Graduate School of Economics

Books and Other Publications

1. Navigating Your Career in Your Thirties (jointly worked)
Izumi Yokoyama (Joint author)
Genda, Yuji (ed.), National Federation of Workers and Consumers Insurance Cooperatives (supervisor), Iwanami Shoten, forthcoming 2018.10 (ISBN : 9784000612968)
2. "Health Care in Japan: Excellent Population Health, Low Medical Expenditures, yet Ambiguous Place of Primary Care", (with Michael D. Fetters and Jonathan E. Rodnick)
Michael D. Fetters, Izumi Yokoyama, Jonathan E. Rodnick (Joint author)
The SAGE Handbook of Modern Japanese Studies, Chapter 16, SAGE Publications Ltd. December 2014.12 (ISBN : 9781848606630)
3. An analysis of employment mismatch and issues to be challenged
Isao Ohashi, Izumi Yokoyama
Research Institute for the Advancement of Living Standards 2006.4


1. The Unexpected Side Effects of Lockdowns on Those "Barely" Inside and Outside of Lockdown Areas (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Reo Takaku, Takahiro Tabuchi, Takeo Fujiwara
Second R&R in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 2024.12
2. How do firms attain internal and external flexibility of employment? (Peer-reviewed)
Taiyo Fukai, Daiji Kawaguchi, Ayako Kondo, Izumi Yokoyama
Labour Economics Vol.91,pp.102628 2024.12
3. Endogenous decisions on acceptable worker–job mismatch level and the impact on workers’ performance (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Takuya Obara, Arisa Shichijo Kiyomoto, Kaichi Kusada, Kazuma Edamura, Tomohiko Inui
Japan and the World Economy pp.101283 2024.10
4. How serious was it? The impact of preschool closure on mothers’ psychological distress: evidence from the first COVID-19 outbreak (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Reo Takaku
The Japanese Economic Review Vol.75,No.3,pp.451-471 2024.5
doi Link Link
5. Is Asian flushing syndrome a disadvantage in the labor market? (Peer-reviewed)
Daiji Kawaguchi, Jungmin Lee, Ming‐Jen Lin, Izumi Yokoyama
Health Economics Vol.32,No.7,pp.1478-1503 2023.4
doi Link
6. The financial health of “swing hospitals” during the first COVID-19 outbreak (Peer-reviewed)
Reo Takaku, Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.65,pp.101218 2022.9
7. SARS-CoV-2 suppression and early closure of bars and restaurants: a longitudinal natural experiment (Peer-reviewed)
Reo Takaku, Izumi Yokoyama, Takahiro Tabuchi, Masaki Oguni, Takeo Fujiwara
Scientific Reports Vol.12,No.1 2022.7
doi Link Link
8. Employment Adjustments of Regular and Non-Regular Workers to Exogenous Shocks: Evidence from Exchange-Rate Fluctuation (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Kazuhito Higa, Daiji Kawaguchi
ILR Review Vol.74,No.2,pp.470-510 2021.3
doi Link Link
9. What the COVID-19 school closure left in its wake: Evidence from a regression discontinuity analysis in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Reo Takaku, Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of Public Economics Vol.195,pp.104364 2021.3
10. "Human Resources Management Using Scores for Cognitive and Non-cognitive Abilities" (with Tomohiko Inui, Naomi Kodama, Tomoki Sonoda, Jun Naito, and Mitsuhiko Nita) (Peer-reviewed)
Tomohiko Inui, Naomi Kodama, Tomoki Sonoda, Izumi Yokoyama, Jun Naito, Mitsuhiko Nita
The Economic Review (in Japanese) No.199,pp.95-121 2019.3
11. Effects of state-sponsored human capital investment on the selection of training type (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Naomi Kodama, Yoshio Higuchi
Japan and the World Economy Vol.49,pp.40-49 2019.3
12. How the tax reform on the special exemption for spouse affected the work-hour distribution (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.49,pp.69-84 2018.9
13. Why the earnings of the middle class declined: evidence from Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Naomi Kodama
Applied Economics Letters Vol.26,No.2,pp.152-156 2018.2
doi Link
14. The Labour Market Effects of Increases in Social Insurance Premium: Evidence from Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Naomi Kodama, Izumi Yokoyama
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Vol.80,No.5,pp.992-1019 2018.1
15. Inequality through wage response to the business cycle–Evidence from the FFL decomposition method (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Naomi Kodama, Yoshio Higuchi
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.51,pp.87-98 2018
16. Optimal combination of wage cuts and layoffs—the unexpected side effect of a performance-based payment system (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama, Takuya Obara
IZA Journal of Labor Policy Vol.6,No.1 2017.12
doi Link Link
17. "Business cycles and wage inequality in Japan" (with Naomi Kodama) (Peer-reviewed)
Naomi Kodama, Izumi Yokoyama
The Economic Review (in Japanese) No.195,pp.34-61 2017.10
18. Assessing the effects of reducing standard hours: Regression discontinuity evidence from Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Daiji Kawaguchi, Hisahiro Naito, Izumi Yokoyama
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.43,pp.59-76 2017.3
19. Why do wages become more rigid during a recession than during a boom? (Peer-reviewed)
Izumi Yokoyama
IZA Journal of Labor Economics Vol.3,No.1,pp.6 2014
20. Has Japan's Long-Term Employment Practice Survived? Developments since the 1990S (Peer-reviewed)
Satoshi Shimizutani, Izumi Yokoyama
ILR Review Vol.62,No.3,pp.313-326 2009.4
doi Link
21. Wage distribution in Japan, 1989-2003 (Peer-reviewed)
Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi, Izumi Yokoyama
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique Vol.41,No.4,pp.1329-1350 2008.9
doi Link Link
22. "Are wage-tenure profiles steeper than productivity-tenure profiles?: Evidence from Japanese establishment data from the census of manufacturers and the basic survey wage structure" (with Daiji Kawaguchi, Ryo Kambayashi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Satoshi Shimizutani, Shigeaki Shiraishi, Kazuhiro Sugie, Kyoji Fukao, and Tatsuji Makino) (Peer-reviewed)
川口大司, 神林龍, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 清水谷諭, 深尾京司, 牧野達治, 横山泉
The Economic Review Vol.58,No.1,pp.61-90 2007.4
doi Link
23. “Wage Distribution in Japan: 1989-2003” (with Daiji Kawaguchi, Ryo Kambayashi) (jointly worked)
川口大司, 横山泉, 神林龍
Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No.183. Institute of Economic Research. Hitotsubashi University. (Published in Canadian Journal of Economics in 2008.) 2006.5
24. Sluggish Personal Consumption − Policy Focus Should Be On Strengthening Supply Power
Izumi Yokoyama
The Nikkei 2024.10
25. 【鼎談】格差はどこから生まれるのか? 身近な社会問題から考える
経済セミナー2024年4・5月号 【特集】経済学で格差を読み解く No.737,pp.5-26 2024.3
26. How Do Firms Attain Internal and External Flexibility of Employment?
Taiyo Fukai, Daiji Kawaguchi, Ayako Kondo, Izumi Yokoyama
RIETI Discussion Paper Series Vol.23-E-089 2023.12
27. “Being a Better Social Drinker Doesn’t Mean Earning More: Survey From 3,500 Working Men in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea”
Izumi Yokoyama
“Economists Interpreting the Realities of Contemporary Society,” Weekly Toyo Keizai 2023.5
28. Better social drinkers don’t earn more
Daiji Kawaguchi, Jungmin Lee, Ming-Jen Lin, Izumi Yokoyama
Press Release (The University of Tokyo) 2023.4
29. 要請、生産性波及には限界も 賃上げへの課題
Nikkei Inc. 2022.2
30. 「子どもの健康にも影響 2020年一斉休校の教訓」『経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル』
横山 泉
週刊東洋経済 2021-09-21 発売号 (2021年9/25号) pp.80-81 2021.9
31. “How Serious Was It? The Impact of Preschool Closure on Mothers' Psychological Distress: Evidence from the First COVID-19 Outbreak” (with Reo Takaku)
Izumi Yokoyama, Reo Takaku
SSRN Electronic Journal 2020.11
doi Link
32. “Endogenous Decisions on Acceptable Worker-Job Mismatch Level and the Impact on Workers' Performance” (with Takuya Obara, Kazuma Edamura, Arisa Shichijo, and Tomohiko Inui)
Izumi Yokoyama, Takuya Obara, Kazuma Edamura, Arisa Shichijo, Tomohiko Inui
SSRN Electronic Journal 2020.11
33. What School Closure Left in Its Wake: Contrasting Evidence Between Parents and Children from the First COVID-19 Outbreak
Reo Takaku, Izumi Yokoyama
SSRN Electronic Journal 2020.9
34. “Is Asian Flushing Syndrome a Disadvantage in the Labor Market?” (with Daiji Kawaguchi, Jungmin Lee, and Ming-Jen Lin) (jointly worked)
Daiji Kawaguchi, Jungmin Lee, Ming-Jen Lin, Izumi Yokoyama
Center for Reserach and Education in Program Evaluation (CREPE) Discussion Paper Vol.78 2020.7
35. "Human Capital and Wage Determination," In Special Issue: Wage Determination from the View Point of Economics
Izumi Yokoyama
June/July 2018, The Keizai Seminar, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., (in Japanese) Vol.702 2018.6
36. “Adjustments of regular and non-regular workers to exogenous shocks: Evidence from exchange rate fluctuation” (with Kazuhito Higa and Daiji Kawaguchi) (jointly worked)
Izumi Yokoyama, Kazuhito Higa, Daiji Kawaguchi
Bank of Japan Working Paper Series, No.18-E-2, March 2018 (Published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review in 2019.) 2018.3
37. “Women’s Labor Supply and Taxation —Analysis of the Current Situation Using Data—,” (with Naomi Kodama) (jointly worked)
Izumi Yokoyama, Naomi Kodama
Public Policy Review Vol.14,No.2,pp.267-300 2018.3
38. 「雇用保険制度と失業行動」『平成29年就業構造基本調査を迎えて』(森悠子との共著)
横山泉, 森悠子
日本統計協会の月刊誌『統計』2017年7月号 Vol.68,No.7,pp.26-33 2017.7
39. “Labor Market Impact of Labor Cost Increase without Productivity Gain: A natural experiment from the 2003 social insurance premium reform in Japan” (with Naomi Kodama)(共著) (jointly worked)
Naomi Kodama, Izumi Yokoyama
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-E-093. (Published in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics in 2018.) 2017.6
40. "Changes in wage inequality and structure of wage determination in Japan" (with Yoshio Higuchi and Naomi Kodama) (jointly worked)
Yoshio Higuchi, Naomi Kodama, Izumi Yokoyama
VoxEU, 11 November 2016.11
41. 『女性の労働と税―データを用いた現状分析―』 (共著)
横山泉, 児玉直美
「フィナンシャル・レビュー:<特集>税制改革‐エビデンスに基づいた政策提言」 平成28年(2016年)第2号(通巻第127号) 財務省財務総合政策研究所 pp.49-76 2016.10
42. “What Happened to Wage Inequality in Japan during the Last 25 Years? Evidence from the FFL decomposition method” (with Naomi Kodama and Yoshio Higuchi)(共著) (jointly worked)
横山 泉, Naomi Kodama, Yoshio Higuchi
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-081 2016.8
43. “The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Employment in a Segmented Labor Market” (with Kazuhito Higa and Daiji Kawaguchi) (jointly worked)
Izumi Yokoyama, Kazuhito Higa, Daiji Kawaguchi
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-139 (Published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review in 2019.) 2015.12
44. “Optimal Combination of Wage Cuts and Layoffs : The Unexpected Side Effect of a Performance-based Payment System” (with Takuya Obara) (jointly worked)
横山 泉
Discussion papers; No. 2015-07,Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University. (Published in IZA Journal of Labor Policy in 2017) 2015.10
45. “How the 2003 Social Insurance Premium Reform Affects Firm Behavior” (with Naomi Kodama) (jointly worked)
児玉 直美, 横山 泉
一橋大学経済研究所 世代間問題研究機構ディスカッションペーパー 9月 No.650 2015.9
46. 「似て非なるもの <企業内マネジメントの局面>年功賃金の解釈:人的資本/後払い賃金」
横山 泉
『日本労働研究雑誌』4月号, No.657 2015.4
47. ACADEMIC SURVEY : The Present Situation of Labour Economic Studies : A Review of Academic Works 2012-14
小野 浩, 酒井 正, 勇上 和史, 横山 泉
『日本労働研究雑誌』2・3月号, No.656 Vol.57,No.2,pp.2-36 2015.2
48. “Developing Trusting Relationships Through Communication” (with Takuya Obara) (jointly worked)
Izumi Yokoyama, Takuya Obara
Discussion papers; No. 2015-03, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, February 2015.2
49. “The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Work-Hour and Income Distributions of Married Women”
横山 泉
Discussion papers; No. 2015-02, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University,January (Published in Journal of The Japanese and International Economies in 2018.) 2015.1
50. 「法定労働時間変更に対する労働市場の反応:日本の経験から」(川口大司,内藤久裕と共著) (Peer-reviewed)
川口大司, 内藤久裕, 横山泉
ESRI Discussion Paper(内閣府 経済社会総合研究所) No.202 2008.4
51. 「論文Today: 近年の組合化は企業に経済的影響を及ぼしているか?― Regression Discontinuity Design による推定」
横山 泉
日本労働研究雑誌. 2・3月号 No.559,pp.108-109 2007.4
52. “Information Sharing in Joint Research and Development" (with Hiroyuki Chuma, Shuzo Fujimura., Toshiji Kawagoe, Taisuke Matsubae, Masahiro Okuno, Hirokazu Takizawa, and Yasunori Watanabe) (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Chuma, Shuzo Fujimura, Toshiji Kawagoe, Taisuke Matsubae, Masahiro Okuno, Hirokazu Takizawa, Yasunori Watanabe, Izumi Yokoyama
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E-019 2007.3
53. “Deferred Compensation: Evidence from Employer-Employee Matched Data from Japan” (with Kyoji Fukao, Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Young Gak Kim) (jointly worked)
Kyoji Fukao, Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Young Gak Kim, Izumi Yokoyama
Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No.187, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. (Published in The Economic Review in 2007.) 2006.9
54. Does wage profile diverge from productivity profile? Empirical analysis based on a manufacturer's census and a basic survey of wage structure (with Daiji Kawaguchi, Ryo Kambayashi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Satoshi Shimizutani, Shigeaki Shiraishi, Kazuhiro Sugie, Kyoji Fukao, and Tatsuji Makino)
Daiji Kawaguchi, Ryo Kambayashi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Satoshi Shimizutani, Shigeaki Shiraishi, Kazuhiro Sugie, Kyoji Fukao, Tatsuji Makino, Izumi Yokoyama
Background Paper Prepared for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2006 2006.4

▼display all


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Problems of Population Decline, Declining Birthrate, and Aging Population(2023 Korea-Japan Economic Forum)
Holding date : 2023.11.25
Presentation date : 2023.11.25
2. The Legacy of Socialism and Female Labor Supply in Modernizing Vietnam (Quynh Huynh;Hyejin Ku)(The 18th Applied Econometrics Conference)
Holding date : 2023.11.11
Presentation date : 2023.11.11
3. “The Unexpected Side Effects of Lockdowns on Those "Barely" Inside and Outside of Lockdown Areas”(The 8th Regular `Rokko’ Forum at Kobe University)
Holding date : 2023.10.11
Presentation date : 2023.10.11
4. The 76th Economic and Social Research Institute - Policy Forum Series: "Silent Emergency" Declining Birthrate and Gender Equality "The 6th Economic Aspects of Declining Birthrate - From the White Paper By The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry"(The Economic and Social Research Institute - Policy Forum Series)
Holding date : 2023.10.6
Presentation date : 2023.10.6
5. Award Lecture of The 2023 Japanese Economic Association Award for Young Female Researchers(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.9.17
6. Chairperson of Session: Education(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date : 2023.5.28 - 2023.5.29
Presentation date : 2023.5.28
7. Shinsuke Asakawa, Fumio Ohtake, and Shinpei Sano (2023) "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Academic Achievement of Elementary and Junior High School Students: Analysis Using Administrative Data from Amagasaki City," Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date : 2023.5.28
Presentation date : 2023.5.28
8. “The Unexpected Side Effects of Lockdowns on Those "Barely" Inside and Outside of Lockdown Areas” (with Reo Takaku, Takahiro Tabuchi, and Takeo Fujiwara)(Microeconomics Workshop at the University of Tokyo)
Holding date : 2023.5.23
Presentation date : 2023.5.23
9. “What the COVID-19 School Closure Left in Its Wake: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Analysis in Japan” (with Reo Takaku)(第120回労働政策フォーラム)
Holding date : 2022.3.3
Presentation date : 2022.3.3
Tokyo (Zoom), Japan
10. Chihiro Inoue, Yusuke Ishihata, and Shintaro Yamaguchi (2021) "Working From Home Makes Men Family-Oriented," Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.10.10
Osaka (Zoom), Japan
11. “What the COVID-19 School Closure Left in Its Wake: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Analysis in Japan” (with Reo Takaku)(Kansai Labor Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.4.23
Osaka (Zoom), Japan
12. “What the COVID-19 School Closure Left in Its Wake: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Analysis in Japan” (with Reo Takaku)(RND Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.3.29
Tokyo (Zoom), Japan
13. Yoko Asuyama (2020) "Determinants of Job Interestingness: Why Are There Fewer Interesting Jobs in Japan?," Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(2020 Applied Econometrics Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.11.21
Tokyo (Zoom), Japan
14. 中嶋邦夫, 北村智紀「中堅企業における雇用方針及び退職給付制度への認識と導入」, 討論者:横山泉(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date : 2020.5.30
Presentation date : 2020.5.30
Online (Originally, Kyushu, Japan)
15. Yang LIU “Firm Age, Size, and Employment Dynamics: Evidence from Japanese Firms” Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.9
Hyogo, Japan
16. “Inequality through Wage Response to the Business Cycle―Evidence from the FFL Decomposition Method―” (with Naomi Kodama and Yoshio Higuchi)(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presentation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.9
Hyogo, Japan
17. "Effects of state-sponsored human capital investment on the selection of training type" (with Naomi Kodama and Yoshio Higuchi)(Kansai Labor Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.5.25
Osaka, Japan
18. “Inequality through Wage Response to the Business Cycle–Evidence from the FFL Decomposition Method– (Izumi Yokoyama, Naomi Kodama, and Yoshio Higuchi)”(Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.5.11
Tokyo, Japan
19. 荒木祥太 「PIAACによる認知能力データは日本の公務員プレミアムをどこまで説明できるか」 討論者:横山泉(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.10
Tokyo, Japan
20. “What Happened to Wage Inequality in Japan during the Last 25 Years?―Evidence from the FFL decomposition method―” (with Naomi Kodama and Yoshio Higuchi)(GRIPS Seminar Series in Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.11.2
Tokyo, Japan
21. Hiromi Hara (2016) "Glass ceilings or sticky floors? An analysis of the gender wage gap across the wage distribution in Japan", Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.9.10
Tokyo, Japan
22. ”Does Drinking Make You More Productive? A Natural Experiment from Genetic Variation?” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Jungmin Lee)(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presentation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.19
Nagoya, Japan
23. “Estimating the Causal Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Earnings using Genotype as the Instrumental Variable” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Jungmin Lee)(文理融合研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.12.3
Tokyo, Japan
24. Taiyo Fukai “The Effect of Childcare Policy on Fertility in Japan Evidence from Regional Variation in Childcare Availability” Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(2015 Applied Econometrics Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.7
Tokyo, Japan
25. “Optimal Combination of Wage Cuts and Layoffs : The Unexpected Side Effect of a Performance-based Payment System” (with Takuya Obara)(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presentation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.11
Tokyo, Japan
26. “Unexpected negative impacts of the 2003 social insurance premium reform” (with Naomi Kodama)(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presentation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.10
Tokyo, Japan
27. “Estimating the causal impact of alcohol consumption on earnings using genotype as the instrumental variable” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Jungmin Lee)(Hitotsubashi Summer Institute on Labor Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.8.1
Tokyo, Japan
28. “How the 2003 social insurance premium reform affected firm behavior”(Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.15
Tokyo, Japan
29. "The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Work-Hour and Income Distributions of Married Women"(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presentation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.5.23
Niigata, Japan
30. "The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Work-Hour and Income Distributions of Married Women"(Trans-Pacific Labor Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.3.16
Tokyo, Japan
31. "The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Work-Hour and Income Distributions of Married Women"(Keio Economic Observatory Sminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.1.19
Tokyo, Japan
32. “The Impact of the 2004 Tax Reform in Japan on the Income Distribution of Married Women”(8th Asian Conference on Applied Micro-econ​omics/Econ​ometrics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.29
Hong Kong, China
33. "The Impact of the 2004 Tax Reform in Japan on the Income Distribution of Married Women"(Korea-Japan Workshop on Applied Microeconomics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.10
Seoul, Korea
34. Yuko Mori and Norihito Sakamoto “Economic Consequences of Employment Quota System for Disabled People: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Japan” Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(2014 Applied Econometrics Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.2
Osaka, Japan
35. Yutaka Ito, Keisuke Kawata, and Yin Ting (2014) “Nonprofit/for-profit facility and difference of wage distribution: Evidence from the Japanese elderly care industry”, Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(第17回 労働経済学コンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.14
Osaka, Japan
36. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Standard-Hours Reduction: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(Kansai Labor Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.27
Osaka, Japan
37. Takao Kato and Naomi Kodama (2014)”Labor Market Deregulation and Female Employment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Japan”, Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(Japanese Economic Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.15
Kyoto, Japan
38. “Why Do Wages Become More Rigid during a Recession Than during a Boom?”(IZA Workshop on Wage Rigidities and the Business Cycle: Causes and Consequences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.9
Bonn, Germany
39. Andreas Kettemann “Unemployment Insurance Take-up and the Business Cycle” Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(IZA Workshop on Wage Rigidities and the Business Cycle: Causes and Consequences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.9
Bonn, Germany
40. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Standard-Hours Reduction: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(J-WEN Seminar & Presentation Master Class)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.5.23
Tokyo, Japan
41. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Standard-Hours Reduction: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(Workshop on empirical labor economics (一橋大学))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.20
Tokyo, Japan
42. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Standard-Hours Reduction: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(東北大学現代経済学研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.6
Miyagi, Japan
43. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Standard-Hours Reduction: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(横浜国立大学 YNU Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.4
Kanagawa, Japan
44. “Why Do Wages Become More Rigid during a Recession Than during a Boom?”(Contract Theory Workshop East (CTWE))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.2.21
Tokyo, Japan
45. “Why Do Wages Become More Rigid during a Recession Than during a Boom?”(大阪大学経済学研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.1.23
Osaka, Japan
46. Yukiko Asai (2013),"Parental Leave Reforms and the Employment of New Mothers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Japan," Discussant: Izumi Yokoyama(2013 Applied Econometrics Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.11.9
Tokyo, Japan
47. “Why Do Wages Become More Rigid during a Recession Than during a Boom?”(Tokyo Labor Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.4
Tokyo, Japan
48. “Labor Market Responses to Standard Hours Reduction: Evidence from Japan” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Hisahiro Naito)(アジア政策フォーラム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.8.31
Beijin, China
49. “The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Income Distribution of Married Women”(産業・労働ワークショップ)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.4.23
Tokyo, Japan
50. “The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Income Distribution of Married Women”(Labor Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.4.28
Ann Arbor, USA
51. “How the Income Distribution of Married Women Changed After Tax Reform in Japan”(Kansai Labor Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.1.27
Osaka, Japan
52. “The Impact of Tax Reform on the Income Distribution of Married Women in Japan”(第6回応用計量経済学コンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.5
Tokyo, Japan
53. “Wage Distribution in Japan: 1989-2003” (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Ryo Kambayashi)(Japanese Economic Association:Oral Presenation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.6.2
Osaka, Japan

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No. Award name Year
1. 日本経済学会・女性研究者奨励賞(日本生命賞) 2023
2. 第6回応用計量経済学コンファレンス優秀論文賞受賞 2011.11
3. Center for Japanese Studies Summer Fellowships (University of Michigan) 2009.4
4. Center for Japanese Studies Summer Fellowships (University of Michigan) 2008.4
5. The Fulbright Scholarship 2007.12
6. Education Abroad Scholarship of Hitotsubashi University 2007.9
7. The Representative of the Graduating Class (Master Program at Hitotsubashi University) 2006.3
8. Excellent-Grades Award of the Department of Economics at Hitotsubashi University 2005.3

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Optimal Geographical Infection Control Policies Learned From The Experience of COVID-19
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024.4 - 2028.3
2. 近年の賃金伸び悩み現象に見るインセンティブ体系としての賃金
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2018.4 - 2025.3
3. Estimation of Effects of COVID-19

( System name: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2020.6 - 2021
4. 「日本の労働市場に関する実証研究」,経済産業研究所(研究代表者:川口大司)

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
5. Empirical analysis on the labor adjustments to uncertainty and policy intervention
Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2021.3
6. 「多様な個人を前提とする政策評価型国民移転勘定の創成による少子高齢化対策の評価」,研究協力者, (研究代表者:市村英彦)

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2018.12 - 2021.3
7. Effects of State-sponsored Human Capital Investment

( System name: Cooperative Research )
2017.10 - 2018
8. 「日本企業の人材活用と能力開発の変化」,経済産業研究所(研究代表者:樋口美雄)

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2016.11 - 2018.10
9. 「人口減少下における経済社会への影響」,内閣府経済社会総合研究所

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2016.7 - 2017.7
10. Market power in the labor market
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
( System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2016.4 - 2019.3
11. Estimating the Causal Impact of Drinking on Wages and Educational Attainment
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
( System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2016.4 - 2018.3
12. 「日本の労働市場の転換-全員参加型の労働市場を目指して-」,経済産業研究所(研究代表者:川口大司)

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2015.9 - 2017.5
13. The Impact of Spousal Exemption on Labor Supply of Married Women, Principal Investigator
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
( System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 - 2018.3
14. OECD テリトリアルレビュー「地域における労働生産性・集積の経済分析」

( System name: 共同研究(国際共同研究) )
2015.3 - 2016
15. 「変化する日本の労働市場-展望と政策対応-」,経済産業研究所(研究代表者:川口大司)

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2013.5 - 2015.5
16. Theoretical and empirical analyses of wage rigidity in recession, Principal Investigator
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
( System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2015.3
17. The Impact of Tax Reform in Japan on the Income Distributions of Married Women

( System name: International Joint Research Projects )
2008.4 - 2018
18. Labor Market Responses to Standard Hours Reduction

( System name: International Joint Research Projects )
2008.4 - 2017
19. Employment Adjustment of Regular and Non-regular Workers

( System name: International Joint Research Projects )
2006.4 - 2019
20. Wage Inequality

( System name: International Joint Research Projects )
2006.4 - 2016
21. Wage Rigidity

( System name: International Joint Research Projects )
2005.4 - 2014

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