Graduate School of Business Administration,Department of Business Administration

Books and Other Publications

1. The 1st step to data analysis
古川, 一郎, 上原, 渉 (Contributor)
碩学舎,中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売) 2022.9 (ISBN : 9784502436413)


1. Resilience and Tourism in Natural Disaster-Affected Destinations:
Hiromi Kamata
Quarterly Journal of Marketing Vol.44,No.2,pp.138-148 2024.9
doi Link
2. Tourist Xenophobia and Residents' Perspective in the VUCA Era: The Case of Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Peer-reviewed)
Wataru Uehara, Hiromi Kamata
Tourism in a VUCA World: Managing the Future of Tourism pp.105-118 2024.7
doi Link Link
3. Pop culture tourism: A perspective from Japan
Chunji Jin, Hiromi Kamata
Wakayama Tourism Review Vol.4,pp.15-17 2023.3
4. Service-dominant logic in the tourism industry: The case of Snow Peak Inc.
Kazumi Nishino, Hiromi Kamata
Wakayama Tourism Review Vol.4,pp.36-39 2023.3
5. 訪日リピーターの拡大に向けて
鎌田裕美, 上原渉
運輸と経済 Vol.82,No.12,pp.48-54 2022.12
6. COVID-19 policies and hoteliers' responses in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Wataru Uehara, Hiromi Kamata, Geer He
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights Vol.3,No.2,pp.100067 2022.11
7. Residents’ attitude towards tourism during COVID-19 pandemic
Hiromi Kamata, Wataru Uehara
Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol.70,No.2,pp.62-77 2022.9
8. Crisis management of hotel operators in Japan
Wataru Uehara, Hiromi Kamata, Hiroyuki Fukuchi
Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol.70,No.2,pp.34-47 2022.9
9. The categorisation of the Asian repeat tourists: A preliminary study
Hiromi Kamata
Wakayama Tourism Review Vol.2,pp.22-25 2022.3
10. Tourist destination residents' attitudes towards tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Current Issues in Tourism Vol.25,No.1,pp.134-149 2022.1
11. コロナ禍・コロナ後の観光 —観光地の住民態度
KANSAI 空港レビュー Vol.551,pp.22-24 2021.6
12. 赴任者等を通じた観光地の集客の可能性
鎌田 裕美
KANSAI 空港レビュー No.476,pp.23-25 2018.7
13. 観光と旅行者の行動
鎌田 裕美
入門 観光学 pp.28-40 2018.3
14. The Meaning of Spa Tourism for Japanese (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Asian Cultures and Contemporary Tourism pp.123-143 2018.2
doi Link
15. Characteristics of Tourist Segments -Their Motivation and the Lifestyle (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
4th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitaity 2017.12
16. 空港の満足度に関する一考察
鎌田 裕美
KANSAI 空港レビュー No.463,pp.22-24 2017.6
17. The Role of Airport and Aviation Service in Tourism
鎌田 裕美
18. Tourists' motivations and repeater segments in Japanese spa destinations (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Driving Tourism through Creative Destinations and Activities pp.20-44 2016.12
19. What is the meaning of " Relaxation " for Japanese Spa Tourists? (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Proceedings of Euro-CHRIE Conference 2016.10
20. Differentiating Between Okinawa and Hawaii Tourists -The Motivations of Japanese Tourists (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Proceedings of The 2016 International Social Sciences Humanities and Education Research Conference in Zurich 2016.8
21. A Segmentation Analysis of Japanese Spa Tourists (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Journal of Tourism & Services Vol.7,No.12,pp.20-37 2016.6
22. 日本の空港はいま:庄内地域の企業と庄内空港および 地域のつながり
鎌田 裕美
ていくおふ Vol.141,No.141,pp.33-41 2016.3
23. 温泉客の特性と集客戦略に関する研究: ベネフィットセグメンテーションに基づくアプローチ
鎌田 裕美
研究助成成果報告書(公益財団法人小田急財団) 2016.2
24. The Relationship between Motivation, Overall Satisfaction, and the Intention to Repeat in Segmented Tourist Groups: The Case of Japanese Spa Tourists (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
Proceedings of 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality 2015.12
25. The Possibility of Creating a Support System for a Disaster-affected Tourist Destination (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Proceedings of 4th Travel and Tourism Research Association, Asia-Pacific Chapter 2015.12
26. Japanese Wellbeing Tourists: Motivation Factors and Segments
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
Proceedings of 6th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference pp.209-214 2015.9
27. Why do they choose a spa destination? The case of Japanese tourists (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
TOURISM ECONOMICS Vol.21,No.2,pp.283-305 2015.4
28. 若者と海外旅行
鎌田 裕美
KANSAI 空港レビュー No.437,pp.24-27 2015.4
29. The difference of Japanese Spa Tourists Motivation in Weekends and Weekdays
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
30. 空港の魅力と観光
鎌田 裕美
空港経営と地域―航空・空港政策のフロンティア pp.211-227 2014.8
31. PPP/PFIの成功要因・評価方法の研究動向 (共著)
井深 陽子, 濱秋 純哉, 鎌田 裕美
運輸・交通インフラと民力活用:PPP/PFIのファイナンスとガバナンス 2014.7
32. 世界のPPP/PFIの実施状況 (共著)
井深 陽子, 濱秋 純哉, 鎌田 裕美
運輸・交通インフラと民力活用:PPP/PFIのファイナンスとガバナンス 2014.7
33. Why Do They Choose Spa Destination?: A Case of Japanese Spa Tourists (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata
Proceedings of Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management 2014.5
34. データにみる日本の観光の今後
鎌田 裕美
運輸と経済 No.800,pp.185-188 2014.2
35. A Comparison of Japanese Tourists Segmentation by Push Motivation at "Peak" and "Around the Peak" (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
Proceedings of 2nd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality 2013.12
36. Where do Spa tourists come from?: An Application of Huff Model to Japanese Spa Destination (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Yuki Misui, Hiromi Kamata
Proceedings of 44th Travel and Tourism Research Association 2013.6
37. Tourist Segmentation by the Motivation: A Case of Japanese Tourists (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui
Proceedings of 44th Travel and Tourism Research Association 2013.6
38. 空港の魅力と観光
鎌田 裕美
空港経営と地域・研究報告書(一般財団法人 関西空港調査会) 2013.6
39. Evaluation of Japan as a Tourist Destination: Case of East Asian People Who Have Been to Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Ichiro Furukawa, Chunji Jin, Hiromi Kamata
The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Vol.2,No.1,pp.80-95 2012.4
40. How to attract more tourists? (Peer-reviewed)
Hiromi Kamata, Yuki Misui, Hirotaka Yamauchi
Tourism Review Vol.65,No.2,pp.28-40 2010.7

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Motivation for revisit behaviour in tourism(Consumer Behaviour in Tourism Symposium (CBTS))
Holding date : 2024.6.24 - 2024.6.26
Presentation date : 2024.6.24
Bureda University of Applied Science
2. Cutting down plate waste: How descriptive norms and mascot-enhanced flyers influence hotel guest behaviours(APac CHRIE)
Holding date : 2024.5.24 - 2024.5.26
Presentation date : 2024.5.25
Yonsei University, Seoul
3. Tourists' revisit intention and novelty seeking: Qualitative approach(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会第114回研究大会)
Holding date : 2023.12.2 - 2023.12.3
Presentation date : 2023.12.2
4. コロナ禍での住民態度の変化(日本マーケティング学会リサーチプロジェクト合同研究会)
Holding date : 2023.3.18
Presentation date : 2023.3.18
5. The perceptions and attitudes of Japanese traveller’s pro-environmental behaviour during their hotel stay(20th Asia Pacific conference)
Holding date : 2022.12.3 - 2022.12.4
Presentation date : 2022.12.3
6. コロナ禍における観光振興への住民態度(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.6.12
7. 旅行先への顧客エンゲージメントとノベルティ・シーキング(日本マーケティング学会リサーチプロジェクト合同研究会)
Holding date : 2022.3.19
Presentation date : 2022.3.19
8. 日本における外国文化変容と消費者行動に関 する実証的考察(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.12.5
9. ワクチン接種とXenophobia(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.12
10. Residents' attitude toward tourism development --A case of Toyooka city(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.12.5
11. The motivations of Taiwanese repeat visitors to Japan(International Tourism Conference Dubrovnik (ITCD))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.6
12. アジアからのインバウンド客 ―リピーターに関する研究―(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.12.1
13. インバウンド客の再訪意向〜台湾人観光客のケース〜(日本マーケティング学会リサーチプロジェクト合同研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.3.17
14. Characteristics of Tourist Segments -Their Motivation and the Lifestyle(4th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.12.9
Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, U.S.A.
15. ライフスタイルと再訪意向に関する考察(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.18
16. リゾート客の旅行動機 ー観光地間の比較ー(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.11.26
17. What is the meaning of " Relaxation " for Japanese Spa Tourists?(Euro-CHRIE)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.26
Budapest, Hungary
18. Differentiating Between Okinawa and Hawaii Tourists -The Motivations of Japanese Tourists(The 2016 International Social Sciences Humanities and Education Research Conference in Zurich)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.8.4
Zurich, Switerland
19. The Relationship between Motivation, Overall Satisfaction, and the Intention to Repeat in Segmented Tourist Groups: The Case of Japanese Spa Tourists(3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.12.15
20. The Possibility of Creating a Support System for a Disaster-affected Tourist Destination(4th Travel and Tourism Research Association, Asia-Pacific Chapter)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.12.6
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
21. 温泉客の特徴: 旅行動機、満足度、再訪意向の関係(日本マーケティング学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.29
22. Japanese Wellbeing Tourists: Motivation Factors and Segments(6th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.8
Joensuu, Finland
23. 温泉観光客の旅行動機とその特徴―休日と平日の違い―(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.29
筑波大学 東京キャンパス
24. 温泉旅行の旅行動機とその特徴―ベネフィット・セグメンテーションによるアプローチ―(日本計画行政学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.12
25. Why Do They Choose Spa Destination?―A Case of Japanese Spa Tourists(Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.5.9
Narita, Chiba, Japan
26. A Comparison of Japanese Tourists Segmentation by Push Motivation at “Peak” and “Around the Peak”(2nd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.12.15
Orlando, FL, U.S.A.
27. Tourist Segmentation by the Motivation: A Case of Japanese Tourists(44th Travel and Tourism Research Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.20
Kansas City, MO, U.S.A.
28. 旅行動機からみる観光客のセグメント化の試み(日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.8

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. 観光のリピート動機とリピート行動モデルの構築
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B) )
2023.4 - 2028.3
2. Communication between tourist destinations and the residents in the era of COVID-19 - The perspective of residents' local identity and the attitudes

( Awarding organization: Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation )
2021.4 - 2023.3
3. Inducing pro-environmental behavior in tourists for the sustainable development of Japan's tourism and hospitality industries
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research, Fostering Joint International Research (B)
( System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2020.10 - 2025.3
4. 訪日観光客のリピート行動要因に関する研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2020.4 - 2023.3
5. 観光客の動機・満足度・再訪意向の関係とリピーター創造に関する研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2016.4 - 2019.3
6. ベネフィットセグメンテーションによる温泉観光客の特性に関する研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2014.4 - 2016.3

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