Nutta Marco William Walter(ヌッタ マルコ ウィリアム ウォルター)


1. Expert wine reviews: exploring trends in wine quality indicators (査読有り)
Jongwon Lee, Jeong-Yeol Park, Robin M. Back, Marco W.W. Nutta
Journal of Wine Research 1-19頁 2025年2月
doi その他のサイト
2. Exploring the relationship between brand coolness, brand personality, brand identity, and purchase intentions through the lens of wine (査読有り)
Marco W.W. Nutta, Robin M. Back, Jeong-Yeol Park, Diego Bufquin
Journal of Wine Research 1-22頁 2025年2月
doi その他のサイト
3. Attraction, Social Presence, Sociability, and Booking Intentions: The Moderating Role of Homophily
Park, J.-Y., Back, R.M., Bufquin, D., Nutta, M.W.W.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 45巻6号 2021年8月
doi その他のサイト
4. Learning English as a second language in the back-of-the-House: proficiency and employment from the perspective of hotel human resource directors
Youngblood, A.M., Nutta, J.W., Dickson, D.R., Nutta, M.W.
Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism 20巻1号 2021年1月
doi その他のサイト
5. Effects of hotel website photograph size and human images on perceived transportation and behavioral intentions
Back, R.M., Park, J.-Y., Bufquin, D., Nutta, M.W.W., Lee, S.J.
International Journal of Hospitality Management 89巻 2020年8月
doi その他のサイト
6. Effects of hotel website photographs and length of textual descriptions on viewers’ emotions and behavioral intentions
Bufquin, D., Park, J.-Y., Back, R.M., Nutta, M.W.W., Zhang, T.
International Journal of Hospitality Management 87巻 2020年5月
doi その他のサイト
7. The effects of architectural congruence perceptions on winery visitors’ emotions and behavioral intentions: The case of Marqués de Riscal
Bufquin, D., Back, R.M., Park, J.-Y., Nutta, M.
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 9巻 2018年9月
doi その他のサイト



No. 会議名 開催・発表年月日 開催地
1. Determinants of wine price: An analysis of Wine Spectator “Top 100” reviews.(The 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists)
発表年月日: 2024年07月
2. Assessing the impact of brand coolness, brand personality, and brand identity on wine purchase intentions(The 16th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists)
発表年月日: 2024年07月
3. Trend Analysis of Wine Quality Indicators(The 28th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism)
発表年月日: 2024年
4. Extending Wineinformatics: Re-examining expert wine review variables(The 7th World Research Summit for Hospitality and Tourism)
発表年月日: 2023年
5. Brand coolness and its relation to brand personality(Asia Pacific Tourism Association Hybrid Conference)
発表年月日: 2022年
6. Is brand coolness part of brand personality?: Focusing on its impact on behavioral intentions.(Tourism, Hospitality, and Events Conference for Researcher, Educators, Practitioners, and Students)
発表年月日: 2022年
7. Urban vs rural: The effect of winery setting on memorability, affective commitment, satisfaction, and loyalty(5th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality)
発表年月日: 2021年
8. Can urban wineries reproduce the rural winery experiences? An investigation of familiarity prior experience, and perceived authenticity.(Florida Wine and Grape Growers Association Conference)
発表年月日: 2020年
9. Human images in hotel websites: Its effects on customers' cognitive, emotional, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes(5th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality)
発表年月日: 2019年
10. Understanding how familiarity and prior experience influence perceived authenticity in an urban winery setting(2019 UCF Graduate Research Forum)
発表年月日: 2019年
11. Revisiting information overload: Mediating role of perceived stress and enjoyment.(Tourism, Hospitality, Event & Conference for Researchers, Educators, Practitioners, & Students)
発表年月日: 2019年
12. Too much information! Optimizing hotel websites to maximize booking intentions.(. The 24th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism)
発表年月日: 2019年
13. Too much information! Optimizing hotel websites to maximize booking intentions.(UCF Rosen College Research Colloquium)
発表年月日: 2019年
