1. |
Case note: BVerfG, Beschluss des Zweiten Senats vom 06. Februar 2024, 2 BvE 6/23, 2 BvR 994/23
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.100,No.12,pp.121-132 2024.12 |
2. |
Fundamental Rights Protection in the Online Platform through the EU Digital Services Act
Yumiko Nakanishi
The Japanese Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law No.36,pp.81-109 2024.10 |
3. |
Case note:Joined Cases C-212/21 P and C-223/21 P, European Investment Bank and European Commission v ClientEarth. Judgment of 6 July 2023
Jichikenkyu Vol.100,No.9,pp.104-116 2024.9 |
4. |
EU climate change policy and law
Jurist No.1602,pp.56-61 2024.9 |
5. |
Case note : Case C-621/21 WS v Intervyuirasht organ na Darzhavna agentsia za bezhantsite pri Ministerskia savet
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.100,No.7,pp.82-94 2024.7 |
6. |
Case note: Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms Inc and Others v Bundeskartellamt, Judgment of 4 July 2023
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.100,No.4,pp.101-112 2024.4 |
7. |
The Flow of Enactment and Amendment of EU Laws and the Future of EU Environmental Law
Yumiko Nakanishi
Chemical Managment Vol.8,No.9,pp.23-30 2024.4 |
8. |
Possibility of Extending Legal Standing under Article 263 (4) TFEU in the Matter of Climate Litigation
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.52,pp.1-12 2024.2
9. |
Competence and Representation of the EU in the International Maritime Ogranization (IMO) to which the EU is not a party
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.52,No.1,pp.105-111 2024.1 |
10. |
Case note of Case C-873/19 Deutsche Umwelthilfe e V v Germany, Judgment of 8 November 2022 (CJEU)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.100,No.1,pp.123-134 2024.1 |
11. |
The Development of, and Issues Associated with, EU Legal Spaces
Yumiko Nakanishi
Japanese Yearbook of International Law Vol.vol. 66,pp.359-380 2023.12 |
12. |
Yumiko Nakanishi
13. |
Parallel Obligations to Seek Preliminary Rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union in the European Legal Space
Yumiko Nakanishi
Zur Verwirklichung eines Vereinten Europas, Festschrift für Rudolf Streinz zum 70. Geburtstag pp.303-314 2023.12
14. |
Case note of T-330/18 and C-565/19P (CJEU)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.99,No.10,pp.104-115 2023.10 |
15. |
Case note of Case C-486/14 Kossowaki
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.99,No.7,pp.97-109 2023.7 |
16. |
Case note of Opinion 1/19, the Istanbul Convention
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.99,No.5,pp.99-111 2023.5 |
17. |
The EU Conditionality Regulation and the Rule of Law
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.13,pp.91-107 2023.4
18. |
Autonomy of the European Union Legal Order and Autonomous Interpretation
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.51,pp.1-12 2023.2
19. |
La Protection de lʼeau en France et au Japon : Réflexions Comparatives
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.51,pp.25-44 2023.2
20. |
Case note of Case C-430/21, RS, Judgment of 22 February 2022, CJEU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.99,No.2,pp.123-136 2023.2 |
21. |
Case note of Joind Cases C-368/20 and C-369/20, NW V Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark, Judgement of 26 April 2022
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.11,pp.123-135 2022.11 |
22. |
Action by a Third Country for the Annulment of an EU Economic Sanction Measure and the Concept "Legal Person" in Article 263 (4) TFEU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.50,No.10,pp.1374-1380 2022.10 |
23. |
Case note of C-561/19 Consorzio, CJEU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.8,pp.140-151 2022.8 |
24. |
Case note of BVerfG, CETA, BvE 4/16
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.7,pp.154-162 2022.7 |
25. |
Le Developpement des Relations entre le Japon et l’Afrique : De l’aide à l’investissement
Yumiko Nakanishi
Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales 2022 No.no 3-4,pp.285-293 2022.7 |
26. |
Case note of C-128/18 Dumitru-Tudor Dorobantu: The European Arrest Warrant and the principle of mutual trust and recognition.
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.6,pp.136-148 2022.6 |
27. |
Case note of Case C-490/20 V.M.A.
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.4,pp.124-135 2022.4 |
28. |
A Comparison of Human Rights Protection in Europe and Japan: the Quest for Marriage Equality
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.50,pp.1-8 2022.2
29. |
Brief Overview of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK-Focused on Sovereign Related Issues
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.11,pp.9-21 2022.2
30. |
Case note on Affaire Sanofi Pasteur c. France, Requête nº25137/16
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.98,No.2,pp.139-149 2022.2 |
31. |
Case note on C-336/19 Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.97,No.11,pp.124-135 2021.11 |
32. |
Case C-336/19 Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België: Animal welfare and freedom of religion (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko Nakanishi
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Vol.28,No.5,pp.687-698 2021.10
33. |
Case Law Analysis: BVerfG, Beschluss der 3. Kammer des Zweiten Senats, 2 BvR 1161/19
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.97,No.8,pp.105-116 2021.8 |
34. |
The Influence of COVID-19 on EU Law, in Particular on Competence Issues
Yumiko Nakanishi
The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy Vol.120,No.1・2,pp.326-338 2021.8 |
35. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-136/17 GC and others v CNIL
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.97,No.5,pp.93-105 2021.5 |
36. |
The Economic Partnership Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan from a Legal Perspective
Yumiko Nakanishi
Abdelkhaleq Berramdane and Michel Trochu (ed.), Union européenne et protection des investissements No.47,pp.175-193 2021.4
37. |
Multilevel protection of fundamental rights in Europe and its impact on Asia
Yumiko Nakanishi
Japan, the European Union and Global Governance pp.201-223 2021.3
38. |
Case Law Analysis: BVerfG, Urteil des Zweiten Senats, 2 BvR 859/15
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.97,No.3,pp.102-115 2021.3 |
39. |
Trilateral Relations between National Inferior Courts, National Superior Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union: 'Conversion' of the German Federal Constitutional Court
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.49,pp.1-15 2021.2
40. |
Case Law Analysis: Joined Cases C-188/10 and C-189/10 Melki and Abdeli
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.97,No.1,pp.91-103 2021.1 |
41. |
Climate protection in Japan,Der Klimaschutz in Japan
Nakanishi, Y.
Natur und Recht Vol.43,No.1,pp.37-43 2021.1
42. |
Environment and Energy in EU-Japan Partnership Agreements
Yumiko Nakanishi
International Business Law No.5-6,pp.651-663 2020.12 |
43. |
The Importance of the EU-Japan Strategic Parnership Agreement in the International Order
Yumiko Nakanishi
International Business Law No.5-6,pp.785-794 2020.12 |
44. |
Case Law Analysis: M. L. and W. W. v. Germany, 28 June 2018
Yumiko Nakanishi
人権判例報 Vol.1 2020.12 |
45. |
Case Law Analysis: Recht auf Vergessen II von BVerfG
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.96,No.11 2020.11 |
46. |
The Paris Agreement and Japan
Yumiko Nakanishi
Blogdroiteuropeen.com 2020.10
47. |
Case Law Analysis: Recht auf Vergessen I von BVerfG
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.96,No.9 2020.9 |
48. |
Some Reflections on the Sovereignty regarding the Brexit
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.8,pp.9-31 2020.6 |
49. |
Significance of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan in International Order
Yumiko Nakanishi
Blogdroiteuropeen.com 2020.5
50. |
Case Law Analysis: Joined Cases C-585/18, C-624/18 and C-625/18 A.K. and Others v Sąd Najwyższy
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.96,No.5,pp.85-96 2020.5 |
51. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-619/18 Commission v Poland
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.96,No.3,pp.111-122 2020.3 |
52. |
Climate Change and Environmental Issues in the Economic Partnership Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics No.48,pp.9-21 2020.2
53. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-416/17 Commission v France
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.96,No.1,pp.97-108 2020.1 |
54. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-441/14 Dansk Industri (DI) v Rasmussen, Case no. 15/2014 Dansk Industri (DI)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.11,pp.97-109 2019.11 |
55. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-673/16 Coman
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.9,pp.92-104 2019.9 |
56. |
Case Note on EC Business Law: Compatibility of Investment Court in the CETA between Canada and the EU with EU Law
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.47,No.8,pp.1036-1041 2019.8 |
57. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-68/17 IR v JQ
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.7,pp.99-109 2019.7 |
58. |
Participation of Civil Society in the Democracy of the European Union-focus on the EU's FTAs-
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.6,pp.5-30 2019.6 |
59. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-493/17 Weiss and others
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.5,pp.81-92 2019.5 |
60. |
Case Law Analysis: BVerfG, 2 BvR 859/15, PSPP
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.5,pp.133-143 2019.5 |
61. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C^621/18 Article 50 TEU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.3,pp.114-125 2019.3 |
62. |
The Economic Partnership Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan from a Legal Perspective
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics No.47,pp.1-15 2019.2
63. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-284/16 Achmea
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.95,No.1,pp.98-110 2019.1 |
64. |
Case Law Analysis: Case C-528/16 GMO
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.94,No.9,pp.116-129 2018.11 |
65. |
The European Court of Human Rights and Equivalent Protection Presumption After EU Court Opinion 2/13
Yumiko Nakanishi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.17,No.3,pp.605-623 2018.11
66. |
The Rule of Law in the EU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Public Law Review No.80,pp.100-113 2018.10 |
67. |
Case Analysis of CJEU Case C-42/12 Tarrio II
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.94,No.9,pp.110-122 2018.9 |
68. |
Case note on EC Business Law: Agreement between Canada and the European Union on the transfer and processing of Passenger Name Record and the Court Opinion 1/15
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.46,No.8,pp.1158-1165 2018.8 |
69. |
Case Analysis of BVerfG 2 BvR 424/17
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.94,No.6,pp.108-118 2018.6 |
70. |
Case Analysis CJEU Case C-294/83 Les Verts and C-50/00P Union de Pequenos
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.94,No.3,pp.88-98 2018.3 |
71. |
Yumiko Nakanishi
Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics No.46,pp.1-12 2018.2
72. |
Case Analysis CJEU Joined Cases C-203/15 and C-698/15 Tele 2 Sverige
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.94,No.1,pp.96-108 2018.1 |
73. |
Environmental law
Nakanishi, Y.
The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability: Case Studies and Practical Solutions 2018
74. |
Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law
Yumiko Nakanishi
No.5 2018 |
75. |
Characteristics of EU Free Trade Agreements in a Legal Context: A Japanese Perspective
Yumiko Nakanishi
European Yearbook of International Economic Law pp.457-474 2017.12
76. |
Case Analysis CJEU Case C-427/12
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.93,No.10,pp.91-101 2017.10 |
77. |
The EU's Competence for the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Singapore -Opinion 2/15-
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.45,No.9,pp.1348-1354 2017.9
78. |
ACER as a EU Agency
Yumiko Nakanishi
Japan Energy Law Institute Monthly Bulletin No.247,pp.1-4 2017.8 |
79. |
Case Analysis CJEU Case C-348/89
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.93,No.7,pp.99-108 2017.7
80. |
Case Analysis CJEU Case C-243/15
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.93,No.5,pp.103-113 2017.5
81. |
Case law BVerfG, 2 BvR 2728/13, OMT
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.93,No.4,pp.99-110 2017.4 |
82. |
中西 優美子
ディートリッヒ・ムルスヴィーク著 畑尻剛編訳『ディートリッヒ・ムルスヴィーク論文集 基本権・環境法・国際法』 pp.423-454 2017.3 |
83. |
The Principles of Conferral Powers and Institutional Balance between the European Commission and the Council of the EU
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.45,No.2,pp.282-287 2017.2
84. |
Completion of EU Measures Through Court Decisions: The Example of the European Arrest Warrant
中西 優美子
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.45,No.45,pp.13-21 2017.2
85. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.93,No.2,pp.84-95 2017.2
86. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.93,No.1,pp.112-121 2017.1
87. |
Mechanisms to protect human rights in the EU's external relations
Nakanishi, Y.
Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Law: Europe and Asia 2017
88. |
Contemporary issues in human rights law: Europe and Asia
Nakanishi, Y.
Contemporary Issues in Human Rights Law: Europe and Asia 2017
89. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.92,No.11,pp.113-124 2016.11
90. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.92,No.9,pp.96-108 2016.9
91. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.92,No.8,pp.130-141 2016.8 |
92. |
Animal welfare in the European union’s external relations law (Peer-reviewed) Nakanishi, Y.
Animal Welfare: Assessment, Challenges and Improvement Strategies pp.125-145 2016.6
93. |
Case Law Analysis of Case C-226/08 Stadt Papenburg v Germany
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.92,No.5,pp.94-104 2016.5
94. |
Protecting Biodiversity in Europe (Translation)
Yumiko Nakanishi
『EU環境法の最前線ー日本への示唆』(法律文化社) pp.123-150 2016.3 |
95. |
Autonomy of EU Legal Order in the Context of External Relations and the CJEU
中西 優美子
EU法研究 No.1,pp.1-38 2016.3 |
96. |
The Principle of Animal Welfare in the EU and Its Influence in Japan and the World
Yumiko Nakanishi
Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law (Springer) pp.87-113 2016.3
97. |
Introduction: The Impact of the International and European Union Environmental Law on Japanese Basic Environmental Law
Yumiko Nakanishi
Contemporary Issues in Environmenatal Law (Springer) pp.1-13 2016.3
98. |
Principles of EU Environmental Law: Appraisal (Translation)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law (Springer) pp.14-32 2016.3 |
99. |
The Impact of the International and European Union Environmental Law on Japanese Basic Environmental Law (Translation)
Yumiko Nakanishi
『EU環境法の最前線ー日本への示唆ー』 (法律文化社) pp.1-13 2016.3 |
100. |
The Principle of Animal Welfare in the EU and Its Influence in Japan and the World (Translation)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law pp.86-122 2016.3 |
101. |
The Scope of the EU's Competences on the Field of the Environment (Translation)
Yumiko Nakanishi
Contemporary Issues in Environmental Law pp.33-46 2016.3 |
102. |
Case Law Analysis of Case C-222/13 TDC A/S
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.92,No.3,pp.95-104 2016.3 |
103. |
The Optimisation of the EU Competence through Interpretation of Art. 218 (9) TFEU -Case C-399/12-
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.44,No.2,pp.296-301 2016.2
104. |
Economic Partnership Agreement Between Japan and the European Union and Legal Issues
中西 優美子
Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and Politics Vol.44,No.44,pp.19-30 2016.2
105. |
ECJ Case Law Analysis : Opinion 2/13, Accession of the EU to the ECHR
中西 優美子
一橋法学 Vol.14,No.3,pp.1213-1241 2015.11
106. |
Case Law Analysis of Case C-62/14 Gauweiler
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.91,No.11,pp.91-103 2015.11
107. |
Case Law Analysis of Case C-212/13 Rynes
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.91,No.9,pp.111-121 2015.9
108. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.91,No.7,pp.98-109 2015.7 |
109. |
Case Note on EC Business Law: Legality of a "Hybrid" Decision of the Council of the EU and of the Member States
Yumiko Nakanishi
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.43,No.6,pp.922-926 2015.6
110. |
Legal measures toward Euro Crisis
中西 優美子
小川英治編『ユーロ圏危機と世界経済』 東京大学出版会 pp.69-107 2015.6 |
111. |
Protection of Personal data and "the right to be forgotten" in the EU
Yumiko Nakanishi
奥田喜道編『ネット社会と忘れられる権利』現代人文社 pp.20-40 2015.5 |
112. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.91,No.5,pp.102-113 2015.5
113. |
Case law analysis of 2 BvR 2728/13, BVerfGE
Yumiko Naknishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.91,No.3,pp.96-107 2015.3
114. |
Case law analysis of Case C-206/13 Siragusa
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.91,No.1,pp.91-101 2015.1
115. |
Case law analysis of Case C-136/12
Yumiko Nakanishi
Jichikenkyu Vol.90,No.11,pp.98-107 2014.11
116. |
Case Analysis of EU Environmental Law(3) "The Division of Competence between the Commission and the Member States in the Implementation of the Directive on Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading" (Case C-504/09 P European Commission v. Poland)
一橋法学 Vol.13,No.3,pp.317-330 2014.11
117. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.90,No.9,pp.96-107 2014.9
118. |
Development of EU Exclusive Competences for the Conservation of Marine Biological Resources
一橋法学 Vol.13,No.2,pp.53-91 2014.7
119. |
Individual Data Protection in the EU
Jichikenkyu Vol.90,No.7,pp.82-93 2014.7 |
120. |
Principle of primacy of EU law and national provisional measure
Jichikenkyu Vol.90,No.5,pp.76-87 2014.5 |
121. |
Admissibility of Preliminary ruling and EU fundamental Charter
Jichikenkyu(Research for self-government) Vol.90,No.3,pp.86-96 2014.3 |
122. |
Case Analysis of EU Environmental law(2) "Animal Welfare and EU Trade in Seal Products" (Case T-526/10 Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and others v. Commission)
一橋法学 Vol.13,No.1,pp.299-320 2014.3
123. |
Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics Vol.42,pp.11-23 2014.2
124. |
EU Competence for the TRIPs Agreement
Journal of the Japanese Institut of International Business Law Vol.42,No.2,pp.298-303 2014.2 |
125. |
Interpretation of Article 2 of Directive 2003/4/EC on the public access to environmental information
Jichikenkyu Vol.89,No.2,pp.76-86 2013.11 |
126. |
The EU as a Unity and the Duty of Sincere Cooperation:From the Aspect of Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU
一橋法学 Vol.12,No.3,pp.109-142 2013.11
127. |
Issues about Preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice (1)
Jichikenkyu Vol.89,No.9,pp.93-103 2013.9 |
128. |
Compatibility between the ESM Treaty and European Union Law
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.41,No.6,pp.936-943 2013.6 |
129. |
Case Analysis of Honeywell, BverfGE, 2 BvR 2661/06 (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
自治研究 Vol.89,No.4,pp.147-155 2013.4 |
130. |
Case Analysis of ESM Treaty's compatibility with German Basic Law, BverfGE, 2 BvR 1390
Trade Journal Vol.61,No.4,pp.107-100 2013.4 |
131. |
Honey of Bablok is no more conventional honey? [Case C-442/09 Bablok and others v. Freistaat Bayern]
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.12,No.1,pp.431-447 2013.3
132. |
Case note, Validity of Amending Emissions Trading Scheme Directive for Airlines, Case C-366/10
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business law Vol.40,No.10,pp.1604-1610 2012.10 |
133. |
Financial Crisis in the EU from the legal aspect
Review of current law No.1903,pp.66-77 2012.4 |
134. |
Case law analysis of Case C-240/09 Lesoochranarske zoskupenie
Trade Journal Vol.60,No.4,pp.106-98 2012.4 |
135. |
EU Competence of External Relations (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
EU Studies in Japan Vol.2011,No.31,pp.127-147 2011.7
136. |
Loyality cooperation between the EU and its Member States in the mixed agreements
Senshu Law Journal No.6,pp.259-269 2011.1 |
137. |
Principle of the conferral in the EU and Lisbon Decision of the German Constitutional Court
Seigakuin University Sogokenkyusho Kiyo No.48,pp.223-253 2010.12 |
138. |
Case law analysis of Joined Cases C-402/05P and C-415/05P Kadi v. Council
Human Rights International No.20,pp.125-127 2009.12 |
139. |
Development of the Competences of the EU (Peer-reviewed) 中西 優美子
The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy Vol.108,No.3,pp.31(349)-60(378) 2009.11
140. |
The scope of the EU's competence in the field of environment
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.106,pp.81-116 2009.7 |
141. |
Case law analysis of C-91/05 Commission v. Council
Trade Journal Vol.57,No.3,pp.75-69 2009.3 |
142. |
Case law analysis of Case C-303/05 Advocaten voor de Wereld VZW
Trade Journal Vol.56,No.4,pp.75-69 2008.4 |
143. |
Treaty of Lisbon
Journal of World Affairs Vol.56,No.4,pp.21-36 2008.4
144. |
Federalismus Reform in Germany and the EU
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.100,pp.173-210 2007.7 |
145. |
The Mox Plant Case before the European Court of Justice
Senshu Law Journal No.2,pp.171-185 2007.2 |
146. |
Environmental Protection according to the article 176 of the Treaty of the EC
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.97,pp.83-127 2006.7 |
147. |
Withdrawal Clause in the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy Vol.103,No.4,pp.33(565)-60(592) 2005.1
148. |
Article 228 (2) of the Treaty of the EC as means of implementation of the EC Law
Essaies of international relations 2004.1 |
149. |
The new competence order of the EU's draft constitutional Treaty
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.89,pp.107-141 2003.12 |
150. |
Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Draft Treaty
Journal of World Affairs Vol.51,No.10,pp.38-52 2003.10 |
151. |
Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Draft Treaty
海外事情 Vol.51,No.10,pp.38-52 2003.10
152. |
Duty of the Consistent Interpretation by the European Court of Justice
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.85,pp.1-42 2002.9 |
153. |
Enhanced Cooperation in the EU and EC Treaties (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
EU Studies in Japan No.22,pp.107-131 2002.7
154. |
The Legal Basis of Community Legislation
Senshu Hogaku Ronshu No.82,pp.1-29 2001.9 |
155. |
The Prospect of the Institutional reform of the EU
Journal of World Affairs Vol.48,No.11,pp.13-26 2000.11
156. |
"Acquis communautaire" and its Functions in the Process of the European Integration (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
The Hitotsubashi Review Vol.124,No.1,pp.53-67 2000.7
157. |
Duty of the Cooperation Between the Member States and the Community Institutions (Peer-reviewed) Yumiko NAKANISHI
The Hitotsubashi Review Vol.122,No.1,pp.69-87 1999.7
158. |
Die Entwicklung der Außenkompetenzen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
Yumiko Nakanishi
No.Bd. 2516 1998 |
1. |
The EU's legal response to China I - Foreign Policy -
Yumiko Nakanishi
The 21st Century Public Policy Institute report EU Policy towards China - China as seen from the EU pp.141-158 2024.10
2. |
State and Corporate Responsibility for Climate Change: Deciphering from European Lawsuits
NIKKEI RISK Insight 2024.7 |
3. |
EU-ETS in the Aviation Sector
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.15,pp.1-7 2024.4
4. |
(Editorial Comment) Digitalisation Measures in the EU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.14,pp.1-7 2023.10
5. |
21世紀政策研究所 研究プロジェクト 報告書 2023.6
6. |
Human rights and environmental due diligence in the EU
Yumiko Nakanishi
如水会々報 No.1100,pp.18-21 2023.5 |
7. |
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.13,pp.1-13 2023.4
8. |
日本・EU間の経済連携協定(EPA)と戦略的パートナーシップ協定 (SPA)の発展―環境・エネルギー事項を中心に―
日本エネルギー研究所 報告書 Vol.154 2023.3
9. |
Yumiko Nakanishi
Marta Torre-Schaub, Aglaé Jézéquel, Blanche Lormeteau et Agnès Michelot, Juridique du Changement Climatique pp.117-118 2022.12
10. |
(Editorial Comment) Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the EU
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.12,pp.1-8 2022.9
11. |
Book review, Alessandra Donati, Le principe de précaution en droit de l’Union européenne, Bruxells, Bryulant, 2021
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law No.12,pp.149-153 2022.9
12. |
EU Taxonomy: Commission's Complementary Climate Delegated Act
Yumiko Nakanishi
Keidairen Times 2022.4
13. |
Climate Litigation in Europe
Yumiko Nakanishi
Keidairen Times No.3538 2022.3
14. |
(Editorial Comment) Reactions of the EU Institutions towards Problems regarding the Rule of Law in Poland
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law Vol.11,pp.1-5 2022.2 |
15. |
Book review, Alessandra Donati, Le principe de précaution en droit de l’Union européenne, Bruxells, Bryulant, 2021
Yumiko Nakanishi
European Journal of Consumer Law pp.273-275 2022.2 |
16. |
The European Green Deal and the Young Next Generation
Yumiko Nakanishi
e-論壇 議論百出 GFJ 2021.7
17. |
(Editorial Comment) The German Constitutional Court and the EU Recovery Fund "NextGenerationEU"
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law Vol.10,pp.1-7 2021.6 |
18. |
(Editorial Comment) The Junqueras Sagas and the EU Institutions
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law Vol.9,pp.1-4 2021.1 |
19. |
サーキュラーエコノミー 2 EUの循環経済(CE)概念の意味と特徴
Nextcom Vol.48 2021 |
20. |
(Editorial Comment) The Start of the von der Leyen European Commission
Yumiko Nakanishi
Review of European Law Vol.7,pp.1-7 2020.3 |
21. |
Brexit and EU law
Yumiko Nakanishi
Business Law Journal Vol.103,pp.21 2016.10 |
22. |
翻訳 EUと構成国間の権限構造に関するドイツ連邦憲法裁判所の理解 : 財政危機克服のための結果
フーバー ペーターM., 中西 優美子
日本法學 Vol.79,No.4,pp.747-770 2014.3
23. |
国内憲法裁判所判決に反する国内最高裁判所によるEU司法裁判所への付託と先決裁定(1 2)EU法における先決裁定手続に関する研究(3)
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.90,No.1,pp.64-74 2014.1
24. |
Case Note on EC Business Law : EU Competence to Conclude the European Convention on the Legal Protection of Services based on or Consisting of, Conditional Access
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.42,No.9,pp.1448-1453 2014
25. |
EU法の最前線(132)携帯電話の国際ローミングに関するEU規則の有効性[Case C-58/08 Vodafone and others <2010> ECR l-nyr.(2010.6.8欧州司法裁判所先決裁定)]
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.59,No.4,pp.75-67 2011.4
26. |
Case note on EC business law: Compatibility of the draft agreement on the European and Community Patents Court with TEU and TFEU
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.39,No.9,pp.1346-1352 2011
27. |
EU法の最前線(118)ドイツ連邦憲法裁判所によるEUリスボン条約判決[BVerfG, 2 BvE 2/08 vom 2009.6.30]
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.58,No.2,pp.75-67 2010.2
28. |
Case note on EC business law: External competence of the EU in the common commercial policy
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.38,No.8,pp.1140-1146 2010
29. |
Case note on EC business law: lump sum payment in the case of non-compliance in the EU
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.37,No.8,pp.1112-1116 2009
30. |
<Translation> Der Vortrag von Albert Weber "Der EU-Verfassungvertrag : Grundlagen und Entwicklung''
中西 優美子
専修法学論集 Vol.102,pp.139-156 2008.3
31. |
石村修著『憲法国家の実現--保障・安全・共生』 (特集 研究成果とその評価)
中西 優美子
専修大学法学研究所所報 No.36,pp.10-16 2008.3
32. |
Case note on EC Business Law: Direct application of article 33 of the TRIPs agreement by a National Court in the EU
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.36,No.7,pp.920-924 2008
33. |
EU法 (特集 二〇〇七年学界回顧)
中西 優美子
法律時報 Vol.79,No.13,pp.240-243 2007.12
34. |
Martin Trybus, European Union Law and defence integration
中西 優美子
法学研究 Vol.80,No.8,pp.101-111 2007.8
35. |
Case note on EC Business Law: Dual legal bases of the Rotterdam Convention: the EC environmental policy and common commercial policy
中西 優美子
Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law Vol.35,No.9,pp.1296-1302 2007
36. |
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.54,No.6,pp.75-70 2006.6
37. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.34,No.9,pp.1225-1229 2006
38. |
中西 優美子
自治研究 Vol.81,No.8,pp.130-137 2005.8
39. |
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.53,No.6,pp.75-71 2005.6
40. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.33,No.9,pp.1278-1283 2005
41. |
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.52,No.4,pp.75-71 2004.4
42. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.32,No.3,pp.364-369 2004
43. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.32,No.12,pp.1679-1683 2004
44. |
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.51,No.3,pp.75-71 2003.3
45. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.31,No.8,pp.1152-1157 2003
46. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.31,No.3,pp.374-378 2003
47. |
EU法の最前線(32)ECにおける通商政策と環境政策の比重--カルタヘナ議定書締結をめぐる欧州司法裁判所意見--Opinion 2/00(判例集未公開)(2001.12.6)
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.50,No.9,pp.75-71 2002.9
48. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.30,No.9,pp.1266-1270 2002
49. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.30,No.2,pp.218-223 2002
50. |
中西 優美子
貿易と関税 Vol.49,No.11,pp.83-79 2001.11
51. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.29,No.1,pp.92-96 2001
52. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.29,No.8,pp.976-981 2001
53. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.28,No.6,pp.706-710 2000.6
54. |
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.27,No.11,pp.1356-1359 1999.11
55. |
EC企業法判例研究(3)EC対外通商政策と協定締結権(EC司法裁判所1994年11月15日意見:[1994]ECR I-5267)
中西 優美子
国際商事法務 Vol.27,No.6,pp.682-686 1999.6
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
Constitutional review system and functions in the European Union(Japan-China Symposium on Public Law20)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.9.21 |
Chengdu |
2. |
Circular Economy in Japan and the EU(EUSAAP)
Holding date :
- 2024.5.21
Presentation date :
2024.5.21 |
Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
3. |
Circular Economy and EU citizens(Jean Monnet visiting lecture series)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.4.29 |
University of Zagreb |
4. |
The Future of European Integration in the Von der Leyen Era::Digital Transition and Green Deal(JFIR国際問題シリーズ・セミナー「欧州は今:重層的多極化する欧州とアジア」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.4.4 |
Online |
5. |
Animals and Animal Law in Japan(Working on non-Human Animals Law and Rights in the EU)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.3.22 |
Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia |
6. |
Quel avenir pour l’Europe, entre élargissement et approfondissement ?(Quel avenir pour l’Europe, entre élargissement et approfondissement ?)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.1.15 |
Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise |
7. |
Japan's Adaptation Measures to Climate Change(The 8th International Forum on Environmental Rule of Law "Climate Change and Carbon Neutral Legal System: International Metropolitan Dialogue")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.6 |
Online |
8. |
Accountability and Powers of the European Union as an International Organization with a Focus on Good Faith(Accountability and Power in the Law of International Organizations)
Holding date :
- 2023.11.5
Presentation date :
2023.11.5 |
Teikyo University, Tokyo |
9. |
Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU Online Platform Space(Democracy and Communication Space)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.10.28 |
近畿大学 |
10. |
Holding date :
- 2023.10.20
Presentation date :
2023.10.20 |
Ho Chi Minh |
11. |
L’adaptation des politiques sociales au Japon face aux crises climatiques(Les systèmes de sept.2023 protection sociale face aux crises)
Holding date :
- 2023.9.29
Presentation date :
2023.9.29 |
Poitiers |
12. |
Human Rights and environmental due diligence in the EU(Atsumi & Sakai)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.6.12 |
13. |
Japanese food and food law in the context of climate change and sustainability(Summer School | Novel Foods and Sustainability: the EU Model in a Global Law Perspective, UNIVERSITY OF MILAN)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.6.9 |
Online |
14. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.3.16 |
15. |
Human Rights and environmental due diligence in the EU(一橋大学第2回公開講座)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.2.1 |
16. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.12.11 |
17. |
Climate Change Law in the EU and Japan(Environment, Climate Change and Human Rights (Asian Forum on Human Rights), Renmin University of China)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.11.27 |
18. |
Japan's Strategy in Latin America(Colloqium the Partnerships of Economic Powers in Latin America)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.10.20 |
19. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.9.29 |
20. |
The Development of, and Issues Associated with, EU Legal Spaces(国際法学会2022年度(第125年次)研究大会)
Holding date :
- 2022.9.7
Presentation date :
2022.9.6 |
21. |
Energy Transition and Green Alliance(A strengthened partnership? An expert evaluation of the latest EU-Japan Summit)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.6.28 |
Online |
22. |
Judicial Statistics of the CJEU(司法統計研究会Web報告)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.4.23 |
23. |
Encounter between Japan and Europe and its Consequence in the context of Human Rights:(same sex marriage in Europe and Japan)(Training on Human Rights in Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.7.8 |
ウェビナー |
24. |
how can the EU and Japan cooperate on green industrial policy?(EU-Japan dialogues: Greening the economy through Covid-19 recovery policies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.2.26 |
Webinar |
25. |
Judgment of the Court of 17 December 2020 Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België and Others Case C-336/19(Recent Developments in Theory and Practice of EU Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.2.23 |
Webinar |
26. |
Trilateral Relations between National Inferior Courts, National Superior Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union: ‘Conversion‘ oft he German Federal Constitutional Court(Guest Forum of the Max Planck Institute Procedural Law Luxembourg)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.2.9 |
27. |
The EU-Japan EPA in action: First experiences and further steps(European Union - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and beyond)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.11.19 |
Webinar |
28. |
Sustainable Development and Climate Change-Including Marine Plastic Waste(Network Power in the Asia-Pacific: Making Sense of the New Regionalism and Opportunities for Cooperation)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.2.7 |
イギリス・ロンドン |
29. |
The strategic partnership ageement between the EU and Japan(Partnership of Economic Powers in Asia-Pacific: Strategies and Content)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.11.28 |
Chiang Mai, Thailand |
30. |
Environment and Energy in the Partnership agreements between the EU and Japan(Partnership of Economic Powers in Asia-Pacific: Architecture, Standards and Implementation)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.11.25 |
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam |
31. |
Global issues and the role of the Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement: climate change and environmental issues(Extending Japan-EU Cooperation: new opportunities for Croatian EU Presidency)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.11.19 |
クロアチア・ザグレブ |
32. |
La participation de la societe civil dans l'accord de Partenariat Economique entre l'UE et le Japon(Workshop International "Le Developpement Durable et les Droits Humains dans les Accords de Partenariat et l'Union Europeenne avec les pays d'Asie-Pacifique")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.11.12 |
University of Rennes, France |
33. |
Environmental Democracy in the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement of 2018(International Symposium "Quanto e democratico il dritto anvuebrake?")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.19 |
トリエステ(イタリア) |
34. |
EU Japan Economic Partnership Agreement(Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.18 |
ベニス大学(イタリア) |
35. |
Economic Partnership Agrement and Strategic Partnership Agreement between EU and Japan(Summer School "Japanese Law in the XXI Century")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.10 |
トリノ大学 |
36. |
The EU Values and Standards in the EPA and SPA between the EU and Japan(The Japanese Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.1 |
早稲田大学 |
37. |
The EPA between the EU and Japan from the Viewpoint of Law(European Union Studies Association Asia Pacific (EUSAAP))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.6.27 |
台湾大学 |
38. |
The Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and the European Union(International Symposium Tours)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.26 |
University of Tours |
39. |
Completion of EU Measures Through Court Decisions: The Example of the European Arrest Warrant and the Role of the ECHR(The Inter-Relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.3.17 |
キプロス |
40. |
FTA between the EU and Asian Countries(The New Tread of EU Trade Policy)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.4.22 |
台北 |
41. |
Japanese Environmental Law in the Context of Globalisation(Protecting the Environment for Future Generations)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.10.29 |
ドイツ・トリア大学 |