Graduate School of Law
DOI Tsubasa

Books and Other Publications

1. Intensive Reading of Leading Cases of Administrative Law (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi, Akio Horisawa, Toshiaki Kaido, Osamu Nishigami, Mamoru Suda, Tomohiko Tatsumi
Kobundo 2023.12 (ISBN : 9784335359491)
2. Leading Cases in Local Autonomy Law, 5th edition (in Japanese)
Junko Obata, Makoto Saito, Junko I'ijima (Contributor)
Yuhikaku 2023.11 (ISBN : 9784641115668)
3. New Developments in Environmental Law and Energy Law under Climate Change (in Chinese)
Kenji Shimoyama, Hwai-Tzong Lee (Joint author)
Yuan-zhao 2023.7 (ISBN : 9786263690417)
4. Disaster Law (in Japanese)
Yoichi Ohashi (Joint author)
Yuhikaku 2022.11 (ISBN : 9784641228733)
5. Leading Cases in Administrative Law II, 8th edition (in Japanese)
Makoto Saito, Ryuji Yamamoto (Contributor)
Yuhikaku 2022.11 (ISBN : 9784641115613)
6. Legal Countermeasures during the Pandemic of COVID-19 (in Chinese)
Kenji Shimoyama, Hwai-Tzong Lee (Joint author)
Yuan-zhao 2022.4 (ISBN : 9789575117177)
7. A Transformation of Administrative Action (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi (Sole author)
Yuhikaku 2021.12 (ISBN : 9784641228177)

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1. Between Persons and Things: The Fundamental Role of Law of Things and the 'Remaining Half' of General Administrative Law (Part 1)
Tsubasa Doi
Hōritsu Jihō Vol.97,No.2,pp.107-112 2025.1
2. One Throne, Two Kings of the Teatro di San Carlo (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.23,No.2,pp.107-130 2024.8
3. Santi Romano in Giappone
Tsubasa Doi
Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno No.53,pp.676-708 2024.8
4. Digital Administrative Justice in Italy (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.23,No.1,pp.107-140 2024.4
5. Challenging the Traditional Classification of Theories on Acquisitive Prescription of Public Property (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.22,No.3,pp.329-360 2023.11
6. SNS and the Public Forum Doctrine: Functional Conditions of the Public Forum Doctrine (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Jōhōtsūshin sēsaku kenkyū [Journal of Information and Communications Policy] Vol.7,No.1,pp.IB-15-IB-39 2023.4
7. An Interim Report on "Subjectivization" and "Objectivization" of Administrative Law: Book Review of Luis MEDINA ALCOZ, Libertad y autoridad en el Derecho administrativo. Derecho subjetivo e interés legítimo: una revisión, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2016
Tsubasa Doi
P.A. Persona e Amministrazione Vol.11,pp.864-894 2023.4
8. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 17 May 2022 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Hanrei-hisho Journal No.HJ100148,pp.1-13 2022.9
9. Case Note: Naha District Court Judgment of 5 August 2020 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Jichi kenkyū [Review of local autonomy] Vol.98,No.7,pp.138-153 2022.7
10. Demystifying the Prevailing View Regarding the Gemeingebrauch (in Japanese)
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.21,No.2,pp.201-217 2022.7
11. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 21 December 2021 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Hanrei-hisho Journal No.HJ100138,pp.1-11 2022.5
12. COVID-19 Countermeasures and Infectious Disease Legislation in Japan (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Gyōseihō kenkyū [Review of administrative law] No.44,pp.63-97 2022.3
13. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 15 January 2009 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Gyōseihō kenkyū [Review of administrative law] No.40,pp.93-103 2021.7
14. Methods of Judicial Review Regarding Local Councils (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ronkyū jurist [Quarterly jurist] No.36,pp.143-149 2021.5
15. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 14 February 2019 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Gyōseihō kenkyū [Review of administrative law] No.35,pp.205-229 2020.8
16. A Critical Analysis of the Prevailing View Regarding Publicity by Government Agencies (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.19,No.2,pp.119-188 2020.7
doi Link
17. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 16 November 2018 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Reiwa gannendo jūyōhanrē kaisetsu [Jurist special issue 2018] pp.50-51 2020.4
18. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 18 July 2019 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.19,No.1,pp.417-443 2020.3
doi Link
19. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (6) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.132,No.9=10,pp.1-40 2019.10
20. Escherichia coli O157:H7 Sakai case and Publicity by Public Administration (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Hōgaku kyōshitsu [Law school] No.469,pp.10-14 2019.8
21. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (5) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.132,No.7=8,pp.1-53 2019.8
22. Reconstruction of Permission from a Legal Perspective (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.18,No.2,pp.23-37 2019.7
doi Link
23. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (4) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.132,No.5=6,pp.1-57 2019.6
24. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (3) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.132,No.3=4,pp.1-55 2019.4
25. Case Note: Hiroshima Court of Appeal Judgment of 2 February 2018 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Jichi kenkyū [Review of local autonomy] Vol.95,No.4,pp.126-139 2019.4
26. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (2) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.132,No.1=2,pp.1-49 2019.2
27. Case Note: Sendai Court of Appeal Judgment of 23 June 2017 (in Japanese) (Peer-reviewed)
Tsubasa Doi
Chihō zaimu hanrē shitsugiōtō shū (supplement 2018) pp.5291-5312 2018.12
28. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (1) (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.131,No.9=10,pp.1-50 2018.10
29. Case Note: Sendai Court of Appeal Judgment of 23 June 2017 (in Japanese) (Peer-reviewed)
Tsubasa Doi
Chihō zaimu [Local Finance] No.764,pp.195-210 2018.2
30. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 21 March 2013 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Hōgaku kyōkai zasshi [Journal of the Jurisprudence Association] Vol.133,No.1,pp.131-155 2016.1
31. Case Note: Tokyo Court of Appeal Judgment of 29 August 2013 (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Jichi kenkyū [Review of local autonomy] Vol.91,No.10,pp.130-141 2015.10
32. Local government as possessor of public property in public use (in Japanese) (Peer-reviewed)
Tsubasa Doi
The University of Tokyo law review Vol.9,pp.88-119 2014.10
Link Link

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1. Climate Change Litigation in Japan (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.22,No.2,pp.667-681 2023.7
2. [Translation into Japanese] De l'autorité juridique du pouvoir politique et des deux couches du droit
Maurice Hauriou, Tsubasa Doi (Translation)
Ikkyō hōgaku [The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies] Vol.22,No.1,pp.255-274 2023.3
3. [Translation into Japanese] Le contrôle de proportionnalité en droit administratif français à l'heure de la standardisation de la balance des intérêts
Dominique Custos, Tsubasa Doi (Translation)
ICCLP Publications No.15,pp.83-89 2020.5
4. [Book review] Anne-Laure Girard, La formation historique de la théorie de l'acte administratif unilatéral (in Japanese)
Tsubasa Doi
Kokkagakkai zasshi [Journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences] Vol.130,No.1=2,pp.69-72 2017.2


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Epistemological Foundation of Fact-finding by Courts in Climate Change Litigation(Scientific and Technological Development and the Law of Environmental Protection)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.9.3
2. Epistemological Foundation of Fact-finding by Judiciary in Climate Change Litigation(The 2024 ICON•S Annual Conference: The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence)
Holding date : 2024.7.8 - 2024.7.10
Presentation date : 2024.7.9
3. Through the Looking-Glass, and What a Japanese Administrative Law Professor Found in Italy, 1 year after (in Japanese)(Constitutional Order and Its "Europeanization")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.5.25
4. Santi Romano in Giappone(Rileggere i classici)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.11.27
5. Climate Change Legislation in the European Union (in Japanese)(Building Legal Mechanisms for Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.8.10
6. SNS and the Public Forum Doctrine: Functional Conditions of the Public Forum Doctrine (in Japanese)(Media Law Branch, Research Group of Information and Communications Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.3.3
7. Through the Looking-Glass, and What a Japanese Administrative Law Professor Found in Italy (in Japanese)(Formation of the Domestic Legal Order)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.1.24
8. Climate Change Litigation in Japan (in Japanese)(Taiwan-Japan International Forum on Health and Environmental Law 2022)
Holding date : 2022.8.12
Presentation date : 2022.8.12
9. A Transformation of Administrative Action (in Japanese)(Hokuriku Association of Public Law Jurisprudence)
Holding date : 2022.5.28
Presentation date : 2022.5.28
10. COVID-19 Countermeasures and Infectious Disease Legislation in Japan (in Japanese)(Kobe University Association of Public Law Jurisprudence)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.12.28
11. Case Note: Naha District Court Judgment of 5 August 2020 (in Japanese)(Association of Administrative Law Precedents)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.11.6
12. COVID-19 Countermeasures and Infectious Disease Legislation in Japan (in Japanese)(Taiwan-Japan International Forum on Food and Health Law 2021)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.9.17
13. From the Law of Public Domain to the Law of Common Goods?: Invitation from the Italian Law (in Japanese)(Association of French Administrative Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.9.19
14. Reply to the Reviewers (in Japanese)(The University of Tokyo Association of Public Law Jurisprudence)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.6.12
15. AI Based Decision Making and the Future Challenges of the Public Law (in Japanese)(Ikkyō-sai [Autumn Festival of the Hitotsubashi University] Joint Open Lecture by Four Faculties)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.24
16. Case Note: Hiroshima Court of Appeal Judgment of 2 February 2018 (in Japanese)(Association of Administrative Law Precedents)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.9.21
17. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (in Japanese)(Kansai Association of Administrative Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.26
18. Case Note: Sendai Court of Appeal Judgment of 23 June 2017 (in Japanese)(Association of Public Finance Law Precedents)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.3
19. Legal structure of administrative action without determined addressee (in Japanese)(Association of French Administrative Law)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.16
20. Essay on the theory of "dinglicher Verwaltungsakt"(Doktorandenseminar Universität Tokyo: Zugänge zum Öffentlichen Recht in Deutschland)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.3.26
21. Case Note: Supreme Court Judgment of 21 March 2013 (in Japanese)(The University of Tokyo Association of Public Law Jurisprudence)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.12.19
22. Case Note: Tokyo Court of Appeal Judgment of 29 August 2013 (in Japanese)(Association of Administrative Law Precedents)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.15

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No. Award name Year
1. President's Award for Good Practice in Online Teaching 2021.3
2. 成績優秀者表彰 特別成績優秀者 2014.3
3. 優秀リサーチペイパー賞 2013.3
4. 成績優秀者表彰 卓越 2012.3

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. The Transformation of the Administrative Justice and the Concept of Legitimate Interests in Civil Law Tradition
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) )
2024.3 - 2026.3
2. Reconstructing the Theory of Free Use of Public Property
Grant-in-Aid for Individual Research Foundation
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) )
2021.7 - 2025.3
3. Reconstructing the Theory of Free Use of Public Property
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) )
2021.4 - 2025.3
4. Layer of "Res" in Administrative Law
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) )
2018.4 - 2021.3