1. |
入門 食と農の人文学
湯澤規子, 伊丹一浩, 藤原辰史
(Sole author)
ミネルヴァ書房 2024.4
(ISBN : 9784623097197)
2. |
The World of Sea Cucumbers: Challenges, Advances, and Innovations
Mercier, Annie, Jean-Francois Hamel, Andrew D. Suhrbier, Christopher M. Pearce, Akamine Jun
Academic Press 2023.11
(ISBN : 9780323953771)
3. |
Across Species and Cultures : Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds
Jones, Ryan Tucker, Wanhalla, Angela, Akamine Jun
University of Hawaiʻi Press 2022.6
(ISBN : 9780824888985)
4. |
清水展, 飯島秀治, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
京都大学学術出版会 2020.10
(ISBN : 9784814003006)
5. |
赤嶺 淳
(Sole translator)
みすず書房 2019.9
(ISBN : 9784622088318)
6. |
The Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus
YANG Hongsheng, Jean-François HAMEL, Annie MERCIER, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Academic Press 2015.1
(ISBN : 9780127999531)
7. |
赤嶺 淳
(Sole author)
新泉社 2010.5
(ISBN : 9784787709158)
8. |
クジラのまち 太地を語る——移民、ゴンドウ、南氷洋
赤嶺淳, ジェイ・アラバスター, 辛承理
英明企画編集 2023.8
(ISBN : 9784909151810)
9. |
佐藤洋一郎, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
勉誠出版 2022.1
(ISBN : 9784585330011)
10. |
岸上伸啓, 赤嶺 淳
(Joint author)
臨川書店 2020.11
(ISBN : 9784653043898)
11. |
赤嶺淳, 山田勇, 平田昌弘
(Joint editor)
昭和堂 2018.4
(ISBN : 9784812217030)
12. |
赤嶺 淳
(Sole author)
吉川弘文館 2017.2
(ISBN : 9784642058452)
13. |
東南アジア地域研究入門1 環境
赤嶺 淳
(Joint author)
慶応大学出版会 2017.2
(ISBN : 9784766423945)
14. |
赤嶺 淳
(Joint author)
玉川大学出版部 2016.6
(ISBN : 9784472182051)
15. |
Urban Foodways and Communication: Ethnographic Studies in Intangible Cultural Food Heritages around the World
Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Rowman and Littlefield 2016.5
(ISBN : 9781442266421)
16. |
赤嶺 淳
(Joint author)
文一総合出版 2016.3
(ISBN : 9784829965276)
17. |
海士伝3 海士に根ざす―聞き書き しごとでつながる島 (共編著)
赤嶺淳, 佐野直子
(Joint editor)
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2015.2
(ISBN : 9784787714176)
18. |
Rethinking Asian Food Heritage
Sidney Cheung, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Foundation of Chinese Dietary Culture 2014.12
(ISBN : 9789866325229)
19. |
山尾政博, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
北斗書房 2014.10
(ISBN : 9784892900273)
20. |
廣田将仁, 町口裕二, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
恒星厚生閣社 2014.9
(ISBN : 9784769914822)
21. |
アジアの自然と文化4 イモ・魚からみる東南アジア――インドネシア・マレーシア・フィリピンなど (共著)
落合雪野, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
小峰書店 2014.4
(ISBN : 9784338273046)
22. |
祖父江智壮, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2014.3
(ISBN : 9784787713223)
23. |
海士伝2 海士人を育てる――聞き書き 人がつながる島づくり (監修)
赤嶺 淳
(Supervisor (editorial))
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2014.1
(ISBN : 9784787713216)
24. |
グローバル社会を歩く――かかわりの人間文化学 (編著)
赤嶺 淳
新泉社 2013.3
(ISBN : 9784787713025)
25. |
Conserving Biodiversity for Cultural Diversity: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Sea Cucumber Wars
Akamine Jun
(Sole author)
Tokai University Press 2013.2
(ISBN : 9784486019732)
26. |
バナナが高かったころ――聞き書き 高度経済成長期の食とくらし 2 (編著)
赤嶺 淳
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2013.1
(ISBN : 9784787713032)
27. |
海士伝 隠岐に生きる――聞き書き 島の宝は、ひと (監修)
赤嶺淳, 阿部浩志, 祖父江智壮
(Supervisor (editorial))
グローバル社会を歩く 2013.1
(ISBN : 9784787713049)
28. |
岸上伸啓, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
成山堂 2012.4
(ISBN : 9784425982417)
29. |
Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia: New Approaches to Transnationalism
Ishikawa Noboru, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Kyoto University Press 2012.2
(ISBN : 9784876989638)
30. |
島に生きる――聞き書き 能登島大橋架橋のまえとあと (編著)
赤嶺淳, 森山奈美
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2012.1
(ISBN : 9784787712059)
31. |
クジラを食べていたころ――聞き書き 高度経済成長期の食とくらし (編著)
赤嶺 淳
グローバル社会を歩く研究会 2011.11
(ISBN : 9784787711151)
32. |
赤嶺 淳
(Sole author)
群學出版 2011.5
(ISBN : 9789866525421)
33. |
Transborder Governance of Forests, Rrivers and Seas
Wil de Jong, Denyse Snelder, Ishikawa Noboru, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Earthscan 2010.10
(ISBN : 9781849712231)
34. |
池谷和信, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
岩波書店 2009.10
(ISBN : 9784000238564)
35. |
Food and Foodways in Asia: Resource, Tradition and Cooking
Sidney Cheung, Tan Chee Beng, Akamine Jun
(Sole author)
Routledge 2009.4
(ISBN : 9780415392136)
36. |
山尾政博, 島秀典, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
北斗書房 2009.4
(ISBN : 9784892900204)
37. |
岸上伸啓, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
明石書店 2008.6
(ISBN : 9784750328126)
38. |
秋道智彌, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
弘文堂 2007.12
(ISBN : 9784335510984)
39. |
綾部恒雄, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
明石書店 2007.2
(ISBN : 9784750324777)
40. |
北川隆吉, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
文化書房博文社 2006.12
(ISBN : 9784830110849)
41. |
赤嶺 淳
(Sole author)
新曜社 2006.6
(ISBN : 9784788509832)
42. |
Current Issues in Philippine Linguistics and Anthropology: Parangal kay Lawrence A. Reid,
Hsiu-chuan Liao, Carl Galvez Rubini, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
The Linguistic Society of the Philippines and SIL Philippines 2005.12
(ISBN : 9717800227)
43. |
The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar
Alexander Adelaar, Nikolaus Himmelman, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Routledge 2004.11
(ISBN : 9780700712861)
44. |
藤林泰, 宮内泰介, 赤嶺淳
(Sole author)
コモンズ 2004.11
(ISBN : 9784906640867)
45. |
Advances in Sea Cucumber Aquaculture and Management
Alessandro Lovatelli, Chantal Conand, Akamine Jun
(Joint author)
Food and Agriculture Organization 2004.10
(ISBN : 9251051631)
46. |
秋道智彌, 岸上伸啓, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
人文書院 2002.3
(ISBN : 9784409530252)
47. |
The History and Typology of Western Austronesian Voice Systems
Wouk, Fay, Malcome M.D. Ross, Akamine Jun
Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University 2002.1
(ISBN : 0858834774)
48. |
鶴見良行, 宮内泰介, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
コモンズ 1996.11
(ISBN : 9784906640003)
49. |
山田勇, 赤嶺淳
(Joint author)
弘文堂 1996.10
(ISBN : 9784335560897)
1. |
Japanese Modern Whaling History, Revisited: Toward a New Era of Sustainable Whaling in the 21st Century (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Social Sciences Vol.54,No.3,pp.1-27 2024.11 |
2. |
An introduction to the political economy of Japanese modern whaling: Edible oil competition and the rise and sink of whale oil production (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
国立民族学博物館研究報告 Vol.47,No.3,pp.393-461 2023.3
3. |
Tastes for blubber: Diversity and locality of whale meat foodways in Japan (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Asian Education and Development Studies Vol.10,No.1,pp.105-114 2021.1 |
4. |
近代捕鯨のゆくえーーあらたな鯨食文化の創発にむ けて (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
国立民族学博物館調査報告 Vol.149,pp.55-82 2019.6
5. |
History of Modern Whaling in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula: A Preliminary Analysis
Yuasa Shunsuke, Shin Seunglee, Akamine Jun
Hitotsubashi Bulletin of Social Sciences Vol.16,pp.1-28 2024.3
6. |
History of Modern Whaling in the Southeastern Korean Peninsula: A Preliminary Analysis
Yuasa Shunsuke, Shin Seunglee, Akamine Jun
Hitotsubashi Bulletin of Social Sciences Vol.16,pp.29-57 2024.3
7. |
Is whale meat diet Japanese national culture?
Akamine Jun
鯨研叢書 Vol.16,pp.4-36 2023.2
8. |
A preliminary analysis of coastal minke whaling in Norway: Where did it come from, and where will it go? (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Senri Ethnographical Studies Vol.104,pp.53-71 2021.3
9. |
理性か、性か? ナマコ食文化の存続をにぎる壁
赤嶺 淳
海洋と生物 No.249,pp.322-327 2020.8 |
10. |
Notes on the transformation of coastal whaling in Norway: A view of minke whale meat supply chain (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples No.29,pp.1-30 2020.3
11. |
Multiplicities of Japanese Whaling: A Case Study of Baird's Beaked Whaling and its Foodways in Chiba Prefecture, Eastern Japan (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
New Histories of Pacific Whaling pp.65-71 2019.12
12. |
Historicity of Whale Meat Foodways in Japan: Preliminary Notes Based on Three Surveys on Food and Foodways before World War II (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Japan Oral History Review Vol.15,pp.9-25 2019.10
13. |
Two kinds of salted blubber
Akamine Jun
Scinece Journal Kagaku Vol.88,No.12,pp.1239-1242 2018.12 |
14. |
赤嶺 淳
食品・食品添加物研究誌FFIジャーナル Vol.223,No.3,pp.259-267 2018.8 |
15. |
The Role of Sama/Bajaus in Sea Cucumber Trades in the Sulu Sultanate Economy: Towards a Reconstruction of Dynamic Maritime History in Southeast Asia (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Sabah Museum Monograph No.13,pp.151-163 2017.3 |
16. |
赤嶺 淳
食品・食品添加物研究誌FFIジャーナル Vol.220,No.4,pp.336-346- 2015.12 |
17. |
Mono-kenkyu and a Multi-sited Approach: Towards a Wise and Sustainable Use of Shark Resources at Kesennuma, Northern Japan (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
上智アジア学 Vol.33,No.33,pp.163-178 2015.12
18. |
Exploring a Diversity of Sea Cucumber Foodways for Sustainable Use of Holothurian Resources (1)
赤嶺 淳
Foods & Food Ingredients Journal of Japan Vol.220,No.3,pp.263-271 2015.8
19. |
Alternative product forms, consumer packaging and extracted derivatives of tropical sea cucumbers (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Steve PURCELL, CHOO Poh Sze, Akamine Jun, Michael FABINYI
SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin No.34 2014.5 |
20. |
環境問題とむきあう──モノ研究からマルチ・サイテット・アプローチへ (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
地域研究 Vol.14,No.1,pp.139-158 2014.3
21. |
Intangible food heritage: Dynamics of whale meat foodways in contemporary Japan, (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Senri Ethnographical Studies Vol.84,pp.215-227 2013.8
22. |
Reconsidering blast fishing within a world system: A civil war and economic development in the southern Philippines (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture Vol.9,No.1,pp.77-111 2013.4 |
23. |
野生生物保護の問題点――「人類共有遺産」の保全をめぐる同時代的視座 (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
国立民族学博物館調査報告 No.97,pp.265-295 2011.12
24. |
ワシントン条約における海産物――タツノオトシゴとナマコのエコ・ポリティクス (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
海洋と生物 No.186,pp.16-24 2010.8 |
25. |
野生生物資源管理と生物多様性の保全 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 松田裕之, 赤嶺淳
環境と公害 Vol.40,No.1,pp.5-9 2010.4 |
26. |
Challenging `boom and bust' market pressures: Development of self-managed sea cucumber conservation in Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Biosphere Conservation Vol.9,No.2,pp.1-12 2009.10
27. |
ナマコ保全とワシントン条約――経過報告 (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
白山人類学 No.11,pp.167-172 2008.10 |
28. |
赤嶺 淳
貿易風 No.2,pp.136-145 2007.10 |
29. |
赤嶺 淳
アクアネット Vol.10,No.6月,pp.22-25 2007.6
30. |
赤嶺 淳
ビオストーリー No.6,pp.50-59 2006.10 |
31. |
Role of the trepang traders in the depleting resource (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Senri ethnographical studies Vol.67,No.67,pp.259-278 2005.3
32. |
赤嶺 淳
日本熱帯生態学会レターズ Vol.58,No.58,pp.1-7 2005.2 |
33. |
International intervention is not the only way to save depleting resources (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture Vol.1,No.2,pp.1-30 2005.2 |
34. |
Trepang Markets : A New Approach to the Reconstruction of Maritime Asian History (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Senri ethnological reports ; SER Vol.46,No.46,pp.265-297 2003.2
35. |
東南アジア島嶼部におけるヤシ酒文化序論 (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
JCAS連携研究報告書 No.4,pp.65-82 2003.1 |
36. |
Trepang exploitation in the Philippines: Updated information (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin Vol.17,No.17,pp.17-21 2002.2 |
37. |
Holothurian exploitation in the Philippines: Continuities and discontinuities (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
TROPICS Vol.10,No.4,pp.591-607 2001.3 |
38. |
ダイナマイト漁に関する一視点――タカサゴ塩干魚の生産と流通をめぐって (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
地域漁業研究 Vol.40,No.2,pp.81-100 2000.9 |
39. |
On the Diversification of the Tropical Trepang Resources: A View from the Frontier Society in the Maritime Southeast Asia
Akamine Jun
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology Vol.25,No.1,pp.59-112 2000.6
40. |
赤嶺 淳
エコソフィア No.4,pp.56-59 1999.10 |
41. |
南沙諸島海域におけるサマの漁業活動――干魚と干ナマコの加工・流通をめぐって (Peer-reviewed) 赤嶺 淳
地域研究論集 Vol.2,No.2,pp.123-152 1999.3 |
42. |
Notes on Sinama languages: Phonology, orthography, and wordlist (Peer-reviewed) Akamine Jun
上智アジア学 No.15,pp.3-39 1997.12 |
1. |
文明と未開 ーーフェロー諸島における地域捕鯨の意義
GGTニュースレター Vol.128,pp.2-4 2024.11 |
2. |
捕鯨に生きる pp.108-111 2023.8 |
3. |
ゴブラン会報 Vol.29,pp.22-23 2022.12 |
4. |
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 No.16 2020.12 |
5. |
GGTニュースレター Vol.129,pp.1-4 2025.2
6. |
Communal Whaling in the Faroe Islands: Christianization and the Spirit of Mutual Aid
Akamine Jun
Ocean Newsletter Vol.584,pp.4-5 2024.12
7. |
オセアニア文化事典 pp.267-277 2024.11 |
8. |
東南アジアの山の民・海の民・街の民ーー小規模生産たちがつくる経済と社会(第107回公開講演会) pp.29-55 2024.2
9. |
GGTニュースレター Vol.126,pp.1-3 2024.2 |
10. |
GGTニュースレター No.125,pp.1-4 2023.10 |
11. |
De-ethnicizing Washoku
Akamine Jun
和食文化研究 No.5,pp.4-6 2022.12 |
12. |
チャプスイとチャプチャイーー表記と実態のはざまで 岩間一弘著『中国料理の世界史』
vesta No.126,pp.66-67 2022.4 |
13. |
JLSRニュースレター No.27,pp.1-3 2022.1 |
14. |
Wild Forum Vol.25,No.2,pp.39 2021.3 |
15. |
池谷和信編,『食の文明論——ホモ・サピエンス史から探る』,フォーラム人間の食1,農文教 pp.379-384 2021.3 |
16. |
小川真和子著『海をめぐる対話 ハワイと日本』(塙書房、2019年)
史苑 Vol.82,No.1,pp.167-171 2021.3 |
17. |
野林厚志編、『世界の食文化百科事典』、丸善出版 pp.38-39 2021.1 |
18. |
たぐい No.2,pp.27-34 2020.1 |
19. |
日本のIWC脱退通告 鯨食の多様性考える契機
共同通信 2019.1 |
20. |
国際開発学会編、『国際開発学事典』、丸善出版 pp.72-73 2018.12 |
21. |
いさな No.20,pp.31-32 2018.11 |
22. |
赤嶺 淳
ビオストーリー No.28,pp.72-73 2017.11 |
23. |
赤嶺 淳
Vesta No.108,pp.34-37 2017.10
24. |
赤嶺 淳
石巻学 No.3,pp.53-55 2017.8 |
25. |
赤嶺 淳
本郷 No.129,pp.17-19 2017.4 |
26. |
vesta No.106,pp.70-71 2017.4 |
27. |
大野拓司・鈴木伸隆・日下渉編,『フィリピンを知るための64章』,明石書房 pp.98-101 2016.12 |
28. |
食足りて、〇〇を知る? 鯨油とパーム油の見えざる関係
29. |
月刊養殖ビジネス Vol.52,No.8月号,pp.3-6 2015.8
30. |
赤嶺 淳
αシノドス Vol.167,pp.67-88 2015.3 |
31. |
vesta No.85,pp.74-75 2012.1 |
32. |
ライフストーリー・ガイドブック pp.226-229 2010 |
33. |
Book Review Note (Peer-reviewed) JUN AKAMINE
Anthropological Science Vol.117,No.2,pp.134A 2009
34. |
AKIMICHI Tomoya, <i>The Anthropology of the Commons: Culture, History, and Ecology</i>. (Peer-reviewed) Jun AKAMINE
Southeast Asia: History and Culture Vol.2005,No.34,pp.134-139 2005.5
35. |
Matthews Peter J., Akamine Jun
国立民族学博物館調査報告 Vol.49,pp.i-iii 2004.2
36. |
Trepang Industry in the Philippines : With Reference to Philippine Domestic Distribution
Akamine Jun
Studies in ethnology Vol.31,pp.36-62 1999.2 |
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
Whales and traditions: Commercial whaling and culinary heritage in contemporary Japan(Issues in Arctic Food Sovereignty: Japan, Nunavut, Siberia and Scotland)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2025.1.17 |
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland |
2. |
Onboard the Whaling Factory Ship Nisshin Maru: A 2021 Expedition Chronicle off the Sanriku Coast(Navigating Human-Animal Dynamics in the North)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2025.1.14 |
the Historical Museum, Oslo |
3. |
Whaling as an Interim Oil Supply: The Rise and Fall of Whale Oil in the Competitive Fat and Oil Markets(The 11th Asia Policy Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.11.22 |
一橋大学佐野書院 |
4. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.11.6 |
一橋大学 |
5. |
Linking the Ocean and Land Through Lipid Research: The Rise and Fall of Whale Oil, Soybean Oil, and Palm Oil as Case Studies.(第53回日中農業研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.10.5 |
愛知大学厚生棟W31 |
6. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.7.31 |
ニュースパーク(日本新聞博物館)イベントホール |
7. |
Holding date :
- 2024.7.21
Presentation date :
2024.7.20 |
千葉県南房総市和田 |
8. |
Investigating inherited local foodscapes in former and current Japanese whaling communities(The 26th Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan)
Holding date :
- 2024.7.8
Presentation date :
2024.7.8 |
Sophia University |
9. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.6.22 |
同志社大学今出川キャンパス啓明館 |
10. |
The Whaling Issue will never End, even if Whaling Collapses: A View from Inter-Oil Competition(Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series 2024)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.6.10 |
Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University |
11. |
History of Japanese Modern Whaling Revisited: Toward New Era of Sustainable Whaling in the 21st Century(The 7th International Conference on the Northeast Asian Sea Region and Humanities Netowrks)
Holding date :
- 2024.5.31
Presentation date :
2024.5.30 |
Pukyong National University |
12. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.2.17 |
女子栄養大学駒込学舎 |
13. |
鯨とマーガリン(放送大学東京多摩学習センター 公開講演会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.12.2 |
放送大学東京多摩学習センター |
14. |
Whales, Orangutans, and the Amazonian Rainforest: Who will be the Beneficiary of the Edible Oil Resource Development in the 20th Century(Transnational History 1750 - Present)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.22 |
Bergen |
15. |
「環日本海/東海捕鯨文化圏」は成立するか? 蔚山調査2023の報告(観光文学研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.11.14 |
立教大学 |
16. |
Five Years Past since the Resumption of Commercial Whaling in Japan: Report of an Expedition by Nisshinmaru(Hatfield Marine Science Center Research Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.10.26 |
Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University |
17. |
Save the Whales, Kill the Orangutans?(Lecture, David Lam Centre, Simon Fraser University)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.10.23 |
SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
18. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.7.29 |
京都市 |
19. |
Trepang and Manilamen: Sea cucumbers beyond Southeast Asian history(Southeast Asia as Critical Crossroads: Dialogues with Anthony Reid)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.7.23 |
20. |
母船式捕鯨業のいまーー 2021NP-1Wへの乗船体験から(日本の商業捕鯨の現状を考えるーー環北太平洋地域研究の視点から)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.5.28 |
国立民族学博物館第4セミナー室 |
21. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.5.27 |
同志社大学今出川キャンパス啓明館 |
22. |
Whales, orangutans, and the Amazonian rainforest: Victims of fierce competition among edible oils production(International Workshop on Pacific Histories across Species and Borders at Osaka University)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.3.21 |
23. |
Roles of Imported Whale Meat from Iceland and Norway in the Japanese Market(ISAR 7 (The Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research in Tachikawa))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.3.6 |
24. |
Globalizing Washoku(Future of Washoku)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.2.11 |
25. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.10.28 |
同志社大学今出川キャンパス啓明館 |
26. |
Sea cucumbers, tomatoes, and grapes: Challenges for optimizing local ecological resources in depopulated towns in southern Hokkaido(2021 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture, Chinese Food Culture: Biological and Ecological Perspectives)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.10.21 |
27. |
Prop. 42: Three sea cucumber species in the genus Thelenota proposed by EU, Seychelles, & US(Regional Technical Consultation on Development of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Common Positions on the Proposed Listing of Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species into the CITES Appendices)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.8.30 |
28. |
Resumption of Commercial Whaling and Whale Meat Foodways(AAS 2022 (Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies at Honolulu))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.3.27 |
29. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.2.25 |
同志社大学今出川キャンパス啓明館 |
30. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.12.4 |
31. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.12.14 |
北里生命科学研究所 |
32. |
Whale and orangutan: A possible link between whale oil and palm oil(Into a New Epoch: Capitalist Nature in the Plantationocene)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.25 |
CSEAS, Kyoto University |
33. |
The status of matsutake production and trade in Japan(The 10th International Workshop on Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms (IWEMM10))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.21 |
RAKO Hananoi Hotel, Suwa City |
34. |
Cishen and guangshen: Changing sea sucumber foodways in Southeast Asia(2019 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.15 |
Viet Nam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies |
35. |
Sea cucumbers in Asian history: Call for sustainable use for the future(The 3rd Int'l Conference on Applied Marine Science & Fisheries Technologies (MSFT) 2019)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.10 |
Grand Vilia Hotel, Langgul, Kei Kecil, Maluku, Indonesia |
36. |
Sensory and texture: How to appreciate whale meat foodways in Japan as a local dish(ICAS 11)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.7.17 |
University of Leiden |
37. |
Coastal whaling revisited: Whale meat foodways in Japan and Norway(Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society 2019 Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.6.28 |
The University of Alaska Anchorage |
38. |
Resumption of coastal whaling in Japan(The Resilience of Coastal Livelihoods: The Politics and Pitfalls of Maritime Governance)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.6.18 |
Aberdeen University |
39. |
Diversities of sea cucumber foodways in Asia: Sea cucumbers in Asian history and the contemporary world(Knowledge, Materiality, and Environment in Transpacific Histories of Oceanic Transformation)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.4.11 |
Work, Humboldt University |
40. |
Minke Whale Meat Supply Chain in Contemporary Norway(Whaling Activities and Issues in the Contemporary World)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.12.1 |
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka |
41. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.9.1 |
東京家政大学板橋キャンパス16号館 |
42. |
Multiplicities of Japanese Whaling: A Case Study of Baird’s Beaked Whaling and its Foodways in the Kanto and Tohoku Regions(Across Cultures and Species: New Histories of Pacific Whaling)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.6.29 |
International Conference Center, University of Hawai'i Manoa |
43. |
“Inheriting Sea Cucumber and Shark Fin Foodways in the Age of Environmentalism(Sun Yat-sen University Second International Conference on Food and Culture)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.4.20 |
Martin Hall, Sun Yat-sen University |
44. |
Call for Responsible Consumption of Sea Cucumbers for Conserving Cultural Heritage in Asia(Chinese Overseas: Global and Local Dynamics" the 11th Regional Conference of the International Society for the Study of Overseas Chinese)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.11.19 |
45. |
Promoting Sustainable Shark Foodways in Japan against Global anti-Shark Fin Campaign(Food & Society 2016)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.11.18 |
Hotel Bangi Putrajaya, Banggi, Malaysia |
46. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.10.2 |
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 大学院校舎1階313教室 |
47. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.6.25 |
一橋大学佐野書院 |
48. |
Two Tales of Sea Cucumber Trades from Sama/Bajau in Southeast Asia: Towards Reconstruction of Dynamic Maritime History in Asia(3rd Asia Pacific Ocean & Culture Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.11.5 |
Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Seoul, South Korea |
49. |
From Shark Fin to Original Shark Dishes: Reconstruction from Tsunami and Promotion of Food Tourism in Kesennuma, Northeastern Japan(2015 International Conference on Chinese Dietary Culture)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.10.12 |
Université François-Rabelais Tours |
50. |
Shark Town: Kesennuma's Taste for Shark and the Challenge of a Tsunami(Food Heritage, Hybridity, and Locality)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.10.23 |
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA |
51. |
Conserving Marine Biodiversity for Cultural Diversity: A case for sea cucumbers among Bajau societies(12th International Borneo Research Council Conference 2014)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.8.3 |
Universiti Sabah Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia |
Research subject
Research item(Awarding organization, System name)
1. |
Non-scalability revisited: Toward developing humanity and social sciences in the age of uncertainty
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2027.3 |
2. |
Food Security and Human Environment in the Plantationocene: Exploring Competition Among Edible Oils
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2029.3 |
3. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
2024.3 |
4. |
Multiple resilience against determinacy: Challenges for studies in fisheries commodity supplychains
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2024.3 |
5. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2020.3 |
6. |
Awarding organization:
- 2018.3 |
7. |
コモンズ論再考——キノコ類の採取と万人の権利(everyman's rights)をめぐるマルチサイテット・アプローチを手掛かりにして
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2018.3 |
8. |
Frontier Society Revisited: Life stories on migratory workers on board
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2019.3 |
9. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2017.3 |
10. |
An Anthropological Study of Whaling Cultures in the Globalizing World:Conflicts between the Succession of Whaling Tradition and Anti-whaling Movement
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2019.3 |
11. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2016.3 |
12. |
Politics and problems on eco-resource conservation and eco-tourism promotion based on charismatic species and their habitats
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2017.3 |
13. |
Memories of Whaling as an Modern Industrial Heritage: Whaling Issue and Cultural Diversity
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2016.3 |
14. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2014.3 |
15. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2013.3 |
16. |
Indigenous Commercial Rights for Livelihood with Reference to Diversity and Renewal of Eco-resources
challenging Exploratory Research
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2013.3 |
17. |
Constructive Dialogue among Stakeholders of Eco-resources and Cultural Diversity Conservation
Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2013.3 |
18. |
Dynamism in the open-access practices to eco-resources in maritime Asian world
Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2010.3 |
19. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2007.3 |
20. |
Indigenous Distribution and Management of Marine Resources
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2006 |
21. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2005.3 |
22. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 1999 |