Graduate School of Law
YANAGI Takeshi

Books and Other Publications

1. Questions & Analyses of 2024 Bar Examination
Takeshi Yanagi (Contributor)
NIPPON HYORON SHA 2024.12 (ISBN : 9784535408562)
2. Questions & Analyses of 2023 Bar Examination
Takeshi Yanagi (Contributor)
NIPPON HYORON SHA 2023.12 (ISBN : 9784535408555)


1. Self-standards or Self-regulation by Trade Associations and the Antimonopoly Act
Takeshi Yanagi
Fair Trade No.892,pp.30-35 2025.2
2. Physical Obstruction against Customer Acquisition Efforts: Judgment of Osaka High Court on October 31, 2014 (Shintetsu Taxi Case)
Takeshi Yanagi
100 Cases Commentary of Economic Law (3rd Edition) No.268,pp.176-177 2024.8
3. Trade Association and Group Boycott: Judgment of Tokyo District Court on April 9, 1997 (Japan Toy Gun Cooperative Case)
Takeshi Yanagi
100 Cases Commentary of Economic Law (3rd Edition) No.268,pp.94-95 2024.8
4. Environmental Protection and Competition Law: Comparative Law Analysis of the 2024 Revised Green Guidelines by the Japan Fair Trade Commission
Takeshi Yanagi
Law & Technology No.104,pp.32-40 2024.7
5. SDGs & Justifications / Exemptions of Competition Law: Focusing on Japanese Antimonopoly Act
Takeshi Yanagi
Jurist No.1595,pp.84-89 2024.4
6. Recent Developments in the Exemption Legislation of the Antimonopoly Act Regarding Bus Operators
Takeshi Yanagi
Transportation & Economy Vol.84,No.4,pp.29-34 2024.4
7. Recent Developments Regarding the U.S. 1995 Bank Merger Guidelines
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.22,No.3,pp.1305-1333 2023.11
8. Early Developments in the Exemption Legislation (Act No. 32 of 2020) of the Antimonopoly Act: Differences from the Interpretation of the Antimonopoly Act and the Exemption Clause of the Road Transportation Act Regarding Joint Operations of Bus Operators
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.22,No.2,pp.593-622 2023.7
9. Recent Trends of EU Competition Policy Regarding Environmental Issues
Takeshi Yanagi
Fair Trade No.872,pp.16-20 2023.6
10. Case Study Regarding Merger (ENEOS/Japan Renewable Energy) Defining Markets in an Overlapping Manner, Considering SDGs and Carbon Neutrality
Takeshi Yanagi
Jurist No.1584,pp.116-119 2023.5
11. EU Competition Law and Environment / Sustainability: Focusing on Efforts of the Austrian Federal Competition Authority, the Hellenic Competition Commission, and the European Commission
Takeshi Yanagi
Review of European Law No.13,pp.15-37 2023.4
12. Carbon Neutral and Relaxation of Competition Law
Takeshi Yanagi
Jurist No.1581,pp.33-38 2023.3
13. Scope of the Exemption Legislation (Act No. 32 of 2020) of the Japanese Antimonopoly Act: Focusing on Mergers of Regional Banks
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.21,No.3,pp.923-959 2022.11
14. Fujitsu General's Litigation against JFTC Orders: Judgment of Tokyo District Court on March 3, 2022
Takeshi Yanagi
Fair Trade No.864,pp.61-66 2022.10
15. Sustainability under Competition Law and the Application of the Dutch Competition Act
Takeshi Yanagi
The Annual of the Japan Association of Economic Law No.43,pp.101-112 2022.8
16. Relationship Between the Enforcement of Competition Law and Green Growth: Implications of Car Emissions Cartel Cases in the EU and the United States
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.21,No.2,pp.247-271 2022.7
17. Interpretive and Operational Issues regarding Exemption Legislation (Act No. 32 of 2020) of Antimonopoly Law
Takeshi Yanagi
Issues and Theories of Modern Economic Law: In Honor of Professor Takaji Kanai pp.481-497 2022.1
18. The New Draft Guidelines by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets: Opportunities within Competition Law Regarding Sustainability Agreements
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.20,No.3,pp.1311-1351 2021.11
19. Exclusionary Private Monopoly at Yao Airport: JFTC Cease and Desist Order on July 7, 2020 (Mainami Airport Service Case)
Takeshi Yanagi
Important Cases Commentary of 2020 No.1557,pp.198-199 2021.4
20. The Legal Structure of the Proposed Room for Sustainability Initiatives Act in The Netherlands
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.20,No.1,pp.183-209 2021.3
21. Appraisal of "Consumers' Benefits in the Future" under the Dutch Competition Act
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.19,No.2,pp.545-573 2020.7
22. Judgement of Tekawagumi's Litigation against JFTC Decision: Judgment of Tokyo High Court on April 27, 2018
Takeshi Yanagi
Fair Trade No.816,pp.73-78 2018.10
23. Rationale of Efficiencies Defence under Canadian Competition Act: Historical Transformation in the light of Consumers' Benefit
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho Law Review Vol.52,No.1,pp.155-189 2018.9
24. Trade Association and Group Boycott: Judgment of Tokyo District Court on April 9, 1997 (Japan Toy Gun Cooperative Case)
Takeshi Yanagi
100 Cases Commentary of Economic Law (2nd Edition) No.234,pp.88-89 2017.10
25. Price Cartel and Administrative Guidance: Judgment of Tokyo High Court on September 2, 2016 (Niigata Taxi Case)
Takeshi Yanagi
Important Cases Commentary of 2016 No.1505,pp.264-265 2017.4
26. Justification under International Economic Law: from the perspective of the SPS Agreement
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho Law Review Vol.50,No.2,pp.1-46 2017.3
27. Justification in Unjust Low Price Sales under the Japanese Antimonopoly Act: Scope of 'Intention or Purpose' Element
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho Law Review Vol.50,No.1,pp.163-191 2016.9
28. Procompetitive Justification Offsetting Anticompetitive Effect under U.S. Antitrust Law: County of Tuolumne v. Sonora Community Hospital, 236 F.3d 1148 (9th Cir. 2001)
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho Law Review Vol.49,No.1,pp.175-188 2015.9
29. Positioning of Exclusionary Effect in the interpretation of 'Exclusion' regarding Private Monopoly
Takeshi Yanagi
Quick Precedent Comment Vol.15 New Precedent Comment Watch No.15,pp.259-262 2014.9
30. Justifications of Anti-Competitive Activities under EU Competition Law (Peer-reviewed)
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.11,No.1,pp.137-177 2012.3
31. Justifications of Anti-Competitive Activities under U.S. Anti-Trust Law (Peer-reviewed)
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.10,No.2,pp.553-630 2011.7
32. Justifications regarding Resale Price Maintenance : JFTC Recommendation Decision against Hamanaka (June 9, 2010)
Takeshi Yanagi
Jurist No.1418,pp.120-123 2011.3
33. Regulation of Exclusionary Practices by IT Multinational Corporation : JFTC Recommendation Decision against Intel Corp.
Takeshi Yanagi
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences Vol.30,No.3,pp.13-26 2005.10

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1. SDGs and Economic Law
Takeshi Yanagi
HQ Web Magazine No.2024,pp.1 2024.10
2. Encouragement for Writing Research Papers: Benefits of Taking "Legal Studies" at Hitotsubashi University Law School
Takeshi Yanagi
Hitotsubashi Law Review No.6,pp.178-185 2024.3
3. Faculty Message: Aim to be Leading Jurists who can Address "Unresolved Problems" with Their Hearts and Intuitions
Takeshi Yanagi
Pamphlet of Hitotsubashi University Law School No.2023,pp.3 2023.7
4. Education at Hitotsubashi University: Economic Law Seminar
Takeshi Yanagi
HQ Vol.2021,No.April,pp.24-25 2021.4
5. Dedication (In Honor of Emeritus Professor Toshifumi Yamabe)
Takeshi Yanagi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.20,No.1,pp.9-10 2021.3
6. Efficiency Considerations in Merger Enforcement Guidelines issued by Competition Bureau Canada in 2011 (Translation)
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho Law Review Vol.51,No.1,pp.149-171 2017.9
7. An Abridged Translation of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada (Tervita Case) Firstly Affirming Efficiencies Defence under Section 96 of the Competition Act
Takeshi Yanagi
Rissho University Annual of the Institute of Legal Studies No.21,pp.99-113 2016.3
8. Efficiency Defense in Antitrust Law
Takeshi Yanagi
USJP Occasional Paper No.2014,pp.1-40 2014.5
9. Justification of Anti-Competitive Activities : A Comparative Analysis
Takeshi Yanagi
USJP Occasional Paper No.2013,pp.1-40 2013.5

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Environmental Protection and Antimonopoly Act: Comparative Law Analysis of the 2024 Revised Green Guidelines by the Japan Fair Trade Commission(Lecture at the Japan Corporate Governance Network (JCGN))
Holding date : 2024.6.10
Presentation date : 2024.6.10
2. SDGs & Justifications / Exemptions of Competition Law: Focusing on Japanese Antimonopoly Act(Tokyo Economic Law Workshop)
Holding date : 2023.11.25
Presentation date : 2023.11.25
Rikkyo University
3. Backgrounds of Carbon Neutral and Recent Trends of Foreign Competition Authorities(Lecture at the Japan Electric Association)
Holding date : 2023.6.15
Presentation date : 2023.6.15
Yurakucho Electric Building
4. Competition Law in the Realization of SDGs and Green Society: Recent Trends of Competition Authorities in Japan, the US, and the EU and Key Points for Japanese Companies(Lecture at the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA))
Holding date : 2023.2.17
Presentation date : 2023.2.17
5. Competition Law in the Realization of SDGs and Green Society: Recent Trends of Competition Authorities in Japan, the US, and the EU and Key Points for Japanese Lawyers(Competition Law Practice Workshop at Osaka Bar Association)
Holding date : 2023.2.16
Presentation date : 2023.2.16
6. Case Study regarding the Decision (Case AT.40178 - Car Emissions) of the European Commission(Competition Law Workshop)
Holding date : 2023.2.4
Presentation date : 2023.2.4
7. Case Study Regarding Merger (ENEOS/Japan Renewable Energy) Defining Markets in an Overlapping Manner, Considering SDGs and Carbon Neutrality(Economic Law Precedents Workshop)
Holding date : 2023.1.21
Presentation date : 2023.1.21
8. Transition toward Green Economy and Competition Law / Competition Policy(2022 Annual Conference of Japan Competition Law Forum (Panelist))
Holding date : 2022.11.18
Presentation date : 2022.11.18
Hibiya Convention Hall
9. Transition toward Green Economy and Competition Law / Competition Policy: Efforts of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, the Austrian Federal Competition Authority, the Hellenic Competition Commission, and the European Commission(Lecture at 2022 Annual Conference of Japan Competition Law Forum)
Holding date : 2022.11.18
Presentation date : 2022.11.18
Hibiya Convention Hall
10. EU Competition Law and Environment: Efforts of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, the Austrian Federal Competition Authority, the Hellenic Competition Commission, and the European Commission(The Hitotsubashi Association of European Union Law)
Holding date : 2022.8.27
Presentation date : 2022.8.27
11. Green Growth and Competition Policy(The 20th International Symposium of the Competition Policy Research Center of the Japan Fair Trade Commission(Panelist))
Holding date : 2022.3.25
Presentation date : 2022.3.25
Japan Fair Trade Commission
12. Recent Trends regarding Green Policy and Competition Policy of the EU and the Member States(Lecture at the Liberal Democratic Party)
Holding date : 2022.3.16
Presentation date : 2022.3.16
Headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party
13. Case Study regarding the Decision (Case AT.40178 - Car Emissions) of the European Commission(Tokyo Economic Law Workshop)
Holding date : 2022.2.19
Presentation date : 2022.2.19
14. Sustainability Consideration under Competition Law: from the perspective of the Dutch Competition Act(Japan Association of Economic Law)
Holding date : 2021.10.9
Presentation date : 2021.10.9
15. Sustainability Consideration under Competition Law: from the perspective of the Dutch Competition Act(Tokyo Economic Law Workshop)
Holding date : 2021.9.18
Presentation date : 2021.9.18
16. Justification of Anticompetitive Acitvity(Tokyo Economic Law Workshop)
Holding date : 2019.1.26
Presentation date : 2019.1.26
Rikkyo University

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No. Award name Year
1. Masatoshi Yokota Memorial Prize of the Fair Trade Institute 2024.3
2. Otto Riese Memorial Prize of the Japan Association of Economic Law 2023.10
3. Valedictorian of Hitotsubashi University Law School 2006.3