Graduate School of Economics
Hendrik Rommeswinkel


1. Quasi-separable preferences
Wei-zhi Qin, Hendrik Rommeswinkel
Theory and Decision 2024.6
2. Preference for Knowledge
Hendrik Rommeswinkel, Hung-Chi Chang, Wen-Tai Hsu
Journal of Economic Theory 2023.12
3. Additive representations on a simplex
Qin, W.-Z., Rommeswinkel, H.
Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol.103 2022
doi Link
4. Group size and group success in conflicts
Martin Kolmar, Hendrik Rommeswinkel
Social Choice and Welfare Vol.55,No.4,pp.777-822 2020.12
5. Contests with group-specific public goods and complementarities in efforts
Martin Kolmar, Hendrik Rommeswinkel
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol.89,pp.9-22 2013.5


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Preference for Verifiability(Social Choice and Welfare Meeting 2024)
Holding date : 2024.7.5
Presentation date :
2. Preference for Verifiability(Science of Decision Making II)
Holding date : 2024.6.30
Presentation date :


No. Award name Year
1. Jaffray Lecture 2023.7
2. Sun-Chen Young Scholar Award 2019.9