1. |
日本経済停滞の原因と必要な政策─JIP2018による分析 (共著)
金榮愨, 権赫旭, 深尾京司
経済産業研究所編『第4次産業革命と日本経済』東京大学出版会 pp.153-175 2020.2 |
2. |
Why Do Real Wages Stagnate in Japan and Korea? (Peer-reviewed) Hyunbae Chun, Kyoji Fukao, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Jungsoo Park
Asian Economic Papers Vol.23,No.1,pp.116-139 2024.3
3. |
森川正之編『コロナ危機後の日本経済と政策課題』東京大学出版会 Vol.第6章,pp.159-188 2024.3 |
4. |
Which employers pay a higher college wage premium? (Peer-reviewed) Kenta Ikeuchi, Kyoji Fukao, Cristiano Perugini
International Journal of Manpower 2024.1
5. |
The impact of the strengthening of export controls on Japanese exports of dual-use goods
Kazunobu Hayakawa, Keiko Ito, Kyoji Fukao, Ivan Deseatnicov
International Economics Vol.174,pp.160-179 2023.8
6. |
Industry agglomeration and location choice of productive firms: The role of product markets in adverse selection
Belderbos, Rene, Kyoji Fukao, Kenta Ikeuchi, YoungGak Kim, HyeogUg Kwon
VoxEU Column 2023.4
7. |
Non‐standard Employment and Rent‐sharing (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Cristiano Perugini, Fabrizio Pompei
Economica Vol.90,No.357,pp.178-211 2023.1
8. |
Labour market regimes, technology and rent-sharing in Japan (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Cristiano Perugini, Fabrizio Pompei
Economic Modelling Vol.112,pp.105856 2022.7
9. |
Productivity dynamics in Japan and the negative exit effect (Peer-reviewed) Kenta Ikeuchi, YoungGak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Kyoji Fukao
Contemporary Economic Policy Vol.40,No.1,pp.204-217 2022.1
10. |
Exports, trade costs and FDI entry: evidence from Japanese firms (Peer-reviewed) Deseatnicov, Ivan, Konstantin Kucheryavyy, Kyoji Fukao
Transnational Corporations Vol.28,No.3,pp.1-34 2021.12
11. |
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Japan: 1885-2015 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Makino, T, Settsu, T
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.35,No.3,pp.710-740 2021.7
12. |
Japan: Modern Economic Growth in Asia
Kyoji Fukao, Tokihiko Settsu
The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World, Volume 2, 1870 to the Present pp.100-128 2021.6
13. |
社会経済史学会(編)『社会経済史学辞典』丸善出版 Vol.第1章社会経済史学の歴史と方法,pp.32-33 2021.6 |
14. |
The Causes of Japan’s Economic Slowdown: An Analysis Based on the Japan Industrial Productivity Database (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, Kyoji, YoungGak Kim, HyeogUg Kwon
International Productivity Monitor Vol.40,No.Spring,pp.56-88 2021.6
15. |
The Long-run dynamics of the labour share in Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Perugini, C
Review of Income and Wealth Vol.67,No.2,pp.445-480 2021.6
16. |
Kyoji Fukao, Tatsuji Makino, Tokihiko Settsu
Journal of Economic Surveys Vol.35,No.3,pp.710-740 2021.4
17. |
Baumol, Engel, and beyond: accounting for a century of structural transformation in Japan, 1885–1985 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Paul, S
Economic History Review Vol.74,No.1,pp.164-180 2021.2
18. |
Abenomics, the Exchange Rate, and Markup Dynamics in Japanese Industries (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Nishioka, S
T. Hoshi and P. Lipscy (eds.), The Political Economy of the Abe Government and Abenomics Reforms, Cambridge University Press 2021.2
19. |
Regional industrialization in Japan (jointly worked)
Bassino, J-P, Fukao, K, Settsu, T
eds. By Bas van Leeuwen, Robin C.M. Philips and Erik Buyst, An Economic History of Regional Industrialization, Chap.8, Routledge, London and New York pp.180-205 2020.10
20. |
Property Systems and Economic Growth in Japan, 730–1874
Social Science Japan Journal Vol.23,No.2,pp.147-184 2020.9
21. |
Structural Change, Capital Deepening, and TFP Growth in Japan: 1885–1970
Kyoji FUKAO, Tatsuji MAKINO, Tokihiko SETTSU
Social Science Japan Journal Vol.23,No.2,pp.185-204 2020.8
22. |
Property Systems and Economic Growth in Japan, 730–1874 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Nakabayashi, M, Fukao, K, Takashima, M, Nakamura, N
Social Science Japan Journal (Special Issue: Economic History of Japan) Vol.23,No.2,pp.147-184 2020.6
23. |
日本における人的資本と経済成長─1885-2015 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 深尾京司, 牧野達治, 攝津斉彦
『経済研究』 Vol.71,No.2 2020.4 |
24. |
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Investments on Employment in Japan and Korea (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Miyagawa, T, Pyo, H-K, Rhee, K, Takizawa, M
Barbara Fraumeni ed., Measuring Economic Growth and Productivity, Elsevier pp.283-297 2019.11
25. |
Institutions, Deindustrialization, and Functional Income Distribution in Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Perugini, C
Fields, Gary and Saumik Paul (eds.) Labor Income Share in Asia, Conceptual Issues and the Drivers, Springer pp.231-245 2019.8
26. |
A Microeconomic Analisis of the Declining Labor Share in Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Perugini, C
Fields, Gary and Saumik Paul (eds.) Labor Income Share in Asia, Conceptual Issues and the Drivers, Springer pp.247-267 2019.8
27. |
Japan’s participation in global value chains: splitting the IO table into production for export and domestic sale (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ito, K, Deseatnicov, I, Fukao, K
Economic Systems Research Vol.32,No.2,pp.173-191 2019.8
28. |
観光産業の生産性 (共著)
深尾京司, 権赫旭, 金榮愨
『日本労働研究雑誌』 Vol.708,pp.17-30 2019.6
29. |
Japan and the great divergence, 730–1874 (Economic History Association Larry Neal Prize 2019, September 2019) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Bassino, J-P, Broadberry, S, Fukao, K, Bishnupriya, G, Takashima, M
Explorations in Economic History Vol.72,pp.1-22 2019.4
30. |
サービス産業における計測――価格と生産性の正しい計測法 (共著)
深尾京司, 池内健太
国友直人, 山本拓(共編)『統計と日本社会』東京大学出版会 2019.2
31. |
Secular Stagnation and the Labor Market in Japan
Fukao, K
Jérémie Cohen-Setton, Thomas Helbling, Adam Posen, and Changyong Rhee (eds.) Sustaining Economic Growth in Asia, Peterson Institute for International Economics Vol.Chap.7,pp.139-164 2018.11 |
32. |
Productivity Dynamics Among Japanese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Empirical Analysis Based on the Credit Risk-Database Productivity (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kenta Ikeuchi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.69,No.4,pp.363-377 2018.10
33. |
日本の地位間経済格差:1874-2010年 (共著)
深尾京司, 牧野達治, 徳井丞次
徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』東京大学出版会 pp.123-153 2018.8 |
34. |
人口減少・高齢化と地域経済 (共著)
深尾京司, 牧野達治
徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』東京大学出版会 pp.155-185 2018.8 |
35. |
製造業における生産性動学とR&Dスピルオーバー (共著)
深尾京司, 権赫旭, 金榮愨, 池内健太
徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』東京大学出版会 pp.235-257 2018.8 |
36. |
Declining rate of return on capital and the role or intangibles in Japan: an empirical study using Japanese KLEMS (JIP) database (jointly worked)
Miyagawa, T, Takizawa, M, Tonogi, K, Fukao, K
Deb Kusum Das ed., Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries, Routledge pp.200-229 2018.4
37. |
The People’s Republic of China’s Slowdown: Lessons from Japan’s Experience and the Expected Impact on Japan’s Economy (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Yuan, T
edited by Justin Yifu Lin, Peter J. Morgan, and Guanghua Wan, Slowdown in the People’s Republic of China, Structural Factors and the Implications for Asia, Asian Development Bank Institute pp.61-95 2018.3
38. |
Innovation and Employment Growth in Japan: Analysis Based on Microdata from the Basic Survey of Japanese Business Structure and Activities (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Kenta Ikeuchi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon
Japanese Economic Review Vol.68,No.2,pp.200-216 2017.6
39. |
Measurement of Deflators and Real Value Added in the Service Sector (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Kameda, T, Nakamura, K, Namba, R, Sato, M
『経済分析』(特別編集号) Vol.194,pp.9-44 2017.5
40. |
Measurement and Analysis of Service Sector Growth
Fukao, K
『経済分析』(特別編集号) Vol.194,pp.1-7 2017.5
41. |
The Economic Impact of Korean Reunification on Major Trade Partners: An Empirical Analysis Based on the World Input-Output Tables (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Tomohiko Inui, Hyeog Ug Kwon
EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE Vol.53,No.11,pp.2476-2504 2017
42. |
The Structural Causes of Japan’s Lost Decades (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Ikeuchi, K, Kwon, H-U, Kim, Y-G, Makino, T, Takizawa, M
D. W. Jorgenson, K. Fukao and M. P. Timmer, eds., The World Economy, Growth or Stagnation?, Cambridge University Press pp.70-110 2016.11
43. |
China's Growth Slowdown: Lessons from Japan's Experience and the Expected Impact on Japan, the USA and Germany (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Tangjun Yuan
CHINA & WORLD ECONOMY Vol.24,No.5,pp.122-146 2016.9
44. |
Revisiting Economic Growth in Meiji Japan: Industrial Structure, Labour Productivityand Regional Inequality (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tokihiko Settsu, Jean-Pascal Bassino, Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.67,No.3,pp.193-214 2016.7
45. |
Why was Japan left behind in the ICT revolution? (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Kenta Ikeuchi, YoungGak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon
TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY Vol.40,No.5,pp.432-449 2016.5
46. |
藤田昌久編 『本経済の持続的成長 : エビデンスに基づく政策提言』 pp.173-199 2016.3 |
47. |
International Competitiveness: A Comparison of the Manufacturing Sectors in Korea and Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Ikeuchi, K, Kim, Y-G, Kwon, H-G, Makino, T
Seoul Journal of Economics Vol.29,No.1,pp.43-68 2016.2
48. |
Productivity Dynamics and Japan's Economic Growth : An Empirical Analysis Based on the Financial Statements of Corporations by Industry (Peer-reviewed) Tomohiko Inui, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Kyoji Fukao
The Hitotsubashi University Economic Review Vol.66,No.4,pp.289-300 2015.10
49. |
Comment on "innovation and economic growth in East Asia: An overview"
Kyoji Fukao
Asian Economic Policy Review Vol.10,No.1,pp.38-40 2015.1
50. |
Biases to Manufacturing Statistics from Offshoring: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Arai, S
Susan Houseman and Michael Mandel eds., Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy, Volume 1, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Michigan pp.219-250 2015.1
51. |
Productivity and Wage Differences by Firm Size (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Makino, T, Ikeuchi, K, Kwon, H-G, Kim, Y-G
労働政策研究・研修機構(JILPT)『日本労働研究雑誌』 Vol.649,No.8,pp.14-29 2014.8 |
52. |
How important is geographical agglomeration to factory efficiency in Japan's manufacturing sector? (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Victoria Kravtsova, Kentaro Nakajima
Annals of Regional Science Vol.52,No.3,pp.659-696 2014.5
53. |
Explaining Japan's Unproductive Two Decades (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao
ASIAN ECONOMIC POLICY REVIEW Vol.8,No.2,pp.193-213 2013.12
54. |
伊藤元重編・財務省財務総合政策研究所編著『日本の国際競争力』中央経済社 pp.87-105 2013.10 |
55. |
Compilation of the Regional-Level Japan Industrial Productivity Database (R-JIP) and Analyses of Productivity Differences across Prefectures (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tokui, J, Makino, T, Fukao, K, Miyagawa, T, Arai, N, Arai, S, Inui, T, Kawasaki, K, Kodama, Noguchi, N
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.64,No.3,pp.218-239 2013.7
56. |
Japan's Alternating Phases of Growth and Future Outlook (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Saito, O
D.S. Prasada Rao and Bart van Ark, eds., World Economic Performance Past, Present and Future, Essays in celebration of the life and work of Angus Maddison, Edward Elgar 2013.7
57. |
Productivity Dynamics and R&D Spillovers in the Japanese Manufacturing lndustry : An Empirical Analysis Based on Micro-level Data (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ikeuchi, K, Kim, Y-G, Kwon, H-G, Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.64,No.3,pp.269-285 2013.7
58. |
How Did the Cross-Prefectural Differences of Human Capital Changes in Japan? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tokui, J, Makino, T, Kodama, N, Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.64,No.3,pp.256-268 2013.7
59. |
Global Fixed Capital Investment by Multinational Firms (Peer-reviewed) Rene Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito, Wilko Letterie
ECONOMICA Vol.80,No.318,pp.274-299 2013.4
60. |
Productivity and capital accumulation
Fukao, K
Hill, Hal, ed., Asia Rising, co-publication of the Asian Development Bank and Edward Elgar pp.104-136 2013.3
61. |
HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Vol.53,No.2,pp.147-176 2012.12
62. |
Estimates of total factor productivity, the contribution of ICT, and resource reallocation effects in japan and korea*
Kyoji Fukao, Tsutomu Miyagawa, Hak Kil Pyo, Keun Hee Rhee
Industrial Productivity in Europe: Growth and Crisis pp.264-301 2012.2
63. |
Who Creates Jobs in Japan-An Empirical Analysis Based on the Establishment and Enterprise Census- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Kwon, H-U
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.63,No.1,pp.70-93 2012.1
64. |
Why Has the Border Effect in the Japanese Machinery Sectors Declined?: The Role of Business Networks in East Asian Machinery Trade (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Okubo, T
Journal of Economic Integration Vol.26,No.4,pp.651-671 2011.12
65. |
Productivity in Japan, the United States, and the Major E.U. Economies: Is Japan Falling Behind? (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Miyagawa, T
Chin Hee Hahn and Sang-Hyop Lee,eds., Reforms for Korea's Sustained Growth, Korea Development Institute pp.241-260 2011.8 |
66. |
Globalization and Labor Markets in East Asia (jointly worked)
Sanghoon, A, Fukao, K, Ito, K
Chin Hee Hahn and Sang-Hyop Lee eds., Reforms for Korea's Sustained Growth, Korea Development Institute pp.157-197 2011.8 |
67. |
An international comparison of the TFP levels and the productivity convergence of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese listed firms (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Tomohiko Inui, Keiko Ito, Young Gak Kim, Tangjun Yuan
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies Vol.9,No.2,pp.127-150 2011.5
68. |
日本の産業レベルでのTFP上昇率 JIPデータベースによる分析
藤田昌久・長岡貞男 編『生産性とイノベーションシステム 第2巻』日本評論社 pp.25-46 2011.3
69. |
The Japan-US Exchange Rate, Productivity, and the Competitiveness of Japanese Industries (jointly worked)
Dekle, R, Fukao, K, with the, assistance of, Ungor
Hamada, K., Kashyap, A.K., and Weinstein, D.E., eds., Japan's Bubble, Deflation, and Long-term Stagnation, The MIT Press, London pp.105-128 2010.12
70. |
Determinants of the Profitability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in China and Other Regions: Does Localisation of Procurement, Sales and Management Matter? (Peer-reviewed) Keiko Ito, Kyoji Fukao
WORLD ECONOMY Vol.33,No.12,pp.1639-1671 2010.12
71. |
Service Sector Productivity in Japan: The Key to Future Economic Growth
Fukao, K
Tcha M.J. ed., The Service Sector Advancement: Issues and Implications for the Korean Economy, 2010 KDI International conference which was held in February 4-5, 2010 pp.92-109 2010.9 |
72. |
The effects of overseas operations on home employment of Japanese multinational enterprises
Nobuaki Yamashita, Kyoji Fukao
Globalization and Economic Integration: Winners and Losers in the Asia-Pacific pp.254-281 2010.9
73. |
Comparative output and labor productivity in manufacturing between China, Japan, Korea and the United States for ca. 1935-A production-side PPP approach (Peer-reviewed) Tangjun Yuan, Kyoji Fukao, Harry X. Wu
EXPLORATIONS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY Vol.47,No.3,pp.325-346 2010.7
74. |
The Structural Causes of Japan's "Two Lost Decades" (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kim, Y-G, Fukao, K, Makino, T
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.61,No.3,pp.237-260 2010.7
75. |
Expansion abroad and jobs at home: Evidence from Japanese multinational enterprises (Peer-reviewed) Nobuaki Yamashita, Kyoji Fukao
JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY Vol.22,No.2,pp.88-97 2010.3
76. |
INTANGIBLE INVESTMENT IN JAPAN: MEASUREMENT AND CONTRIBUTION TO ECONOMIC GROWTH (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Tsutomu Miyagawa, Kentaro Mukai, Yukio Shinoda, Konomi Tonogi
REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH Vol.55,No.3,pp.717-736 2009.9
77. |
Economic Transition and Labour Market Integration in China (jointly worked)
Athukorala, P.C, Fukao, K, Yuan, T
Garnaut, R., Song, L, and Woo W.T., eds., China's New Place in a World in Crisis, Brookings Institution Press pp.179-207 2009.6 |
78. |
Gross Prefectural Domestic Product and Industrial Structure in Pre-war Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuan, T, Settsu, T, Bassino, J-P, Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.60,No.2,pp.163-189 2009.4
79. |
Foreign and domestic R&D investment (Peer-reviewed) René Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, Tomoko Iwasa
Economics of Innovation and New Technology Vol.18,No.4,pp.369-380 2009
80. |
Total Factor Productivity of the Korean Firms and Catching up with the Japanese Firms (Peer-reviewed) Moosup, Jung, Keun Lee, Kyoji Fukao
Seoul Journal of Economics Vol.21,No.1,pp.93-139 2008.4 |
81. |
An International Comparison of the TFP Levels of Japanese, South Korean and Chinese Listed Firms (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Tomohiko Inui, Shigesaburo Kabe, Deqiang Liu
Seoul Journal of Economics Vol.21,No.1,pp.5-33- 2008.3 |
82. |
EU主要国の生産性─日米と比較において─ (共著)
深尾京司, 宮川努
『EU スタディーズ2 経済統合』勁草書房 pp.125-145 2007.9 |
83. |
Real GDP in pre-war East Asia: A 1934-36 benchmark purchasing power parity comparison with the U. S. (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Debin Ma, Tangjun Yuan
REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH Vol.53,No.3,pp.503-537 2007.9
84. |
外資系事業所の退出と雇用成長 ―『事業所・企業統計調査』に基づく実証分析― (Peer-reviewed) 権赫旭, 伊藤恵子, 深尾京司
経済分析 No.179,pp.1-35 2007.8
85. |
Patterns of Plant Entry and Exit and Productivity in Japanese Manufacturing Industries (jointly worked)
Kwon, H-U, Fukao, K, Kim, Y-G
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.58,No.3,pp.231-245 2007.7
86. |
深尾京司, 権 赫旭, 滝澤美帆
宮島英昭編『日本のM&A : 企業統治・組織効率・企業価値へのインパクト』東洋経済新報社 pp.81-108 2007.6 |
87. |
Are Wage-tenure Profiles Steeper than Productivity-tenure Profiles? -Evidence from Japanese Establishment Data from the Census of Manufacturers and the Basic Survey Wage Structure- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kawaguchi, D, Kambayashi, R, Kim, Y-G, Kwon, H-U, Shimizutani, S, Fukao, K, Makino, T, Yokoyama, I
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.58,No.1,pp.61-90 2007.1
88. |
権 赫旭, 深尾京司
林文夫編『経済停滞の原因と制度(経済制度の実証分析と設計 第1巻)』pp.71-112、勁草書房 pp.71-112 2007.1 |
89. |
Why did Japan's TFP growth slow down in the lost decade? An empirical analysis based on firm-level data of manufacturing firms (Peer-reviewed) K Fukao, HU Kwon
JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW Vol.57,No.2,pp.195-228 2006.6
90. |
International comparison in historical perspective: Reconstructing the 1934-1936 Benchmark purchasing power parity for Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (Peer-reviewed) K Fukao, DB Ma, TJ Yuan
EXPLORATIONS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY Vol.43,No.2,pp.280-308 2006.4
91. |
権 赫旭・深尾京司・伊藤恵子
財務省財務総合政策研究所編『フィナンシャル・レビュー』 Vol.81,pp.125-153 2006.4
92. |
China’s Long-Term International Trade Statistics: By Commodity, 1952–1964 and 1981–2000 (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, Kyoji, Kozo Kiyota, Ximing Yue
Journal of International Economic Studies, Hosei University Vol.20,No.1-2,pp.75-88 2006.3 |
93. |
Japanese Banks' monitoring activities and the performance of borrower firms: 1981-1996 (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Qing Yuan Sui, Masayo Tomiyama
International Economics and Economic Policy Vol.2,No.4,pp.337-362 2005.12
94. |
The Vertical Division of Labor and Japanese Outward FDI -Impacts on Human Capital Deepening in Japan- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ito, K, Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.56,No.4,pp.331-347 2005.10
95. |
Foreign direct investment and trade in Japan: An empirical analysis based on the Establishment and Enterprise Census for 1996 (Peer-reviewed) K Ito, K Fukao
96. |
Do out-in M&As bring higher TFP to Japan? An empirical analysis based on micro-data on Japanese manufacturing firms (Peer-reviewed) K Fukao, K Ito, HU Kwon
97. |
How to Measure Non-tariff Barriers? A Critical Examination of the Price-Differential Approach (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Kataoka, G, Kuno, A
Ahn, C.Y., Cheong, I., Fukagawa, Y., and Ito, T., eds., Korea-Japan FTA: Toward a Model Case for East Asian Economic Integration, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) 2005.6 |
98. |
The Internationalization and Performance of Korean and Japanese Firms: An Empirical Analysis Based on Micro-data (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ahn, S, Fukao, K, Kwon, H
Seoul Journal of Economics Vol.17,No.4,pp.439-482 2005.3
99. |
垂直的産業的貿易と直接投資:日本の電機産業を中⼼とした実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 石戸光, 伊藤恵子, 深尾京司, 吉池喜政
日本経済研究 Vol.51,No.51,pp.1-32 2005.3
100. |
深尾京司, 岳 希明, 清田耕造
尾高煌之助編『近現代アジア比較数量経済分析』法政大学出版局 pp.149-189 2004.12 |
101. |
袁 堂軍, 深尾京司, 馬 徳斌
尾高煌之助編『近現代アジア比較数量経済分析』法政大学出版局 pp.41-79 2004.12 |
102. |
Japan's Productivity and Economic Growth -An Empirical Analysis Based on Industry-Level and Firm-Level Data- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Hyeog Ug, Kwon
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.55,No.3,pp.261-281 2004.10
103. |
Strategic aspects of international lending and borrowing: A two-country dynamic game model
K Fukao
104. |
Sectoral productivity and economic growth in Japan, 1970-98 - An empirical analysis based on the JIP database
K Fukao, T Inui, H Kawai, T Miyagawa
105. |
Physical and Human Capital Deepening and New Trade Patterns in Japan (jointly worked)
Ito, K, Fukao, K
Ito, T. and Rose, A., eds., International Trade, NBER-East Asia on Economics, Vol. 14, the University of Chicago Press, Cambridge, MA pp.7-52 2004.1
106. |
Vertical intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia (Peer-reviewed) K Fukao, H Ishido, K Ito
107. |
The Future of Japan-China Trade and the Industrial Structure of Both Countries (Peer-reviewed) KYOJI FUKAO
Japanese Economy Vol.31,No.3-4,pp.77-107 2003.9
108. |
Coordination failures under incomplete information and global games
K Fukao
109. |
深尾京司, 宮川努, 乾友彦, 河井啓希, 岳希明, 奥本佳伸, 中村勝克, 林田雅秀, 中田一良, 橋川健祥, 奥村直紀, 村上友佳子, 浜潟純大, 吉沢由羽希, 丸山士行, 山内慎子
内閣府経済社会総合研究所「経済分析」 No.170,pp.1-IT004646 2003.6
110. |
伊藤恵子, 深尾京司
岩田一政編『日本の通商政策とWTO』日本経済新聞社 pp.187-229 2003.4 |
111. |
Trade Diversion under NAFTA
Fukao, Kyoji, Toshihiro Okubo, Robert M. Stern
Robert M. Stern, ed., Japan’s Economic Recovery: Commercial Policy, Monetary Policy, and Corporate Governance,Edward Elgar pp.21-54 2003.4 |
112. |
An econometric analysis of trade diversion under NAFTA (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Toshihiro Okubo, Robert M. Stern
North American Journal of Economics and Finance Vol.14,No.1,pp.3-24 2003.3
113. |
Foreign Direct Investment and Service Trade: The Case of Japan
Fukao, Kyoji, Keiko Ito
Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, eds., Trade in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region (NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics Vol. 11), University of Chicago Press pp.429-480 2003.3 |
114. |
伊藤元重・財務省財政総合政策研究所編著『日中関係の経済分析 : 空洞化論・中国脅威論の誤解』東洋経済新報社 pp.21-56 2003.3 |
115. |
1990年代の構造的経常収支の動向:貯蓄・投資バランス・アプローチによる実証分析 (Peer-reviewed) 千明 誠, 深尾京司
『経済論集』東洋大学経済研究会 Vol.28,No.1,pp.99-123 2002.12 |
116. |
The Purchasing Power Parity of Japan, Korea and Taiwan in the 1930s -An International Comparison of Real Consumption- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yuan, T, Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.53,No.4,pp.322-336 2002.10
117. |
On the Japanese contribution to the equalization of world income
M Chigira, K Fukao
118. |
直接投資と雇用の空洞化 (Peer-reviewed) 深尾京司
『日本労働研究雑誌』 Vol.501,No.4,pp.34-37 2002.4 |
119. |
『平成バブルの研究 上 形成編』 (村松岐夫・奥野正寛 編) 東洋経済新報社 2002.3 |
120. |
財政経済協会編『わが国の国際収支における中長期的な分析』 pp.1-30 2002.3 |
121. |
Local Procurement by Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates Abroad
Belderbos, René, Giovanni Capannelli, Kyoji Fukao
Robert Lipsey and Jean-Louis Muchielli, eds., Multinational Firms and Impacts on Employment, Trade and Technology: New Perspectives for a New Century pp.154-174 2001.12 |
122. |
Banks' Monitoring and Profitability of Borrowing Firms (Peer-reviewed) Tomiyama, M, Fukao, K, Sui, Qing-yuan, Nishimura, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.52,No.2,pp.166-186 2001.4
123. |
財政経済協会編『わが国の国際収支における中長期的な分析』 pp.1-25 2001.3 |
124. |
How Japanese subsidiaries in Asia responded to the regional crisis - An empirical analysis based on the MITI survey
K Fukao, MB Lamberte, A Razin
125. |
Backward vertical linkages of foreign manufacturing affiliates: Evidence from Japanese multinationals (Peer-reviewed) René Belderbos, Giovanni Capannelli, Kyoji Fukao
World Development Vol.29,No.1,pp.189-208 2001
126. |
The Local Content of Japanese Electronics Manufacturing Operations in Asia
Belderbos, René, Giovanni Capannelli, Kyoji Fukao
Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Kruger, eds., The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development University of Chicago Press pp.9-47 2000.8 |
127. |
Regional Factor Inputs and Convergence in Japan -How Much Can We Apply Closed Economy Neoclassical Growth Models?- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao, Ximing Yue
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.51,No.2,pp.136-151 2000.4
128. |
青木昌彦・寺西重郎編『転換期の東アジアと日本企業』東洋経済新報社 pp.271-308 2000.2 |
129. |
福田慎一・堀内昭義・岩田一政編『マクロ経済と金融システム』東京大学出版会 pp.101-126 2000.2 |
130. |
財政経済協会編大蔵省委託調査『アジア地域のマクロ経済モデルの構築に関する調査』 Vol.第4章,pp.49-62 1999.3 |
131. |
International Industrial Policies and Multinational Enterprises (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Hosoya, Y
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.50,No.1,pp.54-67 1999.1
132. |
Direct Investment Abroad and the "Hollowing Out" of Manufacturing Industry (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao,K, Amano, T
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.49,No.3,pp.259-276 1998.7
133. |
電気メーカーの立地選択 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 深尾京司, 岳希明
『三田学会雑誌』 慶應義塾経済学会 Vol.90,No.2,pp.11-39 1997.7 |
134. |
Foreign Direct Investment and the Macroeconomics (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.48,No.3,pp.227-243 1997.7
135. |
深尾京司, 程 勲
浅子和美・大瀧雅之編『現代マクロ経済動学』東京大学出版会 pp.415-444 1997.4 |
136. |
馬場直彦, 深尾京司, 佐々木 百合
日本銀行金融研究所編『金融研究』 Vol.16,No.1,pp.67-104 1997.3
137. |
深尾京司, 中北 徹
『通産研究レビュー』通商産業省通商産業研究所 pp.118-140 1996.5 |
138. |
Invest Abroad or Within Japan? -An Empirical Analysis of the Investment Location of Japan's Manufacturing Industries- (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.47,No.1,pp.47-63 1996.1
139. |
Outward Direct Investment and Jobs in Japan (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K
The monthly journal of the Japan Institute of Labour Vol.37,No.7,pp.2-12 1995.7 |
140. |
R&D Investment and Overseas Production: An Empirical Analysis of Japan's Electric Machinery Industry Based on Corporate Data (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Izawa, T, Kuninori, M, Nakakita, T
Monetary and Economic Studies Vol.12,No.2,pp.1-60 1994.12
141. |
研究開発投資と海外生産活動─ 電気機械器具産業の企業データによる実証分析
深尾京司, 伊澤俊泰, 國則守生, 中北 徹
日本銀行金融研究所編『金融研究』 Vol.12,No.2,pp.1-60 1994.12
142. |
千明 誠, 深尾京司
石川経夫編『日本の所得と富の分配』東京大学出版会 pp.355-383 1994.9 |
143. |
Firm Determinants of Decisions to Invest Abroad -An Empirical Study Using Panel Data of Firms in Japanese Electronics Industry- (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Izawa, T, Kuninori M, Nakakita, T
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.45,No.3,pp.261-278 1994.7
144. |
145. |
QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Vol.108,No.2,pp.535-542 1993.5
146. |
JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Vol.101,No.1,pp.73-99 1993.2
147. |
Foreign Aid as a Provision of Impure Public Goods (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Chigira Makoto, Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.44,No.1,pp.1-14 1993.1
148. |
Incomplete Information and Multiple Bayesian Equilibria (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.42,No.3,pp.234-245 1991.7
149. |
Saving policies and international capital flows : a two-country dynamic game model (Peer-reviewed) 深尾京司
『三田学会雑誌』 慶應義塾経済学会 Vol.84,No.2,pp.348-361 1991.7 |
150. |
Internationalization of Financial Markets and the Optimal Monetary Policy (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Otaki, M, Yamazaki, F, Fukao, K
The Economic studies quarterly Vol.41,No.4,pp.336-352 1990.12 |
151. |
Masahiro Kawai, International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics
Fukao, K
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.41,No.2,pp.189-190 1990.4
152. |
大蔵省財政金融研究所編『フィナンシャル・レビュー』 No.13,pp.1-18 1989.7 |
153. |
The Japanese Investment-Savings Blance, the Current Account, and the Exchange Rates (Peer-reviewed) Kyoji Fukao
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.38,No.3,pp.222-239 1987.7
154. |
日本銀行金融研究所編『金融研究』 Vol.2,No.4,pp.27-66 1983.12 |
155. |
宇沢弘文・鬼塚雄丞編『国際金融の理論 : 変動相場制と経済政策』東京大学出版会 pp.159-205 1983.5 |
1. |
Technological Decoupling Between the U.S. and China
Deseatnicov, Ivan, Kyoji Fukao, Kazunobu Hayakawa, Keiko Ito, Konstantin Kucheryavy
IER Discussion Paper Series A No.No.756 2024.9
2. |
RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series No.23-P-028 2023.11
3. |
深尾京司, 金 榮愨, 権 赫旭
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-038 2023.10
4. |
深尾京司, 金 榮愨, 権 赫旭
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-036 2023.9
5. |
深尾京司, 乾友彦, 金 榮愨, 権 赫旭, 池内健太
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-026 2023.8
6. |
深尾京司, 乾友彦, 金 榮愨, 権 赫旭, 張紅詠
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-022 2023.7 |
7. |
Which Employers Share Rents? A firm-level analysis for Japan
Ikeuchi, Kenta, Kyoji Fukao, Cristiano Perugini, Fabrizio Pompei
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-E-048 2023.7
8. |
深尾京司, 金 榮愨
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-023 2023.7
9. |
金 榮愨, 深尾京司, 権 赫旭, 池内健太
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.23-J-016 2023.4
10. |
日本経済団体連合会編月刊『経団連』 pp.32-33 2023.3 |
11. |
池内健太, 伊藤恵子, 深尾京司, 権 赫旭, 金 榮愨
日本統計協会『統計』 Vol.74,No.2,pp.23-29 2023.2 |
12. |
What Do R&D Spillovers from Universities and Firms Contribute to Productivity? Plant level productivity and technological and geographic proximity in Japan
Belderbos, Rene, Kenta Ikeuchi, Kyoji Fukao, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon
RIETI DP No.22-E-106 2022.11 |
13. |
Does Industry Agglomeration Attract Productive Firms? The role of product markets in adverse selection
Belderbos, Rene, Kyoji Fukao, Kenta Ikeuchi, Young Gak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon
RIETI DP No.22-E-105 2022.11 |
14. |
The Impact of the U.S.-China Conflict and the Strengthening of Export Controls on Japanese Exports
Hayakawa, Kazunobu, Keiko Ito, Kyoji Fukao, Ivan Deseatnicov
IDE Discussion Paper No.852 2022.5
15. |
Estimation of China’s Investment in ICT Assets and Accumulated ICT Capital Stock
Liang, David Tao, Harry X. Wu, Kyoji Fukao
IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper Series Vol.No.833 2022.3
16. |
Reasons for the Long-term Stagnation of Wages in Japan
Fukao, Kyoji, Tatsuji Makino
RIETI News Paper Magazines 2022.1 |
17. |
深尾京司, 宇南山卓, 中田大悟
RIETI Highlight 2022 Fall 2022
18. |
牧野達治, 深尾京司
日本経済新聞<経済教室>賃金長期停滞の背景㊤ 朝刊 2021.12 |
19. |
Sources of Grosth and Stagnation in the Japanese Economy: An Analysis Based on Data for Listed Firms Spanning More Thank Five Decades
Fukao, Kyoji, YoungGak Kim, Hyeog Ug Kwon
RIETI Discussion Paper Series Vol.21-E-094 2021.11
20. |
JIPデータベース2018:推計方法と概要 (共著)
深尾 京司, 池内 健太, 乾友彦, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 田原慎二, 徳井丞次, 牧野達治, 松浦寿幸, 宮川努
RIETI Technical Paper Series 21-T-001 2021.4
21. |
アベノミクス下のビジネス・ダイナミズムと生産性上昇: 『経済センサス-活動調査』調査票情報による分析 (共著)
深尾京司, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 池内健太
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-J-015 2021.3
22. |
サービス産業における労働生産性上昇の源泉: JIPデータベースを用いた産業レベルの実証分析、1955-2015年 (共著)
深尾京司, 牧野達治
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-J-018 2021.3
23. |
設備投資の決定要因に関する『経済産業省企業活動基本調査』 調査票情報による実証分析 (共著)
深尾京司, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 池内健太
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-J-014 2021.3
24. |
Why Do Real Wages Stagnate in Japan and Korea? (jointly worked)
Hyunbae, C, Fukao, K, Kwon, H-U, Park, J
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-E-010 2021.2
25. |
日本経済、一橋推計でさかのぼってみた 終戦時は2割超すマイナス成長
日本経済新聞電子版、2020年10月14日 2020.10 |
26. |
Labour Market Institutions, Technology and Rent Sharing (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Perugini, C, Pompei, F
IZA DP No. 13155, Institute of Labor Economics 2020.4
27. |
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Japan: 1885-2015 (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Makino, T, Settsu, T
IER, Hitotsubashi University, Discussion Paper Series, A708 Vol.71,No.2,pp.175-204 2020.2
28. |
企業貯蓄の源泉と使途に関する実証分析 (共著)
深尾京司, 池内健太, 金榮愨, 権赫旭
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 19-J-064 2019.11
29. |
日本における雇用と生産性のダイナミクス─OECD DynEmp/MultiProd プロジェクトへの貢献と国際比較 (共著)
池内健太, 伊藤恵子, 深尾京司
RIETIディスカッションペーパー 19-J-066 2019.11
30. |
一般財団法人日本統計協会『統計』─統計専門機関を訪ねて─ Vol.70,No.10,pp.52-55 2019.10
31. |
Baumol versus Engel: Accounting for 100 years (1885-1985) of Structural Transformation in Japan (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Paul, S
IZA Institute of Labor Economics, IZA DP No. 12727 2019.10
32. |
日本経済における資源の再配分による産業のダイナミクス─事業所・企業統計調査及び経済センサスによる実証研究 (共著)
深尾京司, 権赫旭, 金榮愨, 池内健太
RIETIディスカッションペーパー19-J-040 2019.7
33. |
取引関係と資本関係が企業の研究開発に与える影響に関する実証分析 (共著)
山口晃, 池内健太, 深尾京司, 権赫旭, 金榮愨
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 19-J-032 2019.5
34. |
Structural Change, Capital Deepening, and TFP Growth in Japan: 1885-1970 (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Makino, T, Settsu, T
IER Discussion Paper Series A No.693 Vol.23,No.2,pp.185-204 2019.5
35. |
『一橋大学HQ』 2018.12
36. |
A Framework to Study the Role of Structural Transformation in Productivity Growth and Regional Convergence (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Paul, S
ADBI Working Paper Series, No.833 2018.4
37. |
[記事]「日本のサービス品質 特徴と課題を探る SPRINGフォーラム」
『生産性新聞』公益財団法人日本生産性本部 2018.2 |
38. |
深尾京司, 池内健太, 滝澤美帆
日本生産性本部 生産性レポートVol.6 2018.1 |
39. |
公明新聞 5面 2017.11 |
40. |
Japanese Plants' Heterogeneity in Sales, Factor Inputs, and Participation in Global Value Chains (jointly worked)
Ito, K, Deseatnicov, I, Fukao, K
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-E-117 2017.10
41. |
サービス産業における価格と生産性の計測 (創立70周年記念特別号 特集 統計・統計学と日本社会 : ビッグデータ時代における課題と戦略) -- (公的統計の課題と改革)
深尾 京司
Eco-forum Vol.32,No.3,pp.123-133 2017.9
42. |
The Role of Structural Trans formation in Regional Convergence in Japan: 1874-2008 (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Paul, S
Discussion Paper Series A No.665, IER, Hitotsubashi University 2017.9
43. |
統計研究会編 ECO-FORUM (創立70周年記念特別号 特集 統計・統計学と日本社会:ビッグデータ時代における課題と戦略)--(公的統計の課題と改革) Vol.32,No.3,pp.123-133 2017.9
44. |
[対談] 深尾京司, 森川正之「日本の生産性を高めるには」(特集 日本経済と生産性)
『経済セミナー』2017年8・9月号(通巻697号)日本評論社 Vol.697,No.697,pp.8-21 2017.8
45. |
サービス品質の日米比較 ~アンケート調査の結果とその含意~
深尾京司, 池内健太
日本生産性本部 生産性レポート Vol.4 2017.7
46. |
[引用]深尾京司 特集記事「ワーク&ライフ変わる暮らし─働き方改革」
『日本経済新聞』2017年5月6日朝刊12ページ 2017.5 |
47. |
日中製造業の国際競争力に関する比較研究─生産コスト・アプローチ─ (共著)
深尾京司, 袁堂軍
CEI Working Paper No.2017-1 2017.4
48. |
経済危機が雇用と生産性のダイナミックスに与える効果分析 (共著)
池内健太, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 深尾京司
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-J-017 2017.3
49. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2017年2月15日 2017.2
50. |
Caijing Magazine(財経) Vol.486,pp.90-92 2016.12 |
51. |
Without Obama, Shinzo Abe’s Approach to U.S.-Japan Ties may Be Tested
Fukao, K
The New York Times, Asia Pacific 2016.12 |
52. |
韓国、移民拡大等 労働人口 増やせば成長
東亜日報 2016.1 |
53. |
Lessons from Japan’s Secular Stagnation (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Ikeuchi, K, Kwon, H-U, Kim, Y-G, Makino, T, Takizawa, M
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-124 2015.11
54. |
Regional Factor Inputs and Convergence in Japan: A macro-level analysis, 1955-2008 (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Makino, T, Toku, J
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-123 2015.10
55. |
Industry-level Factor Inputs and TFP and Regional Convergence: 1970-2008 (jointly worked)
Tokui, J, Makino, T, Fukao, K
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-089 No.15-E-089 2015.7
56. |
潜在成長率高められるか(中)2%への引き上げは可能 (共著)
深尾京司, 牧野達治
日本経済新聞「経済教室」2015年6月9日 2015.6
57. |
How did Japan Catch-Up on the West? A Sectoral Analysis of Anglo-Japanese Productivity Differences, 1885-2000 (Peer-reviewed) Broadberry, S.N, Fukao, K, Zammit, N
Economic History, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna No.No.10570 2015.5 |
58. |
Japan and the Great Divergence, 725-1874 (Peer-reviewed) Bassino, J.P, Broadberry, S.N, Fukao, K, Gupta, B, Takashima, M
Discussion Paper Series, No.10569, Economic History, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Institute for Advanced Studies No.10569 2015.5
59. |
Why Was Japan Left Behind in the ICT Revolution? (Peer-reviewed) Fukao, K, Ikeuchi, K, Kim, Y-G, Kwon, H-U
RIETI Discussion Papers Series 15-E-43 2015.4
60. |
Empirical Analysis on the Openness of Buyer-Supplier Relationships and Productivity in the Japanese Automobile Parts Industry (Peer-reviewed) Kenta Ikeuchi, Kyoji Fukao, Goko Hiromichi, YoungGak Kim, Kwon Hyeog Ug
RIETI Discussion Papers Series 15-J-017 2015.4
61. |
Buyers, Suppliers, and R&D Spillovers (jointly worked)
Ikeuch K, Belderbos, R, Fukao, K, Kim, Y-G, Kwon, H-U
RIETI Discussion Papers Series 15-E-047 2015.4
62. |
1874-2008 年における日本の地域間所得格差と産業構造
一般財団法人統計研究会『ECO-FORUM』 Vol.30,No.3,pp.18-22 2015.3 |
63. |
Aging, Interregional Income Inequality, and Industrial Structure: An Empirical Analysis Based on the R-JIP Database and the R-LTES Database (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Makino, T
RIETI Discussion Papers Series 15-E-022 No.55,pp.31-34 2015.2
64. |
Agglomeration and Adverse Selection: Evidence from multi-plant firms
Belderbos, R, Ikeuchi, K, Fukao, K, Kim, Y.G, Kwon, H
NISTEP Discussion Paper Vol.115 2015 |
65. |
一般財団法人統計研究会『ECO-FORUM』 Vol.30,No.2,pp.32-37 2014.12 |
66. |
Lessons from Decades Lost: Economic Challenges and Opportunities Facing Japan and the United States (jointly worked)
Cline, W.R, Fukao, K, Iwaisako, T, Kuttner, K.N, Posen, A.S, Schott, JJ
PIIE Briefings PIIEB14-4, Peterson Institute for International Economics 2014.12
67. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2014年12月11日 2014.12
68. |
Biases to Manufacturing Statistics from Offshoring: Evidence from Japan (jointly worked)
Fukao, K, Arai, S
RCESR DP Series No.DP14-2, Hitotsubashi University 2014.10
69. |
ピケティ理論と日本経済 資本分配率の上昇は日本には当てはまらない (資本主義をとことん考えよう) -- (何が問題か)
深尾 京司
エコノミスト Vol.92,No.35,pp.37-38 2014.8
70. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2013年11月1日 2013.11
71. |
Q非正規雇用がどんどん増えて、日本社会は大丈夫なの? A経済全体の生産性が伸びず、成長を妨げる (勝ち抜くための経済学) -- (通説を疑え編)
深尾 京司
エコノミスト Vol.91,No.48,pp.32-33 2013.10
72. |
一般社団法人日本貿易会『日本貿易会月報』 Vol.716,No.716,pp.31-34 2013.7 |
73. |
池内 健太, Rene Belderbos, 深尾 京司, 権 赫旭, 金 榮愨
NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 93 2013.6 |
74. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2013年2月7日 2013.2
75. |
Plant Productivity Dynamics and Private and Public R&D Spillovers: Technological, Geographic and Relational Proximity
Belderbos, R, Ikeuchi, K, Fukao, K, Kim, Y.G, Kwon, H
Center for Economic Institutions Working Paper Series 2013 |
76. |
Research Digest 高生産性企業は新事業所を高生産性地域に立地するか? : 日本の工業統計調査のパネルデータに基づく実証分析
深尾 京司, 権 赫旭
RIETI highlight No.38,pp.28-31 2012
77. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2011年7月27日 2011.7
78. |
乾友彦, 金榮愨, 権赫旭, 深尾京司
経済産業研究所「RIETIディスカッション・ペーパー」 Vol.11-J,No.042,pp.-IT004646 2011.3 |
79. |
Do More Productive Firms Locate New Factories in More Productive Locations? An empirical analysis based on panel data from Japan's Census of Manufactures
Fukao, K, Ikeuchi, K, Kim, Y.G, Kwon, H
RIETI Discussion Paper Series Vol.11-E-068 2011 |
80. |
Global Fixed Capital Investment by Multinational Firms
Rene Belderbos, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito, Wilko Letterie
Discussion Paper 10-E-044 pp.37- 2010.9 |
81. |
Output Quality, Skill Intensity, and Factor Contents of Trade: An Empirical Analysis Based on Microdata of the Census of Manufactures
Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito
Discussion Paper 10-E-028 pp.27- 2010.5 |
82. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2010年3月30日 2010.3
83. |
Research digest: The structural causes of Japan's "two lost decades" (Special feature: Industrial policy and economic growth)
Fukao Kyoji
RIETI highlight No.32,pp.23-28 2010
84. |
生産性研究報告――日本経済研究センター 生産性 中韓が追い上げ
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2009年5月8日 2009.5
85. |
深尾京司, 伊藤恵子
JBIC国際調査室報 No.1,pp.97-107 2009.2
86. |
生産性研究報告――日本経済研究センター 日本の生産性すでに改善
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2008年5月9日 2008.5
87. |
The Impact of Outsourcing on the Japanese and Korean Labor Markets: International Outsourcing of Intermediate Inputs and Assembly in East Asia
Ahn, Sanghoon, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito
Working Paper No. 260 2008.3 |
88. |
Outsourcing in East Asia and Its Impact on the Japanese and Korean Labour Markets
Sanghoon Ahn, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito
OECD Trade Policy Working Paper 65 pp.89- 2008.1 |
89. |
「アジア生産性」研究――日本経済研究センター 生産性 日韓の格差縮小
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2007年4月27日 2007.4
90. |
Determinants of the Profitability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in China and Other Regions: Does Localization of Procurement, Sales, and Management Matter?
Keiko Ito, Kyoji Fukao
Discussion Paper 07-E-001 pp.45- 2007.1 |
91. |
Are Japanese Firms Failing to Catch Up in Localization? An Empirical Analysis Based on Affiliate-level Data of Japanese Firms and a Case Study of the Automobile Industry in China
Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito, Shigesaburo Kabe, Deqiang Liu, Fumihide Takeuchi
Hi-Stat Discussion Paper No. 191 pp.37- 2006.11 |
92. |
Deferred Compensation: Evidence from Employer-Employee Matched Data from Japan (jointly worked)
Kyoji Fukao, Ryo Kambayashi, Daiji Kawaguchi, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Young Gak Kim, Izumi Yokoyama
Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series Vol.187 2006.10
93. |
Cross-Border Acquisitions and Target Firms' Performance: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data
Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito, Hyeog Ug Kwon, Miho Takizawa
Working Paper No. 12422 pp.56- 2006.8 |
94. |
「東アジア戦略」研究報告――日本経済研究センター 「現地化」遅れる日本企業
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2006年7月5日 2006.7
95. |
研究員報告 M&Aは投資先企業の生産性を上昇させるか
深尾 京司
日本経済研究センター会報 No.933,pp.94-97 2005.7
96. |
ブレイン・ストーミング最前線 サプライ・サイドから見た日本経済停滞の原因と必要な政策
深尾 京司
経済産業ジャーナル Vol.38,No.6,pp.58-63 2005.6
97. |
権赫旭, 深尾京司, 伊藤恵子
A 21st-century COE program Discussion Paper No.88 pp.26- 2005.4 |
98. |
セミナー 対日M&A投資と日本経済 対日直接投資拡大は日本経済再生の鍵
深尾 京司
日本経済研究センター会報 No.924,pp.46-49 2004.10
99. |
Do Out-In M&As Bring Higher TFP to Japan? An Empirical Analysis Based on Micro-Data of Japanese Manufacturing Firms
Fukao, Kyoji, Keiko Ito, Hyeog Ug Kwon
A 21st-century COE program Discussion Paper No.41 pp.45- 2004.9 |
100. |
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』2003年9月30日 2003.9
101. |
石戸光, 伊藤恵子, 深尾京司, 吉池喜政
Discussion Paper A No.440 pp.55- 2003.6 |
102. |
Vertical Intra-industry Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia
Keiko Ito, Kyoji Fukao
Discussion Paper A No.434 pp.56- 2003.1 |
103. |
深尾 京司
開発金融研究所報 No.14,pp.87-105 2003.1
104. |
「ニッポン産業空洞化論」の是非 中国だけではない 加速する日本企業の海外生産 (特集 2002日本経済大予測) -- (ハイテク再生工場)
深尾 京司
エコノミスト Vol.79,No.55,pp.26-27 2001.12
105. |
伊藤恵子, 深尾京司
ESRI Discussion Paper No. 5 No.5,pp.66- 2001.10 |
106. |
アジア経済の復活 直接投資の拡大カギに
『日本経済新聞「経済教室」』1999年9月3日 1999.9
107. |
Location Decisions of Japan's Electric Machinery Firms (1 Entry and Exit of MNE) (New Development of Theoretical and Empirical Research on Foreign Direct Investment)
Fukao Kyoji, Yue Ximing
Mita journal of economics Vol.90,No.2,pp.209-237 1997.7
108. |
直接投資先国の決定要因について--わが国製造業に関する実証分析 (地域主義特集)
深尾 京司, 程 勲
フィナンシャル・レビュー No.38,pp.1-31 1996.2
109. |
Special Issue: Financial Liberalization in LDCs and the International Capital Market--International Capital Movement and Industrial Adjustment
Bi-monthly journal of the Institute of Asian Economic Affairs Vol.28,No.12,pp.64-87 1987
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
The Impact of Resource Reallocation within and across Firms on Macroeconomic Total Factor Productivity(HSI2023-The 9th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute, Macroeconomic Policies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.3.11 |
online |
2. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2024.2.29 |
東京都千代田区 |
3. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.7.7 |
東京都千代田区 |
4. |
Non-standard employment and productivity in Japan(the 5th Assisi Workshop in Economics, “The Future of Education, Skills and Productivity”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2023.4.28 |
Palace of the City Hall, Assisi |
5. |
なぜ韓国経済はまだ長期停滞に陥っていないのか(2022 韓日経済フォーラム「低成長時代における韓日経済対策の現状及び課題」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.12.2 |
ザ・キャピトルホテル東急(東京) |
6. |
Human Capital and Economic Growth in Japan: 1885-2015(アジア経済発展論研究会セミナー)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2022.3.17 |
京都 |
7. |
Rent Sharing and Wage Dynamics in Japan(the IX International Scientific Conference “World Economy – Challenges of the 21st Century)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.12.16 |
8. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.12.9 |
東京 |
9. |
Establishment size, workforce composition and the college wage gap in Japan(the 13th International Scientific Conference “Applied Economics Conference: Labour, Health, Education and Welfare”)
Holding date :
- 2021.10.29
Presentation date :
2021.10.28 |
Belgrade |
10. |
Non-standard Employment and Rent Sharing(the 13th International Scientific Conference, Applied Economics Conference: Labour, Health, Education and Welfare)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.10.28 |
Belgrade |
11. |
Causes of Japan’s Slow Economic Growth: Analysis Based on the JIP Database 2018(The Sixth World KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2021.3.9 |
Harvard University, MA, USA (virtual format) |
12. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2020.2.26 |
イイノホール&カンファレンスセンター Room A(東京・千代田区) |
13. |
Why Do Real Wages Stahnate in Japan and Korea?(Fifth Asian KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.10.14 |
Tsinghua University, Beijing |
14. |
日本経済発展第6回 人口減少下の日本経済(GRIPS外交アカデミー)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.6.13 |
政策研究大学院大学 |
15. |
Abenomics, the Exchange Rate, and Markup Dynamics in Japanese Industries(the Second Conference on “The Political Economy of Japan under the Abe Government”)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.3.1 |
16. |
China’s Slowdown: Lessons from Japan’s Experience(国際シンポジウム「岐路に立つ中国――直面する経済と社会の課題――」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.2.22 |
虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラム ホールA(東京) |
17. |
China’s Slowdown: Lessons from Japan’s Experience (中国経済の減速:日本の経験からの教訓)(国際シンポジウム「岐路に立つ中国――直面する経済と社会の課題――」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.2.22 |
虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラム ホールA |
18. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.26 |
19. |
Regional convergence in labor productivity during the Japanese manufacturing catch-up, 1909-1940(The Sixth Asian Historical Economics Conference (AHEC 2018))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.9.21 |
University of Hong Kong |
20. |
Structural Change, Capital Deepening, and TFP Growth in Japan: 1885-1970(18th World Economic History Congress in Boston)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.31 |
Boston |
21. |
Regional patterns of Japanese industrialisation from ca. 1800 to 1985(WEHC 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.29 |
Boston Mariott Cambridge |
22. |
Productivity growth in Meiji Japan: the structural and regional dynamics(WEHC 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.29 |
Boston Mariott Cambridge |
23. |
The economic geography of Japanese industrialization (1800-2010)(WEHC 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.29 |
Boston Mariott Cambridge |
24. |
日本経済の歴史から⻑期停滞の構造的原因を探る(RIETI BBL)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.7.19 |
RIETI、霞が関:東京 |
25. |
Quantifying and Accounting for Differences in Quality in Service Sectors: A Bilateral Price Comparison between United States and Japan(the Fifth World KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.6.4 |
Harvard University |
26. |
Labour share dynamics, heterogeneous capital and labour market regulation(Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2018)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.26 |
University of Sussex, Briton, UK |
27. |
The economic geography of Japanese industrialization (1800-2010)(Workshop on the Economic geography of Lon-Run Industrialization)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.22 |
the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
28. |
Abenomics and Competitiveness of Japanese Industry(Stanford Conference on "The Political Economy of Japan under the Abe Government")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.2.8 |
Philippines Conference Room, Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University |
29. |
Quantifying and Accounting for Differences in Quality in Service Sectors: A Bilateral Price Comparison between United States and Japan(OECD WPIA Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.10.10 |
30. |
Technology, capital, skills and the long-run dynamics of the labour share in Japan(International Workshop on Productivity, Innovation and Intangible Investments)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.9.23 |
National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Assisi, Italy |
31. |
Secular Stagnation and the labor Market in Japan(The New Mediocre (Secular Stagnation) and Asia, preliminary conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.9.7 |
Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, Seoul |
32. |
Quality of Consumer Services: US-Japan Comparison Based on a Survey of the Willingness to Pay(The 3rd Hitotsubashi Summer Institute: The Fourth Asia KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.7.31 |
Sano-shoin, Hitotsubashi University |
33. |
Productivity growth in Meiji Japan: the structural and regional dynamics(the 8th World Congress of Cliometrics, Strasbourg Convention Centre)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.7.3 |
Strasbourg, France |
34. |
Public and Private R&D Spillovers and Productivity at the Plant Level: Technological and Geographic Proximity(IARIW 34th General conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.8.26 |
Dresden, Germany |
35. |
Public and Private R&D Spillovers and Productivity at the Plant Level: Technological and Geographic Proximity(IARIW 34th General conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.8.23 |
Dresden, Germany |
36. |
On Input-Output Tables and Growth Accounting(The 2nd Hitotsubashi Summer Institute "The Third Asia KLEMS Database Management Workshop")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.8.5 |
Sano Shoin Hall, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo |
37. |
Measurement of Deflators and Real Value Added in the Service Sector(The 2nd Hitotsubashi Summer Institute "The Economics of Services: Microfoundations, Measurement, and Productivity Policy")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.8.4 |
Sano Shoin Hall, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo |
38. |
What Can We Learn from Japan's Secular Stagnation?(the 4th World KLEMS)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.23 |
Hotel NH Collection Madrid Colon |
39. |
What Can We Learn from Japan(s Secular Stagnation?(the 4th World KLEMS)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.23 |
Hotel NH Collection Madrid Colon |
40. |
Why Was Japan Left Behind in the ICT Revolution?(the 4th World KLEMS)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.23 |
Hotel NH Collection Madrid Colon |
41. |
Measurement of Deflators and Real Value Added in the Service Sector(the 4th World KLEMS)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.5.23 |
Hotel NH Collection Madrid Colon |
42. |
The Structural Causes of Japan's Low TFP Grows(the Seminar of Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.4.27 |
Stanford University |
43. |
Japan and the World Innovation, Economic Growth, Globalization, and International Security Challenges(Lecture at Stanford university, Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center, April 26-May 12, 2016.(全4回))
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.4 |
44. |
The Structural Causes of Japan’s Low TFP Growth(Japan Briefing: The Economy, Politics and Innovation Policy)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.3.22 |
Weston Theatre, Crawford School of Public Policy, the Australian National University |
45. |
The Structural Causes of Japan’s Low TFP Growth(AJRC and HIAS joint conference on Recent Issues in Finance and Macroeconomics)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.3.21 |
Australian National University |
46. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.2.18 |
イイノホール&カンファレンスセンターRoom A(東京・千代田区) |
47. |
The Structural Causes of Japan’s Low TFP Growth(Making Sense of the Productivity Slowdown)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.11.16 |
Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC |
48. |
Immigration and the utilization of the domestic labor force in Japan(Japan Economic Foundation Roundtable, the Political Economy of Japan and the EU: Challenges and Strategies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.11.13 |
Chatham House, London, UK |
49. |
Immigration and the utilization of the domestic labor force in japan(Japan Economic Foundation Roundtable, the Political Economy of Japan and the EU: Challenges and Strategies)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.11.13 |
Chatham House, London, UK |
50. |
東アジアの分業構造と中国経済の減速が日本経済に及ぼす影響(第29回国際経済政策研究センター・キタン国際学術シンポジウム 名古屋大学、ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所共催国際シンポジウム『中国・日本と激変するアジア経済』)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.10.29 |
名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館 |
51. |
Inequality, Poverty, and Growth in Japan, 1850-1955(XVIIth World Economic History Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.8.3 |
Kyoto |
52. |
Japan and the great Divergence, 725-1874(XVIIth World Economic History Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.8.3 |
Kyoto |
53. |
Revisiting Meiji Japan’s Economic Miracle: Evidence from Sectoral Prefecture-Level GDP Estimates (1874, 1890, and 1909)(XVIIth World Economic History Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.8.3 |
Kyoto |
54. |
Regional Inequality in Prewar Japan, 1844-1940(XVIIth World Economic History Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.8.3 |
Kyoto |
55. |
Impact of Inward FDI and Challenges and Measures for its Promotion(Impact of Inward FDI and its Promotion for Japan's Economic Growth)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.3.10 |
Iino Hall and Conference Center |
56. |
生産性計測の観点からみた政府統計の課題(2014年度第2 回一橋大学政策フォーラム『公的統計のあり方とエビデンス・ベース政策形成~新統計法施行から5年』)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.1.15 |
一橋講堂 |
57. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.12 |
58. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.12 |
59. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.10.3 |
大阪大学 |
60. |
Korean Unification and the Japanese Economy (jointly worked)(prepared for the KIEP Seminar "Costs-Benefits of the Unification of Korean Peninsula to Neighboring Countries: U.S., China, Japan and Russia" Seoul)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.9 |
61. |
The Structural Causes of Japan's Lost Decades(the Third World KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.5.19 |
JPタワーホール&カンファレンス |
62. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.4.8 |
63. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.2.22 |
新梅田研修センター |
64. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.2.3 |
65. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.1.31 |
東京大学 |
66. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.12.20 |
日本学術会議 |
67. |
Japan's Two Lost Decades and Abenomics(the International Symposium of the European and Asia-Pacific Social Science Network "Economic Revitalization in the Asia-Pasific Region and Europe")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.10.29 |
一橋講堂 |
68. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.9.25 |
如水会館 |
69. |
Aging, Interregional Income Inequality, and Industrial Structure: An Empirical Analysis Based on Prefectural Data(Comparative Study between Korea and japan on Aging Trend, Economic and Social Impact and Policy Implications)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.8.29 |
Korea University |
70. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.7.16 |
71. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.5.19 |
早稲田大学高等研究所 |
72. |
Explaining Japan's Unproductive Two Decades(the Sixteenth Asian Economic Policy Review Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2013.4.6 |
日本経済研究センター |
73. |
Intangible Investment in Japan(OECD Workshop on Productivity)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.11.5 |
OECD, Paris |
74. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.10.7 |
九州産業大学 |
75. |
How Will We Revise the JIP Database? Harmonization with the Japanse SNA and Estimation of Intangible Assets(the 2nd World KLEMS Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.8.9 |
Harvard University |
76. |
A PPP Comparison of the Pre-war and Post-war Performance of the Chinese and Japanese Economies(XVI the WEHC)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.7.11 |
Stellenbosch University |
77. |
Offshoring Bias in Japan's Manufacturing Sector(the Final WIDO Conference: Causes and Consequences of Globalization)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.4.24 |
Groningen University |
78. |
Deindustrialization in Japan and Its Impact on Growth(the Workshop "Is deindustrialization inevitable? The future of manufacturing in japan, Korea, Germany and France")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2012.3.20 |
フランス国立社会科学高等研究院日仏財団 |
79. |
Japan and the Great Divergence, 800-1913(Quantifying Long Run Economic Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.3.22 |
University of Warwick, Venice Palazzo Pesaro Papafava |
80. |
Productivity and Capital Accumulation in Asian Developing Economies(ADB's Mid-term Review Workshop on "Sustaining Asia's Growth and Investment in a Changing World")
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2011.1.17 |
ADB, Manila |
81. |
Revisiting Accumulation and Assimilation: New Evidence on the Role of Productivity and Capital Accumulation in Asia in Historial Perspective(Maddison Memorial Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.11.6 |
International Institute of Social History |
82. |
Comparative Productivity Analysis between japan and Korea-Micro and Micro Perspectives-(International Conference on Productivity in East Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.10.20 |
Seoul National University |
83. |
Output Quality, Skill Intensity, and Factor Contents of Trade(10th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data COST Conference 2010)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.9.24 |
Imperial College London |
84. |
Decomposition of Income Gaps Between China, Japan and the United States for CIRCA 1935: A Production-side PPP Approach and Reconciliation of Production and Expenditure PPPs(the 31st IAEIW General Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.8.22 |
St.Gallen |
85. |
Vertical Intra-Industry Trade, Unit Values of Commodities, and Factor Contents: An Empirical Analysis Based on Micro-Data of the Census of Manufactures(WIOD Conference on Industry-Level Analysis of Micro-Data of the Census of Manufactures)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2010.5.26 |
Technische Universitaet Wien |
86. |
生産性競争の時代 -日本は再びキャッチアップできるのか(独立行政法人経済産業研究所 BBLセミナー)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.4.1 |
東京、日本 |
87. |
Productivity in Japan, the US, and the EU Core Countries :Is Japan Falling Behind(the Third International Workshop of Joint Research Study Group “EU Economy" of EUIJ Tokyo Consortium)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.3.1 |
Tokyo, Japan |
88. |
Natural Capital, Human Capital, and Inequality in Japanese Economic Development: 1885-1940(the Asian Historical Economics Conference 2022)
Holding date :
- 2022.12.10
Presentation date :
89. |
Secular Stagnation of Labor Productivity and Real Wages in Japan: An Empirical Analysis Based on the JIP Database 2021(the Seventh World KLEMS Conference 2022)
Holding date :
- 2022.10.13
Presentation date :
University of Manchester |