No. | 会議名 | 開催・発表年月日 | 開催地 |
1. | “Entanglements of Benevolence: War, Colonial Rule, and the League of Red Cross Societies in the Asia Pacific, 1919-1941.”(Paper presented at the international conference “The League of Red Cross Societies in Historical Perspectives, 1919-1991,” International Federation of the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland.) |
発表年月日: 2023年06月15日 |
2. | “Contested Terrain: Mental Retardation and the Gendered Politics of Diagnosis in Early Twentieth-Century New York.”(Paper presented at the conference “Mental Health, Sexuality, and Gynaecological Treatments in Europe and America, 19th-20th Century,” Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.) |
発表年月日: 2023年06月12日 |
3. | “The American Red Cross and the Transpacific Origins of the U.S. Public Health System”(Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, US.) |
発表年月日: 2019年11月 |
4. | “Transcultural Entanglements in the Pacific World: War, Memory, and the Geopolitics of Humanitarianism”(日本アメリカ学会第53回年次大会、於法政大学) |
発表年月日: 2019年06月 |
5. | 「歴史・記憶・記録:歴史学と路上のアクチュアリティ」(日本アメリカ史学会第15回年次大会、於日本女子大学) |
発表年月日: 2018年09月23日 |
6. | 「第一次世界大戦後の国際人道主義運動とアメリカ赤十字社」(上智大学史学会第67回大会、於上智大学) |
発表年月日: 2017年11月 |
7. | "Geopolitics of Humanitarianism: Colonialism, Public Health, and the Red Cross Movement in Interwar Asia."(Paper presented at the 10th International Convention of Asian Scholars, International Exhibition and Convention Center, Chiang Mai, Thailand.) |
発表年月日: 2017年07月 |
8. | "In Between the West and East: Medical Activities of the Japanese Red Cross in the Northeastern Region of China."(Paper presented at the 8th Meeting of the Asian Society for the History of Medicine, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.) |
発表年月日: 2016年10月 |
9. | 「越境するアクティヴィズム:20世紀前半アジア太平洋地域における国際赤十字運動」(日本アメリカ史学会第13回年次大会) |
発表年月日: 2016年09月 |
10. | "The Contested Ideal: Red Cross Humanitarianism and the Creation of International Public Health Order in Asia."(Paper presented at the international conference “Histories of the Red Cross Movement: Continuity and Change,” Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.) |
発表年月日: 2016年09月 |
11. | "The Price of Humanity: International Red Cross Movement and the Ideological Politics of Humanitarianism in Asia."(Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of World History Association, Ghent, Belgium.) |
発表年月日: 2016年07月 |
12. | “Under the Aegis of Humanitarianism: American Women Nurses and the Transnational Origins of the U.S. Public Health.”(Paper presented at the 130th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta, U.S.) |
発表年月日: 2016年01月 |
13. | “Creating a Healthy Citizen: American Women Nurses and the Colonial Origins of the U.S. Public Health.”(Paper presented at the 7th World Congress of the International American Studies Association, Seoul, South Korea.) |
発表年月日: 2015年08月 |
14. | “Humanitarian Exchanges in Asia: The Red Cross Health Programs in the Philippines and the Creation of an International Public Health Order in the 1920s.”(Paper presented at the international conference “Exchange and Change: The Philippines and Filipinos in the World,” Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.) |
発表年月日: 2014年09月 |
15. | “Transnational History of the Colonial Public Health System in the Philippines at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference “History of Medicine in Southeast Asia,” Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines.) |
発表年月日: 2014年01月 |
16. | “In the Name of Humanitarianism: The Oriental Red Cross Conferences and the Colonialization of International Public Health Order in Asia during the 1920s.”(Paper presented at the international conference “International Health Organisations and the history of health and medicine, c.1870-2012,” Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.) |
発表年月日: 2013年10月 |
17. | “Japanese Colonial Regulation of Prostitution and Changing Urban Landscapes in Northeastern China.”(Paper presented at the postgraduate conference “Competing Visions: Changing Landscapes in the Past, Present, and Future,” University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.) |
発表年月日: 2013年03月 |
18. | “Uncivilized Mission: Transnational Migration of Japanese Prostitutes at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the postgraduate conference “Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing Borders in World History,” Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.) |
発表年月日: 2013年03月 |
19. | “At the Intersection of ‘Below’ and ‘Above’: Transnational Institutionalization of Public Health at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the Conference “Historiography and Nation since Pasyon and Revolution: Conference in Honor of Professor Reynaldo C. Ileto,” Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines.) |
発表年月日: 2013年02月 |
20. | “Strangers in White Uniform: American Nurses and the Transnational Origins of the U.S. Public Health.”(Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.) |
発表年月日: 2012年11月 |
21. | “Unlawful Subject: Japanese Colonial Regulation of Prostitution Business in Northeastern China in the Early Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the Workshop “Colonial Practices of Law, Police, and Punishment,” University of Copenhagen, Denmark.) |
発表年月日: 2012年11月 |
22. | “At the Crossroads of Modernity: the Emergence of the Modern Public Health System and the Colonial Philippines at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the World History Association Symposium “Southeast Asia and World History,” Pannasastra University, Siem Reap, Cambodia.) |
発表年月日: 2012年01月 |
23. | “Creating Pitiful Deviants: the Institute for Child Research and the Emergence of the State Control over the Disabled Population in Tokyo, Japan.”(Paper presented at the postgraduate conference “History of Psychiatry and Psychology,” Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine, University College of London, U.K.) |
発表年月日: 2011年03月 |
24. | “Institutionalizing the Disabled Other: Social Policy over the ‘Feeble-Minded’ in the United States and Japan at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the postgraduate conference “Scienticizing the Other: Science, Medicine and the Study of Human Difference, 1800-1950,” University of Cambridge, U.K.) |
発表年月日: 2010年06月 |
25. | “Disabled on Different Soils: Global Perspectives on Disability History.”(Paper presented at the Disability History Group conference “Disability History: Looking Forward to a Better Past?” University of Central Lancashire, Preston, U.K.) |
発表年月日: 2010年06月 |
26. | “Inventing Asian Selves in Modernity: Shinpei Goto and the Emergence of the Organic Theory of the State in Japan at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the First Asian Philosophy Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.) |
発表年月日: 2010年03月 |
27. | “Professional Angels at War: Anita Newcomb McGee and the Professionalization of Nursing Service during the Spanish-American War.”(Paper presented at the Workshop “Lives Beyond Borders: Toward a Social History of Cosmopolitans and Globalization, 1880–1960,” University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.) |
発表年月日: 2010年02月 |
28. | “Coercion, Adaptation, and Amalgamation: Imperial Construction of ‘Japanese’ Ethnic Identity in the Early Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the International Conference “Challenges of Ethnicity: the Local and the Global,” Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.) |
発表年月日: 2009年11月 |
29. | “Unbroken Strain of Defectives: Social Articulation of Mental Disability in New York City in the Early Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the conference “Evolution and the Public (1859-2009): the Discussion of a Scientific Idea and its Ramifications since Charles Darwin,” University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany.) |
発表年月日: 2009年09月 |
30. | “Transmission of the Idea on Mental Retardation from the United States to Japan at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: A Transpacific Perspective on Disability History.”(Paper presented at the 4th World Congress of the International American Studies Association, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.) |
発表年月日: 2009年09月 |
31. | “Children of Pity: The Transplantation of American Ideas on Mental Disability in Japan at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the conference of Cultural Typhoon 2009, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan.) |
発表年月日: 2009年07月 |
32. | “Ambivalent Enterprise: Cultural Representation of ‘Manchuria’ in the Social-Hygienic Activities of the Japanese Red Cross Society in the Early Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the 2009 Harbin Conference “Global Challenge and Regional Response – Early Twentieth-Century Northeast China: Its Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural Encounters with the World,” Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China.) |
発表年月日: 2009年06月 |
33. | “Once Admitted: Federal Project of Immigrant Labor Exchange and National Welfare Policy, 1907-1918.”(Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, U.S.) |
発表年月日: 2009年03月 |
34. | “Institutionalizing the Mind: Administrative Articulation of Mental Disability in New York City in the Early Twentieth Century.”(Paper presented at the 5th Graduate History Symposium, the University of Toronto, Canada.) |
発表年月日: 2009年02月 |
35. | “Defective Citizens of To-morrow: Articulating Feeble-Mindedness of Children in New York City, 1900-1917.”(Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, University of Glasgow, U.K.) |
発表年月日: 2008年09月 |
36. | “The Ambiguous Terrain: the Articulation of Disability in the Municipal Administration of New York City, 1900-1916.”(Paper presented at the conference “Disability History: Theory and Practice,” San Francisco State University, U.S.) |
発表年月日: 2008年08月 |
37. | “Across ‘the Hill to the Poorhouse’: Disability Policy in New York City on the Eve of World War I.”(Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of GrASP (Japanese Association of Graduate Students in American Studies Programs), Waseda University, Japan.) |
発表年月日: 2008年07月 |
38. | 「20世紀初頭アメリカ合衆国における社会保障思想の形成」(日本アメリカ史学会第9回例会、於専修大学。) |
発表年月日: 2007年04月 |
39. | 「社会的分断線の架橋:1914年ニューヨーク市における失業者救援運動と青年知識人」(GrASP (Japanese Association of Graduate Students in American Studies Program)第6回年次大会、於東京大学。) |
発表年月日: 2005年07月 |