Graduate School of Social Sciences
MAKITA Yoshiya
/ Position
Graduate School of Social Sciences / Assistant Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences / Assistant Professor
Name MAKITA Yoshiya


Degree : PhD (Hitotsubashi University)
Hitotsubashi University
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Division
Year : 2012.3
Hitotsubashi University
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Division
Year : 2007.3
Sophia University
Faculty of Humanities
Department of History
Year : 2004.3

Research Areas

Research Areas
Keywords : グローバル・ヒストリー;アメリカ史;国際赤十字運動と人道主義の歴史;歴史理論
Research Areas : Humanities & Social Sciences / Historical studies in general

Research History

2009.4 - 2012.3 Research Fellow (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
2012.4 - 2015.3 Research Fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences
2015.4 - 2020.3 Assistant Professor, College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
2020.4 - 2023.3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Information Sciences, Jobu University
2023.4 - Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University

Committee Memberships

No. Committee Group Year
1. 編集幹事 歴史学研究会 2023.6 - 2024.5
2. 委員 歴史学研究会 2022.6 - 2024.5
3. 歴史評論編集委員会委員 歴史科学協議会 2013.6 - 2022.11
4. 運営委員会委員 日本アメリカ史学会 2010.9 - 2013.9