Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study
UI Takashi


1. Strategic Ambiguity in Global Games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Games and Economic Behavior Vol.149,pp.65-81 2025.1
2. Game theory for monetary policy that works on expectations (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
経済研究 Vol.74,No.1 & 2 2023.3
3. Imprecise Information and Second-Order Beliefs (Peer-reviewed)
Norio Takeoka, Takashi Ui
Communications in Economics and Mathematical Scieneces Vol.1,pp.67-86 2022.2
4. Statistical decisions and subjective expected utility: From Wald to Savage (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
経済研究 Vol.72,No.2,pp.128-139 2021.4
5. The Lucas Imperfect Information Model with Imperfect Common Knowledge (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Japanese Economic Review Vol.71,No.1,pp.85-100 2020.1
6. Information design and LQG games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
大橋弘・照山博司・原千秋・細野薫編『現代経済学の潮流2018』東洋経済新報社 2018.7
7. Bayesian Nash Equilibrium and Variational Inequalities (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol.63,pp.139-146 2016.3
8. Characterizing Social Value of Information (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Yasunori Yoshizawa
Journal of Economic Theory Vol.158,pp.507-535 2015.7
Link Link
9. The Social Value of Public Information with Convex Costs of Information Acquisition (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Economics Letters Vol.125,No.2,pp.249-252 2014.10
Link Link
10. Radner's Theorem on Teams and Games with a Continuum of Players (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Yasunori Yoshizawa
Economics Bulletin Vol.33,No.1,pp.72-77 2013.1
11. Effects of Symmetry on Globalizing Separated Monopolies to a Nash-Cournot Oligopoly (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Hisao Kameda
International Game Theory Review Vol.14,pp.1250009-1-1250009-15 2012.6
12. The Myerson Value for Complete Coalition Structures (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii, Hiroyuki Kojima
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol.74,No.3,pp.427-443 2011.4
doi Link Link
13. The Ambiguity Premium vs. the Risk Premium under Limited Market Participation (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Review of Finance Vol.15,No.2,pp.245-275 2011.1
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14. Baysesian Potentials and Information Structures: Team Decision Problems Revisited (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
International Journal of Economic Theory Vol.5,pp.271-291 2009.9
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15. Coextrema Additive Operators (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii, Hiroyuki Kojima
S. K. Neogy, A. K. Das and R. B. Bapat (eds.) <I>Modeling, Computation and Optimization</I>, World Scientific pp.73-95 2009.4
Link Link
16. Interim Efficient Allocations under Uncertainty (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii
Journal of Economic Theory Vol.144,No.1,pp.337-353 2009.1
doi Link Link
17. Discrete Concavity for Potential Games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
International Game Theory Review Vol.10,pp.137-143 2008.6
Link Link
18. Correlated Equilibrium and Concave Games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
International Journal of Game Theory Vol.37,No.1,pp.1-13 2008.4
doi Link Link
19. Cominimum Additive Operators (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii, Hiroyuki Kojima
Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol.43,No.2,pp.218-230 2007.2
doi Link Link
20. Correlated Quantal Responses and Equilibrium Selection (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Games and Economic Behavior Vol.57,No.2,pp.361-369 2006.11
doi Link Link
21. Agreeable Bets with Multiple Priors (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii
Journal of Economic Theory Vol.128,No.1,pp.299-305 2006.5
doi Link Link
22. A Note on Discrete Convexity and Local Optimality (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.23,No.1,pp.21-29 2006.2
Link Link
23. Equivalence of the Dempster-Shafer Rule and the Maximum Likelihood Rule Implies Convexity (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii
Economics Bulletin Vol.4,No.10,pp.1-6 2005.12
Link Link
24. Generalized Potentials and Robust Sets of Equilibria (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Stephen Morris
Journal of Economic Theory Vol.124,No.1,pp.45-78 2005.9
doi Link Link
25. Incomplete Information Games with Multiple Priors (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Atsushi Kajii
Japanese Economic Review Vol.56,No.3,pp.332-351 2005.9
doi Link Link
26. Best Response Equivalence (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Stephen Morris
Games and Economic Behavior Vol.49,No.2,pp.260-287 2004.11
doi Link Link
27. Robust Equilibria of Potential Games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Econometrica Vol.69,No.5,pp.1373-1380 2001.9
doi Link Link
28. A Shapley Value Representation of Potential Games (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui
Games and Economic Behavior Vol.31,No.1,pp.121-135 2000.4
doi Link Link
29. Recent Balance of Payments Developments in Japan: Is the Current Account Surplus Structural or Temporary? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Ui, Mahito Uchida
M. Okabe (ed.), <I>The Structure of the Japanese Economy: Changes on the Domestic and International Fronts</I>, St. Martin's Press pp.416-434 1994.11

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. On the Pettis Integral Approach to Large Population Games(EEA-ESEM 2024 Rotterdam)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.8.29
2. Rational Inattention and Endogenous Volatility: A Large Deviation Approach(10th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.7.14
3. LQG Information Design(6th Conference on Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.7.10
4. LQG Information Design(Economic Theory Workshop in Memory of Dr Makoto SHIMOJI)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.6.22
5. 予想に働きかける政策をゲーム理論で考える(日本金融学会2023年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.10.1
6. Rational Inattention and Endogenous Volatility: A Large Deviation Approach(第29回DCコンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.9.15
7. LQG Information Design and Rational Inattention(ゲーム理論ワークショップ2023)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.3.5
8. Impacts of Public Information on Flexible Information Acquisition(Peter Hammond – Retirement & Beyond, Warwick University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.12.3
9. Impacts of Public Information on Flexible Information Acquisition(ORA Workshop 2022 on Knightian Uncertainty and Related Issues)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.9.20
10. Impacts of Public Information on Flexible Information Acquisition(Communication and Persuasion Workshop 12th Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.8.27
11. Optimal and Robust Disclosure of Public Information(Summer Workshop on Economic Theory)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.8.7
12. Impacts of Public Information on Flexible Information Acquisition(International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.7.20
13. Impacts of Public Information on Flexible Information Acquisition(SING 17 (online))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.7.11
14. Public Information Disclosure under Private Information Acquisition(The Econometric Society 2022 Australasia Meeting (online))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.7.8
15. Public Information Disclosure under Private Information Acquisition(September Workshop on Economics at Otaru 2021)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.10.31
16. Incomplete Information Robustness(Games 2020 (online))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.7.23
17. Information Geometry of Rational Inattention(Decision Theory Workshop (online))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.5.22
18. Incomplete Information Robustness(The Econometric Society/Bocconi University 2020 World Congress (online))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.8.18
19. Belief-free Preference Aggregation(EEA-ESEM 2019)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.29
20. LQG Information Design(The Summer Festival on Game Theory, Stony Brook)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.7.18
21. LQG Information Design(SING 15, Turku)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.7.2
22. Coherently Efficient Preference Aggregation(Joint Academic Seminar between IPSP and Hitotsubashi University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.10
23. Coherently Efficient Preference Aggregation(2018 SAET Conference, Taipei)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.12
24. 情報設計問題と LQG ゲーム(日本経済学会 2017年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.9
25. Robust Voting under Uncertainty(EEA-ESEM 2017)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.8.21
26. Robust Voting under Uncertainty(RUD 2017)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.11
27. Robust Voting under Uncertainty(Workshop on Decision Making and Contest Theory)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.1.25
Ein Gedi
28. Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(AMES 2016)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.8.13
29. Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(Games 2016)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.24
30. Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(2nd Workshop on "Ambiguity in Games and Mechanisms")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.25
31. Optimal Disclosure of Public Information with Endogenous Acquisition of Private Information(The 11th World Congress of the Econometric Society)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.8.18
32. Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(ZIF Research Group Workshop: Knightian Uncertainty in Strategic Interactions and Markets)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.11
33. *「ベイジアンゲームにおける内生的情報構造と情報の社会的価値」(第20回DCコンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.13
34. "Welfare Effects of Information Acquisition Costs,"(EEA-ESEM 2014)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.8.25
Toulouse, France
35. Self-Control Games(Game 2012)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.7.1
Istanbul, Turkey
36. *Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(CRETA - Marie Curie Conference in Honour of Peter Hammond)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.3.22
University of Warwick, UK
37. *Ambiguity and Risk in Credit Crises(Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.1.22
Futuroscope, France
38. Ambiguity and Risk in Global Games(UECE-Lisbon Meetings 2009: Game Theory and Applications)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.5
Lisbon, Portugal
39. Non-atomic Potential Games and the Value of Vector Measure Games(Games 2008)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.7.1
Evanston, USA

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Central Bank Communication Design
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) )
2018.6 - 2023.3
2. Designing central bank communication systems
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2018.4 - 2019.3
3. Robust Voting under Uncertainty

( Awarding organization: Bar-Ilan University System name: Joint Research(International joint research) )
4. ベイジアンゲームにおける内生的情報構造と情報の社会的価値
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2015.4 - 2018.3
5. 「ゲーム理論の新展開:協力メカニズムの解明」研究分担者
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2014.4 - 2019.3
6. 戦略的環境下の自制行動の理論と応用
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2012.4 - 2015.3
7. Decision making and financial markets under risk and ambiguity
Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2008.4 - 2011.3
8. financial markets under uncertainty with asymmetric information
9. game theory with non-expected utility
10. A Game Theoretic Approach to Monetary Policy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2004 - 2006
11. A New Approach to Incomplete Information Games
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2002 - 2003
12. Bayesian potential games
13. ポテンシャル関数を用いたゲームの均衡選択理論に関する研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2000 - 2001

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