1. |
Predictive Value of Horizon Scanning for Future Scenarios (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Washida, Yuichi, Yahata, Akihisa
Foresight 2020.9 |
2. |
Low-Risk Innovative Ideas with High Self-Confidence: Innovation Process Characteristics in Asean Countries (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Furue, N, Aziz, Y. A, Mori, K, Hermawan, A. A, Assarut, N, Uehara, W, Washida, Y
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 2020.2
3. |
Socio-technological scenarios of Japan's future energy issues in 2050 based on scanning-based foresight method (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田 祐一
Foresight 2019.6
4. |
Foresight Activities Using Horizon Scanning Method (jointly worked)
Oukan Vol.12,No.2,pp.89-97 2018.9 |
5. |
How Should Japanese Companies Build Absorptive Capacity at the Team Level? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Xiang Yu, Yuichi Washida
PICMET '18 2018.8 |
6. |
Application of DNA markers for discrimination between Japanese and Australian Wagyu beef (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fuki KAWAGUCHI, Yuto KITAMURA, Ryuji NAKAJIMA, Masayoshi TAKAHASHI, Hiroaki GOTO, Yuichi WASHIDA, Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO, Shinji SASAZAKI, Hideyuki MANNEN
Animal Science Journal Vol.89,No.1,pp.257-258 2018.1
7. |
アジア大洋州に おける未来洞察 の政策・戦略立 案における活用状況 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 七丈直弘, 鷲田祐一
研究イノベーション学会第32回年次学術大会 2017.10 |
8. |
Scanning and Design Thinking: Organizational Roles for Innovation (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Nanami Furue, Yuichi Washida
Foresight 2017.10 |
9. |
Comparative Analysis of Idea Generating Processes in Emerging and Developed Countries; Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Nanami Furue, Yuichi Washida
Proceedings of PICMET ’17 2017.7 |
10. |
モザイク型AI普及社会への「備え」の必要性 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田 祐一, 七丈 直弘
マーケティングジャーナル 2017.7 |
11. |
The difference in foresight using the scanning method between experts and non-experts (Peer-reviewed) Hidehito Honda, Yuichi Washida, Akihito Sudo, Yuichiro Wajima, Keigo Awata, Kazuhiro Ueda
12. |
未来洞察手法を用いて考案した2025年の新国立競技場のシナリオ (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田祐一, 渡邉恵一郎, 田中孔明, 加藤木藤子
第7回横幹連合コンファレンス 2016.11 |
13. |
ユーザーイノベーションのプロモーション効果及び普及に対する影響 -『刀剣乱舞-ONLINE-』と二次創作- (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 李肖霄, 鷲田祐一
日本マーケティング学会大会紀要集 2016.10 |
14. |
新興国におけるイノベーションの促進および阻害要因 -日尼アイデア比較実験- (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 古江奈々美, 鷲田祐一
日本マーケティング学会大会紀要集 2016.10 |
15. |
A qualitative research on the difference of expectation to NPD related to two occupational categories in Japanese enterprises (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Nanami Furue, Yuichi Washida
Proceedings of PICMET ’16 2016.9 |
16. |
ワークショップ型会議での非言語コミュニケーションの特徴分析 (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田 祐一
組織科学 Vol.49,No.4,pp.16-28 2016.9 |
17. |
伝統文化技能伝承のこれから -博多織DC、これまでの10 年、これからの10 年- (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 田村大, 鷲田祐一
日本デザイン学会 第63回研究発表大会紀要集 2016.7 |
18. |
文書の多様性指標の提案とオンラインニュース記事の分析 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 須藤明人, 鷲田祐一, 本田秀仁, 和嶋雄一郎, 粟田恵吾, 植田一博
第8回webインテリジェンスとインタラクション研究会 2016.6 |
19. |
未来洞察の手法とイノベーションの概念 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 古江奈々美, 鷲田祐一
日本マーケティング学会大会紀要集 2015.11 |
20. |
多様な視点で未来を見る: 未来に関するアイデア生成プロセスにおけるエキスパートとノンエキスパートの違い (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 本田秀仁, 鷲田祐一, 須藤明人, 粟田恵吾, 植田一博
日本認知科学第32回大会発表論文集 2015.9 |
21. |
A Comparative Study of a Product Planning Experiment between Thailand and Japan: Why have Specific Innovations in Emerging Countries been Realized? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 古江奈々美, 鷲田祐一
PICMET'15 2015.8 |
22. |
Are Geeks Driving Out the Fashion Industry? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 北浦さおり, 鷲田祐一
PICMET'15 2015.8 |
23. |
Foresight of Automotive Marketing : Past and Future of 10-year Scenarios
鷲田 祐一
自動車技術 Vol.69,No.6,pp.18-25 2015.6
24. |
Cost Reduction and Efficiency Obstruct Japanese Design Industry - US-Japan-China Comparative Survey Result (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida
日本デザイン学会 第62回研究発表大会 2015.6 |
25. |
Multinational Comparisons of Designer's role in Business Process: US-Japan-China Comparison Survey Result
Yuichi Washida
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.62,No.4,pp.52-63 2015.3
26. |
Nextcom Vol.20,No.4,pp.14-3 2014.12 |
27. |
豪州産WAGYUの海外市場流通状況把握と、DNAチップ技術によるオンサイト品種検査体制整備についての検討 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田祐一, 後藤浩朗, 高橋匡慶, 中嶋隆二, 万年英之
日本マーケティング学会大会紀要集 2014.10 |
28. |
Do Foreign Creative Industry Products Contribute to the Promotion of Products imported from the Same Country?: Case of Japanese and Korean Products in Emerging Economies (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) W, Uehara, Y, Washida, T. Matsui
2014 Global Marketing Conference 2014.7 |
29. |
Applying DNA Chip Technology to Distribution of Agricultural Products (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida, Hiroaki Goto, Masayoshi Takahashi, Ryuji Nakajima, Nobuhiro Gemma, Hideyuki Mannen
PICMET ’14 2014.7 |
30. |
Conception of the Inductive Reverse Innovation by Developed-Country Multinational Enterprises (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Nanami Furue, Yuichi Washida
PICMET ’14 2014.7 |
31. |
Cross-Border Gatekeeper of Foreign Creative Industry Products: The Case of Manga (Japanese Comics) and Sushi in French Market (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) T, Matsui, S, Suzuki, Y. Washida
2014 Global Marketing Conference 2014.7 |
32. |
The Influences of Ways of Information Gathering by using Internet on Idea Generation (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichiro Wajima, Jun Ashikaga, Yuichi Washida, Kazuhiro Ueda
人工知能学会論文集 Vol.28,pp.1-4 2014.5
33. |
Exporting and Importing Creative Industry Products in Asian Markets: Exploring the Role of Cross-Border Gatekeepers (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) T., Matsui, W. Uehara, Y. Washida
the 1st International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations 2014.3 |
34. |
先進国企業によるリバースイノベーションの可能性 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 古江奈々美, 鷲田祐一
日本マーケティング学会大会紀要集 2013.10 |
35. |
Improvement in Quality of Business Ideas by Introducing User Perspective (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichiro Wada, Yuichi Washida, Naoki Tominaga, Kazuhiro Ueda
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol.28,No.5,pp.409-419 2013.7 |
36. |
Practical Challenges in Exploring Japanese Design Indutry in China: Study of Japan Design+ Project
Yuichi Washida
『デザイン学研究特集号』, 第19巻第1号 Vol.19,No.1 2012.6 |
37. |
Mapping of associations between in-store and online purchases: A proposal for a new product recommendation method (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida, Hiroaki Tanaka, Kazuhiro Ueda
International Marketing Trends Conferenc2012 2012.1 |
38. |
The Important Role of Information and Cognitive Features in Idea Generation for Innovation (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) UEDA Kazuhiro, WASHIDA Yuichi, ARITA Akio, SHIMIZU Takashi
Cognitive studies Vol.17,No.3,pp.611-634 2010.9 |
39. |
Can Diverse Information Improve Idea Generation? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) KIYOKAWA Sachiko, WASHIDA Yuichi, UEDA Kazuhiro, PENG Eileen
Cognitive studies Vol.17,No.3,pp.635-649 2010.9 |
40. |
Reversal of Influence: Decrease of Innovator's Influence under Information Diversification (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yukihisa Fujita, Yuichi Washida, Fujio Toriumi, Kazuhiro Ueda, Kenichiro Ishii
AAMAS 2010 pp.1543-1544 2010.6 |
41. |
Modeling and Simulation of Information Diffusion Considering Information Diversification (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yukihisa Fujita, Yuichi Washida, Fujio Toriumi, Kazuhiro Ueda, Kenichiro Ishii
数理モデル化と応用 Vol.1,No.1,pp.1-13 2010.5 |
42. |
Relationship between the Diversity of Information and Idea Generation (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Sachiko Kiyokawa, Yuichi Washida, Kazuhiro Ueda, Eileen Peng
ACM Creativity & Cognition pp.385-386 2009.10 |
43. |
A future scenario generation experiment in socio-technological problems using scanning method (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida, Sachiko Mitsuishi, HIdeyuki Horii
Sociotechnica Vol.6,pp.1-15 2009.3
44. |
イノベーション・アイデアを発生させる需要側ネットワーク伝播構造の研究 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 鷲田祐一, 植田一博
情報処理学会論文誌 Vol.49,No.4,pp.1515-1526 2008.1 |
45. |
Demand Side Innovation Hypothesis in the Complex Consumer Network (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida, Kazuhiro Ueda, Yosuke Kinoshita, Keigo Awata
PICMET 06 pp.1749-1756 2006.7 |
46. |
Collaborative structure between Japanese high-tech manufacturers and consumers (Peer-reviewed) Yuichi Washida
Journal of Consumer Marketing Vol.22,No.1,pp.25-34 2005
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
Cross-Border Gatekeeper of Foreign Creative Industry Products: The Case of Manga (Japanese Comics) and Sushi in French Market(2014 Global Marketing Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.7.14 |
Singapore, Marina Bay Sands |
2. |
Do Foreign Creative Industry Products Contribute to the Promotion of Products imported from the Same Country?: Case of Japanese and Korean Products in Emerging Economies(2014 Global Marketing Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.7.14 |
Singapore, Marina Bay Sands |
3. |
Mapping of associations between in-store and online purchases: A proposal for a new product recommendation method(International Marketing Trends)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.1.19 |
ベネチア |
4. |
The effect of risk attitude on product choice(CogSci2011(The 33rd Annual Conference on Cognitive Science))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.7.20 |
5. |
What is more influential in idea generation for innovation: information or individual adoption category?(CogSci2011(The 33rd Annual Conference on Cognitive Science))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.7.20 |
6. |
Another “Innovator’s Dilemma” in the Demand Side: An Experimental Idea Generation Study in a Consumer Network(APFA7)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.3.1 |
7. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.9.5 |
8. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.3.17 |
9. |
Correlation between Word-of-Mouth Effects and New Media: Simulations of Japanese Media Environment Using Artificial Neural Network(Media in Transition 5)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.4.27 |
10. |
Examining the Small World Problem Using KeyGraph(WSTST05)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.5.25 |
11. |
Analysis of Diffusion Patterns of Knowledge and New Technology among Japanese Early Adopters: An Ethnological Study of Product Penetrations(IAMOT 2004)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.4.3 |