1. |
Performance-based compensation and corporate governance (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Ryoya Saito
Corporate governance of Japanese companies 2020.1 |
2. |
The Prewar Financial System and the Dynamics of Corporate Financing (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Takashi Yoshida
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper 2019.3 |
3. |
Bank-firm relationship, credit rating, and the adjustment speed of leverage (jointly worked)
Takashi Yoshida, Masaru Konishi
Hitotsubashi University Center for Financial Research Working Paper 2018.9 |
4. |
Corporate governance and performance at regional banks (jointly worked)
小西 大, 齋藤巡友, 李婧
Hitotsubashi University Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-2,No.8 2016.7 |
5. |
Bank diversification into the insurance business: The effects of the deregulation of the bank-sales channel at Japanese banks (jointly worked)
小西 大, 奥山英司, 安田行宏
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-1,No.12 2016.6 |
6. |
Bank-firm relationship, credit rating, and the speed of adjustment of leverage (jointly worked)
Takashi Yoshida, Masaru Konishi
Hitotsubashi University Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-2,No.7 2016.5 |
7. |
我が国企業によるレバレッジの調整速度―上場企業と非上場企業の比較分析― (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大
現代ファイナンス Vol.36,No.36,pp.35-63 2015.6
8. |
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書 2014.9 |
9. |
Capital requirements, bank behavior and fair value accounting: Evidence from Japanese commercial banks (jointly worked)
小西 大
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper 2013.9 |
10. |
銀行による保険窓販実績の決定要因に関する分析 (共著)
小西 大
一橋大学商学研究科ファイナンス研究センター ワーキングペーパー 2013.9 |
11. |
新規株式公開企業による調達資金使途に関する分析 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 中嶋 幹, 小西 大, 鈴木 健嗣
現代ファイナンス Vol.32 2012.9 |
12. |
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書 2009.9 |
13. |
The Benefits of Concurrent Bank Lending and Investing via Bank-affiliated Venture Capital (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Katsushi Suzuki
Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management Vol.41,No.1,pp.19-36 2007.10
14. |
A global network of stock markets and home bias puzzle (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大
Applied Financial Economics Letters Vol.3,No.3,pp.197-199 2007.4 |
15. |
Depositors’ response to deposit insurance reforms: Evidence from Japan, 1990-2005 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大(Ikuko Fued
Journal of Financial Services Research Vol.31,No.2,pp.101-122 2007.4 |
16. |
Bond underwriting syndicates organized by commercial banks: Evidence from pre-war Japan (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.19,pp.303-321 2005.4 |
17. |
"Learning" Viewed Through a Financial System Lens
Masaru Konishi
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.133,No.4,pp.359-368 2005.4
18. |
Stock-Based Performance Pay and Corporate Performance (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Riho Saiki
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.132,No.5,pp.607-623 2004.11
19. |
Institutional affiliation and the role of venture capital revisited: Evidence from a Japanese IPO market (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2004.4 |
20. |
The relationship between bank risk and ernings management: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol.22,pp.233-248 2004.4 |
21. |
Factors affecting bank risk taking: Evidence from Japan
小西 大
Journal of Banking and Finance Vol.28,pp.215-232 2004.4 |
22. |
Long-run performance of Japanese IPOs revisited (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2004.4 |
23. |
小西 大
全国銀行協会・金融調査研究会報告書(30)『金融機関の組織形態と規制・監督』 pp.151-162 2003.11 |
24. |
Market Reaction to Share Repurchases (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Hwan-Sok Cho
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.130,No.5,pp.452-469 2003.11
25. |
Evidence on a cause of Japan's prolonged banking crisis (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 小西 大
Applied Economics Letters Vol.10,pp.853-855 2003.4 |
26. |
The relationship between derivatives use and bank risk: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2003.4 |
27. |
On the role of commercial bank-affiliated venture capital firms (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2003.4 |
28. |
株式市場の非効率性と投資戦略の有効性 (共著)
小西 大
松浦・米澤・林編『日本の金融問題-検証から解決へ』 2003.4 |
29. |
On the Role of the Government Credit Guarantee Insurance Program (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Masaru Hasebe
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.128,No.5,pp.522-533 2002.11
30. |
Intertemporal rent-seeking in the banking industry and underwriting by commercial banks
小西 大
Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management Vol.37,No.1,pp.25-38 2002.11
31. |
小西 大
全国銀行協会・金融調査研究会報告書(29)『金融改革の評価と展望 -経済システムの変化を踏まえて-』 2002.4 |
32. |
Bond underwriting by banks and conflicts of interest: Evidence from Japan during the pre-war period (Peer-reviewed) M Konishi
JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE Vol.26,No.4,pp.767-793 2002.4 |
33. |
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書(27)『金融制度改革の諸課題と方向性』 2001.11 |
34. |
Factors affecting commercial banks' bond underwriting market shares
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2001.4 |
35. |
銀行の他業参入・異業種の銀行参入の経済効果: シミュレーション分析
小西 大
松浦・吉野・米澤編『金融の新しい流れ:市場化と国際化』 2001.4 |
36. |
Financial distress and the efficiency of the Japanese main bank system
小西 大
Hitotubashi Journal of Commerce and Management Vol.36,No.1,pp.37-50 2001.4
37. |
The nature of bond underwriting by commercial banks in the pre-war Japan
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2001.4 |
38. |
小西 大
日本証券経済研究所編『日本の金融持株会社』 2001.4 |
39. |
小西 大
『金融の証券化・情報化と「銀行」』金融調査研究会報告書(24) pp.95-103 2000.10 |
40. |
小西 大
東京経大学会誌 No.218,pp.61-81 2000.3 |
41. |
銀行系証券子会社による社債引受と利益相反 (共著)
小西 大
松浦克己、吉野直行、米澤康博編『変革期の金融資本市場』 pp.73-100 2000.3 |
42. |
Financial Deepening and Economic Growth
The journal of the Tokyo College of Economics Vol.214,No.214,pp.3-22 1999.9 |
43. |
小西 大
全宅連不動産総合研究所編『不動産と金融』 pp.95-111 1999.6 |