Graduate School of Business Administration,Department of Business Administration

Books and Other Publications

1. 戦略分析ケースブック vol.2
沼上幹, 一橋MBA戦略ワークショップ (Contributor)
東洋経済新報社 2012.12 (ISBN : 9784492522066)


1. Housewives and the growth of the Japanese electrical appliance industry, 1950-1990 (Peer-reviewed)
Hirano, Takashi, Sakai, Ken, Donzé, Pierre-Yves
Business History Review Vol.98,No.2 2024.10
2. Rhetorical Strategies that Legitimized Exploitation: Lessons from Assistant Nursing in Japan, 1951-2000 (Peer-reviewed)
Sakai, K, Tsuboyama, Y, Izawa, R, Srinivas, S. N
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business Vol., forthcoming 2024
3. Organizing Professionalism: Comparative Case Studies of Japanese Hospitals (Peer-reviewed)
Yanatori, M, Sakai, K
Organizational Science Vol.56,No.3,pp.46-62 2023.3
4. The trail of the historic turn; in management and organization studies, the path forward
Sakai, K, Izawa, Ryo
Organizational Science Vol.55,No.4,pp.4-14 2022.6
5. Chance favors the prepared mind:The confluence of BørneLund’s business strategy and unintended consequences of educational policies 1977-2020
Ken Sakai
Japanese Research in Business History Vol.38,pp.25-42 2021.12
doi Link
6. Institutional Change as Historical Confluence: The Development of the Nursing Profession in Japan
Sakai, Ken
In Maclean, M., Clegg, S., Suddaby, R., & Harvey, C. (Eds.), Historical Organization Studies: Theory and Applications pp.188-206 2020.11
7. The Role of Facial Expressions in Repairing Organizational Legitimacy: A Comparative Case Study (Peer-reviewed)
Ken Sakai
組織科学 Vol.53,No.4,pp.64-78 2020.6
8. Thriving in the shadow of giants: The success of the Japanese surgical needle producer MANI, 1956–2016 (Peer-reviewed)
Sakai. K.
Business History Vol.61,No.3,pp.429-455 2019.4
9. R&D and Diffusion of the Innovative Stainless Surgical Needle: The Making of MANI (Peer-reviewed)
Ken Sakai
企業家研究 No.15,pp.61-77 2018.7
10. A Critical Review on Crisis Communication Management Theory: Mainstream Views, Recent Trends, and Future Outlook (Peer-reviewed)
Ken Sakai
Hitotsubashi Review of Commerce and Management Vol.13,No.1,pp.52-60 2018.5
酒井 健
組織科学 Vol.50,No.2,pp.69-81 2016
Sakai Ken
13. The emergence of "unexpected" supporters in innovation and its influence: A case study of a slope reinforcement method (Peer-reviewed)
Ken Sakai
Hitotsubashi University 2015.3
Sakai Ken

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1. Where Management Meets History (4)
Sakai, Ken
Seisansei Shimbun pp.3 2025.2
2. Where Management Meets History (3)
Sakai, Ken
Seisansei Shimbun pp.3 2025.2
3. The Intersection of Management and History (2)
Sakai, Ken
Seisansei Shimbun pp.3 2024.12
4. Review of Selected Books on Business History Published in Japan in 2023: Taniguchi, Akitake, ed. 2023. Sōgō denki kigyō no keisei to kaitai: 'Senryaku to Soshiki' no shinwa, 'Sentaku to Shūchū' no wana [The formation and disintegration of general electrical enterprises: 'Strategy and Structure' as a myth, 'Selection and Concentration' as a trap]. Tokyo: Yuhikaku Publishing.
Sakai, Ken
Japanese Research in Business History Vol.41,pp.76 2024.12
5. Where Management Meets History
Sakai Ken
Seisansei Shimbun pp.3 2024.11
6. The significance of narrating history in management today: How historical narratives shape organizations
Sakai, Ken
Diamond Harvard Business Review (the Japanese edition of Harvard Business Review) 2024.10
7. Book review of “Entrepreneurship” and “Innovation,” Yuhikaku.
Sakai Ken
経営史学 Vol.59,No.2,pp.57-60 2024.10
8. Review of Selected Books on Business History Published in Japan in 2022: Pierre-Yves Donzé. Ragujuarī sangyō: Kyūseichō no himitsu [The Luxury Industry: Secrets of a Rapid Growth]. Tokyo: Yuhikaku Publishing, 2022.
Sakai, Ken
Japanese Research in Business History Vol.40,pp.102 2023.12
doi Link
9. An Indian-American New Yorker in Japan
Sakai Ken
Organizational science 2023.12
10. Slight courage in my heart
Ken Sakai
Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol.2022,No.Winter,pp.33 2022.12
11. When a top manager's facial expression is fatal: A comparative case study of press conferences on corporate scandals
Ken Sakai
リスクマネジメントTODAY Vol.2022 September,pp.14-17 2022.9
12. Making another form of yesterday: Family business regeneration in mnemonic disruption
Ken Sakai, Yuki Tsuboiyama, Takahiro Endo
Paper presented at the 38th EGOS Colloquium (Vienna University of Economics and Business) pp.1-23 2022.7
13. Preface to Special Issue: The Trail of the "Historic Turn" in Management and Organization Studies, the Path Forward
Sakai, K, Furuse, K
Organizational Science Vol.55,No.4,pp.2-3 2022.6
14. Thriving in the shadow of giants: The success of the Japanese surgical needle producer MANI, 1956–2016
Sakai, Ken
The Business of Health New Approaches to the Evolution of Health Systems in the World (Edited By Pierre-Yves Donzé, Paloma Fernández Pérez. Chapter 3. Reprinted from Business History) 2022.2
15. Dynamic rhetorical history in a growing company: A case study of a Japanese toy company
Sakai, Ken
Paper presented at Sub-theme 33: Historical Organization Studies in Action: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation of the 37th EGOS Colloquium Amsterdam 2021 2021.7
16. Dodging punches with institutional work: Japanese doctors’ discursive strategies regarding assistant nursing
Sakai, K, Tsuboyama, Y
Paper presented at Virtual Stream 28 - Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations of the 36th EGOS Colloquium by the University of Hamburg. 2020.7
17. Confluence of histories in institutional change: A case study on the management of surgical needles in Japanese hospitals
Sakai, K.
Paper accepted for a presentation at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, United Kingdom pp.1-24 2019.7

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. BørneLund - Otherness as Brand and Identity(Nordic Marketing History Workshop)
Holding date : 2025.2.6 - 2025.2.7
Presentation date : 2025.2.7
Uppsala University
2. Longing for Europe and European-style Business in Japan(Seminar at the Centre for Business History, Copenhagen Business School)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.11.26
3. Towards a More Critical Business History! Exploring “Rhetorical Strategies that Legitimized Exploitation”(BHSJ conference (University of Tokyo, October 26), Plenary Session: “New methodologies and approaches in business history”)
Holding date : 2024.10.26 - 2024.10.27
Presentation date : 2024.10.26
4. A Healthcare Technology Renaissance in a Different Context: The Mass Production of Health Checkups in Japan, 1967-2023(European Business History Association)
Holding date : 2023.7.11 - 2024.7.13
Presentation date : 2024.7.12
5. Strategy, Structure, and Social Evaluation: Integrating Social Perspectives into Chandler’s Framework(Workshop for Business History Special Issue on Chandler Redux? Looking Back to Move Forward)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.6.29
6. クリティカル・レビュー: 『総合電機企業の形成と解体』について(経営史学会第47回東北ワークショップ(谷口明丈編『総合電機企業の形成と解体 ―「戦略と組織」の神話、「選択と集中」の罠』有斐閣、合評会))
Holding date : 2024.4.20
Presentation date : 2024.4.20
7. Institutionalization of Japan's 'Ningen Dock' Health Service: Confluence of Physicians’ Evangelism, Technological Innovation, and Corporate Welfare, 1954-2023(経営史学会第46回東北ワークショップ)
Holding date : 2024.3.7
Presentation date : 2024.3.7
8. Bridging organization theory and business history: An encounter with the Management for Physical Education and Sport(Japanese Society of Management for Physical Education and Sport)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.12.16
9. Housewives and the growth of the Japanese electrical appliance industry, 1950-1990(The 26th Annual Congress of the European Business History Association 2023)
Holding date : 2023.8.24 - 2023.8.26
Presentation date : 2023.8.26
10. Historic turn in management and organization studies: Fad from the West? Can it be re-turned?(経営史学会関東部会大会 「経営史と歴史的組織研究の『世界線』:史的研究の広がりと境界」)
Holding date : 2022.11.12
Presentation date : 2022.11.12
11. Historic Turn in Management and Organization Studies: Past, Present and Future(経営・ビジネス法情報センター研究会)
Holding date : 2022.11.8
Presentation date : 2022.11.8
12. 長き対話の現在地と針路: 経営学の歴史的転回(Historic Turn)への招待(2023年度組織学会年次大会(武蔵大学))
Holding date : 2022.10.1 - 2022.10.2
Presentation date : 2022.10.1
13. Toward a fulfilling life as a researcher(一橋大学 研究倫理と論文作法)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.6.30
14. Playing with history?(慶應義塾大学商学部研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.2.24
15. Uses of the past in Management and Organization Studies(Economic seminar at Musashi University)
Holding date : 2022.1.19
Presentation date : 2022.1.19
16. Changing the uses of history strategically: A case of a Japanese company(Economic and Business History Seminar joint with Management Seminar)
Holding date : 2021.6.30
Presentation date : 2021.6.30
17. 「組織の正統性修復における経営者の表情ー期限切れ食肉事件の比較事例分析」を巡って(2021年度組織学会研究発表大会高宮賞受賞者セッション)
Holding date : 2021.6.6
Presentation date : 2021.6.6
18. The historical construction of power in institutional change(一橋大学国内交流セミナー)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.12.13
19. 専門職化のダイナミクス:歴史的組織研究によるアプローチ(経済史経営史研究会(第28回経営史学会東北ワークショップ共催))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.23
20. 「近くて遠い国」なのか?―組織論と経営史の架橋に向けた努力によせて(経営史学会関西部会大会(コメンテーター))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.8
21. 歴史的組織研究(historical organization studies)の可能性:看護師のプラクティスを事例として(産業と企業のイノベーションに関する研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.7.26
22. Confluence of histories in institutional change(一橋大学イノベーション研究センター ブラウンバッグランチセミナー)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.5
23. プロフェッショナリゼーションと技術革新の歴史的合流による働き方の変化: 看護職の縫合針管理の事例から(経営史学会関東部会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.1.26
24. Work Style Innovation in Japanese Hospitals(2019年組織学会年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.9.24
25. Beyond Relativism: Open Ended Approach in Business History(IIR Summer School 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.8.26
26. Silent Impact on Normalizing Accounts in a Crisis of Legitimacy: Comparative Case Analyses of the Accounts for the Shanghai Husi Crisis.(Mitsubishi Bank Foundation International Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.3.18
27. 企業家・逸脱者・説得者の同盟によるイノベーションの推進:医療用縫合針を事例として(日本比較経営学会第41回全国大会WS「戦略論」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.5.7
28. 制度的企業家によるフレーミングが制度変革に及ぼす影響(日本経営学会 第89回大会自由論題報告)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.4
29. 特定の価値観と共鳴するフレーミングが制度変革に及ぼす影響(日本比較経営学会第40回全国大会WS「戦略論」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.5.9
30. 制度変革における「予期せざる」支持者の出現とその影響:斜面補強「ノンフレーム工法」の普及過程を事例として(日本経営学会関東部会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.7.19
31. 革新的技術の普及と制度変革 ―斜面補強工法に関する社会制度の変革を事例として―(2014年度組織学会研究発表大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.21
32. 製造業のサービス能力の無効化(組織学会ドクトラル・コンソーシアム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.11.8
33. 中国市場におけるコマツの「予防的」サービス -キャタピラーとの比較に基づくコマツの競争優位の源泉-(2013年度組織学会研究発表大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.15

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No. Award name Year
1. Award of the Academic Association for Organizational Science 2021.6
2. Award of Business History Society of Japan 2020.12

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. 戦略的資源としての痛ましい過去の記憶:鉄道会社・航空会社の事例研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024.4 - 2028.3
2. Transnational rhetorical history: the strategic uses of the past in international business
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024 - 2026
3. Rhetorical History in International Business

( Awarding organization: Nomura Foundation System name: 2024年度上期 社会科学助成 )
2024 - 2025
4. Management Challenges and Solutions for NGOs: International Joint Research on NGOs in Tohoku
JSPS Invitation Fellowship (Short-term)
( Awarding organization: JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: JSPS Invitation Fellowship (Short-term) )
5. Exploring the Potential of Historical Organization Studies in Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2021.4 - 2025.3
6. 企業文化と労務管理の形成・変化・継承―上田市鐘紡丸子工場の設立から閉鎖まで―
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) )
2021.4 - 2025.3
7. Reviving Organizations after the Great East Japan Earthquake

( Awarding organization: Tohoku University )
2021.4 - 2022.3
8. Historical research on endogenous institutional change
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists )
2019.4 - 2021.3
9. Repairing organizational legitimacy: Focusing on diversity of social values
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) )
2017.4 - 2019.3

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