Graduate School of Business Administration,Department of Business Administration

Books and Other Publications

1. "The Personal is Political" (jointly worked)
Midori Machida (Joint author)
Sairyusya 2017.4 (ISBN : 4779123186)
2. Henry James Today: Commemorating Henry James (jointly worked)
Midori Machida (Joint author)
Eihousya 2016.8 (ISBN : 4269740353)
3. "Recognition" and "Redistribution" in Gender Issue: Disparity, Culture and Islam (jointly worked)
Midori Machida (Joint author)
Sairyusya 2015.3 (ISBN : 4779120810)
4. Gender and Liberty: theory, liberalism, Queer (jointly worked)
Midori Machida (Joint author)
Sairyusya 2013.3
5. 読み直すアメリカ文学 (共著)
町田 みどり (Sole author)
研究社 1996.3 (ISBN : 9784327471835)


1. Tell-tale Title : An Essay on Henry james's "The Next Time"
Midori Machida
Hitotsubashi review of arts and sciences Vol.5,pp.98-114 2011.3
doi Link
2. Henry James's negotiation with the literary marketplace : rereading first-person narratives
Midori Machida
Hitotsubashi University research series. Humanities Vol.43,pp.355-419 2006.3
doi Link
3. Mikako Ichikawa : Henry James s Narrative : Focusing on First-Person Narratives
Midori Machida
言語文化 Vol.42,pp.103-107 2005.12
doi Link
4. Re-reading Henry James's "The Death of the Lion"
町田 みどり
Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol.44,No.1,pp.23-37 2005.12
5. Henry James's "Greville Faine": A Tale of Two Stories-Narrated and Unnarrated—
町田 みどり
Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol.44,No.1,pp.23-37 2003.12
doi Link
6. Rereading "The Real Thing" : Henry James in the changing literary market
Midori Machida
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.129,No.3,pp.223-234 2003.3
doi Link
7. A Story of "Conversion" : Henry James's A Small Boy and Others
Midori Machida
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.119,No.3,pp.344-361 1998.3
doi Link
8. Europe in Young James
Midori Machida
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.118,No.3,pp.471-486 1997.9
doi Link
9. 書評:「大西昭男著『見ようとする意志――ヘンリー・ジェイムズ論――』」
町田 みどり
日本アメリカ文学会 『アメリカ文学研究』 No.32 1995.2
10. 書評:Jonathan Freedman著: Professions of Taste: Henry James, British Aestheticism, and Commodity Culture」
町田 みどり
日本英文学会 『英文學研究』 Vol.69,No.2 1993.1

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. "Things" and "Distinction": Henry James's Cultural Criticism in _The Spoils of Poynton_(The Conference of the Society of American Literature)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.4
Hokkai Gakuen University
2. Henry James's Cultural Criticism in Artist Tales in Middle Phase(The 4th Conference of the Society of Henry James Society)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.8.30
The Unifersity of Kitakyushu
3. The Triangular Relationship of Desire in Henry James's "The Next Time"(The Conference of the Society of Henry James Society)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.1
Aoyama Gakuin University

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Sexuality and American Literature

( System name: The Other Research Programs )
2012.3 -
2. Henry James's Later Novels
2010.4 - 2012.3
3. Culture of Consumption and Literature

( System name: The Other Research Programs )
1995.4 -