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Overconfidence, income-ability gap, and preferences for income equality
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi, Tomoko Matsumoto
European Journal of Political Economy Vol.77,pp.102279 2023.3
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Do supermajority rules really deter extremism? the role of electoral competition
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Theoretical Politics Vol.34,No.1,pp.127-144 2021.12
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Minimum wages and housing rents: Theory and evidence
Atsushi Yamagishi
Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol.87,pp.103649 2021.3
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Contagion of populist extremism
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Public Economics Vol.193,pp.104324 2021.1
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School bullying is positively associated with support for redistribution in adulthood
Atsushi Yamagishi
Economics of Education Review Vol.79,pp.102045 2020.12
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Minimum wage competition
Koichi Fukumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
International Tax and Public Finance Vol.27,No.6,pp.1557-1581 2020.5
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Transboundary pollution, tax competition and the efficiency of uncoordinated environmental regulation
Atsushi Yamagishi
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique Vol.52,No.3,pp.1165-1194 2019.7
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A Negative Effect of Cost‐Reducing Public Investment: The Role of Firms’ Entry
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Economic Record Vol.95,No.308,pp.81-89 2018.10
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Lobbying for Regulation Reform by Industry Leaders
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Regulatory Economics Vol.52,No.1,pp.63-76 2017.6
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Long-run welfare effect of energy conservation regulation
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Economics Letters Vol.154,pp.64-68 2017.5
11. |
Consumers’ Misevaluation and Public Promotion
Atsushi Yamagishi
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Vol.16,No.4 2016.10
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経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル(第261回)都市復興のカギは何か? 広島の復興と能登地震
山岸 敦
週刊東洋経済 No.7177,pp.86-87 2024.6
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海外論文SURVEY(118)実験で解き明かす住宅市場に潜む人種差別 : Christensen, P. and Timmins, C. (2022) "Sorting or Steering : The Effects of Housing Discrimination on Neighborhood Choice," Journal of Political Economy, 130(8) : 2110-2163
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.731,pp.110-113 2023
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海外論文SURVEY(114)観光は経済発展を促進するのか? : Faber, B. and Gaubert, C. (2019) "Tourism and Economic Development : Evidence from Mexico's Coastline," American Economic Review, 109(6) : 2245-2293
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.729,pp.105-108 2022
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海外論文SURVEY(109)都市も「イケメン」が魅力的? 地理的環境を用いた都市形状のコンパクトさの影響の実証 : Harari, M. (2020) "Cities in Bad Shape : Urban Geometry in India," American Economic Review, 110(8) : 2377-2421
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.727,pp.92-95 2022
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海外論文SURVEY(106)なぜ都市内に格差が生まれるのか? 産業革命の風下に立った現代の貧困地区 : Heblich, S., Trew, A. and Zylberberg, Y. (2021) "East-Side Story : Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting," Journal of Political Economy, 129(5) : 1508-1552
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.725,pp.110-112 2022
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経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル(第97回)最低賃金引き上げ時は家賃の変動にも注意せよ
山岸 敦
週刊東洋経済 No.6962,pp.94-95 2021.1