1. |
Contexts of reception
Ayumi Takenaka
Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration 122-132頁 2024年1月 |
2. |
The Immigrant-Homeland Connection:
Ayumi Takenaka
The Japanese Empire and Latin America 126-144頁 2023年2月
3. |
Ethnic Hierarchy and Its Impact on Ethnic Identities
Ayumi Takenaka
Diasporic Homecomings 260-280頁 2020年12月
4. |
The paradox of diaspora engagement: a historical analysis of Japanese state-diaspora relations
Ayumi Takenaka
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46巻6号1129-1145頁 2020年4月
5. |
“Nikkei Food” for Whom? Gastro-Politics and Culinary Representation in Peru
Ayumi Takenaka
Anthropology of food 14号 2019年6月
6. |
Parochialism: Japan’s failure to internationalize
Robert Dujarric, Ayumi Takenaka
Critical Issues in Contemporary Japan, Second Edition 274-284頁 2019年1月
7. |
Nikkei Cuisine: How Japanese food travels and adapts abroad
Ayumi Takenaka
Devouring Japan: Global Perspectives on Japanese Culinary Identity 187-201頁 2018年4月 |
8. |
Immigrant integration through food: Nikkei cuisine in Peru
Ayumi Takenaka
Contemporary Japan 29巻2号117-131頁 2017年7月
9. |
Negative Assimilation: How Immigrants Experience Economic Mobility in Japan
Ayumi Takenaka, Makiko Nakamuro, Kenji Ishida
International Migration Review 50巻2号506-533頁 2016年6月
10. |
The Empirical Study of Time Spent Studying for Children of Immigrants in Japan
Makiko NAKAMURO, Kenji ISHIDA, Ayumi TAKENAKA, Tomohiko INUI
Economic Analysis;Economic;Social Research Institute (ESRI) 190巻49-66頁 2016年1月 |
11. |
The educational attainment of immigrant children in Japan: an empirical analysis of the assimilation hypothesis
Ishida K, Nakamuro M, Takenaka, A
Educational Studies in Japan: International Yearbook 10巻93-107頁 2016年 |
12. |
How Contexts of Reception Matter: Comparing Peruvian Migrants' Economic Trajectories in Japan and the US
Ayumi Takenaka, Karsten Paerregaard
International Migration 53巻2号236-249頁 2015年4月
13. |
The Rise and Fall of Diasporic Bonds in Japanese-Peruvian "Return" Migration
Ayumi Takenaka
International Migration 52巻6号100-112頁 2014年12月
14. |
Parochialism: Japan’s failure to internationalize
Robert Dujarric, Ayumi Takenaka
Critical Issues in Contemporary Japan 9780203797594巻276-287頁 2013年1月
15. |
竹中歩, 石田賢示, 中室牧子
不平等生成メカニズムの解明―格差・階層・公正 2013年 |
16. |
Re-migration of Immigrants to the United States: Who Re-Migrates and Why?
Takenaka, Ayumi
Immigration and Superpower Status: U.S. Immigration History and Issues, edited by LeMay, Michael 223-241頁 2013年 |
17. |
Demographic Challenges for the 21st Century: Population Ageing and the Immigration “Problem” in Japan
Ayumi Takenaka
Anthropology & Aging 33巻2号38-43頁 2012年5月
18. |
土田久美子, 竹中歩
移動の時代を生きる—人、権力、コミュニティー 2012年 |
19. |
“The Role of Ethnicity in International Migration: The Re-Migration of Latin Americans from Japan to the U.S.”
Takenaka, Ayumi
Global Migration and Ethnic Communities in Asia 176-192頁 2012年 |
20. |
“Why Japan is not setting the global agenda: Japan’s virtual Berlin Wall”
Dujarric, R, Takenaka, A
The Oriental Economist 2011年12月 |
21. |
Leaving to get ahead: Assessing the relationship between mobility and inequality in Peruvian migration
Ayumi Takenaka, Karen A. Pren
Latin American Perspectives 37巻5号29-49頁 2010年9月
22. |
Determinants of emigration: Comparing migrants' selectivity from Peru and Mexico
Ayumi Takenaka, Karen A. Pren
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 630巻1号178-193頁 2010年
23. |
“Factores determinantes de la emigración: La selectividad migratoria en Perú y México,”
Takenaka, Ayumi, Pren, Karen
Migrations in the Americas 193-208頁 2010年 |
24. |
Philadelphia's immigrant communities in historical perspective
Ayumi Takenaka, Mary Johnson Osirim
Global Philadelphia: Immigrant Communities Old and New 1-22頁 2010年 |
25. |
How ethnic minorities experience social mobility in Japan: An ethnographic study of Peruvian migrants
Ayumi Takenaka
Social Class in Contemporary Japan: Structures, Sorting and Strategies 221-238頁 2009年10月
26. |
“Secondary Migration: Who Re-Migrates to the U.S. and Why That Matters.”
Takenaka, Ayumi
Migration Information Source; Immigration Daily 2007年 |
27. |
“Multi-Sited Ethnography in Peru, Japan, and the U.S.,”
Takenaka, Ayumi
Researching Migration: Stories From the Field Social 143-157頁 2007年 |
28. |
The changing Japanese family
Marcus Rebick, Ayumi Takenaka
The Changing Japanese Family 3-16頁 2006年3月
29. |
The Japanese in Peru: History of immigration, settlemet, ad racialization
Ayumi Takenaka
Latin American Perspectives 31巻3号77-98頁 2004年5月
30. |
Asian-Latinos: Japanese-Peruvians’ ethnic adaptation and social mobility in New York and Los Angeles
Ayumi Takenaka
Immigrant Life in the U.S.: Multi-disciplinary perspectives 65-80頁 2004年1月
31. |
The mechanisms of ethnic retention: Later-generation Japanese immigrants in Lima, Peru
Ayumi Takenaka
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 29巻3号467-483頁 2003年5月
32. |
Paradoxes of ethnicity-based immigration: Peruvian and Japanese-Peruvian migrants in Japan
Ayumi Takenaka
Global Japan: The Experience of Japan's New Immigrant and Overseas Communities 222-235頁 2003年4月
33. |
Transnational community and its ethnic consequences: The return migration and the transformation of ethnicity of Japanese Peruvians
Ayumi Takenaka
Immigration Research for a New Century: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 442-458頁 2003年1月 |
34. |
Transnational Community and Its Ethnic Consequences
2003年 |
35. |
『海外における日本人、日本の中の外国人——グローバルな移民流動とエスノスケープ』 2003年 |
36. |
“Immigration to Japan,”
Takenaka, Ayumi
Encyclopedia of American Immigration 2001年 |
37. |
Transnational Community and Its Ethnic Consequences: The Return Migration and the Transformation of Ethnicity of Japanese Peruvians
Ayumi Takenaka
American Behavioral Scientist 42巻9号1459-1474頁 1999年6月
38. |
“Ethnic Encounters of Japanese Immigrants in Peru,”
Takenaka, Ayumi
The Geography of Encounters: People of Asian Descent in the Americas 113-118頁 1999年 |
39. |
“Toward Nikkeism,”
Takenaka, Ayumi
Beyond Boundaries: Special Papers on Refugee and Immigrants 82-99頁 1997年 |