1. |
Economic Transition and the Ethnic Wage Gap in China: A Meta-Analytic Approach (Peer-reviewed) Ma, X., Iwasaki, I.
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (Forthcoming) Vol.23 2025.6
2. |
Diversity of Corporate Officers and its Regional Disparities in Germany (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I., Satogami, M.
Economic Systems (Forthcoming) Vol.49 2025.5
3. |
Do Financial Development and Liberalization Spur Economic Growth in Asia in the Context of Globalization? A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Anwar, A, Iwasaki, I
Tessaleno Devezas, Bulat Khusainov, and Andrea Tick, eds., Globalization, Regionalism, New Challenges, Springer (Forthcoming) 2025.4
4. |
コロナ禍沖縄の企業生存確率:生存時間解析による地域比較 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 村上了太
『比較経営研究』(近刊) Vol.49 2025.3
5. |
Wage–Experience Profiles in China and Eastern Europe: A Large Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Horie, N, Iwasaki, I, Kupets, O, Ma, X, Mizobata, S, Satogami, M
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.39,No.1,pp.172-200 2025.1
6. |
Economic Development and the Finance–Growth Nexus: A Meta-Analytic Approach (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ono, S
Applied Economics Vol.56,No.57,pp.8021-8038 2024.11
7. |
The Hukou System and Wage Gap between Urban and Rural Migrant Workers in China: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Ma, X, Li, Y, Iwasaki, I
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change Vol.32,No.4,pp.1105-1136 2024.10
8. |
新興市場諸国の企業犯罪 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎
『比較経済研究』 Vol.61,No.2,pp.15-40 2024.8
9. |
Why Do Corporate Farms Survive in Central and Eastern Europe? (Peer-reviewed) Fertő, I, Bojnec, S, Iwasaki, I, Shida, Y
Agricultural Systems Vol.218 2024.6
10. |
Quest for the General Effect Size of Finance on Growth: A Large Meta-Analysis of Worldwide Studies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E
Empirical Economics Vol.66,No.6,pp.2659-2722 2024.6
11. |
J-Curved Growth Path: Economic Crisis and Recovery in Post-Socialist Economies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kumo, K
Gevorkyan, A. V. ed., The Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economies in Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia, Oxford University Press, New York 2024.5
12. |
Enterprise Privatization and Ex Post Firm Performance in Post-Socialist Economies (Peer-reviewed) Mizobata, S, Iwasaki, I
Gevorkyan, A. V. ed., The Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economies in Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia, Oxford University Press, New York 2024.5
13. |
Board Gender Diversity in China and Eastern Europe (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma, X, Mizobata, S
Asia and the Global Economy Vol.4,No.1 2024.4
14. |
Legal Weakness, Investment Risks, and Distressed Acquisitions: Evidence from Russian Regions (Peer-reviewed) Ichiro Iwasaki, Yuko Adachi
Comparative Economic Studies Vol.66,No.1,pp.1-69 2024.3
15. |
Board Structure in Emerging Markets: A Simultaneous Equation Modeling (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma, X, Mizobata, S
Journal of Economics and Business Vol.128 2024.2
16. |
Does Financial Liberalization Spur Economic Growth? A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Brada, J, Iwasaki, I
Borsa Istanbul Review Vol.24,No.1,pp.1-13 2024.1
17. |
新興市場企業の取締役会ジェンダー多様性 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 馬 欣欣, 溝端佐登史
『比較経済体制研究』 Vol.28,pp.50-103 2023.12
18. |
Financial Intermediation Versus Direct Financing: A Meta-Analytic Comparison of the Growth-Enhancing Effect (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ono, S
Review of Economics and Institutions (Forthcoming) Vol.14,No.1/2 2023.12
19. |
新興市場企業の取締役会構造 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 馬欣欣, 溝端佐登史
『経済研究』 Vol.74,No.1-2 2023.10
20. |
The Finance–Growth Nexus in the Middle East and Africa: A Comparative Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Anwar, A, Iwasaki, I
International Journal of Finance & Economics Vol.28,No.4,pp.4655-4683 2023.10
21. |
女性の社会進出と取締役会ジェンダー多様性:新興市場諸国の実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 溝端佐登史
『スラヴ研究』 Vol.70,pp.1-36 2023.8
22. |
Board Generational Diversity in Emerging Markets (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma, X, Mizobata, S
Emerging Markets Review Vol.55,pp.1-20 2023.6
23. |
Do Target-Country Legal Institutions Affect Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions? A Quantitative Literature Survey (Peer-reviewed) Brada, J, Iwasaki, I
European Journal of Law and Economics Vol.55,No.2,pp.225-289 2023.4
24. |
The Finance–Growth Nexus in Asia: A Meta-Analytic Approach (Peer-reviewed) Anwar, A, Iwasaki, I
Asian Development Review Vol.40,No.1,pp.13-48 2023.3
25. |
Gender Wage Gap in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analytic Perspective (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Satogami, M
Journal for Labour Market Research Vol.57,No.9,pp.1-21 2023.2
26. |
Returns to Schooling in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Horie, N, Iwasaki, I
Education Economics Vol.31,No.1,pp.102-128 2023.2
27. |
How Do Economic Activities Spur the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia? A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Post-Communist Economies Vol.35,No.1,pp.59-81 2023.1
28. |
Comparative Economic Studies of Transition: Four Lessons from Analytical Reviews of the Literature (Peer-reviewed) Mizobata, S, Iwasaki, I
Dallago, B. and Casagrande, S. eds., The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.280-301 2022.12
29. |
Institutions and FDI from BRICS countries: A Meta-Analytic Review (Peer-reviewed) Anwar, A, Iwasaki, I
Empirical Economics Vol.63,No.1,pp.417-468 2022.7
30. |
Ownership Structure and Firm Performance in Emerging Markets: A Comparative Meta-Analysis of East European EU Member States, Russia, and China (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma, X, Mizobata, S
Economic Systems Vol.46,No.2,pp.1-26 2022.6
31. |
The Effect of Target-Country Institutions on Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Activity: A Quantitative Literature Survey (Peer-reviewed) Brada, J, Iwasaki, I
Econometric Research in Finance Vol.7,No.1,pp.1-70 2022.6
32. |
新興市場企業取締役会の世代多様性 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 馬 欣欣, 溝端佐登史
『比較経済研究』 Vol.59,No.2,pp.29-48 2022.6
33. |
グローバルインテリジェンス ウクライナ危機とロシア経済 無謀な決断がもたらす疲弊
岩﨑一郎, 大野成樹
『日経ビジネス』 No.2136,pp.42-45 2022.4
34. |
Unearned Endowment and Charity Recipient Lead to Higher Donations: A Meta-Analysis of the Dictator Game Lab Experiments (Peer-reviewed) Hamza Umer, Takashi Kurosaki, Ichiro Iwasaki
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol.97,pp.1-15 2022.4
35. |
The Finance-Growth Nexus in Europe: A Comparative Meta-Analysis of Emerging Markets and Advanced Economies (Peer-reviewed) Ono, S, Iwasaki, I
Eastern European Economics Vol.60,No.1,pp.1-49 2022.4
36. |
馬欣欣, 岩﨑一郎
『経済志林』 Vol.89,No.4,pp.289-318 2022.3
37. |
Institutions, Financial Development, and Small Business Survival: Evidence from European Emerging Markets (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E, Shida, Y
Small Business Economics Vol.58,No.3,pp.1261-1283 2022.2
38. |
The Finance-Growth Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Meta-Analytic Perspective (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
World Development Vol.149,pp.1-15 2022.1
39. |
Investment Motives in Africa: What Does the Meta-Analytic Review Tell? (Peer-reviewed) Anwar, A, Dornberger, U, Iwasaki, I
Journal of African Economies Vol.31,No.1,pp.1-52 2022.1
40. |
Bank Survival Around the World: A Meta-Analytic Review (Peer-reviewed) Kočenda, E, Iwasaki, I
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.36,No.1,pp.108-156 2022.1
41. |
Returns to Secondary and Tertiary Education in China: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma, X
Asian Economics Letters Vol.3,No.1,pp.1-8 2022.1
42. |
Distressed acquisitions: Evidence from European emerging markets (Peer-reviewed) Ichiro Iwasaki, Evžen Kočenda, Yoshisada Shida
Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.49,No.4,pp.962-990 2021.12
43. |
馬欣欣, 岩﨑一郎
『東アジア論壇』 Vol.17,pp.51-84 2021.11
44. |
『ERINA REPORT PLUS』 No.162,pp.22-34 2021.10
45. |
欧州新興市場の教育収益率:メタ分析 (Peer-reviewed) 堀江典生, 岩﨑一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.72,No.4,pp.305-333 2021.10
46. |
Return to Schooling in China: A Large Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Ma, X, Iwasaki, I
Education Economics Vol.29,No.4,pp.379-410 2021.7
47. |
安達祐子, 岩﨑一郎
『ERINA REPORT PLUS』 No.159,pp.36-47 2021.4
48. |
Does Investor Protection Increase Foreign Direct Investment? A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Brada, J. C, Drabek, Z, Iwasaki, I
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.35,No.1,pp.34-70 2021.4
49. |
Does Party Membership Bring a Wage Premium in China? A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Ma, X, Iwasaki, I
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies Vol.19,No.1,pp.55-94 2021.4
50. |
現代ロシアの企業システムと産業組織 (Peer-reviewed) 安達祐子, 岩﨑一郎
『上智大学外国語学部紀要』 Vol.55,pp.1-35 2021.3
51. |
欧州新興市場の金融と成長 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 大野成樹
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.58,No.1,pp.1-23 2021.2
52. |
岩﨑 一郎
池本修一編著『体制転換における国家と市場の相克:ロシア,中国,中欧』日本評論社 pp.81-110 2021.2
53. |
現代中国の教育収益率:メタ分析 (Peer-reviewed) 馬 欣欣, 岩﨑 一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.72,No.1,pp.38-58 2021.1
54. |
新興市場企業の所有構造と経営成果:EU東欧加盟国・ロシア・中国のメタ比較分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎, 馬 欣欣, 溝端 佐登史
『経済研究』 Vol.72,No.1,pp.81-109 2021.1
55. |
Gender Wage Gap in China: A Large Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma. X
Journal for Labour Market Research Vol.54,pp.1-19 2020.12
56. |
体制転換期中国の教育収益率:実証分析に向けた予備的考察 (Peer-reviewed) 馬欣欣, 岩﨑一郎
『中国研究月報』 Vol.74,No.11,pp.1-14 2020.11
57. |
Corporate Ownership and Managerial Turnover in China and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Ma. X, Mizobata, S
Journal of Economics and Business Vol.111,pp.1-38 2020.11
58. |
Bank Survival in Central and Eastern Europe (Peer-reviewed) Kocenda, E, Iwasaki. I
International Review of Economics & Finance Vol.69,pp.860-878 2020.9
59. |
Reporting Guidelines for Meta-Analysis in Economics
Havránek, T, Stanley, T. D, Doucouliagos, H, Bom, P, Geyer-Klingeberg, J, Iwasaki, I, Reed, W. R, Rost, K, van Aert, R. C. M
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.34,No.3,pp.469-475 2020.7
60. |
Legal Forms, Organizational Architecture, and Firm Failure: A Large Survival Analysis of Russian Corporations (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kim, B-Y
European Journal of Law and Economics Vol.49,No.2,pp.227-275 2020.5
61. |
The Economics of Transition: Aim, Method, and Structure
Iwasaki, I.
Iwasaki, I., ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.1-24 2020.4
62. |
Transition Strategy Debate: Radicalism versus Gradualism
Iwasaki, I, Suzuki, T
Iwasaki, I., ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.25-66 2020.4
63. |
Transformational Recession and Recovery: Determinants of the J-Curved Growth Path
Iwasaki, I, Kumo, K
Iwasaki, I., ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.67-118 2020.4
64. |
Privatization, Corporate Ownership, and Enterprise Restructuring
Iwasaki, I, Mizobata, S
Iwasaki, I., ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.179-238 2020.4
65. |
Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies: Its Determinants and Macroeconomic Impacts
Iwasaki, I, Tokunaga, M
Iwasaki, I. ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York pp.285-327 2020.4
66. |
Firm Survival in New EU Member States (Peer-reviewed) Baumöhl, E, Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E
Economic Systems Vol.44,No.1 2020.3
67. |
Meta-Analysis of Emerging Markets and Economies: An Introductory Note for the Special Issue
Iwasaki, I
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade Vol.56,No.1,pp.1-9 2020.2
68. |
Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in European Emerging Economies: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Mizobata, S
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade Vol.56,No.1,pp.32-67 2020.2
69. |
Survival of Service Firms in European Emerging Economies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E
Applied Economics Letters Vol.27,No.4,pp.340-348 2020.1
70. |
Determinants of Regional Fertility in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kumo, K
Post-Communist Economies Vol.32,No.2,pp.176-214 2020.1
71. |
Institutions and Determinants of Firm Survival in European Emerging Markets (Peer-reviewed) Baumöhl, E, Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E
Journal of Corporate Finance Vol.58,pp.431-453 2019.10
72. |
現代中国における男女賃金格差:メタ分析による接近 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 馬欣欣
『比較経済体制研究』 Vol.25,pp.70-96 2019.9
73. |
中国共産党員資格と賃金プレミアム:メタ分析 (Peer-reviewed) 馬欣欣, 岩﨑一郎
『アジア経済』 Vol.60,No.3,pp.2-38 2019.9
74. |
The Disinflation Effect of Central Bank Independence: A Comparative Meta-Analysis between Transition Economies and the Rest of the World (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Uegaki, A
Chevallier, J. et al. eds.,International Financial Markets, Volume 1, Routledge, Abingdon pp.227-287 2019.8
75. |
移行経済の企業所有構造と経営者交代:中国と東欧のメタ比較分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 馬欣欣, 溝端佐登史
『比較経済研究』 Vol.56,No.2,pp.57-84 2019.6
76. |
J-Curve in Transition Economies: A Large Meta-analysis of the Determinants of Output Changes (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kumo, K
Comparative Economic Studies Vol.61,No.1,pp.1-43 2019.1
77. |
ロシア地域出生率の動態と決定要因:動学的パネルデータ分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 雲和広
『経済研究』 Vol.70,No.1,pp.30-53 2019.1
78. |
Corporate Governance System and Regional Heterogeneity: Evidence from East and West Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
International Journal of the Economics of Business Vol.25,No.3,pp.391-420 2018.12
79. |
International Presence of the Japanese Study of Russian and East European Economies
Iwasaki, I.
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.38,pp.24-43 2018.9
80. |
補論A ERINA企業調査の概要
新井洋史編著『ロシア企業の組織と経営:マイクロデータによる東西地域比較分析』日本評論社 pp.219-229 2018.8
81. |
企業統治システム (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
新井洋史編著『ロシア企業の組織と経営:マイクロデータによる東西地域比較分析』日本評論社 pp.13-45 2018.8
82. |
溝端佐登史, 岩﨑一郎
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.249-308 2018.7
83. |
上垣彰, 岩﨑一郎
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.341-389 2018.7
84. |
岩﨑一郎, 鈴木拓
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.67-103 2018.7
85. |
岩﨑一郎, 雲和広
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.139-185 2018.7
86. |
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.505-507 2018.7
87. |
徳永昌弘, 岩﨑一郎
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.419-462 2018.7
88. |
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.1-28 2018.7
89. |
上垣彰, 杉浦史和, 岩﨑一郎
岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』日本評論社 pp.31-65 2018.7
90. |
Post-Privatization Ownership and Firm Performance: A Large Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature (Selected as Editor’s Choice Article ) (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Mizobata, S
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics Vol.89,No.2,pp.263-322 2018.6
91. |
Ownership Dynamics and Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy: A Meta-Analysis of the Russian Literature (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Mizobata, S, Muravyev, A. A
Post-Communist Economies Vol.30,No.3,pp.290-333 2018.5
92. |
移行諸国企業の所有集中と経営成果:メタ分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 溝端佐登史
『比較経済研究』 Vol.55,No.1,pp.1-22 2018.1
93. |
The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Tokunaga, M, Iwasaki, I
The World Economy Vol.40,No.12,pp.2771-2831 2017.12
94. |
Are Some Owners Better Than Others in Czech Privatized Firms? Even Meta-Analysis Can't Make Us Perfectly Sure (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Kočenda, E
Economic Systems Vol.41,No.4,pp.537-568 2017.12
95. |
Crisis Left Deep Scars on European Emerging Markets: Conclusions (Peer-reviewed) Havlik, P, Iwasaki, I
Havlik, P. and Iwasaki, I., eds., Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore pp.297-299 2017.8
96. |
The Impact of Crisis on Firm Creation and Regeneration in Russia: Regional Panel Data Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Maurel, M
Havlik, P. and Iwasaki, I., eds., Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore pp.263-295 2017.8
97. |
European Crises and Emerging Markets: Introduction (Peer-reviewed) Havlik, P, Iwasaki, I
Havlik, P. and Iwasaki, I., eds., Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore pp.1-17 2017.8
98. |
Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Transition Economies: A Comparative Meta-Analysis with Developed and Developing Economies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Uegaki, A
Eastern European Economics Vol.55,No.3,pp.197-235 2017.5
99. |
Russian Firms in Comparative Perspective: Introduction
Dolgopyatova, T, Iwasaki, I, Yakovlev A. A
Economic Systems Vol.41,No.1,pp.1-4 2017.3
100. |
Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Tokunaga, M
Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.44,No.4,pp.1086-1114 2016.11
101. |
The Evolution of Corporate Governance in the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Russian Industrial Firms (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Journal of Governance & Regulation Vol.5,No.4,pp.16-39 2016.11
102. |
Does Privatization Improve Firm Performance? : A Systematic Review of the Transition Literature (Peer-reviewed) 溝端佐登史, 岩﨑一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.67,No.4,pp.354-380 2016.10
103. |
Determinants of Decline and Growth in Transition Economies : A Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 雲和広
『経済研究』 Vol.67,No.4,pp.326-338 2016.10
104. |
Radicalism versus Gradualism: An Analytical Survey of the Transition Strategy Debate (Peer-reviewed) Ichiro Iwasaki, Taku Suzuki
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.30,No.4,pp.807-834 2016.9
105. |
Firm Entry and Exit during a Crisis Period: Evidence from Russian Regions (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Maurel, M, Meunier, B
Russian Journal of Economics Vol.2,No.2,pp.162-191 2016.7
106. |
Central Bank Independence in Transition Economies : A Meta-Analysis of the CBI Disinflation Effect (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 上垣彰
『スラヴ研究』 No.63,pp.1-44 2016.6
107. |
Corporate Ownership and Governance System under the Global Financial Crisis : A Panel Data Analysis of Russian Firms (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.53,No.1,pp.19-44 2016.1
108. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Economic Development in Russia: An Econometric Assessment (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suganuma, K
Economic Change and Restructuring Vol.48,No.3-4,pp.209-255 2015.11
109. |
近現代 中央アジア:19~21世紀
岩﨑 一郎, 宇山 智彦
水島司・加藤博・久保亨・島田竜登編著『アジア経済史研究入門』名古屋大学出版会 pp.246-262 2015.10
110. |
The Impact of FDI and Socio-Cultural Similarity on International Trade: Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Russian Trade Model (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suganuma, K
Economics Bulletin Vol.35,No.2,pp.1020-1033 2015.4
111. |
25 Years of the Transition Strategy Debate : Radicalism versus Gradualism (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 鈴木 拓
『経済研究』 Vol.66,No.1,pp.35-54 2015.1
112. |
Macroeconomic Impacts of FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki. I, Tokunaga, M
World Development Vol.61,pp.53-69 2014.9
113. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillover Effect in Transition Economies : A Meta-Analysis
岩﨑一郎, 徳永昌弘
『比較経済研究』 Vol.51,No.2,pp.1-29 2014.6
114. |
Corporate Form, Institutional Complementarity, and Organizational Behavior: Open Versus Closed Joint-Stock Companies in Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Boubaker, S. and Nguyen, D. K. eds., Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theories, Practices and Cases, Springer Verlag: Berlin pp.157-195 2014.4
115. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Economic Growth in Russia (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 菅沼桂子
『比較経済体制研究』 Vol.20,No.20,pp.54-75 2014.3 |
116. |
岩﨑 一郎
『HQ - Hitotsubashi Quarterly』 No.42,pp.26-31 2014.3
117. |
Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.42,No.1,pp.178-211 2014.2
118. |
Fifty Years of Comparative Economic Studies in Japan : A Retrospective Survey of JJCE Articles Published in 1964-2013
Bulletin of the Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies Vol.51,No.1,pp.1-16 2014.1
119. |
What Determines Audit Independence and Expertise in Russia? Firm-Level Evidence (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Corporate Ownership & Control Vol.11,No.2,pp.81-107 2014.1
120. |
Firm-Level Determinants of Board System Choice: Evidence from Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Comparative Economic Studies Vol.55,No.4,pp.636-671 2013.11
121. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Transformation : A Meta-Study (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎, 徳永 昌弘
『経済研究』 Vol.64,No.4,pp.353-378 2013.10
122. |
The 1998 Pension Reform in Hungary Revisited : What went Wrong with the Second Pillar? (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎, 佐藤 嘉寿子
『比較経済体制研究』 Vol.19,No.19,pp.51-73 2013.3 |
123. |
The Long-Term Development Path of Secondary Industry in Central Asia : A Comparative Analysis Based on 100-year Statistics (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『アジア経済』 Vol.54,No.1,pp.2-46 2013.3
124. |
Diffusion of Innovation in Service Firms: Hungarian versus Slovakian Business Service Firms (Peer-reviewed) Makó, Cs, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Iwasaki, I, Szanyi, M
Journal for East European Management Studies Vol.18,No.1,pp.135-147 2013.1
125. |
The Nested Variable Model of FDI Spillover Effects: Estimation Using Hungarian Panel Data (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Makó, Cs, Szanyi, M
International Economic Journal Vol.26,No.4,pp.673-709 2012.12
126. |
ロシア企業の執行機関:株式会社のミクロ実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.63,No.2,pp.155-170 2012.9
127. |
A Note on Recent Developments in Comparative Economic Studies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suzuki, T
Journal of Comparative Economic Studies Vol.7,pp.23-31 2012.3
128. |
岩﨑一郎, 高千穂安長, 株式会社アンジェロセック
『平成23年度外務省ODA評価報告書』 2012.2 |
129. |
The Determinants of Corruption in Transition Economies (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suzuki, T
Economics Letters Vol.114,No.1,pp.54-60 2012.1
130. |
Government Directors and Business-State Relations in Russia (Peer-reviewed) Frye, T. M, Iwasaki, I
European Journal of Political Economy Vol.27,No.4,pp.642-658 2011.12
131. |
比較経済分析―市場経済化と国家の役割:第32回発展途上国研究奨励賞 受賞記念講演
『アジ研ワールド・トレンド』 Vol.193,No.10,pp.58-65 2011.11 |
132. |
Foreign Direct Investment, Information Spillover, and Export Decision: Evidence from Hungarian Firm-Level Data (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Makó, Cs, Szanyi, M
Journal of World Investment and Trade Vol.12,No.4,pp.487-518 2011.9
133. |
Innovation and Knowledge Development in the Knowledge Intensive Business Service Sector (Cross-country Comparison – Hungary versus Slovakia)
Makó, Cs, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Iwasaki, I, Szanyi, M
Baltic Rim Economies – Quarterly Review No.2,pp.47- 2011.4 |
134. |
サニ・ミクローシュ, 岩﨑一郎, チズマディア・ペーテル, イーレッシー・ミクローシュ, マコー・チャバ
『比較経済体制研究』 Vol.17,pp.45-70 2011.1
135. |
Organisational Culture and Corporate Governance in Russia: A Study of Managerial Turnover (Peer-reviewed) Abe, N, Iwasaki, I
Post-Communist Economies Vol.22,No.4,pp.449-470 2010.12
136. |
Industry Cluster and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from Hungary (Peer-reviewed) Lengyel, B, Iwasaki, I, Szanyi, M
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.51,No.2,pp.93-112 2010.10
137. |
Cluster Development in Hungary: Searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via Cluster Mapping (Peer-reviewed) Szanyi, M, Iwasaki, I, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Makó Cs
Dallago, B. and Guglielmetti, C. eds., Local Economies and Global Competitiveness, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke pp.113-133 2010.5
138. |
岩﨑 一郎
『月刊監査研究』 Vol.36,No.9,pp.23-52 2010.4
139. |
ロシア企業の取締役会構成:株式会社のミクロ実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.61,No.4,pp.358-379 2010.4
140. |
Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm Performance: A New Empirical Methodology and its Application to Hungary (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Szanyi, M, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Makó, Cs
European Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.7,No.2,pp.307-343 2010.4
141. |
The Relationship between Supplier Networks and Industrial Clusters: An Analysis Based on the Cluster Mapping Method (Peer-reviewed) Szanyi, M, Csizmadia, P, Illessy, M, Iwasaki, I, Makó, Cs
Eastern Journal of European Studies Vol.1,No.1,pp.87-112 2010.4
142. |
Impact of Corporate Governance and Performance on Managerial Turnover (Peer-reviewed) Abe, N, Iwasaki, I
Dolgopyatova, T. G., Iwasaki, I. and Yakovlev, A. A. eds., Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke pp.122-147 2009.5
143. |
Introduction (Peer-reviewed) Dolgopyatova, T. G, Iwasaki, I, Yakovlev, A. A
Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke Vol.19,pp.1-11 2009.5
144. |
Legal Form of Incorporation (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Dolgopyatova, T. G., Iwasaki, I. and Yakovlev, A. A. eds., Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke pp.62-88 2009.5
145. |
The Structure of Corporate Boards (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Dolgopyatova, T. G., Iwasaki, I. and Yakovlev, A. A. eds., Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke pp.89-121 2009.5
146. |
The Emergence of Russian Corporations: From the Soviet Enterprises to a Market Firm (Peer-reviewed) Dolgopyatova, T. G, Iwasaki, I, Yakovlev, A. A
Dolgopyatova, T. G., Iwasaki, I. and Yakovlev, A. A. eds., Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke pp.12-35 2009.5
147. |
Organizational Innovation in the Manufacturing Sector and the Knowledge Intensive Business Service
Makó, Cs, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Iwasaki, I, Szanyi, M
Competitio No.6,pp.91-121 2009.4
148. |
EU Enlargement and Foreign Direct Investment into Transition Economies Revisited (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suganuma, K
Transnational Corporations Vol.18,No.3,pp.27-57 2009.4
149. |
Российский бизнес 20 лет спустя: путь от социалистического предприятия к рыночной фирме (Peer-reviewed) Долгопятова, Т. Г, Ивасаки, И, Яковлев, А
Мир России No.4,pp.89-114 2009.4
150. |
A gazdasági tevékenység sűrűsödési pontjainak (klaszterek) vizsgálata (Peer-reviewed) Szanyi, M, Csizmadia, P, Illéssy, M, Iwasaki, I, Makó Cs
Statisztikai Szemle Vol.87,No.9,pp.921-936 2009.4
151. |
The determinants of corruption in transition economies: an empirical assessment (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 鈴木拓
Bulletin of the Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies Vol.46,No.1,pp.97-14 2009.4
152. |
国家所有・私有化・企業再建:ハンガリー企業の実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.60,No.1,pp.29-46 2009.4
153. |
The Determinants of Board Composition in A Transforming Economy: Evidence from Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Journal of Corporate Finance Vol.14,No.5,pp.532-549 2008.12
154. |
Эндогенность состава совета директоров: детерминанты в переходной экономике на примере российских компаний
Ивасаки, И
Корпоративное управление и устойчивое развитие бизнеса: Стратегическая роль советов директоров, Издательтсво Европа, Москва pp.131-132 2008.9 |
155. |
Gal, I, Iwasaki, I, Szeman, Zsu
Gal, R. I., Iwasaki, I. and Szeman, Zs., eds., Assessing Intergenerational Equity: An Interdisciplinary Study of Aging and Pension Reform in Hungary, Academiai Kiado, Budapest pp.13-21 2008.5
156. |
Mandatory Pension Funds: The Second Pillar
Iwasaki, I, Sato. K
Gal, R. I., Iwasaki, I. and Szeman, Zs., eds., Assessing Intergenerational Equity: An Interdisciplinary Study of Aging and Pension Reform in Hungary, Academiai Kiado, Budapest pp.87-110 2008.5
157. |
池本修一, 岩﨑一郎, 杉浦史和
池本修一・岩﨑一郎・杉浦史和 編著『グローバリゼーションと体制移行の経済学』文眞堂 pp.1-11 2008.4
158. |
岩﨑 一郎
池本修一・岩﨑一郎・杉浦史和 編著『グローバリゼーションと体制移行の経済学』文眞堂 pp.165-184 2008.4
159. |
ロシア経済体制転換の15年 : 回顧と展望(下) (Peer-reviewed) 西村可明, 岩﨑一郎, 杉浦史和
『世界経済評論』 Vol.51,No.12,pp.30-44 2007.12
160. |
ロシア経済体制転換の15年 : 回顧と展望(上) (Peer-reviewed) 西村可明, 岩﨑一郎, 杉浦史和
『世界経済評論』 Vol.51,No.11,pp.23-30 2007.11
161. |
Transition Strategy, Corporate Exploitation, and State Capture: An Empirical Analysis of the Former Soviet States (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki,I, Suzuki, T
Communist and Post-Communist Studies Vol.40,No.4,pp.393-422 2007.10
162. |
Legal Forms of Joint Stock Companies and Corporate Behavior in Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Problems of Economic Transition Vol.50,No.5,pp.73-86 2007.9
163. |
Организационно-правовая форма компании: выбор формы и корпоративная эффективность (Peer-reviewed) Ивасаки, И
Российская корпорация: внутренняя организация, внешние взаймодействия, перспективы развития. Под ред. Долгопятовой, Т. Г., Ивасаки, И., Яковлева, А. А., Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, Москва pp.62-86 2007.6 |
164. |
Корпоративное право и организационный выбор: OAO versus ZAO
Ивасаки, И
Модернизация экономики и государство. Под ред. Е. Г. Ясина, Издательский дом ГУ ВШЭ Vol.3,pp.98-110 2007.6 |
165. |
Влияние корпоративного управления и эффективности бизнеса на смену менеджмента в компаниях (Peer-reviewed) Абе, Н, Ивасаки, И
Российская корпорация: внутренняя организация, внешние взаймодействия, перспективы развития. Под ред. Долгопятовой, Т. Г., Ивасаки, И., Яковлева, А. А., Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, Москва pp.260-29 2007.6 |
166. |
Reasons for Focusing on Corporate Restructuring and Governance to Understand Transition Economies
Dallago, B, Iwasaki, I
Dallago, B. and Iwasaki, I. eds., Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition Economies, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke pp.1-11 2007.4 |
167. |
岩﨑 一郎
『HQ - Hitotsubashi Quarterly』 No.15,pp.26-27 2007.4
168. |
Enterprise Reform and Corporate Governance in Russia: A Quantitative Survey (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.21,No.2,pp.849-902 2007.4
169. |
岩﨑一郎, 菅沼桂子
小川英治編著『EUスタディーズ2・経済統合』 勁草書房 pp.147-179 2007.4
170. |
Corporate Law and Governance Mechanism in Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki. I
Dallago, B. and Iwasaki, I. eds., Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition Economies, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke pp.213-249 2007.4
171. |
Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Dallago, B. and Iwasaki, I. eds., Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition Economies, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke pp.178-210 2007.4
172. |
西村可明, 岩﨑一郎, 杉浦史和
『BRICs諸国の経済改革と今後の課題に関する調査』(平成18年度内閣府委託調査報告書),日本総合研究所 pp.71-110 2007.3 |
173. |
『ロシアNIS調査月報』 Vol.52,No.1,pp.74-80 2007.2
174. |
Правовая форма акционерных обществ и корпоративное поведение в России (Peer-reviewed) Ивасаки, И
Вопросы Экономики No.1,pp.112-123 2007.1
175. |
Организационный выбор формы акционерной компании: ОАО versus ЗАО
Ивасаки, И
Интеграционные процессы, корпоративное управление и менеджмент в российских компаниях. Под ред. Т. Долгопятовой, Серия «Научные доклады: независимый экономический анализ», № 180, М.: Московский общественный научный фонд pp.60-74 2006.6 |
176. |
Корпоративное право и организационный выбор: открытые и закрытые акционерные общества в России (Peer-reviewed) Ивасаки, И
Российский Журнал Менеджмента Vol.4,No.3,pp.55-76 2006.4
177. |
岩﨑一郎, 佐藤嘉寿子
西村可明 編著『移行経済諸国の年金改革:中東欧・旧ソ連諸国の経験と日本への教訓』ミネルヴァ書房 pp.111-138 2006.4
178. |
Transition and Corruption in the Former Soviet States (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 鈴木拓
The Economic review Vol.57,No.2,pp.151-164 2006.4
179. |
旧社会主義諸国の市場経済移行戦略に学ぶ : 『中央アジア体制移行経済の制度分析 : 政府-企業間関係の進化と経済成果』の研究成果と政策含意
岩﨑 一郎
『NIRA政策研究』 Vol.18,No.11,pp.74-77 2005.11
180. |
Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in Russia (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Suganuma, K
Post-Communist Economies Vol.17,No.2,pp.153-172 2005.6
181. |
Private Pension Funds in Hungary: Politics, Institutions, and Performance (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I, Sato, K
Acta-Oeconomica Vol.55,No.3,pp.287-315 2005.4
182. |
新世紀ロシアのコーポレート・ガバナンス (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.56,No.2,pp.162-185 2005.4
183. |
ロシア企業の法制構造 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『経済研究』 Vol.54,No.3,pp.223-236 2004.4
184. |
The New Pension System and Private Pension Funds in Hungary (Peer-reviewed) IWASAKI Ichiro, SATO Kazuko
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.41,No.2,pp.14-30 2004.4
185. |
市場経済移行とマクロ経済実績:分極化する経済システム (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
岩﨑一郎・宇山智彦・小松久男編著『現代中央アジア論:変貌する政治・経済の深層』日本評論社 pp.177-199 2004.4
186. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Corporate Restructuring in Hungary
Iwasaki, I
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.45,No.2,pp.93-118 2004.4
187. |
岩﨑一郎, 片山博文, 輪島実樹
『ロシア東欧貿易調査月報』 Vol.49,No.10,pp.1-38 2004.4 |
188. |
EU Accession and FDI Incentives in Hungary (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎, 佐藤嘉寿子
Slavic studies. No.51,pp.209-239 2004.4 |
189. |
Corporate Law and Governance System in Russia
Iwasaki, I
Beyond Transition (World Bank) Vol.15,No.1,pp.11 2004.4
190. |
岩﨑 一郎
森田憲・吉野久生編『移行経済諸国における社会主義の負の遺産と開発』(調査研究報告書) アジア経済研究所 pp.95-31 2004.4 |
191. |
Evolution of the Government-Business Relationship and Economic Performance in the Former Soviet States - Order State, Rescue State, Punish State (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Economics of Planning Vol.36,No.3,pp.223-257 2004.4
192. |
The Governance Mechanism of Russian Firms: Its Self-Enforcing Nature and Limitations (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Post-Communist Economies Vol.15,No.4,pp.503-531 2003.12
193. |
『外務省中東欧支援人材バンク事業調査報告書』 2003.6 |
194. |
Restructuring of Industrial Technology in Transition Economies (Peer-reviewed) Nagaoka Sadao, Iwasaki Ichiro
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.40,No.1,pp.1-7 2003.4
195. |
岩﨑 一郎
森田憲・吉野久生編『移行経済諸国における経済改革と開発の展望』(調査研究報告書)アジア経済研究所 pp.129-160 2003.4 |
196. |
岩﨑 一郎
宇山智彦編著『中央アジアを知るための60章』明石書店 pp.82-86 2003.4
197. |
市場経済への移行(1):法改革・自由化・私有化,市場経済への移行(2):経済システムの多様化と実績 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑一郎
宇山智彦編著『中央アジアを知るための60章』 pp.254-236 2003.4 |
198. |
The State Budget Compilation Process in Russia: Institutional Framework and Practice (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Post-Communist Economies Vol.14,No.3,pp.301-319 2002.9
199. |
Observations on Economic Reform in Tajikistan: Legislative and Institutional Framework (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Eurasian Geography and Economics Vol.43,No.6,pp.493-504 2002.6
200. |
岩﨑 一郎
『ロシア東欧貿易調査月報』 Vol.47,No.1,pp.50-76 2002.4 |
201. |
岩﨑 一郎
『ロシアの対外債務問題と財政・金融事情』(財務省委嘱調査報告書) 国際金融情報センター pp.73-93 2002.4 |
202. |
岩﨑 一郎
松島吉洋・吉野久生編『中央アジア諸国における経済改革:東欧諸国や日本の経験を踏まえて』(調査研究報告書)アジア経済研究所 pp.207-222 2002.4 |
203. |
岩﨑 一郎
『カザフスタン民営化の現状』(中央アジア・コーカサス諸国関係経済改革支援基礎調査事業報告書) ロシア東欧貿易会ロシア東欧経済研究所 pp.13-52 2002.4 |
204. |
中央アジア諸国の政府-企業間関係と経済成果:命令国家 対 救済国家 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『アジア経済』 Vol.43,No.3,pp.29-49 2002.4 |
205. |
Government-Business Relationship and Economic Performance in Central Asia
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics Vol.39,No.1,pp.131-132,213 2002
206. |
中央アジア比較経済体制移行論:市場経済移行期の政府-企業間関係 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
経済学博士号取得論文(一橋大学) 2001.7
207. |
トルクメニスタンの新産業組織体制と企業改革 (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
『ロシア研究』 No.33,pp.118-133 2001.4 |
208. |
Diversification of Industrial Organization and Corporate Governance in the Republic of Kazakhstan : A Case Study on the Government-Business Relationship in Transition (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
Slavic studies. No.48,pp.29-65 2001.4 |
209. |
Radical Structural Reforms and Enterprise Performance in the Kyrgyz Republic : An Institutional Approach (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
Slavic studies. No.47,pp.37-69 2000.4
210. |
ウズベキスタンの市場経済化政策と政府-企業間関係 : 再論
岩﨑 一郎
『ロシア東欧貿易調査月報』 Vol.45,No.10,pp.37-70 2000.4 |
211. |
Industrial Structure and Regional Development in Central Asia: A Microdata Analysis on Spatial Allocation of Industry (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki, I
Central Asian Survey Vol.19,No.1,pp.157-183 2000.4
212. |
岩﨑 一郎
西村可明編著『旧ソ連・東欧における国際経済関係の新展開』日本評論社 pp.219-258 2000.3
213. |
岩﨑 一郎
『比較経済体制学会会報』 Vol.36,No.1,pp.51-59 1999.4
214. |
岩﨑一郎, 岡奈津子
重点領域研究「スラブ・ユーラシアの変動」報告輯No. 70) 北海道大学スラブ研究センター 1998.4 |
215. |
岩﨑 一郎
清水学編『中央アジア:市場化の現段階と課題』(研究双書第489号)アジア経済研究所 pp.33-66 1998.4
216. |
岩﨑 一郎
源河朝典編『対アゼルバイジャン我が国開発援助の在り方』 (外務省開発援助研究最終報告書) pp.27-51 1998.4 |
217. |
岩﨑 一郎
『旧ソ連・東欧諸国における市場経済の形成』(平成8年度自主研究報告書) 日本国際問題研究所 pp.78-90 1997.4 |
218. |
Path-Dependency of Russo-Central Asian Economic Relations in Transition (Peer-reviewed) Iwasaki Ichiro
Slavic studies Vol.44,No.44,pp.181-205 1997.4
219. |
岩﨑 一郎
清水学編『中央アジア:市場経済化と国家の役割』 (アジア経済研究所調査研究報告書) アジア経済研究所 pp.47-73 1997.4 |
220. |
ソ連邦の地域開発政策:中央アジアにおける社会主義的工業配置問題を中心に (Peer-reviewed) 岩﨑 一郎
経済学修士号取得論文(一橋大学) 1997.1 |
221. |
岩﨑 一郎
清水学・松島吉洋編『中央アジアの市場経済化:カザフスタンを中心に』(研究双書第461号)アジア経済研究所 pp.35-69 1996.4
222. |
岩﨑 一郎
『経済セミナー』 No.469,pp.31-38 1994.2 |
223. |
岩﨑 一郎
『エコノミスト』(6月22日号) Vol.71,No.27,pp.74-79 1993.6 |
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
Corporate Frauds and Crimes in Emerging Markets,(International Conference “Conflicts in the Global Economy and the Resilience of State-Led Capitalist Economic Systems”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2025.2.15 |
2. |
Corporate Crime in Emerging Markets(CIAS Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2025.1.15 |
3. |
Introduction to Meta-Analysis for Young Researches: With Application to the Wage Study in China and Eastern Europe(Global Research Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.11.21 |
4. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.10.12 |
5. |
Corporate Frauds and Crimes in Emerging Markets(EACES 2024 Belgrade Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.9.12 |
6. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.8.22 |
7. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.5.11 |
8. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.3.15 |
9. |
コロナ禍沖縄の 企業生存確率:九州7県との比較(琉球大学国際地域創造学部経済学ワークショップ)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.2.2 |
10. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.17 |
11. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.14 |
12. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.10 |
13. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.3.24 |
14. |
Wage Functions in China and Eastern Europe: A Large-Scale Comparative Meta-Analysis(International Seminar of the Joint Usage/Research Center of Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.1.31 |
15. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.1.6 |
16. |
Finance and Growth Around the World: A Meta-Analytic Journey(MAER-Net 2022 Kyoto Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.10.8 |
Kyoto University: Kyoto |
17. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.8.29 |
18. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.6.12 |
19. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.5.15 |
20. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.5.14 |
21. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.3.6 |
22. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.3.5 |
23. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.2.23 |
24. |
Economic Activities and COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis(International Conference “30 Years of Post-Soviet Transition in Russia and CIS: A View from East Asia”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.10.12 |
25. |
Comparative Economic Studies of Transition: Six Lessons from Meta-Analyses and Analytical Reviews of the Literature(EACES the 16th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.9.13 |
26. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.8.29 |
27. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.7.31 |
28. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.12.19 |
29. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.12.19 |
30. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.11.29 |
31. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.6.26 |
32. |
Institutions, Financial Development, and Small Business Survival(Kyoto International Workshop of Advanced Study on Transition Economics and Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.3.4 |
33. |
Four Lessons from the Transition Studies(International Symposium “State and Market in the Eurasian Emerging Markets”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.1.25 |
34. |
Does Investor Protection Increase Foreign Direct Investment?(MAER-NET 2019 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.12 |
35. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.9.24 |
36. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.8.23 |
37. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.5.20 |
38. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.5.12 |
39. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.3.24 |
40. |
Introduction to Meta-Analysis in Economics and its Application to the Study of Managerial Turnover in China and Eastern Europe(CCES Lecture on Modern Economics No. 588)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.12.18 |
41. |
Ownership Structure and Managerial Turnover in China and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Meta-Analysis(Kyoto International Workshop Advanced Study on Transition Economics and Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.11.7 |
42. |
Ownership Structure and Managerial Turnover in Transition Economies(MAER-NET 2018 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.4 |
43. |
Institutions and Determinants of Firm Survival in European Emerging Markets(EACES the 15h Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.9.7 |
44. |
Institutions and Determinants of Firm Survival in European Emerging Markets(10th Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.6.13 |
45. |
Firm Failure in Russia During Economic Crises and Growth: A Large Survival Analysis(XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.4.12 |
46. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.2.6 |
47. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.1.24 |
48. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.1.19 |
49. |
Firm Survival in New EU Member Countries: 2007-2015(Kyoto International Conference and EACES Asia Workshop on the Future of Transition Economics: Emerging Multinationals and the Historical Perspectives)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.12.8 |
50. |
国際論壇における日本発ロシア・東欧経済研究(ロシア・東欧学会JSSEES 2017年合同研究大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.10.22 |
51. |
Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance: A Large Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature(MAER-NET 2017 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.10.13 |
52. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.9.17 |
53. |
Survival of Russian Firms During the Crisis Period(Research Seminar of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.6.21 |
54. |
Corporate Governance System in Russia: Is East Different from West? The Determinants of Economic Crisis and Recovery in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis, Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis(2nd World Congress of Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.6.15 |
55. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.5.19 |
56. |
The Determinants of Economic Crisis and Recovery in Transition Economies: A Large Meta-Analysis(International Conference on Comparing Policy Agendas in Emerging Economies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.3.21 |
57. |
Corporate Governance System in Russia: Is East Different from West?(Russian-Japanese Seminar on Market Quality in the Russian Far East from the Viewpoint of Company Management)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.3.3 |
58. |
The Determinants of Economic Crisis and Recovery, Central Bank Independence and Inflation, Post-Privatization Ownership and Firm Performance, Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI(Kyoto International Conference on Frontier of Transition Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.2.23 |
59. |
Two Tales of Transition Economies: Implication for Possible North Korean Transition(Invited Seminar of Department of Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.12.15 |
60. |
The Impact of Crisis on Firm Creation and Destruction in Russia: Regional Panel Data Analysis(IER-wiiw Joint Workshop on Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.12.1 |
61. |
Decline and Growth in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis(MAER-NET 2016 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.9.16 |
62. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.9.7 |
63. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.27 |
64. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.7 |
65. |
Firm Entry and Exit during a Crisis Period: Evidence from Russian Regions(XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.4.21 |
66. |
What We Learnt from the Russian Experience during the Global Financial Crisis: A Corporate Governance Perspective(XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.4.20 |
67. |
Post-Privatization Ownership and Firm Performance: A Large-Scale Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature(International Conference on Diversity of Institutional Settings and Path-dependency in Transition Economies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.2.23 |
68. |
Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Transition Economies: A Comparative Meta-Analysis with Developed and Developing Economies(MAER-NET 2015 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.9.11 |
69. |
Radicalism versus Gradualism: An Analytical Survey of the Transition Strategy Debate(EBRD Research Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.7.10 |
70. |
25 Years of the Transition Strategy Debate: An Analytical Survey; Privatization, Ownership Structure, and Firm Performance: A Comparative Meta-Analysis of Transition Literature; Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis(The First World Congress of Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.6.25 |
71. |
Ownership Change and Corporate Governance Evolution: Russian Firms before and after the Global Financial Crisis(2015 KIER International Conference on Sustainability of Russian Economy: between Modernization and Crisis)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.3.7 |
72. |
Radicalism versus Gradualism: An Analytical Review(International Workshop on the Global Politics-Economics of the Pacific Rim Area)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.2.27 |
73. |
外国直接投資とマクロ経済成長,外国直接投資の技術移転効果,企業私有化と経営再建,中央銀行独立性のインフレーション抑制効果,移行戦略論争:急進主義 対 漸進主義(比較移行経済論の確立:市場経済化20年史のメタ分析公開ワークショップ)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.1.24 |
74. |
Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience(International Conference “Comparative Analysis of Change Related to Institutions and Policies after the Global Crisis: Dynamics and Configuration of the World Political Economy”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.12.6 |
75. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.10.5 |
76. |
Radicalism versus Gradualism: A Systematic Review(MAER-NET 2014 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.9.11 |
77. |
Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis(EACES the 13th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.9.4 |
78. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.6.9 |
79. |
Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Study(Pacific Rim Conference 3: Financial and Economic Links and Institutions for Prosperity)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.5.14 |
80. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.1.23 |
81. |
Macroeconomic Impacts of FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Study(MAER-NET 2013 Colloquium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.9.7 |
82. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.6.1 |
83. |
Macroeconomic Impacts of FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Study(The Pacific Rim Economies: Institutions, Transition and Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.4.24 |
84. |
Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience(XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.4.3 |
85. |
Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience(WEAI the 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.3.15 |
86. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.3.5 |
87. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.1.29 |
88. |
Russian Foreign Trade in the Former Soviet Union: A Comment(2012 Asian Historical Economics Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.9.14 |
89. |
20-Year Development in Comparative Economic Studies in Japan(EACES 12th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.9.8 |
90. |
Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience(EACES 12th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.9.7 |
91. |
Executive Board: The Russian Experience(The ACES, JACES and SSEM Joint International Conference on Economic and Financial System Development in the Pacific-Rim Region)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.5.1 |
92. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.3.9 |
93. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.12.5 |
94. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.11.1 |
95. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.10.1 |
96. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.6.1 |
97. |
Economic Transition, Firm Organization, and Internal Control: Determinants of Audit Structure in Russian Firms(EBRD Conference on Diversification of the Russian Economy)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.2.1 |
98. |
The Concentric-Circle Model of FDI Spillover Effects: Estimation Using Hungarian Panel Data(EACES the 11th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.8.1 |
99. |
Double-Edged Sword: Government Directorship and Firm Behavior in Russia(ICCEES VIII World Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.7.1 |
100. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.6.1 |
101. |
The Concentric-Circle Structure of FDI Productivity Spillovers: The Case of Manufacturing and Business Service Sectors in Hungary(The 3rd International Service and Outsourcing Conference, Hungarian Service and Outsourcing Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.10.1 |
102. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.6.1 |
103. |
Hungarian Managers in Multinationals: An Outlook(International Conference "Apparent Antithesis: Globalization and Local Development")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.10.1 |
104. |
State Control, Ownership Transformation, and Firm Restructuring: Hungarian Firms in the Post Large-scale Privatization Period(EACES the 10th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.8.1 |
105. |
State Control, Ownership Transformation, and Firm Restructuring in Hungary(EUIJ and Bocconi University Joint International Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.7.1 |
106. |
Расширение Евросоюза и прямые иностранные инвестиции в страны с переходной эконоикой(Совместный семинар Института фундаментальных междисциплинарных исследований и Института анализа предпритий и рынков)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.11.1 |
107. |
Детерминаны структуры советов директоров в переходной экономике(Вторая международная конференция ≪Корпоративное управление и устойчиое развитие бизнеса: тратегиеские роли советов директоров≫)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.11.1 |
108. |
EU Enlargement and Foreign Direct Investment into Transition Economies(The International Symposium of Joint Study Group "EU Economy")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.9.1 |
109. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.6.1 |
110. |
Board Formation and Its Endogeneity in Russian Firms: An Empirical Study(Высшая школа экономики VIII Международная научная конференция ≪Модернизация экономики и общественное развитие≫)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.4.1 |
111. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.4.1 |
112. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.10.1 |
113. |
Private Sector Involvement in Innovation Policy-making: A Comment(The Second International Workshop of Joint Study Group "EU Economy" of EUIJ Tokyo Consortium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.9.1 |
114. |
Corporate Law and Organizational Choice: Open versus Closed Joint-stock companies in Russia / Impact of Corporate Governance and Performance on Managerial Turnover in Russian Firms(EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) the 9th Bi-annual Conference "Development Strategies ? A Comparative View,")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.9.1 |
115. |
Корпоративное право и организационный выбор: Открытые и закрытые акционерные общества в России(Высшая школа экономики VII Международная научная конференция ≪Модернизация экономики и государств≫)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.4.1 |
116. |
ロシアの企業改革とコーポレート・ガバナンス(一橋大学秋季公開講座「ロシア経済のいま」 第4回講義)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.10.1 |
117. |
Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary(The First International Workshop of Joint Study Group "EU Economy")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.9.1 |
118. |
"Corporate Governance in Bulgarian Companies: A Comment," Panel VI.15 "Corporate Governance in Transition Economies in Comparative Perspective,"(ICCEES VII World Congress "Europe ? Our Common Home?" International Council for Central and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.7.1 |
119. |
Evolution of Corporate Governance in Russia(The Japanese-Hungarian Joint Workshop on "Corporate Finance and Governance in Eastern and Central Eastern Europe,")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.7.1 |
120. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.6.1 |
121. |
Pension Funds in Hungary: Politics, Institutions, and Performance(the 5th PIE International Workshop "Economics of Intergenerational Equity in Transition Economies,")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.3.1 |
122. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Corporate Restructuring in Hungary(The International Workshop on Corporate Governance in Transition Economies: The Case of Hungary)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.11.1 |
123. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.11.1 |
124. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.10.1 |
125. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.6.1 |
126. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.6.1 |
127. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.3.1 |
128. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2001.6.1 |
129. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2000.2.1 |
130. |
The Initial Phase of Transition of Russo-Central Asian Economic Relations: An Institutional Approach(The Islamic Area Studies Project: The Third Central Asian Research Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
1998.10.1 |
131. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
1998.6.1 |
132. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
1997.1.1 |