Graduate School of Law
YAMADA Atsushi

Books and Other Publications

1. 教養としての法学・国際関係学 : 学問への旅のはじまり
一橋法学・国際関係学レクチャーシリーズ刊行委員会 (Contributor)
国際書院 2024.2 (ISBN : 9784877913274)
2. Japan'sPost-War Diplomacy and International Relations
Satoshi Oyane (Contributor)
Minerva Shobo 2021.3 (ISBN : 9784623090112)
3. Power Shift and Global Governance
Ryo Ohiba, Nobumasa Akiyama, Kazuhiro Obayashi, Atsushi Yamda (Joint editor)
Yuhikaku 2018.4 (ISBN : 9784641184381)
4. Japan's Diplomacy, Volume 5
YAMADA Atsushi (Contributor)
Iwanami Shoten 2013.7 (ISBN : 9784000285957)
5. Linking Trade and Security: Evolving Institutions and Strategies in Asia, Europe, and the United States
Vinod K. Aggarwal, Kristi Govella, Atsushi Yamada (Contributor)
Springer 2013.1 (ISBN : 9781461479642)
6. Introduction to International Politics
OSHIBA Ryo (Contributor)
Minerva Shobo 2008.11 (ISBN : 9784623052028)
7. 国際政治経済学・入門(第3版)
野林, 健, 大芝, 亮, 納家, 政嗣, 山田, 敦, 長尾, 悟 (Joint author)
有斐閣 2007.10 (ISBN : 9784641123335)
8. Encyclopedia of International Relations
猪口孝, 田中明彦, 薬師寺泰蔵, 山田敦 (Contributor)
Kobundo 2005.12
9. 『国際政治経済学・入門(新版)』
山田 敦 (Joint author)
有斐閣 2003.4
10. 『アメリカのナショナリズムと市民像-グローバル化の視点から』第7章 (共著)
山田 敦 (Joint author)
ミネルヴァ書房 2003.4
11. Neo-Techno-Nationalism: Technologies and International Relations in a Glocal Era
Atsushi Yamada (Sole author)
Yuhikaku 2001.4 (ISBN : 4641049785)
12. Neo-Techno-Nationalism : Technologies and International Relations in a Glocal Era
山田 敦 (Sole author)
- 2001.4
13. 『国際政治経済ハンドブック』
山田 敦 (Joint author)
有信堂 1999.4

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1. Vaccine Diplomacy and Global Health Governance
YAMADA Atsushi
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies Vol.20,No.2,pp.669-696 2021.7
2. Japan as an Agenda Setter for the Quad’s Vaccine Diplomacy (Peer-reviewed)
Maiko Ichihara, Atsushi Yamada
The Diplomat 2021.4
3. Introduction: Science, Technology, and Contemporary International Relations
YAMADA Atsushi
International Relations No.179,pp.1-15 2015.2
4. Highly-Skilled Immigrants in Global Political Economy
Atsushi YAMADA
Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics Vol.41,pp.1-10 2013.2
doi Link
5. <書評>鈴木一人『宇宙開発と国際政治』
山田 敦
国際政治 No.171,pp.156-159 2013.1
6. Dedication (jointly worked)
Atsushi Yamada, Keiichi Yamamoto
一橋法学 Vol.8,No.2,pp.1-2 2009.7
7. An Introduction to the Study of Highly Skilled Immigrants
Atsushi Yamada
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.8,No.2,pp.47-72 2009.7
doi Link
8. The Expansion and Association of Anti-Globalization: The Case of the World Social Forum
YAMADA Atsushi
International Relations Vol.2008,No.153,pp.157-174 2008.11
doi Link
9. Digital Divide Today
YAMADA Atsushi
Journal of World Affairs Vol.55,No.11,pp.32-49 2007.11
10. 反WTO運動の動態的分析 (共著)
山田 敦
(毛利聡編『WTO新ラウンド交渉のグローバル・ガバナンス』)科学研究成果報告書 2005.4
11. Book Review: Adam Segal, Digital Dragon:High-technology Enterprises in China
山田 敦
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Vol.4,No.1,pp.200-202 2004.4
12. <Book Review> Satoshi Oyane, Semiconductor Trade Dispute between Japan, the U.S. and South Korea
YAMADA Atsushi
International Affiars No.515,pp.63-65 2003.2
13. The Multiplicity of Anti-Globalization
Atsushi YAMADA
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.1,No.2,pp.406-423 2002.6
doi Link
14. An Introduction to the Study of International Relations
Atsushi Yamada
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.127,No.4,pp.414-429 2002.4
doi Link
15. Going Local in a Global Age: Glocalization and Techno-Nationalism
山田 敦
in Ryo Oshiba, Edward Rhodes and Chieko Kitagawa Otsuru, eds., ‘We the People' in the Global Age: Re-examination of Nationalism and Citizenship, Osaka: The Japan Center for Area Studies, National Musium of Ethnology pp.61-78 2002.4
16. Between Regionalism and Multilateralism: New Dilemmas in U.S. Trade Policy
山田 敦
IDE APEC Study Center Working Paper Series 01/02-No.5, Institute of Developing Economics pp.24- 2002.4
17. Neo-Techno-Nationalism : How and Why It Grows
山田 敦
JCAS Occasional Paper (Japan Center for Area Studies) No.6,pp.1-13 2000.4
18. グローカリゼーションと国家の変容
山田 敦
国際政治 No.124,pp.163-177 2000.4
19. The Rise of Neo-Techno-Nationalism : How and Why It Grows
Atsushi Yamada
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.123,No.1,pp.65-83 2000.1
doi Link
20. Internationalization of Government-Funded R&D Projects : A Case of the Advanced Technology Program
Atsushi Yamada
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.121,No.1,pp.69-85 1999.1
doi Link
21. Democratic Peace Theory : The Contemporary Debate
Atsushi Yamada
Hitotsubashi journal of social sciences Vol.21,No.4,pp.35-58 1997.1
doi Link
22. Global Governance : Its Theoretical Development
Ryo Oshiba, Atsushi Yamada
International Affairs No.438,pp.2-14 1996.4

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. Emerging technologies and international order: Evolution of state's power, authority, and ethics brought by innovation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2022.3
2. Japanese UN Diplomacy (Historical/Theoretical Analysis)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2005 - 2007
3. The WTO's Doha Development Agenda Negotiations in Global Governance
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2003 - 2004
4. War Memory and Asia-Pacific International Relations
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2002 - 2004
5. WTO Liberalization Process and FTA Network

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research(International joint research) )
2000.4 - 2002.3
6. Higly-skilled immigrants
7. Comparison of Nationalism and Citizenship in the United States and Japan

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research(International joint research) )
1999.4 - 2002.3
8. American Nationalism in Globalization

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research(Domestic joint research) )
1997.4 - 2002.3
9. Theories of International Relations
10. Globalization and Changes in Technology Policies
11. Theories in International Political Economy
12. Globalization and Changes in Technology Policies
13. Theories in International Political Economy

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