題目 研究種目(提供機関・制度) 研究期間
1. The effects of the influx of public administrators on non-profit organizations such as universities
( 提供機関: 日本学術振興会 制度: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2021年4月 ~ 2023年3月