Institute of Economic Research
Yamaghishi Atsushi


1. Overconfidence, income-ability gap, and preferences for income equality
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi, Tomoko Matsumoto
European Journal of Political Economy Vol.77,pp.102279 2023.3
2. Do supermajority rules really deter extremism? the role of electoral competition
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Theoretical Politics Vol.34,No.1,pp.127-144 2021.12
doi Link Link
3. Minimum wages and housing rents: Theory and evidence
Atsushi Yamagishi
Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol.87,pp.103649 2021.3
4. Contagion of populist extremism
Daiki Kishishita, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Public Economics Vol.193,pp.104324 2021.1
5. School bullying is positively associated with support for redistribution in adulthood
Atsushi Yamagishi
Economics of Education Review Vol.79,pp.102045 2020.12
6. Minimum wage competition
Koichi Fukumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
International Tax and Public Finance Vol.27,No.6,pp.1557-1581 2020.5
doi Link Link
7. Transboundary pollution, tax competition and the efficiency of uncoordinated environmental regulation
Atsushi Yamagishi
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique Vol.52,No.3,pp.1165-1194 2019.7
doi Link Link
8. A Negative Effect of Cost‐Reducing Public Investment: The Role of Firms’ Entry
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Economic Record Vol.95,No.308,pp.81-89 2018.10
doi Link Link
9. Lobbying for Regulation Reform by Industry Leaders
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Journal of Regulatory Economics Vol.52,No.1,pp.63-76 2017.6
doi Link Link
10. Long-run welfare effect of energy conservation regulation
Toshihiro Matsumura, Atsushi Yamagishi
Economics Letters Vol.154,pp.64-68 2017.5
11. Consumers’ Misevaluation and Public Promotion
Atsushi Yamagishi
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Vol.16,No.4 2016.10
doi Link Link

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1. 経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル(第261回)都市復興のカギは何か? 広島の復興と能登地震
山岸 敦
週刊東洋経済 No.7177,pp.86-87 2024.6
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2. 海外論文SURVEY(118)実験で解き明かす住宅市場に潜む人種差別 : Christensen, P. and Timmins, C. (2022) "Sorting or Steering : The Effects of Housing Discrimination on Neighborhood Choice," Journal of Political Economy, 130(8) : 2110-2163
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.731,pp.110-113 2023
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3. 海外論文SURVEY(114)観光は経済発展を促進するのか? : Faber, B. and Gaubert, C. (2019) "Tourism and Economic Development : Evidence from Mexico's Coastline," American Economic Review, 109(6) : 2245-2293
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.729,pp.105-108 2022
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4. 海外論文SURVEY(109)都市も「イケメン」が魅力的? 地理的環境を用いた都市形状のコンパクトさの影響の実証 : Harari, M. (2020) "Cities in Bad Shape : Urban Geometry in India," American Economic Review, 110(8) : 2377-2421
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.727,pp.92-95 2022
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5. 海外論文SURVEY(106)なぜ都市内に格差が生まれるのか? 産業革命の風下に立った現代の貧困地区 : Heblich, S., Trew, A. and Zylberberg, Y. (2021) "East-Side Story : Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting," Journal of Political Economy, 129(5) : 1508-1552
山岸 敦
経済セミナー = The keizai seminar No.725,pp.110-112 2022
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6. 経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル(第97回)最低賃金引き上げ時は家賃の変動にも注意せよ
山岸 敦
週刊東洋経済 No.6962,pp.94-95 2021.1
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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. 政府間の財政競争に関する統一理論の構築
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2018.4 - 2020.3