Graduate School of Economics
YOKOO Hide-Fumi

Books and Other Publications

1. EBPM エビデンスに基づく政策形成の導入と実践
大竹文雄, 内山融, 小林, 庸平 (Contributor)
日経BP 日本経済新聞出版 2022.12 (ISBN : 429611526X)
2. 環境経済・政策学事典
横尾 英史 (Contributor)
丸善出版 2018.12 (ISBN : 9784621302927)
3. Handbook on Waste Management
横尾 英史 (Contributor)
Edward Elgar 2014.12 (ISBN : 9780857936851)
4. サステイナビリティの経済学-人 間の福祉と自然環境
横尾 英史 (Joint translator)
岩波書店 2007.12 (ISBN : 9784000230209)


1. Can climate leadership messaging encourage producer actions? A field experiment in Japan’s wine industry
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Takahiro KUBO, Daisuke Kunii, Hiroki Sasaki
2. 新しい「プラスチックの経済学」の展望—産業のネットゼロ化に向けて— (Peer-reviewed)
横尾 英史
環境経済・政策研究 Vol.17,No.2,pp.81-85 2024.9
3. Characteristics That Influence Individuals’ Intentions to Use and Bequeath Common Assets: Time-Perspective Scales and Demographic Attributes (Peer-reviewed)
Tomohiro Tasaki, Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Ryo Tajima, Rintaro Yamaguchi
Sustainability Vol.15,No.20,pp.14832 2023.10
doi Link
4. What makes green persuasion effective? Evidence from a community-financed sanitation program in Indonesia (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Tetsuya Harada
Resource and Energy Economics Vol.73,pp.101371 2023.6
5. Conservation fundraising: Evidence from social media and traditional mail field experiments (Peer-reviewed)
Takahiro Kubo, Hide‐Fumi Yokoo, Diogo Veríssimo
Conservation Letters 2022.12
doi Link Link
6. Subjective risk belief function in the field: Evidence from cooking fuel choices and health in India (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Toshi H. Arimura, Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Hajime Katayama
Journal of Development Economics Vol.161,pp.103000 2022.11
7. Ambiguity Aversion and Individual Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from a Farmer Survey in Northeastern Thailand (Peer-reviewed)
Nagisa Shiiba, Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Voravee Saengavut, Siraprapa Bumrungkit
Climate Change Economics 2022.6
doi Link
8. Subjective probabilistic expectations, household air pollution, and health: Evidence from cooking fuel use patterns in West Bengal, India (Peer-reviewed)
Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, Toshi H. Arimura, Hajime Katayama, Mari Sakudo, Hide-Fumi Yokoo
Resource and Energy Economics Vol.66,pp.101262 2021.8
9. A Model of Inequality Aversion and Private Provision of Public Goods (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics Vol.20,No.2 2020.6
10. Informal recycling and social preferences: Evidence from household survey data in Vietnam (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Kosuke Kawai, Yuki Higuchi
Resource and Energy Economics Vol.54,pp.109-124 2018.12
11. Job change and self-control of waste pickers: evidence from a field experiment in the Philippines (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Maki Ikuse, Aries Roda D. Romallosa, Masahide Horita
Environmental Economics Vol.9,No.2,pp.22-35 2018.12
12. Effects of Unit-Based Pricing on Municipal Solid Waste (Peer-reviewed)
Ken-ya Tsuzuki, Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Aya Suzuki
Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management Vol.29,pp.20-30 2018
doi Link
13. he effects of social networks on labor productivity of waste pickers: Evidence from the Calajunan final disposal site in the Philippines
Tamura Kyo, Horita Masahide, Yokoo Hide-fumi
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management Vol.28,pp.127 2017
14. ランダム化比較試験を用いた途上国における環境経済学研究の現状と展望 (Peer-reviewed)
横尾 英史
環境経済・政策研究 Vol.10,No.1,pp.43-47 2017
15. 家庭ごみ分別制度と社会的規範 ―日本とシンガポールにおけるアンケート調査の比較― (Peer-reviewed)
横尾 英史, 和田 英樹, 山田 正人
環境経済・政策研究 Vol.8,No.1,pp.85-88 2015.4
16. Global Reuse and optimal waste policy (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Thomas C. Kinnaman
Environment and Development Economics Vol.18,No.5,pp.595-614 2013.12
17. The Environmental Consequences of Global Reuse (Peer-reviewed)
Thomas C. Kinnaman, Hide-Fumi Yokoo
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings Vol.101,No.3,pp.71-76 2011.5
18. An economic theory of reuse (Peer-reviewed)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo
Sustainability Science Vol.5,No.1,pp.143-150 2010.1

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1. What is "EBPM" in Environmental Policymaking? : Review of Policy Evaluations in Japan
横尾 英史
環境情報科学 = Environmental information science Vol.48,No.1,pp.25-29 2019
Link Link
2. Prospects in Economics of Waste Management and Recycling with Respect to Kazuhiro Ueta:: Developing Countries, Behavioral Economics and Field Experiments
Yokoo Hide-Fumi
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies Vol.11,No.1,pp.30-38 2018


No. Award name Year
1. SEEPS Young Achievement Award 2014 2014.9

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Fairness preferences and subjective beliefs toward future generations: Theoretical and empirical studies
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2023.4 - 2027.3
2. S19 プラスチックの持続可能な資源循環と海洋流出制御に向けたシステム構築に関する総合的研究: サブテーマ2-3 持続可能な経済発展に資するプラスチック管理の経済・政策研究

( Awarding organization: 独立行政法人 環境再生保全機構 System name: 環境研究総合推進費 )
2021.4 - 2026.3
3. Environmental economics for persuasions: Theory and evidence from a field experiment
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2022.3
4. Establishing RCT Methodology in the Environment and Energy Policy Research
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.6 - 2020.3
5. A study on private provision of environmental public goods by using a randomized field experiment in a developing country
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.4 - 2019.3
6. Voluntary provision of environmental goods in developing countries: Analyses using a household survey
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2014.4 - 2017.3
7. Design of incentive mechanisms in waste management policy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2009 - 2011
8. 環境政策の空間分析-空間科学と地理情報システムを用いた研究-
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2008 - 2009

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