Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study
Huynh Khoi Nguyen


1. Right-Wing Populist Leaders, Nationalist Rhetoric, and Dispute Initiation in International Politics
Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Vineeta Yadav, Bumba Mukherjee
Journal of Conflict Resolution 2025.3
2. Right-Wing Populists and the Politics of Renegotiating International Environmental Agreements
Nguyen Khoi Huynh
Global Environmental Politics 2025.2
3. Authoritarian regimes and the reversal of economic reforms
Bumba Mukherjee, Nguyen Huynh
4. Bayesian Spatial Split-Population Survival Model with Applications to Democratic Regime Failure and Civil War Recurrence
Minnie M. Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
Mathematics 2023.4
5. Bayesian Spatial Split-Population Survival Model with Applications to Democratic Regime Failure and Civil War Recurrence
Minnie Minhyung Joo, Brandon Bolte, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
Mathematics 2023.4
doi Link
6. IDCeMPy: Python Package for Inflated Discrete Choice Models
Nguyen Huynh, Sergio Béjar, Vineeta Yadav, Bumba Mukherjee
Journal of Open Source Software Vol.6,No.63,pp.3322 2021.7
doi Link
7. BayesSPsurv: An R Package to Estimate Bayesian (Spatial) Split-Population Survival Models
Brandon Bolte, Nicolás Schmid, Sergio Béjar, Nguyen Huynh, Bumba Mukherjee
The R Journal Vol.13,No.1,pp.595 2021

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