1. |
A comparative analysis of career trajectories for U.S.-trained and Japanese-trained Chinese PhDs in engineering (Peer-reviewed) Shuoyang Meng, Yukari Matsuzuka, Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Wenqin Shen
2. |
Stay, Return, or Relocate: Destination of Asian Ph.D. Graduates from the United Kingdom and the United States
Yukari Matsuzuka, Marcel Gerard, Kazuhiro Fukazawa
Working Paper Series: Mori Arinori Institute for Higher Education and Global Mobility Vol.WP2024-01 2023.4 |
3. |
Impact of lifelong learning and humanity and social sciences
Yukari Matsuzuka
Social Impact of Humanity and Social Sciences pp.221-247 2023.3 |
4. |
COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on International Students in Japan and the United States: Comparative Study from National and Institutional Context (Peer-reviewed) Yuriko Sato, Krishna Bista, Yukari Matsuzuka
Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education Vol.14,No.3B,pp.44-64 2022.8
5. |
Student Mobility and Social Welfare: An Empirical and Theoretical Inquiry into the Social Impact of Skilled Migration
Yukari Matsuzuka, Marcel Gérard
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies Vol.53,pp.19-36 2021 |
6. |
Feminization of Japanese Higher Education and Career Pathway: From “Interruption” to “Upward Mobility”
Yukari Matsuzuka
International Perspectives on Gender and Higher Education: Student Access and Success. C. Fontanini, K.M.Joshi & S. Paivandi eds. 2020.11 |
7. |
Validity of Outcome-oriented, Competency-based Education in the Age of Global Student Mobility (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education Forum Vol.Vol. 17 2020.3 |
8. |
Prospects for the East Asia Higher Education Area: Theory, Policy, and Statistical Facts. (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Universités et grandes écoles. circulations internationales étudiantes et scientifiques d'hier à aujourd'hui pp.138-162 2019.12 |
9. |
Skills and Competencies Expected of College Graduates: Agenda for Higher Education in the Age of Skills Global Mobility
Yukari Matsuzuka
Seminar of Economics Vol.709,pp.48-55 2019.9 |
10. |
Skills and Competencies Expected of College Graduates: What will Will Change in Increasing Mobility in Labour Market
Yukari Matsuzuka
Seminar of Economics Vol.708,pp.65-72 2019.7 |
11. |
Euro-Japan Comparative Analysis on Competences Expected of College Graduates
Yukari Matsuzuka
Mori Arinori Comparative Study Report 2018.12 |
12. |
East–West Dialogue for Higher Education Mobility: Reasons for and Impact of Asian and Pacific Student Flow (Peer-reviewed) 松塚 ゆかり
Monograph on Research Agenda for Comparative and International Education Society 2018.7 |
13. |
Skills and Competencies Expected of College Graduates
Yukari Matsuzuka
Mori Arinori Institute of Higher Education and Global Mobility Research Report 2017.6 |
14. |
Why We Move
Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.307-313 2016.6 |
15. |
Higher Education Financing in Skills Migration
Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.285-305 2016.6 |
16. |
Development of Qualification Framework and Assessment System: Contribution of Tuning (Translation)
Robert Wagenaar
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.197-227 2016.6 |
17. |
Mobility and Virtuality: Challenges and Opportunities Brought by MOOCs
Bernard Hugonnier, Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.243-262 2016.6 |
18. |
Expansion of Erasmus Program in Poland (jointly worked)
Agata Pierścieniak, Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.77-102 2016.6 |
19. |
Where Do They Come From? Where Do They Go?: Geographic Mobility in the U.S and Suggestions to Japan (Translation)
Clifford Adelman
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.143-170 2016.6 |
20. |
Higher Education Reform in the Age of Global Skill Mobility
Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.1-19 2016.6 |
21. |
Political and Strategic Movement of Higher Education in UK (jointly worked)
Fumi Kitagawa, Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility pp.23-50 2016.6 |
22. |
Knowledge Mobilization that Europe is Moving For
Yukari Matsuzuka
Commentary Vol.54 2015.6 |
23. |
GPA, IR and Tuning
Yukari Matsuzuka
Paper Collection; 63rd Annual Conference for General Education Research in Tohoku and Hokkaido Area pp.99-117 2014.8 |
24. |
Tuning: Interpretation of the Key Words over the Course of Higher Education Reform
Yukari Matsuzuka
Between 2014.6 |
25. |
Spread of Tuning among Universities
Yukari Matsuzuka
Nikkei pp.20 2013.4 |
26. |
Evolution of Organization, Implementation and Skill Mix in Institutional Research at Hitotsubashi University
Yukari Matsuzuka
Nagoya Journal of Higher Education Vol.13,No.13,pp.193-212 2013.3
27. |
『単位実質化マキシマムモデルの実践と普及』活動報告 (共著)
松塚 ゆかり, 深野 政之
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2012,pp.23-24 2013.3 |
28. |
IR基盤の拡充と分析の多角化 : 2012年度活動概要 (共著)
松塚 ゆかり, 嘉村 友作, 白松 大史
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2012,pp.45-50 2013.3
29. |
Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation in the Global Market for Higher Education: An Economic Perspective (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Higher Education Forum Vol.10,pp.71-81 2013.3 |
30. |
Higher Education Financing in the Age of Globalization: A New Paradigm Drawing on Economic Theories (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Japanese Journal of higher Education Research Vol.15,pp.29-47 2012.5 |
31. |
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2011,pp.23-24 2012.3 |
32. |
IR 基盤強化、分析、配信
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2011,pp.37-39 2012.3 |
33. |
大学教育研究センター等の運営形態、業務内容、 教職員構成の推移 (共著)
松塚 ゆかり, 深野 政之
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2011,pp.41-53 2012.3 |
34. |
カリキュラム・ポリシー策定資源としてのIR : 履修パスウエイと進路の定量分析から
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2010,pp.87-97 2011.3 |
35. |
IRでつなぐ評価、教育、支援 : 教育と学習の実質化を目指して
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2010,pp.25-32 2011.3 |
36. |
Investment and Consjmption on University Education (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Journal of Household Economics Vol.32,pp.33-47 2011.3
37. |
Student Mobility and Economic Growth in the European Union: Application of Roy Model to Skill Migration
Yukari Matsuzuka
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies Vol.42,No.1,pp.1-9 2010.7
38. |
Education as a Source of Social Capital : Theories and Empirical Analyses (jointly worked)
Kazuhiro Arai, Yukari Matsuzuka, Hiroki Yamamoto
一橋社会科学 Vol.2,pp.20-38 2010.6
39. |
Emphasis on Liberal Arts Education in Major American Universities
松塚 ゆかり
『講義=演習連結型授業の創出、実践、普及 ―単位実質化の試み』 2010.4 |
40. |
EU 発・学生流動と教育質保証のインパクト : ロイモデルの応用による教育経済学的考察
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2009,pp.67-77 2010.3 |
41. |
Knowledge Management in Higher Education:interdisciplinary knowledge sharing promoted through institutional research in the U.S. (Peer-reviewed) MATSUZUKA YUKARI
Research in higher education Vol.41,pp.455-471 2010.3
42. |
学生はキャリア教育に何を求めるのか : 学生アンケートの定量分析から (共著)
松塚 ゆかり, 白松 大史
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2009,pp.47-65 2010.3
43. |
From Institutional Research to Knowledge Management and Sharing
松塚 ゆかり
平成19-20年度科学研究費基盤研究(c)19601004 2009.4 |
44. |
Objectives, Satisfaction, and Needs for Autumn Admission for International Students: Quantitative Analysis of Students Survey (jointly worked)
松塚 ゆかり
『留学生教育を支える基盤』 2009.4 |
45. |
なぜ、教育と生活支援の連携強化が求められるのか : 支援ニーズの実証分析から
松塚 ゆかり
大学教育研究開発センター年報 Vol.2008,pp.57-72 2009.3 |
46. |
"Sustainability of For-profit Postsecondary Institutions for Non-profit Purposes:The Case of Corporate Universities in the U.S."
松塚 ゆかり
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies Vol.40,No.2,pp.111-124 2008.12
47. |
Before Starting GPA System: Impact of New Grading on Course Taking and Academic Score
松塚 ゆかり
『一橋大学・大学教育研究開発センター年報』 2008.4 |
48. |
Course Pathway, GPA and Employment: Hihger Education Outcome Assessment
松塚 ゆかり
『一橋大学・大学教育研究開発センター年報』 2008.4 |
49. |
"The Role of Federal Government for Technological Education: Implications from a National Study on the NSF Advanced Technological Education" (jointly worked)
松塚 ゆかり(Thomas Bailey
Educational Resources Information Center 2008.4 |
50. |
Differential Access to Flexible Schedules : Implications for Employee Outcomes (jointly worked)
Yukari Matsuzuka, Eileen Appelbaum, Peter Berg
Hitotsubashi journal of social studies Vol.39,No.1,pp.43-57 2007.7
51. |
"What does the Sustainability of the ATE Mean to community colleges?"
松塚 ゆかり
NCWD Brief 2006.4 |
52. |
"Institutionalization and Sustainability of the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Program" (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
National Science Foundation 2004.4 |
53. |
"Integration of Vocational and Academic Curricula through the NSF Advanced Technological Education Program" (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 松塚 ゆかり
Educational Resources Information Center 2004.4 |
54. |
The Institutional Impact of Advanced Technological Program on Two-year Colleges (jointly worked)
Yukari Matsuzuka, Thomas R. Bailey, James Jacobs, Vanessa Smith Mores
Community College Research Center 2001.4 |
55. |
Research on Coporate University (Peer-reviewed) Yukari Matsuzuka
Institute for Research of Labor Policy and Training pp.33-61 2001.3 |
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
The Significance of Doctoral Degree in the Age of Global Mobility(Global Research Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.4.15 |
2. |
Global Student Mobility and Career Pathways: Findings from Empirical Analyses in Asia and the USA(International Research Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.7.25 |
3. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.6.4 |
4. |
Education and Career Pathway of Asian Ph.D. Recipients: Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry by Using Micro Data. In Panel Symposium Education and Career Pathways: Vertical and horizontal Mobility of Asian/Asian American Ph.D. Holders(2022 AERA Annual Meeting hosted at San Diego, California and Virtual)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.4.23 |
5. |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Postdoctoral Employment of Chinese Ph.D. Recipients in the U.S. In Symposium Session how the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Affected Global Education and the Responsibilities of Educators(2022 CAERDA International Conference: Redesigning Research and Pedagogy for 21st Century Learners)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.4.21 |
6. |
Changes in the Education to Career Pathway of Asian Ph.D. Recipients before and after COVID-19, Panel Symposium Structural Changes and Transformation in International Education and Student/Graduate Mobility Caused by COVID-19(Comparative and International Education Society (VCIES) 2021 Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.4.25 |
マイアミ(オンラインホスト) |
7. |
A Transformation from Institutional Research to Inter-Institutional Research and Interregional and Inter-Institutional Research in Japan: Responding to Diverse Realities for the Development of Common Horizon, AERA SIG Symposium: Educational Responsibility for Students of Diverse Backgrounds and Social Identities in the United States, Japan, China, and Malaysia(American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.4.8 |
オンライン |
8. |
Education and Career Pathways of Asians Who Received Doctoral Degrees in U. S. and U.K. SIG Highlighted Session: Mobility and Pathway of Asians Who Study in the U.S.: New Framework for Empirical Analyses Using Micro and Macro Data(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2020 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.3.15 |
Teleconference hosted at Miami |
9. |
Institutional Research in Japan in the Age of Global Student Mobility: A Transformation from IR, IIR and to IRIR. Panel Symposium at Institutional Research at the Age of Global Mobility: Cases of Japan, Ghana, China and USA(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2020 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.3.15 |
Teleconference hosted at Miami |
10. |
Equity in Higher Education: Stories from China, Japan, Africa and U.S.A(World Education Research Association (WERA) 2019 Focal Meeting:)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.8.8 |
Tokyo |
11. |
Prospects for the East Asia Higher Education Area: Theory, Policy, and Statistical Facts(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.4.18 |
San Francisco |
12. |
Competences University Graduates are Expected to Have in the Age of Global Mobility: Comparison between the EU, China, and Japan(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2019 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.4.15 |
San Francisco |
13. |
Euro-Japan Comparative Study on Competences Expected of University Graduates: Designing Pathway for Student Centered Higher Education Mobility(Focal Meeting on Higher Education Mobility Study)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.3.28 |
Nancy |
14. |
Comparative Analyses of Euro-Japan Competence Surveys: Why not Listen to the Voice of Industry(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2018 Annual Conference:)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.25 |
Mexico City |
15. |
East-West Dialogue for Higher Education Mobility: Reasons for and Impact of Asian and Pacific Student Flow(Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2018 Annual Conference:)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.25 |
Mexico City |
16. |
Prospect for East Asia Higher Education Area (EAHEA): Applying Economics of Education(Open Seminar for JSPS Study)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.12.16 |
一橋講堂 |
17. |
European Higher Education Area: The Economic Impact Realized through Regional Mobility(38th EUi Sminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.7.13 |
Sanoshoin, Hitotsubashi University |
18. |
Tuning and Competence Survey: from Internationally Comparative Perspectives(Comparative and International Education Society 2017 Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.3.6 |
アトランタ |
19. |
Prospect of Competence Survey in Japan(Science Council of Japan Committee of History)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.6.6 |
Tokyo |
20. |
Issues, Process and Rationale in the Globalization of Higher Education: With Focus on Tuning(FD Symposium at Gunma University)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.12.7 |
Maebashi |
21. |
Changes in Funding Structure for Higher Education in an Age of Global Mobility(International Symposium on China Educational Finance)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.10.27 |
Beijing |
22. |
Higher education reform, skills mobility and brain gain: the implications of the Bologna process in Japan and China(Internationalization, Attractiveness, and Students Mobility)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.9.18 |
Nancy |
23. |
Research on Degree Profile that Copes with Global Standard(Annual Conference on Liberal Arts Education)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.5.27 |
Morioka |
24. |
Tuning and Global Mobility: Globalization, Knowledge-based Economy and the Emerging Role of Higher education(Fudan University Seminar for Higher Education Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.3.30 |
上海 |
25. |
Tuning: Toward the Integral Approach for Learning and Teaching Environment in Japan(National Institute for Education Research: Tuning Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.12.1 |
Tokyo |
26. |
GPA, IR, Tuning and Global Curriculum Reform(2013 Forum for Higher Education Reform: Investigation and Forecast for the Program of Supporting Universities Reform)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.8.1 |
Tokyo |
27. |
GPA, IR, and Tuning(63rd Annual Conference for General Education Research in Tohoku and Hokkaido Area)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.8.1 |
Fukushima |
28. |
Interaction of GPA, IR and Tuning for the enhancement of learning and teaching(The University of Electro-Communications FD Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.7.1 |
Tokyo |
29. |
Quality enhancement of education and reform of grading system for the internationalization of higher education(Association of National University in Japan: University Management Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.11.9 |
Hitotsubashi Univ. Audotrium |
30. |
Regional Reform for Global Mobility: Response to Bologna Process in EU, Japan and US(Association for the Study of Higher Education 37th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.11.1 |
ラスベガス |
31. |
Quality Assurance, Tuning, and Grading in the Age of Internationalization(New Directions in Education in Europe)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.9.18 |
ジェシェフ |
32. |
The development from IR to KM: Knowledge management in Universities(Open Seminar by Visiting Professor at Nagoya University)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.7.13 |
名古屋 |
33. |
Empirical study on the relation among higher education reform, skills mobility and braingain(15th Annual Conference Japan Association of Higher Education Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.6.1 |
東京大学 |
34. |
Tuning at Hitotsubashi University(International Forum for Tuning in Japan)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.2.1 |
東京 |
35. |
Interactions of Higher Education Reform, Skill Mobility and Brain Gain: Empirical study of EU Bologna Process(Association for the Study of Higher Education 36th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.11.1 |
Charlotte |
36. |
System Integration, Skill Mobility and Functional Differentiation in Postsecondary Education: Interpretation of the EU Bologna Process Applying Economic Theories(China- Japan Higher Education Forum:)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.9.1 |
大連 |
37. |
高等教育の公私負担配分に関する教育経済学的考察(日本教育社会学学会第62回大会 (2010))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.9.1 |
大阪 |
38. |
Why lower spending for higher education in Japan: multi-perspective implication using theories in economics of education(62th Annual Conference; Japan Society of Educational Sociology)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.9.1 |
大阪 |
39. |
「大学教育の投資性と消費性 ―教育経済学理論の応用と実証―」(生活経済学会第26回研究大会(2010))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.6.1 |
仙台 |
40. |
ボローニャプロセスが国際的スキル分散に及ぼすインパクト -教育経済学理論による論証の試み(日本高等教育学会第13回大会 (2010))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.5.1 |
大阪 |
41. |
“Academic Performance and Employment: Case of New University Graduates in Japan"(Association for the Study of Higher Education 34th Annual Conference:(2009))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.11.1 |
Vancouver |
42. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.9.1 |
東京 |
43. |
IRからKMへ -教育調査研究から「知」の共有への可能性―(大学教育学会第31回大会(2009))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.6.1 |
東京 |
44. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2009.5.1 |
長崎 |
45. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.9.1 |
東京 |
46. |
高等教育におけるパスウエイ分析の有効性 -理論と実証-(日本教育社会学学会第60回大会(2008))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.9.1 |
新潟 |
47. |
大学における教育と学習データの分析法(東京大学・大学経営・政策研究センター 政策ワークショップ(2008))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.7.1 |
東京 |
48. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.6.1 |
仙台 |
49. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.6.1 |
東京 |
50. |
競争的資金下における教育プロジェクトの継続性と制度化について -その検証と分析の手法-全米科学財団・高度技術教育計画の事例から(日本高等教育学会第11回大会(2008))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.5.1 |
仙台 |
51. |
The Role of Federal Funding for Two-year Technological Education Program(American Educational Research Association, Annual Conference(2008))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.3.1 |
New York |
52. |
Education Statistics for Institutional Research: How to Explain Unexplainable(Seminar Series, Society of Economics of Education(2007))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.8.1 |
New York |
53. |
How Permanent Is the Japanese Permanent Employment System? Implications of Employment Adjustment between 1987 and 1997(International Industrial Relations Association for 5th Asian Regional Congress(2006))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.6.1 |
Seoul |
54. |
Statistical Method for Institutional Research: Comprehensive Approach for Event Assessment(Milwaukee Area Committee of Technical Education 2005 Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.10.1 |
WI |
55. |
"Occupational-Academic Inter-departmental Integration through the NSF Advanced Technological Education Program"(Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2003.4.1 |
Chicago |
56. |
"Impact of Advanced Technological Education Program on Two-year Postsecondary Education"(Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.11.1 |
SanDiego |
57. |
"Institutional Impact of the Advanced Technological Education Program on Instruction, Curriculum and Pedagogy"(National Science Foundation Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.10.1 |
Washington D.C. |
58. |
"What does the Sustainability of the ATE Mean to Community Colleges"(82nd Annual Convention of American Association of Community Colleges)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.4.1 |
Seattle |
59. |
"Occupational and Academic Curriculum Integration in the Advanced Technological Education Program"(CSCC Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2002.4.1 |
Seattle |
60. |
"Diffusion of Innovation: Educational Reform in the New Economy"(National Council for Workforce Development Annual Conference,)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2001.10.1 |
Fort La Dale |
61. |
"What Happens When the Grant is Over: Sustainability in Uncertain Times"(National Science Foundation Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2001.10.1 |
Washington D.C. |
Research subject
Research item(Awarding organization, System name)
1. |
An Inquiry into the Social Implementation of the Concept of Dignity in School Curricula
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2028.3 |
2. |
Global Mobility of the Highly Skilled: Their Pathway, Economic Impact, and Higher Education Funding
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
- 2025.3 |
3. |
Higher Education Finance that Responds to Global Mobility of Highly Skilled Workforce
Invitation fellowship for Researchin Japan
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2019.12 |
4. |
Prospect for East Asia Higher Education Area Applying Economics of Education
Invitation fellowship for Researchin Japan
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2017.12 |
5. |
Prospect for East Asia Higher Education Area Applying Economics of Education
Awarding organization:
Peking University
System name:
Joint Research(International joint research)
- 2018.3 |
6. |
Mobility in Higher Education and Changes in Cost Sharing: Theory and Evidence
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
- 2020.3 |
7. |
Research, Practice and Rolling out of "Tuning"
Special Funding by MOE
Awarding organization:
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
System name:
Competitive Grant and Funding
- 2018 |
8. |
Research, Action and Dissemination of Tuning
Institutional Strategic Funding
Awarding organization:
Hitotsubashi University, Institutional Strategic Funding
System name:
Joint Research(Joint research within the school)
- 2014.3 |
9. |
Tuning Social Sciences: Toward the Curriclum Development to Attain Global Standard in Lerning and Teaching
Institutional Strategic Funding
Awarding organization:
Hitotsubashi University, Institutional Strategic Funding
System name:
Strategic Research Promotion
- 2013.3 |
10. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2014.3 |
11. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2012.3 |
12. |
Economic Impact of EU Higher Education Agenda
- 2014 |
13. |
Econmics of life-long learning
- 2013 |
14. |
Development and Diffusion of Education Model for Credit Value Maximization: Through Institutional Research as a Catalyst Connecting Evaluation, Instruction and Student Support
Awarding organization:
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
System name:
University Education Promotion Programme
- 2012.3 |
15. |
Creation, practice and dissemination of lecture-exercise linked classes.
Institutional Strategic Funding
Awarding organization:
Hitotsubashi University, Institutional Strategic Funding
System name:
Strategic Research Promotion
- 2010.3 |
16. |
Research study on September admission
Policy Issues Research Fund
Awarding organization:
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
System name:
Policy Issues Research Fund
- 2010.3 |
17. |
Economic impact of skill mobility
- 2012 |
18. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2010.3 |
19. |
Knowledge Management for University Reform : Theory and Practices
Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2009.3 |
20. |
Building a social science core curriculum of international standard.
MOE Special Funding for Education and Research
Awarding organization:
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
System name:
MOE Special Funding for Education and Research
- 2009 |
21. |
Institutional Research and Knowledge Management
- 2012.3 |
22. |
Education and career pathway analysis
- 2008 |
23. |
Institutional Impact of NSF Advanced Technological Education Program
Awarding organization:
Columbia University
System name:
Joint Research(Commissioned research with funding)
- 2002.3 |
24. |
Enterprise Resource Management in the US Higher Education
Awarding organization:
System name:
Joint Research(Commissioned research from business sector)
- 2002.3 |
25. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2001.3 |
26. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2000.3 |
27. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 1998.3 |
28. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 1998.3 |
29. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 1996.3 |