Graduate School of Social Sciences
SUDO Naoki

Books and Other Publications

1. 数理社会学事典
数理社会学会数理社会学事典刊行委員会 (Joint editor)
丸善出版 2022.8 (ISBN : 9784621306659)
2. The Structure of Social Stratification in the Aged Society with Low Fertility Vol.3
有田 伸, 数土 直紀, 白波瀬 佐和子 (Joint editor)
University of Tokyo Press 2021.9
3. Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values
Carola Hommerich, Naoki Sudo, Toru Kikkawa (Joint editor)
Routledge, London 2020.10
4. 格差社会のなかの自己イメージ
数土 直紀 (Edit)
勁草書房 2018.2 (ISBN : 9784326603046)
5. ソーシャルメディアと公共性 リスク社会のソーシャル・キャピタル
数土 直紀 (Contributor)
東京大学出版会 2018.1
6. Minority Language Revitalization
SUDO Naoki (Contributor)
Sangensha 2016.12
7. 社会意識からみた日本
数土 直紀 (Edit)
有斐閣 2015.3
8. 信頼にいたらない世界
数土 直紀 (Sole author)
勁草書房 2013.11
9. 社会学を問う
数土 直紀 (Joint editor)
勁草書房 2012.2
10. 現代の階層社会3 流動化の中の社会意識
数土 直紀 (Contributor)
東京大学出版会 2011.7
11. 日本人の階層意識
数土 直紀 (Sole author)
講談社 2010.7
12. 階層意識のダイナミクス
数土 直紀
勁草書房 2009
13. 数理社会学入門(共編著)
数土 直紀
勁草書房 2005
14. 自由という服従
数土 直紀
光文社 2005
15. 理解できない他者と理解されない自己 寛容の社会理論
数土 直紀
勁草書房 2001
16. 自由の社会理論
数土 直紀
多賀出版 2000

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1. How Japan’s COVID-19 vaccination policy shapes trust in governance: a relative deprivation approach (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Social Science Japan Journal Vol.28,No.1 2025.2
2. Negative interaction between democratization and economic development on changes in average life satisfaction: evidence from European countries between 1981 and 2022 (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Development Studies Research Vol.11,No.1 2024.7
doi Link
3. Support for social policies: Focusing on effects of group belonging (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Rationality and Society Vol.34,No.4,pp.501-525 2022.11
doi Link Link
4. Effects of Regional Inequality on Political Attitudes: Social Capital and Support for Redistribution and Free Competition
Naoki Sudo
Social Stratification in an Aging Society with Low Fertility pp.143-171 2022.9
doi Link
5. The positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective well-being and changes in social inequality: Evidence from prefectures in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
SSM - Population Health Vol.17,pp.101029 2022.3
6. The Effects of Postmaterialist Values on Average Life Satisfaction at the Country Level: What Generates Differences in Subjective Well-Being among European Countries? (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World Vol.8,pp.1-15 2022.1
7. Changes in subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan and differences between socio-economic groups: Effects of telework experience (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Stress Science Research Vol.37,pp.10-16 2022
doi Link
8. Two Latent Groups Influencing Subjective Social Status: Middle Class Tendency and Clear Class Consciousness (Peer-reviewed)
Sudo, N.
Social Indicators Research Vol.158,No.3,pp.1045-1064 2021.12
doi Link Link
9. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Household Income and Mental Well-Being: Evidence from a Panel-Survey in Japan
Hiroshi Kanbayashi, Carola Hommerich, Naoki Sudo
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.36,No.2,pp.259-277 2021.9
10. Two Types of Support for Redistribution of Wealth: Consistent and Inconsistent Policy Preferences (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Societies Vol.10,No.2,pp.43 2020.6
11. Japan after the Heisei Period Where are we heading?
Sudo, N., Hommerich, C., Kikkawa, T.
Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values 2020
12. Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values
Hommerich, C., Sudo, N., Kikkawa, T.
Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values 2020
doi Link
13. Understanding heisei Japan Anchoring amidst transformation
Hommerich, C., Sudo, N., Kikkawa, T.
Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019: Social Status, Social Consciousness, Attitudes and Values 2020
14. Why Do Advantaged People Feel Unhappy? Effects of Materialistic Values on Subjective Well-Being (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World Vol.5,pp.237802311985391 2019.1
15. Why Do the Japanese Still See Themselves as Middle Class? The Impact of Socio-structural Changes on Status Identification (Peer-reviewed)
Sudo, N.
Social Science Japan Journal Vol.22,No.1,pp.25-44 2019
doi Link
16. The Effects of Women's Labor Force Participation: An Explanation of Changes in Household Income Inequality (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
SOCIAL FORCES Vol.95,No.4,pp.1427-1449 2017.6
17. Social networks of trust based on social values: An explanation of curvilinear relationships between generalized trust and democracy (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
18. Does the internet make people selfish? Effects of the internet on citizens' political attitudes
Sudo, N.
Reconstruction of the Public Sphere in the Socially Mediated Age pp.47-69 2017
doi Link
19. What is the Difference between Trust in Persons and Trust in Systems?
SUDO Naoki
The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory No.10,pp.17-30 2016.3
20. Exploring Complex Social Mechanisms: Changes in gender role attitudes in Japan
SUDO Naoki
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.31,No.1,pp.2-19 2016.3
doi Link
21. Social Class Identification of the Unmarried Is marriage a social status? (Peer-reviewed)
Naoki Sudo
SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND METHODS Vol.27,No.2,pp.225-242 2012.9
22. Dynamics of class identification in postwar japan
Sudo, N.
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.24,No.1 2009
23. The Possibility of Minimal Consensus
Sudo Naoki
Japanese sociological review Vol.50,No.4,pp.496-508 2000.3
doi Link Link
24. Power and Altruism - An evolutionary game theoretic analysis of acts producing power structure
Sudo, N.
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.13,No.2 1999
25. A generative model of social power structure
Sudo, N.
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.12,No.2 1998
26. Possible Existence of Power Relation Between Free Actors
Sudo, N.
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.8,No.2 1993
doi Link
27. Information and Uncertainty
Sudo, N.
Sociological Theory and Methods Vol.7,No.1 1992
doi Link

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1. Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization, Vol. 1: An Invitation to Islamic Trust Studies (イスラームからつなぐ 1イスラーム信頼学へのいざない). Edited by Hidemitsu Kuroki and Emi Goto. Tokyo University Press, 2023. 292 pages. Hardback, ¥4,180 JPY, ISBN: 9784130343510.
Naoki Sudo
International Journal of Asian Studies Vol.22,No.1,pp.179-182 2025.1
doi Link
2. Recent Trends in Japanese Sociology
Naoki Sudo
Global Dialogue Vol.14,No.3,pp.14-15 2024.11
3. 節約すればするほど足りなくなる時間
数土 直紀
現代社会学理論研究 Vol.17,pp.112-116 2023.3
4. <書評>『民主主義を数理で擁護する:認識 的デモクラシー論のモデル分析の 方法』 坂井亮太著
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.38,No.1,pp.182 2023.3
5. Shin-nihon no kaikyū shakai (New Class Society in Japan)
Naoki SUDO
Social Science Japan Journal 2020.7
doi Link
6. Public Reasons for Living with Others, by Minako KONNO
SUDO Naoki
The Journal of Studies in Contemporary Sociological Theory Vol.11,No.11,pp.126-130 2017.3
7. Book Reviews : MIYAJIMA Takashi, FUNABASHI Harutoshi, TOMOEDA Toshio & ENDO Kaoru, Globalization and Sociology
数土 直紀
現代社会学理論研究 No.8,pp.117-121 2014
8. 現実から乖離する社会意識
数土 直紀
思想 No.1026,pp.158-175 2009.9
9. 戦後日本における階層帰属意識のダイナミクス (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.24,No.1,pp.41-56 2009
10. 信頼はどこからやってくるのか
数土 直紀
社会学研究 No.84,pp.103-28 2008
11. <書評>富永,健一[著]『理論社会学の可能性-客観主義から主観主義まで-』
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.21,pp.345-346 2006.9
12. 社会階層による認識の歪み
数土 直紀
学習院大学法学会雑誌 Vol.38,No.2,pp.49-70 2003
13. Gender-Power in Class Identification
Sudo Naoki
Gakushuin review of law and politics Vol.39,No.1,pp.15-38 2003
14. 書評 政治学的な制度論とは--河野勝著『制度』東大出版会、2002年
数土 直紀
レヴァイアサン No.33,pp.165-168 2003
15. Complex Effects of Social Status to Men's Status Identification (Peer-reviewed)
SUDO Naoki
The Japanese journal of behaviormetrics Vol.26,No.2,pp.125-132 1999.9
doi Link
16. イギリス社会学とギデンズ
数土 直紀
現代社会学の最前線1、情況出版 pp.192-206 1999
17. 権力と利他主義 (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.13,No.2,pp.169-182 1999
18. 権力構造の発生モデル (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.12,No.2,pp.163-179 1998
19. ギデンズの構造化理論
数土 直紀
現代社会学の理論と方法、岩波書店 pp.217-229 1997
20. Impossibility of Rational Discrimination : Notes on Meritocracy
Sudo Naoki
Studies in humanities. Human sciences Vol.30,27-41,pp.27-41 1996
Link Link
21. Book Reviews
Sudo Naoki
Sociological theory and methods Vol.10,No.1,pp.93-95 1995
22. A Paradox of Formal Power (Peer-reviewed)
Sudo Naoki
Sociological theory and methods Vol.10,No.2,pp.165-179 1995
23. The Meaning of an Unreal Model
Sudo Naoki
Studies in humanities Vol.29,No.29,pp.41-54 1995
Link Link
24. Social Theory of &lsquo;Being and Time&rsquo;:An Interpretation of Giddens' Social Theory (Peer-reviewed)
SUDO Naoki
The Annual Review of Sociology Vol.1994,No.7,pp.201-212 1994
doi Link
25. 制度を支える自由 ギデンズの構造化理論を手がかりにして (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
社会学評論 Vol.45,No.1,pp.2-15 1994
26. コミュニケーションによる相互理解の可能性
数土 直紀
ソシオロゴス No.18,pp.106-119 1994
27. 権力関係の存在可能性 (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.8,No.2,pp.199-214 1993
28. 批判する知
数土 直紀
ソシオロゴス No.17,pp.189-200 1993
29. 社会学的基礎概念としての自由
数土 直紀
ソシオロゴス No.16,pp.20-35 1992
30. 情報と不確定性 (Peer-reviewed)
数土 直紀
理論と方法 Vol.7,No.1,pp.103-119 1992

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Impacts of Expanding Higher Education and Promoting Women’s Labor Force Participation on Subjective Social Status(American Sociological Association's 119th Annual Meeting)
Holding date : 2024.8.9 - 2024.8.13
Presentation date : 2024.8.10
2. 高学歴化と女性の労働力参加による階層意識への影響(第 6回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2024.3.16 - 2024.3.17
Presentation date : 2024.3.17
3. Social Stratification of Mental Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Two Panel-Surveys in Japan(The 21st Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies)
Holding date : 2023.8.21 - 2023.8.25
Presentation date : 2023.8.23
4. How and Why Does Telework or Remote work Increase Social Inequality in Subjective Well-being?(American Sociological Association's 118th Annual Meeting)
Holding date : 2023.8.17 - 2023.8.21
Presentation date : 2023.8.20
5. Why Did Increasing Number of Newly Infected Individuals Positively Affect Trust in the Government?(XX International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date : 2023.6.25 - 2023.7.1
Presentation date : 2023.6.29
6. 新型コロナウィルス流行後のオンラインパネル調査データの分析(2)――メンタルヘルス回復期に現れる階層的差異の検討(第95回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2022.11.12 - 2022.11.13
Presentation date : 2022.11.13
7. Effects of Vaccination on Confidence in the Central and Local Governments of Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021(The 95th annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society)
Holding date : 2022.11.12 - 2022.11.13
Presentation date : 2022.11.12
8. 新型コロナウィルス感染拡⼤が政府への信頼に与えた影響 ─感染率が問題だったのか─(第73回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2022.8.27 - 2022.8.28
Presentation date : 2022.8.27
9. 新型コロナウィルス流行期におけるオンラインパネル調査データの分析(1) 世 帯収入の変化とその規定因(第94回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2021.11.13 - 2021.11.14
Presentation date : 2021.11.13
10. 新型コロナウィルス流行期におけるオンラインパネル調査データの分析(2) ウェルビーイングの変化とその階層的差異(第94回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date : 2021.11.13 - 2021.11.14
Presentation date : 2021.11.13
11. The Latent Structure of Subjective Well-being: Evidence from Japan and European Countries(The 13th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference)
Holding date : 2021.5.29 - 2021.5.30
Presentation date : 2021.5.29
12. Support for Social Policies among Communities: A computer simulation approach to divided opinion(IV International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology)
Holding date : 2021.2.23 - 2021.2.28
Presentation date : 2021.2.26
13. What Generates Differences in Subjective Well-Being Among European Countries? Exploring Latent Structure of Life Satisfaction(American Sociological Association's 115th Annual Meeting)
Holding date : 2020.8.8 - 2020.8.11
Presentation date : 2020.8.11
14. Invisible Polarization in Subjective Social Status: Two mechanisms determining class identification(American Sociological Association's 114th Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.11
15. Why Do Advantaged People Feel Unhappiness? Effects of Meritocratic Values on Subjective Wellbeing(American Sociological Association's 113th Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.8.13
16. Effects of Regional Inequality on Political Attitudes: Regional Polarization Accelerated through Aging Population and Globalization in Japan(XIX International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.21
17. Supporting Redistribution Policies and Market Principle Simultaneously: How to Shape Conflicting Political Beliefs(XIX International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.7.19
18. Which Changes Count? An Analysis of the Drivers of Japan's "Quiet Transformation"(22nd Asian Studies Conference Japan)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.30
19. How to Make Contradictory Beliefs in Social Policy: An Analysis of Political Attitudes Based on Empirical Data and Computer Simulations(The 11th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.8
20. 社会学におけるモデルの役割について 理論と実証を架橋する(第90回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.4
21. Same Opinion, but Different Reasons: Why do Japanese people support market principles?(American Sociological Association's 112th Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.8.15
22. How will Aging Communities Affect Japan? Neighborhood Effects on Japanese Political Attitudes(The 10th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.8
23. Does Educational Status Function as Human Capital or as a Signal of Abilities?(American Sociological Association's 111th Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.8.23
24. Does the Internet Make People Conservative? Effects of the Internet on Citizens’ Political Attitudes and Their Rational Basement(The Third International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.13
25. 人への信頼、制度への信頼、何が異なるのか?(日本社会学理論学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.6
26. 複合する社会メカニズムの解明 一般的信頼,性別役割意識を例にして(第60回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.8.30
27. Social Networks of Trust Based on Social Values(The 8 th International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.13
28. 格差社会の階層イメージ SSM1985 とSSP-I2010 との比較を通して(第87 回 日本社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.23
29. The Complicated Relationship between Generalized Trust and Democracy(XVIII International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.7.14
30. 一般的信頼と高等教育の重層的関係 2005 年SSM 調査データをもちいた分析か ら(第86 回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.13
31. 公的な制度に対する信頼の二つのタイプ 2005 年世界価値観調査データをもちい た分析から(第56 回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.8.28
32. 「結婚が地位として意識されるとき 晩婚化が階層帰属意識に与えた影響(第 85 回日本社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.3
33. Two Types of Generalized Trust(The 5th Japan-North America Mathematical Sociology Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.8.16
34. 女性の労働参加が所得格差に与える影響について 数理モデルによる検討(第 53 回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.3
35. 社会意識がもつ時間の厚みについて 階層帰属意識の変化のシミュレーションに よる再現(第51 回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.3
36. 階層(帰属) 意識研究の流れと今後の課題(階層意識研究と社会調査)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010
37. 階層意識の多次元的構成 階層構造・時間・空間(第50 回数理社会学会大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Public Value Orientation and Personal Networks of Child Rearing Generation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2023.4 - 2027.3
2. 社会的危機状況下における人びとの意識の変容とその階層差に関する社会学的解明
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2021.4 - 2024.3
3. Nationwide data collection of SSP2020 Survey and methodological investigation of web survey based on random sampling
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2024.3
4. An Empirical Study on the Mechanism of Social Stratification in the Aged Society with Low Fertility
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2018.4 - 2021.3
5. Quantitative Investigation of the Changing Trend of Social Consciousness in Japan's Recent Three Decades
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2016.4 - 2019.3
6. Empirical Research on Life Course Change in Low Fertility Society: A Mixed Methods Approach
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 - 2019.3
7. A Comprehensive Study of the Structural Change in Social Stratification and the Mechanism of Generating Inequality in the Aging Society with Low Fertility
Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013 - 2017
8. Mathematical and Quantitative Analysis in Effects of Social Changes on Social Identity
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2012.4 - 2015.3
9. Empirical Study of Associational Transformation between Social Stratification and Social Psychology in Contemporary Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011.4 - 2016.3
10. An Empirical Research on Education, Social Stratification, and Social Mobility
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011.4 - 2015.3
11. Mathematical Sociological Analysis of Process of Formation of Class Identification
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2009 - 2011
12. Sociological Research on Basic Framework of Publicness and Communality in Ageing Society
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2002 - 2005
13. Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach for Order Problem
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2002 - 2004
14. Quest for Practical Possibility of Social Theory
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2001 - 2003
15. 権力現象の形式化に関する数理社会学的研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
1997 - 1998
16. Sociological Development in Social Choice Theory
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
1995 - 1997

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