稲葉 圭一郎(イナバ ケイイチロウ)


1. An Essay on Cultural and Mindset-Related Challenges for Innovation in Japan
Kei-Ichiro INABA
SSRN Electronic Journal 4990570号 2024年10月
2. A First Foray into the Phenomenon of Equity Crowdfunding in Japan: What Do Private Fundraising Records Tell?
Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Masami Komatsu, Daisuke Miyakawa
SSRN Electronic Journal 4506382号 2023年7月
3. Japan’s unemployment rate hike amid the COVID-19 pandemic – why was it so mild? (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Tomoki Matsuo
Applied Economics Letters 30巻8号1001-1009頁 2023年4月
doi その他のサイト
4. A Global Look into Corporate Cash Valued in Stock Indices over the Recent Decade
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
SSRN Electronic Journal 4407010号 2023年4月
5. Cross-Border Portfolio Investment Inflows to Emerging Countries: Enhanced Dominance of Local Factors amid the COVID-19 Pandemic (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Daisuke Maruyama
Review of Development Finance 12巻2号18-26頁 2022年12月
6. ESG Management and Credit Risk Premia: Evidence from Credit Default Swaps for Japan’s Major Companies
Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Yuji Hatakeyama
SSRN Electronic Journal 4279311号 2022年11月
7. Corporate cash and governance: A global look into publicly-traded companies' aggregate cash ratios (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
International Review of Financial Analysis 101808号 2021年6月
8. An empirical illustration of the integration of sovereign bond markets (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 100674号 2021年4月
9. Inbound portfolio bond investments and domestic monetary policy effect in emerging countries (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Applied Economics Letters 28巻7号535-540頁 2021年3月
doi その他のサイト
10. Japan’s impactful augmentation of quantitative easing sovereign-bond purchases (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 54巻101252号 2020年11月
11. A global look into stock market comovements (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Review of World Economics 156巻3号517-555頁 2020年8月
doi その他のサイト その他のサイト
12. Information-driven stock return comovements across countries (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Research in International Business and Finance 51巻101093号 2020年1月
13. The behaviour of bidders in quantitative-easing auctions of sovereign bonds in Japan: Determinants of the popularity of the 9 to 10-year maturity segment (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 72巻206-214頁 2019年5月
14. Liquidity and Pricing of Credit Default Swaps in Japan: Evidence from a Benchmark Index for Corporate Debt Claims (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Journal of Financial Services Research 54巻1号111-143頁 2018年8月
doi その他のサイト その他のサイト
15. Monetary Policy and Inequality
Rory O’Farrell, Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Kei-Ichiro Inaba
OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1281号 2016年3月
16. Beneath the Finance–Growth Nexus: The Case of Japan’s Post-World War II Commercial Banking (査読有り)
Kei-Ichiro Inaba
Journal of Comparative Asian Development 15巻1号19-63頁 2016年1月
doi その他のサイト
17. The Conduct of Monetary Policy in the Future
Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Rory O’Farrell, Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Ane Kathrine Christensen
OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1187号 2015年3月
18. Factors behind the Decline in Real Long-Term Government Bond Yields
Romain Bouis, Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Ane Kathrine Christensen
OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1167号 2014年10月
19. Secular Stagnation: Evidence and Implications for Economic Policy
Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Romain Bouis, Kei-Ichiro Inaba, Ane Kathrine Christensen
OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1169号 2014年10月
20. Spillover Effects from Exiting Highly Expansionary Monetary Policies
Łukasz Rawdanowicz, Romain Bouis, Jérôme Brezillon, Ane Kathrine Christensen, Kei-Ichiro Inaba
OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1116号 2014年5月
