Graduate School of Social Sciences
SATOH Keiichi

Books and Other Publications

1. Theories of the policy process
Weible, Christopher M. (Contributor)
Routledge 2023.6 (ISBN : 9781032311241)
2. 環境社会学事典
環境社会学会 (Contributor)
丸善出版 2023.3 (ISBN : 9784621307540)
3. 気候変動政策の社会学――日本は変われるのか
長谷川公一, 品田知美編, 長谷川公一, 品田知美 (Contributor)
昭和堂 2016.6 (ISBN : 4812215536)
4. 脱原発をめざす市民活動――3・11社会運動の社会学
町村敬志, 佐藤圭一, 町村 敬志, 佐藤 圭一 (Joint editor)
新曜社 2016.2 (ISBN : 4788514508)
5. 資本主義と危機 : 世界の知識人からの警告
Markus Gabriel, Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein, Nancy Fraser, Axel Honneth, John Bellamy Foster, 大河内泰樹, 斎藤幸平, Gaël Curty著(斎藤幸平, 瀬川真吾, 徳地真弥, 佐藤圭一, 山崎亮介訳) (Sole translator)
岩波書店 2021.5 (ISBN : 9784000614719)
6. 3・11後の社会運動 : 8万人のデータから分かったこと
樋口, 直人, 松谷, 満 (Contributor)
筑摩書房 2020.6 (ISBN : 9784480016980)
7. 3・11後の社会運動 : 8万人のデータから分かったこと
樋口, 直人, 松谷, 満 (Contributor)
筑摩書房 2020.6 (ISBN : 9784480016980)
8. 『環境政策史――なぜいま歴史から問うのか』
西澤栄一郎, 喜多川進編 (Contributor)
ミネルヴァ書房 2017.3 (ISBN : 9784623078714)

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1. Social Life and Communication Skills of School-Age Children with Congenital Hearing Loss Who Received Cochlear Implants at an Advanced Age (Peer-reviewed)
Kyoko Shirai, Yusuke Saito, Keiichi Satoh, Ayako Tomizawa, Naoko Nonami, Sachi Maeda, Nobuhiro Nishiyama, Ryota Tomioka, Kiyoaki Tsukahara
Audiology and Neurotology pp.1-17 2025.1
doi Link
2. Multichannel housing career and immigrant residential integration: The case of Chinese immigrants in Tokyo, Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Hao Liang, Keiichi Satoh
Journal of the Housing Research Foundation "Jusoken" Vol.50,pp.115-126 2024.5
doi Link
3. Does Human Network Nature Enhance or Mitigate Power Distribution Inequality? An Agent-Based Examination Using a Modified Barabási-Albert Model (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh, Hao Liang
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.38,No.2,pp.325-345 2024.3
doi Link
4. Shared Positions on Divisive Beliefs Explain Interorganizational Collaboration: Evidence from Climate Change Policy Subsystems in 11 Countries (Peer-reviewed)
Aasa Karimo, Paul M Wagner, Ana Delicado, James Goodman, Antti Gronow, Myanna Lahsen, Tze-Luen Lin, Petr Ocelík, Volker Schneider, Keiichi Satoh, Luisa Schmidt, Sun-Jin Yun, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Vol.33,No.3,pp.421-433 2023.6
5. Network analysis of scientific advisory committee integration in climate change policy: A comparison of Germany and Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Melanie Nagel, Keiichi Satoh, Adam Douglas Henry
PLOS Climate Vol.2,No.6,pp.e0000222 2023.6
doi Link
6. East Asian Compressed Ecological Modernization: Modus of Developmental State and Technological Response to the Environmental Crisis
Keiichi Satoh
Handbook of Post-Western Sociology: From East Asia to Europe pp.799-811 2023.3
doi Link Link
7. Net-zero carbon declarations by Japanese local governments: What caused the domino-like diffusion? (Peer-reviewed)
Takashi Nakazawa, Keiichi Satoh, Gregory Trencher, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, Koichi Hasegawa
Review of Policy Research Vol.40,No.6,pp.853-893 2023.2
doi Link
8. The Advocacy Coalition Index: A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh, Antti Gronow, Tuomas Ylä‐Anttila
Policy Studies Journal Vol.51,No.1,pp.187-207 2023.2
9. Left-libertarian values and post-Fukushima social movements: Analyzing newcomers to protests in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh
Contemporary Japan Vol.34,No.2,pp.157-186 2022.7
10. Of devils, angels and brokers: how social network positions affect misperceptions of political influence (Peer-reviewed)
Antti Gronow, Keiichi Satoh, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, Christopher M. Weible
Journal of European Public Policy Vol.30,No.5,pp.898-921 2022.3
doi Link
11. Connections result in a general upsurge of protests: egocentric network analysis of social movement organizations after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh, Wan Yin Kimberly Fung, Keisuke Mori
Social Movement Studies Vol.21,No.1-2,pp.79-102 2022.3
doi Link
12. Organizational roles and network effects on ideational influence in science-policy interface: Climate policy networks in Germany and Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh, Melanie Nagel, Volker Schneider
Social Networks Vol.75,pp.88-106 2022.2
doi Link
13. Refining the Multiple Streams Framework’s Integration Concept: Renewable Energy Policy and Ecological Modernization in Germany and Japan in Comparative Perspective (Peer-reviewed)
Vilém Novotný, Keiichi Satoh, Melanie Nagel
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice Vol.23,No.3,pp.1-19 2021.5
doi Link
14. Vertical and Horizontal Networks Revisited: Exploring Their Effects on Attitudes and Advocacy Toward Nuclear Energy (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh, Tobias Weiss
Social Science Japan Journal Vol.24,No.1,pp.85-113 2021.3
doi Link
15. Local Government Declarations for Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 in Japan : A Questionnaire Survey on Climate Change Policies (Peer-reviewed)
辰巳智行, 中澤高師, 佐藤圭一, 野澤淳史, 池田和弘, 喜多川進, 小西雅子, トレンチャー・グレゴリー, 平尾桂子, 長谷川公一
情報学研究 Vol.26,pp.1-21 2021.3
16. Introducing an egocentric method to explore information flow in a postflood governance network
Antje Witting, Frederik Br, enstein, Keiichi Satoh
Environmental Policy and Governance Vol.30,No.4,pp.196-208 2020.7
17. Breaking away from the 'voluntary approach' paradigm: Beyond the debate whether it is a cause of stagnation or driving force in stagnation
Keiichi Satoh
Gendai Shiso Vol.48,No.5,pp.32-43 2020.2
18. Protesting iconic megaprojects. A discourse network analysis of the evolution of the conflict over Stuttgart 21 (Peer-reviewed)
Melanie Nagel, Keiichi Satoh
Urban Studies Vol.56,No.8,pp.1681-1700 2019.6
doi Link
19. Private Governance in Japanese Climate Change Policy: How Has the Voluntary Approach by the Japan Business Federation Worked? (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh
The Journal of Environmental Sociology Vol.23,pp.83-98 2017
20. Introduction: Japanese experience of great disasters: Revisioning 3/11 and beyond
Keiichi Satoh, Hidehiro Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Sociology Vol.32,No.1,pp.1-4 2023.3
doi Link
21. Introducing an egocentric method to explore information flowin a postflood governance network (Peer-reviewed)
Antje Witting, Frederik Brandenstein, Keiichi Satoh
Environmental Policy and Governance Vol.2020,pp.1-13 2020.3
22. Diversity in collaboration: Networks in urban climate change governance (Peer-reviewed)
Melanie Nagel, Martin Stark, Keiichi Satoh, Marco Schmitt, Elena Kaip
Urban Climate Vol.29,pp.100502 2019.9
doi Link
23. Saving Hakodate from the MOX Nuclear Power Plant Oma: Citizens Group for the Oma Nuclear Power Plant Trial "Oma Gempatsu Sosho no Kai"
Keiichi Satoh
Disaster, Infrastructure and Society Vol.7,pp.24-31 2019.3
24. Book "Citizens Taking Action for a Nuclear Free Society: A Sociology of Social Movements after 3.11": In a Nutshell
Keiichi Satoh
Disaster, Infrastructure and Society Vol.7,pp.7-19 2019.3
25. What is the Oma Nuclear Power Plant?: Background ofthe Case Study
Satoh, Keiichi
Disaster, Infrastructure and Society Vol.7,pp.20-23 2019.3
26. Participation to the Post 3.11 Protest: Focusing on Anti-Nuclear and Anti-Anpo Social Movements
Satoh, Keiichi, Shun Harada, Kikuko Nagayoshi, Minoru Matsutani, Naoto Higuchi, Hiroshi Ohata
Research on Social Sciences, University of Tokushima Vol.32,pp.1-84 2018.7
27. Conflicting Climate Change Frames in a Global Field of Media Discourse (Peer-reviewed)
Broadbent, Jeffrey, John Sonnett, Iosef Botetzagias, Marcus Carson, Anabela Carvalho, Yu-Ju Chien, Christopher Edling, Dana Fisher, Georgios Giouzepas, Randolph Haluza-DeLay, Koichi Hasegawa, Christian Hirschi, Ana Horta, Kazuhiro Ikeda, Jun Jin, Dowan Ku, Myanna Lahsen, Ho-Ching Lee, Tze-Luen Alan Lin, Thomas Malang, Jana Ollmann, Diane Payne, Sony Pellissery, Stephan Price, Simone Pulver, Jaime Sainz, Keiichi Satoh, Clare Saunders, Luisa Schmidt, Mark C. J. Stoddart, Pradip Swarnakar, Tomoyuki Tatsumi, David Tindall, Philip Vaughter, Paul Wagner, Sun-Jin Yun, Sun Zhengyi
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World Vol.2,pp.1-17- 2016.10
doi Link
28. Parallel process of global convergence and national differentiation of climate change policy ideas: Focusing on policy networks between national and global organizations (Peer-reviewed)
Keiichi Satoh
AGLOS Vol.Special Edition 2015,No.2015,pp.1-23 2016.7
29. Governing the Voluntarity: Japanese Climate Change Policy Networks and Political Process (Peer-reviewed)
SATOH Keiichi
Graduate School of Hitotsubashi University pp.1-228 2016.3
30. Diversified Background of the "Anti-nuclear Movement" After the Fukushima Accident : Results of a Nation-wide Survey of Civic Groups in Japan
町村 敬志, 佐藤 圭一, 辰巳 智行, 菰田 レエ也, 金 知榮, 金 善美, 陳 威志
一橋社会科学 Vol.7,pp.1-32,中付2p 2015
doi Link Link
31. The Japanese Climate Change Policy Network : The Relationship between a Triple-Pole Structured Organizational Support Network and Policy Output (Peer-reviewed)
SATOH Keiichi
Journal of environmental sociology Vol.20,No.20,pp.100-116 2014.12
32. Reshaping the Nuclear Energy Policy Domain: The Japanese Anti-nuclear Movement after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident (Peer-reviewed)
SATOH Keiichi, OKADA Atsushi, KIM Sunmee, KIM Jiyoung, KOMODA Reeya, TATSUMI Tomoyuki, TAN Uichi, MACHIMURA Takashi
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) Reconstruction from the disaster project eds., Sociology in the Post-Disaster Society: Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake: The Road to Overcome the Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster pp.178-199 2014.6
33. Preface: To Understand the Different Side of Problems Faced by Each Civil Organization
SATOH Keiichi
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える pp.41 2013.3
34. Connecting Evacuees through Lunchbox Delivery Service:The Female Farmers' Power Project "Ka-Chan no Chikara Project"
SATOH Keiichi
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.4,pp.45-48 2013.3
35. Asian Societies and Climate Change: The Variable Diffusion of Global Norms (Peer-reviewed)
BROADBENT Jeffrey, YUN Sun-Jin, KU Dowan, IKEDA Kazuhiro, SATOH Keiichi, PELLISSERY Sony, SWARNARKAR Pradip, LIN Tze-Luen, LEE Ho-Ching, JIN Jun
Globality Studies Journal: Global History, Society, Civilization Vol.32,pp.1-24 2013
36. Longing for the Right to Decide Nuclear Policy by Ourselves: Social Movements led by the Citizen Group Minna de Kimeyo in Tokyo Call for Referendums on Nuclear Policy
SATOH Keiichi
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.3,pp.46-52 2012.12
37. What Should the Public Know?: Japanese Media Coverage on the Antinuclear Movement in Tokyo between March 11 and November 30, 2011
SATOH Keiichi
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.2,pp.35-39 2012.6
38. The Process of Public Sphere Formation on Climate Change: Can Japan Progress to the “Environmental Society”?
Keiichi Satoh
一橋大学大学院社会学研究科 2011.3

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1. <Translation>Capitalism, Structural Crisis and Contemporary Social Movements: An Interview with Immanuel Wallerstein
Keiichi Satoh
思想 Vol.1126,pp.48-60 2018.2
2. The Great East Japan Earthquake Chronicle 2011.3.11-2011.5.11
UEDA Takefumi, TATSUMI Tomoyuki, IWADATE Yutaka, KAMIYAMA Ikumi, KIM Jiyoung, KIM Sunmee, MACHIMURA Takashi, MORI Keisuke, MORI Sayaka, SATO Akihiko, SATO Keiichi, TAN Uichi, TERADA Atsuo, WATANABE Anna
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.1,pp.13-269 2011.12


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. 不動産業者の外国人嫌いは 居住セグリゲーションにどう影響するか: RパッケージnetABMによる検証(第97回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2024.11.9 - 2024.11.10
Presentation date : 2024.11.9
2. Political opportunity structure and Interest group neetwork formation: From the Comparing Climate Policy Networks Project(76th Conference of the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology)
Holding date : 2024.3.15 - 2024.3.18
Presentation date : 2024.3.16
Osaka University
3. Nature of the social networks and distribution of the power: An agent-based modeling analysis(96th Conference of Japan Sociological Society)
Holding date : 2023.10.8 - 2023.10.9
Presentation date : 2023.10.8
Rissho University
4. Coalition Opportunity Structures and Different Kinds of Advocacy Coalitions(Conference on Policy Process Research)
Holding date : 2023.1.11 - 2023.1.14
Presentation date : 2023.1.11
University of Colorado, Denver
5. Measuring Polarization of Policy Networks Using the Advocacy Coalition Index(8th international Power Conference)
Holding date : 2022.11.24 - 2022.11.26
Presentation date : 2022.11.26
6. Value Clusters in Contemporary Japan: Exploring their Features, Political Behavior, and Cleavage Structure(VSJF Conference 2022)
Holding date : 2022.11.18 - 2022.11.20
Presentation date : 2022.11.18
7. アドボカシー連合インデックスーー連合特定の新アプローチ(環境政策論研究会)
Holding date : 2022.3.8
Presentation date : 2022.3.8
8. Changes in the Landscape of Antinuclear Movements after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident(2021 Annual Conference of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF))
Holding date : 2021.3.19
Presentation date : 2021.3.19
9. 気候変動に対する自治体首長の態度と2050年CO2排出実質ゼロ宣言――気候変動政策に関する自治体調査から(第62回環境社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2020.12.6
Presentation date : 2020.12.6
10. 日本・ドイツの気候変動政策ネットワークの構造比較(日本政治学会)
Holding date : 2020.9.26 - 2020.9.27
Presentation date : 2020.9.27
11. Climate Change Policy Network and Policy Cleavage Structure: India and Japan Comparison(115th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting)
Holding date : 2020.8.8 - 2020.8.11
Presentation date : 2020.8.9
12. Who Participates?: Analyzing Inclusion and Exclusion in Local Governance Using Citizen Group Surveys After 3/11(German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.9
Ruhr University Bochum
13. The Advocacy Coalition Index: Identifying Coalitions by Simultaneously Taking into Account Coordination of Action and Belief Homophily(ECPR General Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.9.5
University of Wrocław
14. Subsystem Compartmentalisation in a Cross-National Comparative Perspective: Applying the ACF to Climate Change Committees’ Networks in Germany, Japan and USA(ECPR General Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.9.5
University of Wrocław
15. Vertical and horizontal networks: Exploring their effects on attitudes and advocacy towards nuclear energy(Workshop on “Japan’s Energy Transition”)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.26
München, Germany
16. Connections Result in a New Protest Cycle: Social Movement Organizations’ Networks after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident(XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.21
Montreal, Canada
17. Digital Media that Woke New Protesters up: A case of anti-nuclear movements after the Fukushima Accident(Guest Lecture in InEAST)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.3.26
University of Duisbburg-Essen
18. Making Alliance in Social Movement Work: Spring of Social Movements after the Fukushima Accident in Japan
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.12.4
Universität Zürich
19. New Protest Cycle” Backed by the New Organizational Alliance?: Making Sense of the Frequent Large-Scale Demonstrations after the 3/11(Social Processes and Effects of Innovations in Tokyo and Beyond)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.7
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
20. Public Opinion on Nuclear Energy and Voting Behavior: The Political and Social Divisions Over the Energy Issues in Japan After the Fukushima Accident(General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research 2018 in Hamburg)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.8.24
University of Hamburg
21. Faith in Scientific Expertise and the Organizational Distribution of Knowledge: Climate Change Policy Networks in Germany and Japan(General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research 2018 in Hamburg)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.8.23
University of Hamburg
22. Diversity in Collaboration: Networks in Urban Climate Change Policy(International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.27
University of Utrecht
23. Milieus, Demonstration and Party Support: Why Is Anti-Nuclear Public Opinion Represented Poorly in Japanese Policy-Making?(XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology in Toronto)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.20
, Metro Toronto Convention Center
24. International Organizations and Domestic Climate Change Policy Networks in Australia, Finland,India, Japan, Sweden and the United States(XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.16
Metro Toronto Convention Center
25. Changed Public Opinion, Changed Advocacy, and Unchanged Policy: How the Incongruence occurred after the Fukushima Accident(ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.4.13
University of Nicosia
26. Multiple Streams Framework and Policy Network Analysis: Integration of Policy Network (Stream)(The General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research 2017 in Oslo)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.8
University of Oslo
27. Divided we work, together we argue: Explaining the differences in consensual logic of the German and Japan climate change policy networks(The General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research 2017 in Oslo)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.7
University of Oslo
28. The Role of Gatekeepers and Emotionality of Arguments: Analyzing the Brexit Discourse in Social and Print Media(The General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research 2017 in Oslo)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.7
University of Oslo
29. 3.11後の市民活動・社会運動について――原発・エネルギー問題に関する市民団体調査をもとに(環境・労働問題研究会第10回研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.3.25
30. Leave or not to leave is the question: Eine Netzwerkanalyse über den politischen Diskurs zum EU Brexit in Großbritannien und Deutschland(Fachtagung "Der Stand der Netzwerkforschung")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.12.5
Schader-Forum, Darmstadt, Deutschland
31. 「政策提言なき市民社会」は解消されたのか――原発・エネルギー市民団体調査から考える(社会運動・集合行動ネットワーク キックオフ・コンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.7
32. Mothers as activists after 3.11: The quantitative approach(DIJ International Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.29
Yotsuya, Tokyo, Japan
33. Business in climate policy networks: Comparing Germany and Japan(24th World Congress of Political Science)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.26
Poznań Congress Center, Poland
34. Governing through the voluntarily?: The Japanese Climate change policy and the policy networks(3rd ISA Forum of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.11
University of Vienna, Austria
35. Comparing climate change policy networks: Project overview and comparison of Japan, Germany, and the United States(3rd ISA Forum of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.11
University of Vienna, Austria
36. 市民団体の組織化の5段階――原発・エネルギー領域で活動する市民団体への調査票調査をもとに(第2回東日本大震災研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.3.14
37. 3.11以後の『脱原発運動』はどのように展開したのか――常態化するシステム危機の時代の市民社会の厚み(社会運動論研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.8
38. 日本の気候変動政策ネットワークの構造と政策との連関――社会ネットワーク分析による利益団体を対象とした調査票調査をもとに(東北社会学研究会2015年度研究例会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.25
39. 「災害と公共性の政治過程論――福島第一原発事故を事例として(第88回日本社会学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.19
40. 『疑似省庁』経団連――日本の気候変動政策の執行過程の分析(第62回東北社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.7.19
41. Infrastructure for a Post-Nuclear Society: From the Survey on Japanese Civil Society Organizations in Nuclear Energy Policy Domain(XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.7.14
Pacifico Yokohama, Japan,
42. Politics, Culture and Integration in Taiwan and Japan: Pathways toward the Risk Sensitive State in the Post Industrial Society(East Asian Junior Sociologists Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.7.12
Pacifico Yokohama, Japan
43. Japanese Climate Change Discourse Coalitions(XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.7.12
Pacifico Yokohama, Japan,
44. 日本の気候変動政策の特質と課題(気候変動対策と防災に関するシンポジウム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.3.17
45. 環境政策史ならではのユニークな問い(視点)とは何か?(環境経済・政策学会2014年大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.14
46. The Climate Change Policy Network in Japan: A Tug of War between Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economy Network(Sunbelt XXXIV)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.2.22
Trade Winds Hotel, St Pete Beach, Florida, USA
47. 気候変動政策のナショナルな分岐とグローバルな収斂の並行過程(上智大学2014年度大学院・次世代研究者イニシアティブによるシンポジウム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.1.31
48. Political Decision Making Process of Climate Change Policies and Stakeholders Networks in Japan(1): Activities and Preferences of Major Stakeholders based on the COMPON Project(International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.11.2
Nanjing, China,
49. 3.11以降の運動は市民社会を変えたのか?:団体全国調査をもとに(3)――団体類型別にみた動員構造の違いと市民社会におけるウェブメディアの諸機能(日本社会学会第86回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.13
50. 「3.11以降の運動は市民社会を変えたのか?:団体全国調査をもとに(2)――原発・エネルギーを巡るイシューの全体像と活動団体の組織構造(日本社会学会第86回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.13
51. Organizational Background of the Explosion of the Social Movement after the Fukushima Accident: a New Phase of Japanese Civil Society?(Asia Studies Conference Japan)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.29
J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan,
52. 「団体調査から見る3.11以降の市民社会:福島原発事故後の市民社会の活動に関する団体調査(第61回関東社会学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.15
53. 日本における気候変動の政策ネットワーク――インタビューを中心とした『フィールドワーク』の知見をもとに(日本行動計量学会第40回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.15
54. “Japan’s climate change media coverage and politics(Second ISA Forum of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.8.3
Buenos Aires University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
55. Japan’s Climate Change Media Coverage and Politics(2012 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.5.18
Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel in Toronto, Canada
56. Media Coverage on Climate Change in Japan,” AJCU-AP Consortium Division of Environment and Climate Change(AJCU-AP Consortium Division of Environment and Climate Change)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.3.23
Sophia Unviersity, Tokyo, Japan
57. Anti-Nuclear Social Movements after the Fukushima Accident: Similarities and Differences with the “New Wave” in the late 1980s(Study Group on Infrastructure and Society Workshop on Understanding the 2011 Disaster in Japan)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.1.24
Hitotsubashi University, Japan
58. A Coverage on Climate Change of the Japan Case in 2007 to 2009(The Third International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.10.22
Catholic University of Korea, Korea
59. 1980 年代の日本における気候変動政策の展開と環境政治(環境経済・政策学会2011年大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.9.24
60. 気候変動はいかに語られたか(3)――新聞分析を通して浮かび上がる言説コミュニティの変遷(環境社会学会第43回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.6.4
61. 日本における気候変動言説ネットワークの発展過程(環境政策史第3回研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.12.1
62. マスメディアは気候変動をどう問題化したか(2)―政策アクターの言説ネットワークを中心に―(日本社会学会第83回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.6
63. Media Coverage on Climate Change of the Japan case in 2007 and 2008(International Sociological Association RC24)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.6.10
Hotel Panorama, Gothenburg, Sweden
64. The Role of Gatekeepers and Emotionality of Arguments
Holding date :
Presentation date :

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No. Award name Year
1. Contemporary Japan Best Paper Prize 2024.9
2. Best Paper Award by Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology for the year 2020 2020.11

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Development and application of the Advocacy Coalition Index: Integrating the information of edges and attributes
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists )
2021.4 - 2024.3
2. Comparative Climate Change and Energy Policy Networks
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) )
2021.4 - 2024.3
3. Establishing ELSI for strategies of developing and promoting decarbonization technologies in Japan
( Awarding organization: 科学技術振興機構 System name: 戦略的創造研究推進事業 )
2020.9 - 2024.3
4. Development and application of network ABM package: Toward the social theory of social networks
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2024.4 - 2028.3
5. Comparative Study of Multi-level Governance on Climate Integrity in Japan and India
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2024.4 - 2028.3
6. Comparative Study on the Climate Change and the Energy Policy in East Asia
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) )
2018.4 - 2021.3
7. Social Movements at the Time of Crisis? Who Participates in Anti-Nuclear and Anti-Security Treaty Movements and Why?
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) )
2017.4 - 2020.3
8. 気候変動政策の政治システム――情報・政策決定・執行過程の日独比較研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費 )
2015.4 - 2018.3
9. Comparative Study on the Climate Change and the Energy Policy in East Asia
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) )
2015.4 - 2018.3
10. Capitalist Restructuring and Cities after Globalization: Studies on Infrastructural Turn and Civil Society
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) )
2014.4 - 2019.3
11. Capitalist Restructuring and Cities after Globalization: Studies on Changing <Human-thing> Relationships and Governmentality
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) )
2011.4 - 2015.3
12. エコロジー的合理性の政治領域における制度変容過程-温暖化問題を事例として-
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費 )
2011 - 2013

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