Graduate School of Law
MIURA Motoki
/ Position
Graduate School of Law / Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law / Assistant Professor
Name MIURA Motoki
E-mail address with the domain is not the researcher's individual address.


Degree : Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Hitotsubashi University)
Year : 2021.3
Degree : Master of Laws (Hitotsubashi University)
Year : 2017.3
Degree : MA in Philosophy (University College London)
Year : 2014.11
Hitotsubashi University
Graduate School of Law
Doctoral Program
Year : 2021.3
Hitotsubashi University
Graduate School of Law
Master’s Program
Year : 2017.3
University College London
Department of Philosophy
MA (Philosophy)
Year : 2014.9
International Christian University
College of Liberal Arts, Arts and Science div.
Year : 2013.3

Research Areas

Research Areas
Keywords : coercion, Philosophy of Law
Research Areas : Humanities & Social Sciences / Legal theory and history (Legal Philosophy)

Research History

2021.4 - 2023.4 Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2021.4 - 2024.3 Lecturer (Part-time), Faculty of Law, Rissho University
2021.7 - 2022.5 Researcher (Part-time), Keio Frontier Research & Education Collaborative Square (K-FRECS) K-FRECS at Tonomachi, Keio University
2022.4 - Lecturer (Part-time), School of Law, Senshu University
2022.4 - Lecturer (Part-time), College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University
2022.4 - 2023.3 Part-time Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Tokyo Union Theological Seminary
2023.4 - Adjunct Researcher, The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan, Chuo University
2023.4 - 2024.3 Lecturer (Part-time), Faculty of Law, Toyo University
2023.5 - Lecturer, Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University

Academic Society Affiliations

No. Institute Name
1. The Information Network Law Association Japan
2. Japan Society for British Philosophy
3. Japan Association of Legal Philosophy