Graduate School of Economics


Teaching Experience

No. Subject Institution
1. Postgraduate seminar Hitotsubashi University
2. Health Economics and Policy Three-month Course on Tropical Medicine (TTM), Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
3. Health Economics – Using case studies from low- and middle-income countries Department of Economics, Sophia University
4. Global Health Policies Department of Economics, Sophia University
5. Microeconomics for the Health Sector (Agency theory, household cost of illness) School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town
6. The Economics of Health Systems (Introduction to the economics of health systems, fund pooling arrangements, purchasing and benefit entitlements, provider payment mechanisms, health financing and governance) School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town

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Social Activities

No. Social Activity Year
1. Side-meeting at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2020 “The role of the private sector in accelerating progress towards UHC”. Organized by World Health Organization and National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan(NCGM) 2020.1
2. UHC Financing Advisory Committee in preparation for the G20 2019. Organised by the Government of Japan and the World Bank Group 2018.9 - 2019.6
3. Global meeting on strategic purchasing for UHC: unlocking the potential 2017.4
4. Workshop on strategic purchasing – achieving success in the design of National Health Insurance in South Africa by reflecting lessons learned from Asia and Africa 2017.4
5. Training Course on Health Economics: Principles, Methodologies, Evaluation and Decision Making in Developing Countries 2011 -
6. Expert Consultation on Hospitals’ Resilience in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2022.5
7. アフリカのいまを知る~ステレオタイプを越えて~ 2020.10 -
8. Expert consultations on fair financing for universal health coverage (UHC) 2020.10 - 2022.5
9. Working Group on UHC of T20 Task Force 1 in preparation for the policy brief, “Deliberate next steps toward a new globalism for Universal Health Coverage (UHC)”. Organized by JICA Research Institute 2018.12 - 2019.5
10. 「マダガスカル国母子保健サービス改善プロジェクト」JICA短期専門家(保健・医療経済)、帝王切開にかかる受療者のコスト分析 2008.1 - 2008.2
11. 「マダガスカル国マジュンガ大学病院センターを基軸とした州母子保健改善プロジェクト」JICA短期専門家(保健・医療経済)、ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジに資する保健・医療財政政策の分析 2005.2
12. 「ミャンマー国ハンセン病対策基礎保健サービス改善プロジェクト」JICA短期専門家(プロジェクトマネジメント)、プロジェクトマネジメントの研修実施 2004.2
13. 「マダガスカル国マジュンガ大学病院センター総合改善プロジェクト」JICA短期専門家(保健・医療経済)、受療者のコスト分析 2003.6
14. 「タイ国エイズ予防地域ケアネットワークプロジェクト」JICA短期専門家(保健・医療経済)、HIV/AIDSのケアパッケージにかかるコスト分析 2002.3 - 2002.4

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