1. |
信頼を測る : OECDガイドライン
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 高橋, しのぶ, 桑原, 進
明石書店 2019.12
(ISBN : 9784750349466)
2. |
小峰, 隆夫
(Joint author)
日本経済新聞出版社 2018.6
(ISBN : 9784532119379)
3. |
主観的幸福を測る : OECDガイドライン
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 桑原, 進, 高橋, しのぶ
明石書店 2015.8
(ISBN : 9784750342382)
4. |
桑原, 進
ナツメ社 2010.11
(ISBN : 9784816349812)
5. |
小峰, 隆夫
(Joint author)
日経BP社,日経BP出版センター (発売) 2010.5
(ISBN : 9784822248048)
6. |
データで斬る世界不況 : エコノミストが挑む30問
小峰, 隆夫
(Joint author)
日経BP社,日経BP出版センター (発売) 2009.4
(ISBN : 9784822247447)
7. |
経済指標を読む技術 : 統計データから日本経済の実態がわかる
妹尾, 芳彦, 桑原, 進
ダイヤモンド社 2003.9
(ISBN : 4478280029)
8. |
桑原, 進
三恵社 2003.4
(ISBN : 488361140X)
1. |
Association between having a primary care physician and health behavioral intention in Japan: results from a nationwide survey. (Peer-reviewed) Kemmyo Sugiyama, Takashi Oshio, Susumu Kuwahara, Hiromi Kimura
BMC primary care Vol.24,No.1,pp.280 2023.12
2. |
A New Index to Capture Business Conditions (Coincident Index)
Yasuhisa Ino, Susumu Kuwahara
THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS No.208,pp.50-76 2023.10 |
3. |
Research on a Method for Estimating Prices Reflecting Changes in the Quality of Medical Care
Toshimi Nishizaki, Susumu Kuwahara
Economic Analysis No.207,pp.220-249 2023.6 |
4. |
“Evolutions of self-rated health and social interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic affected by pre-pandemic conditions: Evidence from a four-wave survey (Peer-reviewed) Takashi Oshio, Hiromi Kimura, Shingo Nakazawa, Susumu Kuwahara
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol.20,No.5,pp.4594- 2023.3
5. |
Pre-pandemic social isolation as a predictor of the adverse impact of the pandemic on self-rated health: A longitudinal COVID-19 study in Japan. (Peer-reviewed) Takashi Oshio, Hiromi Kimura, Toshimi Nishizaki, Susumu Kuwahara
Preventive medicine pp.107329 2022.11
6. |
At Which Area Level Does COVID-19 Infection Matter Most for an Individual's Self-Rated Health? A Multilevel Fixed-Effects Model Analysis in Japan. (Peer-reviewed) Takashi Oshio, Hiromi Kimura, Toshimi Nishizaki, Susumu Kuwahara
International journal of environmental research and public health Vol.19,No.15 2022.7
7. |
Accessing Suicidal Ideation from Responses to Queries on Subjective Well-Being
Susumu Kuwahara, Teruyuki Tamura, Akiko Kamesaka, Toshiya Murai
Advances in Happiness Research pp.297-310 2016
8. |
Well-Being Studies in the OECD and Japan's Contribution
Kuwahara Susumu
Planning and Public Management Vol.37,No.2,pp.5-10 2014.5
9. |
Emotion and Consumer Confidence: A preliminary study (Peer-reviewed) Sekizawa Yoichi, Kuwahara Susumu
Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance Vol.5,pp.118-136 2012
1. |
Review of efforts and challenges in measuring well-being
Susumu Kuwahara
Discussion Paper series, Center for Intergenerational Studies, IER No.703 2024.12 |
2. |
A result of measurement of trust in Japan using wellbeing survey-a quick report- (in Japanese)
Susumu Kuwahara
Discussion Paper series, Center for Intergenerational Studies, IER No.702 2024.1 |
3. |
Factors to Promote and Sustain the Infection Preventive Behaviors for the COVID-19
Susumu Kuwahara, Takashi Oshio, Shingo Nakazawa, Kyoko Deguchi, Yosuke Kono
ESRI Discussion Paper Series No.383 2023.7 |
4. |
Measuring quality of medical care by 3-year survival rate in malignant neoplasms using health insurance claims in NDB
Takaya Osato, Susumu Kuwahara, Yasuaki Kikukawa
ESRI Discussion Paper No.374 2023.4 |
5. |
Summary of the surveys (on November 2021,20222) on life environment and behavioral change during COVID-19 pandemic
Takashi Oshio, Susumu Kuwahara, Shingo Nakazawa, Hiromi Kimura
ESRI Research Note No.75 2023.3 |
6. |
The relationship between "kakaritsuke-i" doctor and life satisfaction
Susumu Kuwahara, Takashi Oshio, Kyoko Deguchi, Yasuyuki Muradate
ESRI Discussion Paper Series No.373 2023.2 |
7. |
Report on additional survey on life environment and behavioral change under COVID-pandemic
桑原進, 近藤雄介, 村舘靖之, 小塩隆士
ESRI Research Note No.71 2022.11 |
8. |
Trust in Governments promotes vaccination
Susumu Kuwahara, Yasuyuki Muradate, Takashi Oshio
ESRI Discussion Paper Series No.371 2022.10 |
9. |
村舘靖之, 菊川康彬, 桑原進
ESRI Research Note No.65 2022.5 |
10. |
桑原進, 北川諒
ESRI Research Note No.68 2022.5 |
11. |
神林龍, 大山睦, 桑原進, 北川諒
ESRI Research Note No.61 2021.12 |
12. |
石橋尚人, 丸山雅章, 桑原進, 石井達也, 川崎暁, 西崎寿美, 村舘靖之, 大里隆也, 菊川康彬
ESRI Research Note No.56 2020.11 |
13. |
ESRI Research Note No.29 2017.1 |
14. |
日本はなぜ、主観的幸福度が低いのか—特集 豊かさと幸せのモノサシを考える
桑原 進
DIO : data information opinion : 連合総研レポート : 資料・情報・意見 No.310,pp.8-11 2015.12
15. |
恒常的な経常赤字、通貨危機への道はどこまで現実的か : 財政赤字の削減が必須、足もとでは生産性上昇を示すデータも—特集 デフレ脱却後の日本経済
桑原 進
金融財政事情 Vol.65,No.23,pp.16-21 2014.6
16. |
仕事の質と生活の質 : 内閣府経済社会総合研究所「生活の質に関する調査」より—特集 労働の価値 : 働くことと幸せの関係
桑原 進
DIO : data information opinion : 連合総研レポート : 資料・情報・意見 No.291,pp.8-12 2014.3
17. |
桑原 進
季刊国民経済計算 / 内閣府経済社会総合研究所国民経済計算部 編 No.152,pp.63-78 2013.10
18. |
桑原進, 上田路子, 河野志穂
ESRI Research Note No.23 2013.9 |
19. |
幸福度の政策的利用可能性 : 政府・国際機関における幸福度の研究—幸福度 : 計測可能か?意義ある概念か?
桑原 進
DIO : data information opinion : 連合総研レポート : 資料・情報・意見 No.274,pp.12-15 2012.9
20. |
桑原進, 関沢洋一, 清水栄司, 田中麻里
ESRI Research Note No.18 2011.5 |
21. |
Economic Analysis on Business Cycles and Suicide Rate – An Approach from Corporate Behavior –
Susumu Kuwahara
GRIPS Discussion Paper Report Vol.10,No.19 2010.10 |
22. |
雇用の構造変化と足元の雇用情勢の改善、家計への影響—2006年度 いざなぎ景気を超えるか?
桑原 進
ESP : economy, society, policy / 経済企画協会 編 No.485,pp.34-38 2006.2
23. |
ロシアの金融危機の克服を目指して--第7回ロシアの経済改革の在り方に関するシンポジウムについて—特集 中国・ロシアの経済改革
桑原 進
ESP : economy, society, policy / 経済企画協会 編 No.405,pp.48-51 1999.6