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Financial reporting lag during COVID-19: evidence from flash reporting in Japan
Tolulola Lawal, Yoshikatsu Shinozawa
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 2022年
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Corporate Debt Mix and Long-term Firm Growth in Japan
Yongkil Ahn, Yoshikatsu Shinozawa, Kazuo Yamada
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 58巻8号2139-2152頁 2022年
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Women on corporate boards around the world: Triggers and barriers. (共著)
Chizema, Amon, Dzidziso S. Kamuriwo, Yoshikatsu Shinozawa
The Leadership Quarterly 26巻6号1051-1065頁 2015年12月
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Determinants of money flows into investment trusts in Japan (共著)
Shinozawa, Yoshikatsu, Andrew Vivian
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 37巻138-161頁 2015年7月
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The 'company with committees': Change or continuity in Japanese corporate governance?
Amon Chizema, Yoshikatsu Shinozawa
Journal of Management Studies 49巻1号77-101頁 2012年1月
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Mutual versus proprietary ownership: An empirical study from the uk unit trust industry with a company-product measure
Yoshikatsu Shinozawa
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 81巻2号247-280頁 2010年6月
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The effect of organisational form on investment products: An empirical analysis of the UK unit trust industry
Yoshikatsu Shinozawa
Corporate Governance: An International Review 15巻6号1244-1259頁 2007年11月