Graduate School of Business Administration,Department of Business Administration

Books and Other Publications

1. 新しい企業金融 (共著)
米澤康博, 芹田敏夫 (Joint author)
有斐閣アルマ 2004.3 (ISBN : 9784641122178)


1. Performance-based compensation and corporate governance (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Ryoya Saito
Corporate governance of Japanese companies 2020.1
2. The Prewar Financial System and the Dynamics of Corporate Financing (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Takashi Yoshida
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper 2019.3
3. Bank-firm relationship, credit rating, and the adjustment speed of leverage (jointly worked)
Takashi Yoshida, Masaru Konishi
Hitotsubashi University Center for Financial Research Working Paper 2018.9
4. Corporate governance and performance at regional banks (jointly worked)
小西 大, 齋藤巡友, 李婧
Hitotsubashi University Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-2,No.8 2016.7
5. Bank diversification into the insurance business: The effects of the deregulation of the bank-sales channel at Japanese banks (jointly worked)
小西 大, 奥山英司, 安田行宏
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-1,No.12 2016.6
6. Bank-firm relationship, credit rating, and the speed of adjustment of leverage (jointly worked)
Takashi Yoshida, Masaru Konishi
Hitotsubashi University Center for Finance Research Working Paper Vol.G-2,No.7 2016.5
7. 我が国企業によるレバレッジの調整速度―上場企業と非上場企業の比較分析― (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大
現代ファイナンス Vol.36,No.36,pp.35-63 2015.6
8. バーゼル規制と銀行の自己資本管理
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書 2014.9
9. Capital requirements, bank behavior and fair value accounting: Evidence from Japanese commercial banks (jointly worked)
小西 大
Hitotsubashi Univ Center for Finance Research Working Paper 2013.9
10. 銀行による保険窓販実績の決定要因に関する分析 (共著)
小西 大
一橋大学商学研究科ファイナンス研究センター ワーキングペーパー 2013.9
11. 新規株式公開企業による調達資金使途に関する分析 (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
中嶋 幹, 小西 大, 鈴木 健嗣
現代ファイナンス Vol.32 2012.9
12. ユニバーサルバンキングの功罪
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書 2009.9
13. The Benefits of Concurrent Bank Lending and Investing via Bank-affiliated Venture Capital (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Katsushi Suzuki
Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management Vol.41,No.1,pp.19-36 2007.10
doi Link
14. A global network of stock markets and home bias puzzle (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大
Applied Financial Economics Letters Vol.3,No.3,pp.197-199 2007.4
15. Depositors’ response to deposit insurance reforms: Evidence from Japan, 1990-2005 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大(Ikuko Fued
Journal of Financial Services Research Vol.31,No.2,pp.101-122 2007.4
16. Bond underwriting syndicates organized by commercial banks: Evidence from pre-war Japan (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Vol.19,pp.303-321 2005.4
17. "Learning" Viewed Through a Financial System Lens
Masaru Konishi
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.133,No.4,pp.359-368 2005.4
doi Link
18. Stock-Based Performance Pay and Corporate Performance (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Riho Saiki
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.132,No.5,pp.607-623 2004.11
doi Link
19. Institutional affiliation and the role of venture capital revisited: Evidence from a Japanese IPO market (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2004.4
20. The relationship between bank risk and ernings management: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol.22,pp.233-248 2004.4
21. Factors affecting bank risk taking: Evidence from Japan
小西 大
Journal of Banking and Finance Vol.28,pp.215-232 2004.4
22. Long-run performance of Japanese IPOs revisited (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2004.4
23. 銀行の株式保有とリスク
小西 大
全国銀行協会・金融調査研究会報告書(30)『金融機関の組織形態と規制・監督』 pp.151-162 2003.11
24. Market Reaction to Share Repurchases (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Hwan-Sok Cho
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.130,No.5,pp.452-469 2003.11
doi Link
25. Evidence on a cause of Japan's prolonged banking crisis (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
小西 大
Applied Economics Letters Vol.10,pp.853-855 2003.4
26. The relationship between derivatives use and bank risk: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2003.4
27. On the role of commercial bank-affiliated venture capital firms (jointly worked)
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2003.4
28. 株式市場の非効率性と投資戦略の有効性 (共著)
小西 大
松浦・米澤・林編『日本の金融問題-検証から解決へ』 2003.4
29. On the Role of the Government Credit Guarantee Insurance Program (jointly worked)
Masaru Konishi, Masaru Hasebe
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.128,No.5,pp.522-533 2002.11
doi Link
30. Intertemporal rent-seeking in the banking industry and underwriting by commercial banks
小西 大
Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management Vol.37,No.1,pp.25-38 2002.11
doi Link
31. 業務分野規制撤廃の厚生評価-競争は非効率的金融機関を淘汰するか?-
小西 大
全国銀行協会・金融調査研究会報告書(29)『金融改革の評価と展望 -経済システムの変化を踏まえて-』 2002.4
32. Bond underwriting by banks and conflicts of interest: Evidence from Japan during the pre-war period (Peer-reviewed)
M Konishi
JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE Vol.26,No.4,pp.767-793 2002.4
33. 銀行リスクの決定要因は何か
小西 大
金融調査研究会報告書(27)『金融制度改革の諸課題と方向性』 2001.11
34. Factors affecting commercial banks' bond underwriting market shares
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2001.4
35. 銀行の他業参入・異業種の銀行参入の経済効果: シミュレーション分析
小西 大
松浦・吉野・米澤編『金融の新しい流れ:市場化と国際化』 2001.4
36. Financial distress and the efficiency of the Japanese main bank system
小西 大
Hitotubashi Journal of Commerce and Management Vol.36,No.1,pp.37-50 2001.4
doi Link
37. The nature of bond underwriting by commercial banks in the pre-war Japan
小西 大
Graduate School of Commerce and Mgmt. Hitotsubashi Univ. Working Paper Series 2001.4
38. 銀行の証券業参入と利益相反:組織形態の観点から
小西 大
日本証券経済研究所編『日本の金融持株会社』 2001.4
39. 銀行の証券業参入と利益相反
小西 大
『金融の証券化・情報化と「銀行」』金融調査研究会報告書(24) pp.95-103 2000.10
40. 銀行の合併と経営効率
小西 大
東京経大学会誌 No.218,pp.61-81 2000.3
41. 銀行系証券子会社による社債引受と利益相反 (共著)
小西 大
松浦克己、吉野直行、米澤康博編『変革期の金融資本市場』 pp.73-100 2000.3
42. Financial Deepening and Economic Growth
The journal of the Tokyo College of Economics Vol.214,No.214,pp.3-22 1999.9
43. 不動産の証券化と格付け
小西 大
全宅連不動産総合研究所編『不動産と金融』 pp.95-111 1999.6

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