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Right-Wing Populist Leaders, Nationalist Rhetoric, and Dispute Initiation in International Politics
Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Vineeta Yadav, Bumba Mukherjee
Journal of Conflict Resolution 2025年3月
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Right-Wing Populists and the Politics of Renegotiating International Environmental Agreements
Nguyen Khoi Huynh
Global Environmental Politics 2025年2月
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Authoritarian regimes and the reversal of economic reforms
Bumba Mukherjee, Nguyen Huynh
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Bayesian Spatial Split-Population Survival Model with Applications to Democratic Regime Failure and Civil War Recurrence
Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
Mathematics 2023年4月
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Bayesian Spatial Split-Population Survival Model with Applications to Democratic Regime Failure and Civil War Recurrence
Minnie Minhyung Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
Mathematics 2023年4月
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IDCeMPy: Python Package for Inflated Discrete Choice Models
Nguyen Huynh, Sergio Béjar, Vineeta Yadav, Bumba Mukherjee
Journal of Open Source Software 6巻63号3322頁 2021年7月
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BayesSPsurv: An R Package to Estimate Bayesian (Spatial) Split-Population Survival Models
Brandon Bolte, Nicolás Schmid, Sergio Béjar, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
The R Journal 13巻1号595頁 2021年