1. |
Research & development for confronting social issues ---From the field of Research & Development in food (Peer-reviewed) Masaaki Kunou, Taro Kamioka
Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi 2023
2. |
Understanding the Role of Chief Data Officers: Insights from Japanese Companies (Peer-reviewed) Yaxin Zhao, Taro Kamioka
PACIS 2022 Proceedings 2022 |
3. |
Digital Transformation Challenges in the Sales of Pharmaceutical Companies in Japan (Peer-reviewed) Qinxian Liu, Yaxin Zhao, Taro Kamioka, Michihiko Nakamura
Asian Journal of Business Research Vol.11,No.3 2021.12 |
4. |
Why Big Data Analytics Competency for Organizational Agility: A View of IS Resources (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Hyun, Youyung, Kamioka, Taro, Park, Jaehyun, Chang, Younghoon
PACIS 2020 Proceedings 2020.6 |
5. |
The Role of Learning Culture in Big Data Analytics (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Hyun, Youyung, Kamioka, Taro
PACIS 2020 Proceedings 2020.6 |
6. |
Improving Agility Using Big Data Analytics: The Role of Democratization Culture (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Youyung Hyun, Taro Kamioka, Ryuichi Hosoya
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol.12,No.2,pp.35-63 2020.6 |
7. |
How big data analytics impacts agility: The moderation effect of orientation of interactive team cognition
Qinxian Liu, Youyung Hyun, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare pp.34-39 2019.12
8. |
The Moderating Role of Democratization Culture: Improving Agility through the Use of Big Data Analytics (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Youyung Hyun, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
PACIS2019 2019.7 |
9. |
IT Manager Behavior in Crisis Response: Understanding Crisis Cases Using Recommendations from the Crisis Management Literature (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tommi Tapanainen, Olivier Lisein, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.29,No.1,pp.144-164 2019.3 |
10. |
The Implications of Big Data Analytics Orientation upon Deployment (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Youyung Hyun, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
The 6th International Conference on Information Technology 2018.12 |
11. |
Understanding How the Ad Hoc Use of Big Data Analytics Impacts Agility: A Sensemaking-based Model,International Conference on Advances in Big Data (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systsms pp.524-531 2018.8 |
12. |
The Role of Chief Digital Officers (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
国際CIO学会ジャーナル Vol.12,pp.52-59 2018.7 |
13. |
Impacts of Online Emotional Advertisement on Customer Behavior Moderated by Brand Attachment (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yumo Lin, Tianli Huang, Taro Kamioka, Ryuichi Hosoya
Proceedings of PACIS2018 pp.2441-2448 2018.6 |
14. |
Co-Purchase Analysis by Hierarchical Network Structure (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Zhenhao Ding, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka
Proceedings of PACIS2018 pp.2449-2462 2018.6 |
15. |
A Bibliographic Network Analysis of Big Data Literature (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Ryuichi Hosoya, Zhenhao Ding, Taro Kamioka
Proceedings on the AIS e-Library / PACIS2017 2017.8 |
16. |
Effects of User IT Capabilities and Organized Big Data Analytics on Competitive Advantage (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka, Ryuichi Hosoya, Tommi Tapanainen
Proceedings on the AIS e-Library / PACIS2017 2017.8 |
17. |
IT MANAGER CRISIS LEADERSHIP: RELEVANCE OF PRESCRIPTIONS GIVEN FOR GENERAL MANAGEMENT (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tommi Tapanainen, Ryuichi Hosoya, Taro Kamioka, Olivier Lisein
APCIM2016 2016.10 |
18. |
An Empirical Investigation of Data Governance: The Role of Accountabilities (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka, Xubin Luo, Tommi Tapanainen
PACIS2016 2016.7 |
19. |
Organizational Use of Big Data and Competitive Advantage – Exploration of Antecedents (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka, Tommi Tapanainen
PACIS2014 2014.7 |
20. |
The impact of decision-making capabilities on the adoption of cloud computing in small and medium enterprises (jointly worked)
Taro Kamioka, Wei-Ting Chiu, Tian Zhen
日本情報経営学会誌 Vol.34,No.3,pp.71-85 2014.1
21. |
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Leadership in Crisis Situations: Subordinate Stories from the Japan Earthquake Crisis (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Tommi Tapanainen, Taro Kamioka
PACIS2013 2013.6 |
22. |
The impact of decision-making capabilities on the adoption of cloud computing in small and medium enterprises (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka, Wei-Ting Chiu, Tian Zhen
APCIM2012 2012.8 |
23. |
効果的IT投資を行うCIOの特徴 ―攻めと守りの比較― (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
国際CIO学会ジャーナル Vol.5,pp.31-38 2011.1 |
24. |
ROLE OF THE CIO IN BUSINESS INNOVATION (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
日本情報経営学会誌 Vol.30,No.3,pp.134-145 2010.4
25. |
Characterization of the Waterfall Process Model Adopted by the Japanese Software Industry(APCIM2009 Best Papers)
Journal of Information and Management Vol.30,No.4,pp.134-142 2010
26. |
Characterization of the Waterfall Process Model (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management 2009.4 |
27. |
System Integrators' Strategy against the New On-Demand Trend (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎, 八幡和彦
経営情報学会2009年秋季全国研究発表大会予稿集 2009.4 |
28. |
CIO ROLES IN BUSINESS INNOVATION (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management 2009.4 |
29. |
クラウドソーシングの分類とその戦略的活用 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
経営情報学会2008年秋季全国研究発表大会予稿集 2008.4 |
30. |
ビジネスイノベーションにおけるCIOの役割モデル (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
国際CIO学会ジャーナル Vol.2,pp.31-38 2008.2 |
31. |
日本の農産物流通におけるIT 活用と新しい卸売市場 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 吉井花奈, 神岡 太郎, 八幡和彦
経営情報学会2006年秋季全国研究発表大会予行集 pp.186-189 2006.4 |
32. |
日本における情報システム開発スタイルと中国オフショアリング (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
オフィス・オートメーション学会・経営情報学会2006年合同・全国研究大会予稿集 pp.212-215 2006.4 |
33. |
Emergence of service-added model in B2C for small-sized companies (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka, Kazuhiko Yahata
2006 ICEC: Eighth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Proceedings pp.504-511 2006 |
34. |
中小商店に対するサービス付加型のeコマース (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
経営情報学会2005年秋季全国大会研究発表予稿集 pp.274-277 2005.4 |
35. |
A framework of understanding spoken dialog sentences dynamically using GPS and knowledge of user's goal and plan (Peer-reviewed) Taro Kamioka
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Vol.19,No.4,pp.204-213 2004
36. |
Decision support system using content-based image retrieval interface for selecting travel destinations (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡太郎, 石岡和利, 望月博文
ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌 Vol.5,No.3,pp.383-390 2003.4 |
37. |
Cross-Media Optimization in Measurable Marketing
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.128,No.4,pp.419-434 2002.10
38. |
Learning chances embedded in environment to facilitate tool-learning (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science pp.633-636 1999.4 |
39. |
User Learning Inductive Human Interfaces
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.119,No.5,pp.568-583 1998.5
40. |
A New Direction in Learning Environment besed on Constructivism
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.115,No.5,pp.1039-1059 1996.5
41. |
A Semi-Centralized Layered Route Planner for Navigation Systems (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
人工知能学会論文誌 Vol.10,No.6,pp.933-941 1995.4 |
42. |
Development of Intelligent CAI for Qualitative Analysis of Mental Ions Incorporated Knowledge Database Journal of Chemical Software (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Kamioka Taro, Miyokawa Kikuo, Ozaki Shigeko, Yano Takayuki
Journal of Chemical Software Vol.2,No.1,pp.49-68 1994.4
43. |
The Effect of Intergroup Mobility on the Intention of Contribution Under a Social Dilemma Situation
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.109,No.5,pp.686-705 1993.5
44. |
意図推論に基づく、2エージェントによる協調問題解決 (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 pp.563-566 1993.4 |
45. |
An Approach to Digitizing of Business Case-Studies
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.108,No.5,pp.764-781 1992.11
46. |
An Intelligent Organization
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.106,No.4,pp.317-330 1991.10
47. |
Data Base of Qualitative Analysis and its Application to CAI
神岡 太郎
Proceedings of Forth Asian Chemical Congress 1991.4 |
48. |
Computation and Society -A Computational Model of Society
Taro Kamioka
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.104,No.5,pp.656-673 1990.11
49. |
Generation and Representation of Predicate Complex (Peer-reviewed) KAMIOKA TARO, TSUCHIYA TAKAFUMI, ANZAI YUICHIRO
IPSJ Journal Vol.30,No.4,pp.457-466 1989.4
50. |
Machanisms for Natural Language Understading : Dialogue and Conext (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
情報処理 Vol.30,No.10 1989.4 |
51. |
Analysis of Sentences Including Unknow Words by Hypothesis Generation Mechanism (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
人工知能学会誌 Vol.3,No.5 1988.4 |
52. |
計算機による対話文理解システム (Peer-reviewed) 神岡 太郎
心理学評論 Vol.30,No.3,pp.p234-258 1987.4