Graduate School of Language and Society
INOUE Mayumo

Books and Other Publications

1. Beyond Imperial Aesthetics: Theories of Art and Politics in East Asia
Mayumo Inoue, Steve Choe (Joint editor)
Hong Kong University Press 2019.5 (ISBN : 9789888455874)


1. "Between Studium and Punctum: Tomatsu Shomei and Nakahira Takuma between 'Japan' and 'Okinawa'" (Peer-reviewed)
Kaori Nakasone, Mayumo Inoue
Knowledge Production and Epistemic Decolonization at the End of Pax Americana pp.224-239 2023.7
2. "'Audience Distant Relative': Fugitive Transnationality and Poetic Form" (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue
A Companion to American Poetry (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture) pp.269-282 2022.4
Link Link
3. "The Ornament and Other Stateless 'Foreigners': A Dialogue on a Poetics of Unbordering" (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue, Jon Solomo, Lu Pan
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art Vol.8,No.1,pp.87-96 2021.9
doi Link
4. "Toward an Aesthetics and Erotics of Nonsovereign Rights in Okinawa" (Peer-reviewed)
The Subject(s) of Human Rights Crises, Violations, and Asian/American Critique pp.201-216 2019.12
5. "Introduction: Theorizing Beyond Imperial Aesthetics in East Asia" (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue, Steve Choe
Beyond Imperial Aesthetics: Theorizing Art and Politics in East Asia pp.1-19 2019.4
6. 「「であい」のマテリアリズム-清田政信におけるオブジェの落差」
井上 間従文
『あんやんばまん―清田政信の詩と思想へ』 Vol.1,No.1,pp.111-134 2019.4
7. "On the Form’s Edge: Adaniya Masayoshi’s Abstract Paintings and Biopolitics in US-Occupied Okinawa" (Peer-reviewed)
INOUE Mayumo
Beyond Imperial Aesthetics: Theories of Art and Politics in East Asia pp.147-173 2019.4
8. "Nations in Shame and Art’s Shame: Towards a Radical Politics of Image and Affect around 'Okinawa'" (Peer-reviewed)
INOUE Mayumo
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Vol.19,No.4,pp.536-550 2018.12
doi Link
9. 「結晶たちの「ヒロシマ」―諏訪敦彦の『H Story』と『A Letter from Hiroshima』」
井上 間従文
『忘却の記憶 広島』 2018.10
10. The Inter-State "Frames of War": On "Japan-US Friendship" and Okinawa in the Transpacific (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue
American Quarterly Vol.69,No.3,pp.491-499 2017.9
doi Link
11. "Objects across the Pacific: Poetic Interruptions of Global Sovereignty in Charles Olson and Kiyota Masanobu" (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue
Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture Vol.38,No.3,pp.297-326 2017.7
doi Link
12. 「ジェンダーと人権の切分法―崔洋一と新城兵一の「辺野古」 」
井上 間従文
『個人的なことと政治的なこと―ジェンダーとアイデンティティの力学』 pp.84-109 2017.3
13. 「鼓膜における受苦と情熱―新城兵一の詩作と「言語的共感域」」
井上 間従文
『宮古島文学』 Vol.12,pp.131-149 2017.3
14. 「生政治の線引きと分かち合う線描―ヒロシマから思考するチャールズ・オルソンとベン・シャーン」
井上 間従文
現代思想 Vol.44,No.15,pp.164-177 2016.8
15. "Cinematic folds underneath 'East Asia': Humorous traces of history in H Story and Secret Sunshine" (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue
Tamkang Review Vol.46,No.2,pp.63-85 2016
16. 「承認の外へ―根間智子と仲宗根香織の写真における「問い」としての沖縄」
井上 間従文
『ジェンダーにおける「承認」と「再分配」―格差、文化、イスラーム』 pp.201-224 2015.3
17. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's "phantomnation ": Cinematic specters and spectral collectivity in Dictée and Apparatus (Peer-reviewed)
Mayumo Inoue
Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts Vol.56,No.1,pp.63-87 2014.12
doi Link
18. 「時間の押し花を拡散させること-仲宗根香織の写真における「過去/未来」のイメージ-イメージ論に向けて(1)」
井上 間従文
las barcas Vol.別冊,pp.32-41 2014.10
19. 「根間智子、暗い部屋からつながる特異なかたち-イメージ論に向けて(2)」
井上 間従文
las barcas Vol.別冊,pp.83-91 2014.10
20. 「帝国の「ほつれた縁」、または、生政治の「孤島」たち―マシーセンとオルソンの『白鯨』論」
井上 間従文
『環大西洋の想像力―越境するアメリカン・ルネサンス文学』 pp.321-345 2013.3
21. 「石たちの「共感域」―1960年代の清田政信における「オブジェ」たちの共同性」
井上 間従文
Las Barcas Vol.2,pp.39-51 2012.12
22. 「物語の「根源」―諏訪敦彦の『2/Duo』と『H Story』」
井上 間従文
ECCE 映像と批評 Vol.3,No.3,pp.90-103 2012.5
23. 「「パレルゴン」の横断―安谷屋正義と沖縄の風景の「創造」」
井上 間従文
Las Barcas Vol.1,pp.55-64 2011.7
24. "Stones, Rocks, and Other Objects of History: Aesthetic Distributions of Memories in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and Kiyota Masanobu."
Mayumo Inoue
Nanzan Review of American Studies Vol.32,pp.187-200 2010.11
doi Link
25. "Senses of History: Singular Witnesses in Hou Hsiao-Hsien's <I>Café Lumière</I>" (Peer-reviewed)
井上 間従文
Art, Critique, Theory Vol.1,No.1,pp.94-105 2009.4
26. 「複製技術時代の錬金術ーテレサ・ハッキョン・チャの『ディクテ』」
井上 間従文
『異郷の身体―テレサ・ハッキョン・チャをめぐって』 pp.41-61 2006.2

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1. 「感覚の創造 沖縄から提示ー北米で展示とシンポ開催」
沖縄タイムス 2024.6
2. The Real and Its Shadow: Conversation with Kaori Nakasone and Mayumo Inoue
Trinh T. Minh-ha, Kaori Nakasone, Mayumo Inoue
Traveling in the Dark pp.252-277 2023.3
3. 「わたし」に立ち返り「声」を描写する――リンギスの受苦・情熱論
図書新聞 Vol.3537,pp.5 2022.3
4. 「「未来から手にいれた運動と詩」ー琉球大学マルクス主義研究会元メンバーとのインタビュー」
『あんやんばまんー清田政信研究会』 Vol.3,pp.4-25 2021.10
5. 「醜く、見えにくい美の抵抗ー根間智子「写真と絵画の間にー接近、露呈、腐食」に寄せて」
『人文・自然』 Vol.15,pp.176-179 2021.4
6. 書評『あいちトリエンナーレ「展示中止」事件―表現の不自由と日本』
北海道新聞 2020.2
7. "Passafe of Paysage, or, the Genesis of an Extimate Eyes: On the Margin of Simulacre"
INOUE Mayumo
Simulacre pp.1-4 2019.6
8. 「トパーズのノン・サイト-ロバート・スミッソンと日系アメリカ人にとっての美的技術」/ "The Non-Sites of Topaz: Aesthetic Technology for Robert Smithson and Japanese Americans"
INOUE Mayumo
Tokyo Shift: Responses pp.82-95 2019.6
9. "Review: Undoing the Form/Matter Divide in Avant-Garde American Poetics"
Mayumo Inoue
Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts Vol.59,No.3,pp.501-505 2018.5
doi Link
10. 「アマチュアの制作―「現代アート」と「資本の大学」から遠くへ」
井上 間従文
las barcas No.4 2017.9
11. 「展示会Untimely Encounter2016--Moment報告」
井上 間従文
琉球新報 2017.1
12. "Satoko Nema"
Mayumo Inoue
Untimely Encounter 2016--Moment (Exhibition Pamphlet) pp.40 2016.12
13. "Ryudai Takano"
Mayumo Inoue
Untimely Encounter 2016--Moment (Exhibition Pamphlet) pp.36 2016.12
14. 「展評 根間智子『paradigm』」
井上 間従文
沖縄タイムス 2016.2
15. “The Angels of History in Okinawa: On Takemine Gō and Higa Toyomitsu”
Mayumo Inoue
<I>Still Hear the Wound: Towards an Asia, Politics, Art to Come.</I> 2016.1
16. 「序文 「沖縄研究」における理論と出来事」
井上 間従文
『言語社会』 Vol.9,pp.8-9 2015.3
17. 「鼎談 「沖縄研究」への展望 : 「理論」と「実証」の植民地的配分を越えて」 (共著)
土井智義, 徳田匡, 成定洋子, 井上間従文
『言語社会』 Vol.9,No.9,pp.10-38 2015.3
doi Link
18. 「「貧しさ」の内奥から―映画、雑多性、公共性 諏訪敦彦インタビュー」
井上 間従文
ECCE 映像と批評 Vol.3,No.3,pp.4-22 2012.5
19. 書評 勝方=稲福恵子(KATSUKATA-INAFUKU Keiko)・前嵩西一馬(MAETAKENISHI Kazuma)(編)『沖縄学入門 : 空腹の作法』
井上 間従文, Inoue Mayumo
International journal of Okinawan studies Vol.2,No.1,pp.74-78 2011.6
Link Link
20. 「新自由主義時代における歴史の感覚:「再来」するブラック・アメリカとヒロシマ」
井上 間従文
『広島の現在と〈抵抗としての文化〉―政治、芸術、大衆文化』 2011.6
21. 書評『沖縄学入門【空腹の作法】』
井上 間従文
IJOS: International Journal of Okinawan Studies Vol.2,No.1,pp.39-43 2011.4
22. 「安谷屋正義展 その表現と思想(下):未知の沖縄描き続ける」
井上 間従文
沖縄タイムス 2011.3
23. 「諏訪敦彦監督講演会に寄せて:世界の豊かさを探求」
井上 間従文
琉球新報 2010.5
24. 書評「鳥山淳編著『イモとハダシー占領と現在』」
井上 間従文
琉球新報 2010.3
25. テレサ・ハッキョン・チャ作品解説(『シークレット・スピル』、『マウス・トゥ・マウス』『パーミュテーションズ』、『ビデオエム』、『リ・ディス・アピアリング』、『パッセージ・ペイザージュ』、『エグジレ』)
井上 間従文
山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2009カタログ 2009.10
26. 「中間地点で宙吊りにされてー『ディクテ』に関する韓国系アメリカ人の省察」
井上 間従文
『異郷の身体 テレサ・ハッキョン・チャをめぐって』 2006.3

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. "Ornamental Beings in This Crisis"(Asia Theory Workshop, 6G: Genesis, Generativity, Gender, Genetics, Genealogy, Genocide)
Holding date : 2024.12.13 - 2024.12.15
Presentation date : 2024.12.13
National Taiwan University
2. Response at the Artist Talk, "Living Otherwise: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Sense-Making from Okinawa"(Art and Scholarly Dialogue Series: Living Otherwise: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Sense-Making from Okinawa)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.3.28
University of Toronto
3. A Comment on Wendy Matsumura's Waiting for the Cool Moon: Anti-imperialist Struggles in the Heart of Japan's Empire(Book Launch: Waiting for the Cool Moon: Anti-imperialist Struggles in the Heart of Japan’s Empire by Wendy Matsumura)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.3.28
4. Living Otherwise: A De-imperial Mode of Aesthetics(Living Otherwise: Perspectives on Time, Space and Sense-Making from Okinawa)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.3.21
UC San Diego
5. Passages beyond Colonialism: Theories of Art and Politics
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.2.25
6. "How Are We to Reimagine the University Now?"(Asia Theories Network Workshop on the University : Colonial/Modern, Global/Neoliberal, Digital/Transversal)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.12.6
Ateneo de Manila University
7. The Orphic Undercommons and the University under Military Occupation(Asia Theories Network Workshop on the University : Colonial/Modern, Global/Neoliberal, Digital/Transversal)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.12.6
Ateneo de Manila University
8. World as Passages: A Conversation with Trinh T. Minh-ha(Renemia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.10.16
9. "Poetics of the Common and the Imperial Poiesis of the Nations in America’s Asia”
Holding date : 2023.6.9 - 2023.6.11
Presentation date : 2023.6.10
Kyung Hee University
10. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Apparatus of the Aformal(American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.6.17
National Taiwan Normal University (online)
11. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Cine-poetic Apparatus
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.5.12
San Francisco State University, School of Cinema
12. シンポジウム―詩人 清田政信について語り合う (「評論集『渚に立つ』雑誌「あんやんばまん」発刊記念)(ジュンク堂那覇店)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.9.14
13. "Beyond Imperial Aesthetics: Theorizing Art and Politics in East Asia"(Theorizing beyond Imperial Aesthetics in East Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.3.19
UC Berkeley
14. 「芸術の「自律性」再考から帝国的編成批判へ―新城兵一の詩と政治」(グヴェルヌマンタリテヌトゥドゥミ)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.2.23
15. 「帝国的編成」の動態性について―アーカイブ、情動、諸力(コメント)(帝国(間)を巡る人流―多様な帝国的主体の離散と集住)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.12.22
16. The Production of Amateurs("Souths of Asia: Aesthetics, Theory, Archive," A Joint International Workshop with Asia Theory Network)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.23
National Taiwan University
17. The Aesthetic “Routing” of the Common in Deleuze and Nancy(11th International Deleuze and Guattari Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.25
University of Campinas
18. "Objects in Resistance: A Surrealist Current in Post-war Okinawa"(The CCNY Annual Japan Studies Lecture)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.4.26
The City College of New York
19. "Becoming 'Objects': Charles Olson’s Field Poetics in the Transpacific"(The Twelfth Quadrennial International Comparative Literature Conference: Literature, Life, and the Biological)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.12.15
Tamkang University
20. “Form-giving Fire” in the Field of Race: On Poetic Forms and Living Labor(Association for the Study of Arts of the Present/9 (ASAP9))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.26
21. "Art’s Shame and Nations in Shame: Toward a Viable Image Politics in Okinawa"(Conflict, Justice and Decolonization II: Paradigm Shift of the Colonial-Imperial Order and the Aporia of Human Sciences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.5.31
International Institute for Cultural Studies, National Chiao Tung University
22. Charles Olson, Herman Melville, and the Bio-political Frontiers of the Pacific(English Department Lecture Series)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.3.9
Northern Arizona University
23. Labor beyond Labor in Artistic Act and Political Activism(Asian Cultures in Dialogue: Politics and the Arts)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.29
The University of Hong Kong
24. “The Colors of Thinking after the Vietnam War”(Global Aisas: Critical Aesthetics and Alternative Globalities)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.27
Nanyang Technological University
25. ‘Being of the Sensible’ and its Muses(International Deleuze Studies in Asia 4th Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.17
Seoul National University
26. "Politics and Aesthetics of Heterotopic Skins: Ryudai Takano's and Satoko Nema's Photographies"("Untimely Encounter 2016: Moment")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.4.29
The Substation (Singapore)
27. "The Colors of Thinking after the Vietnam War"(International Symposium: Discourses and Aesthetics of Transpacific America/Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.2.15
28. “Olson's ‘Ruin’: A Genealogy of Race and Origin of Objects in the Pacific”(MSA 17 Boston)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.19
Westin Copley Place, Boston
29. "The University and the Inexhaustible Common"("Liberal Arts in the Age of Globalization: UIC 10th Anniversary Symposium")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.28
Yonsei University
30. “Toward an ‘Invisible Commune’: Poetic and Painterly Tracings of the Sensible in Postwar Okinawa.”(2015 Asia Theories International Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.2
National Chung Hsing University
31. “Framing Human Rights: The Politics of Knowledge Production”(The 2015 Summer Institute in Asian American Studies: "The Subject(s) of Human Rights”)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.7.18
National Taiwan Normal University
32. ”On Bright Humor: Cinematic Sensoriums of History in Recent East Asian Films”(Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.3.27
the Sheraton, Chicago
33. 雑誌las barcas―「世界」と「沖縄」を横断するアートと批評(Cultural Typhoon 2014)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.28
International Christian University, Tokyo
34. "Critique of Friendship: On Global Sovereginty, its Nation-Forms, and People without a Country"(The Japanese Association for American Studies, the 48th Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.8
Ginowan, Okinawa
35. "Afterlives of the Uprising in the Global State: Myung Mi Kim’s Commons and Kim Shijong’s Kwangju Fragments"(American Comparative Association Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.21
New York University
36. "Interrupting the Postcolonial/Neoliberal Governmentality: the Events of Light in <I>Secret Sunshine</I>"(Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2013)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.7.3
National University of Singapore
37. "On Bare 'Objects': Kiyota Masanosbu’s Poetics of “Stones” in the US-Occupied Okinawa"(Except Asia: Agamben's Work in Transcultural Perspective)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.25
National Taiwan Normal University
38. "Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Hauntology"(“Supernatural Asia—Exploring the Natural and Supernatural in Asian Cinema”)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.4.27
Josai International University
39. 「ヒロシマ/フクシマ」をめぐって語りあうまえに(マレビト・スタディーズ vol.2 テーマ「ヒロシマ/フクシマ」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.8.28
40. 「チャールズ・オルスンと戦後太平洋」(日本英文学会第83回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.5.20
41. 「ライアン・ガンダーの作品における美的枠組みと社会」(ライアン・ガンダー展関連シンポジウム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.4.8
42. “Parergonal Aesthetics in the Age of Military Occupation.”(Annual Conference of American Comparative Literature Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.3.31
43. 「新自由主義時代における歴史想起への欲求―映像/音という亡霊」(「表現のクリティカル・ポイント」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.2.5
44. “Constellation and Intensity: Charles Olson’s historiography of the post-1945 Asia Pacific(Charles Olson 2010: A Centenary Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.13
45. “Stones, Rocks, and Other Objects of History: Aesthetic Distributions of Memories in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and Kiyota Masanobu.”(Nanzan American Studies Summer Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.7.23
46. “Postnational Immobilities: Allegorical Histories in Charles Olson and Kiyota Masanobu.”(Annual Conference of American Comparative Literature Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.4.1
New Orleans
47. 「テレサ・ハッキョン・チャの作品と人生について」(山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2009 特集「シマ/島―漂流する映画たち」 沖縄移動展 テレサ・ハッキョン・チャ×比嘉千秋 映像上映会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.4
48. “Hiroshima beyond the Aesthetics of Failure: History, Materialism, and the City in Suwa Nobuhiro's <I>H Story</I>.”(Josai International University Media Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.5.23
49. “The Popular as Renewal: Materialism and Historiography in Kim Shijon'g <I>Kwangju Fragments</I>.”(2009 Annual Comparative Literature Symposium.)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.2.27
Los Angeles
50. "Senses of Memory: Singular-Plural in Hou Hsiao-Hsien's <I>Café Lumière</I>."(Annual Conference of American Comparative Literature Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.3.26
Long Beach
51. "The Pacific in the Age of the World Picture: Melville, the Atomic Age, and Alternative Memories in Charles Olson."(8th Asia Pacific Rim University Graduate Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.7.30
52. 「肺と耳のアキペラゴ:Juliana SpahrとMyung-Mi Kimの詩における『共同性』」(モダニズム研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.7.18
53. " 'What Escapes Like So Much Cotton Batting': 'Common,' Cosmopolitanism, and Non-productionist Poetics in Myung Mi Kim's <I>Commons</I>."(Annual Conference of American Comparative Literature Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.4.19
54. "Anti-Essential Critique and Gothic Public Sphere in Hisaye Yamamoto's 'Wilshire Bus.'"(Annual Conference of the Western Literature Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.10.19
Los Angeles
55. "Solicitations of the Others: the Task of the Translator in Postcolonial Politics."(2004 Annual Comparative Literature Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.4.9
Los Angeles

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. テレサ・ハッキョン・チャ研究―インターメディアルな文学とトランスナショナルな記憶
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2019.4 - 2023.3
2. Studies of American Literature and Culture under Global Cold War
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2023.3
3. 冷戦期トランスパシフィック・アメリカ文学研究―制度形成と美的形態の動態的交渉
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2015.4 -
4. The Body and Emotions in American Renaissance: Application of Affect Theory to Literary Texts
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2016.3
5. English and American Literary Studies in the Post-Pacific War Era: Transpacific Literary Imagination and Politics
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2012.4 - 2016.3
6. 20世紀後期の環太平洋とアメリカ文学・映像文化:記憶と主体の生成変化
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2012.4 - 2015.3
7. The Development of Trans-Atlantic Trades and Its Impact on American Renaissance Writers
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2010 - 2012
8. 「環太平洋アメリカ文学:記憶のエステティクス」
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2009.4 - 2012.3

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