1. | From the world's factory to the world's R&D base; Comparative study of product architecture and HRM for engineers in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Companies
Fumiko NISHINO (Contributor) Toyokeizai-Shinpohsya 2012.10 (ISBN : 9784492522042) |
2. | A Sociology of Work in Japan (jointly worked)
Fumiko NISHINO (Joint translator) Waseda University Press 2006.9 (ISBN : 4657069225) |
No. | Name of subject/Conference Name | Year | Site |
1. | Changes and Continuity in Non-regular Employment in Japan (3): Current Situation of Transition from Non-regular to Regular Positions(EASP &FISS Joint Conference) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.6.14 |
2. | Gender and Collaboration:Diversity in Japan and how to transform organizations allowing everyone to form participation(IMPM International Masters Program for Managers, Cycle24) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.5.31 |
3. | 日本の非正規雇用の現状と政策(第108回全国図書館大会群馬大会 第15分科会(非正規部会)) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.10.6 |
4. | 米国ボストンのイノベーション・エコシステムと大学の役割(横浜国立大学学長補佐懇談会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.5.25 |
5. | 米国東部ボストンエリアにおけるイノベーション・エコシステム(多様なイノベーションエコシステムの国際ベンチマークワークショップ) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.7.19 |
6. | Gender and Collaboration:Diversity in Japan and how to transform organizations allowing everyone to form participation(IMPM International Masters Program for Managers, Cycle23) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.9 |
7. | イノベーション・エコシステムと地域・専門職労働市場:米国東部ボストン地区の事例(日本社会学会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.5 |
8. | 日本における「女性活躍政策」の実際(Boston Japanese Women's Initiative) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.7.26 |
9. | 多様な働き方を可能にする雇用制度と職場環境作り(関西生産性本部人事労務研究会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.15 |
10. | Managing Diversity:the reality of working in Japan(IMPM International Masters Program for Managers, A Henry Mintzberg Program) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.2 |
11. | システム開発における組織・エンジニア行動・人材マネジメントと米国(ボストン)地区のイノベーション・エコシステム(三菱電機先端技術総合研究所ビジネスマネジメント部会経営専門部会共催講演会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.27 |
三菱電機先端技術総合研究所 |
12. | ボストンのイノベーション・エコシステムの謎〜人的資源の観点から〜(第6回イノベーション・エコシステム研究会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.3.31 |
慶應義塾大学 |
13. | Has Dual Labor Market Changed?: Transformation of Employment Relations in Japan”(New England Region Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.1.29 |
Boston College |
14. | 日本の正社員と非正社員はこれからどうなるのか?〜雇用関係の社会学〜(ボストン日本人研究者交流会第150回) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.1.21 |
15. | Has Japan’s Dual Labor Market Changed? : An Analysis of Recent Data Involving Regular / Non-regular Workers(Visiting Scholar Research Presentation at Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.12.8 |
Harvard University |
16. | システム開発における組織・エンジニア行動・人材マネジメントー日中韓3企業の比較分析ー(日本社会学会第88回大会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.16 |
早稲田大学戸山キャンパス |
17. | ダイバーシティ推進と働き方改革(FJM労使共催セミナー) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.15 |
富士通マーケティング株式会社 |
18. | 「キャリアパスとしての有期雇用を考える――「縁」にかかわる世界の経験を通して(地域研究コンソーシアム次世代ワークショップ) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.2.20 |
東京大学 |
19. | 若者の社会・職業への移行について(神奈川県青少年問題協議会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.12.8 |
神奈川県庁 |
20. | 女性の活躍と多様な働き方~人事管理の国際比較の視点から~(神奈川県労働審議会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.20 |
神奈川県庁 |
21. | 雇用関係ルールに関する日中韓企業の比較研究~資本主義の多様性論の視点から~(社会調査研究会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.18 |
青山学院大学 |
22. | 雇用関係ルールに関する日中韓企業の比較研究~製品開発エンジニアを事例として~(日本社会学会第86回大会一般研究報告) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.19 |
慶應義塾大学 |
23. | 製品開発エンジニアの人材マネジメントに関する日中韓比較(社会調査研究会) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.12.20 |
24. | グローバル時代の日本の労働市場-若年非正社員を中心に-(アジア政経学会全国大会 (兼 神戸学院大学東アジア産業研究センター公開セミナー)) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.10.1 |
日本 神戸(神戸学院大学) |
25. | 非正社員化と職場の変化―短時間労働者マネージャーの現段階―(日本社会学会第78回大会一般研究報告) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.10.1 |
法政大学 |
26. | 正社員と非正社員は何が違うのか―業務・責任・就労意識―(日本社会学会第77回大会一般研究報告) |
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.11.1 |
熊本大学 |
No. | Research subject | Research item(Awarding organization, System name) | Year |
1. | 日本の非正規雇用政策の軌跡とその効果:内部労働市場への包摂か同一労働同一賃金か
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 ) |
2024.4 - 2028.3 |
2. | Study on transformation of employment systems ;skills and wages of non-regular workers and peripheral regular workers
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2015.4 - 2020.3 |
3. | Study on transformation of employment systems ;skills and wages of non-regular workers and peripheral regular workers(Fostering Joint International Research)
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2015 - 2018 |
4. | A sociological study on the transnational migration of highly skilled professionals: immigration to Japan and emigration from Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2014.4 - 2019.3 |
5. | Organizational capability as a critical source of competitive advantage: Comparing Japanese, Chinese, and Korean development organizations
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2014.4 - 2018.3 |
6. | An Empirical research for skill development and carrier ladder of fixed-term employment contracts and dispatched workers
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2011.4 - 2015.3 |
7. | A Sociological Study on the Entry and Settlement of Foreign Workers in the Japanese Labour Market
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2011.4 - 2014.3 |
8. | Comparative analysis of product architecture and human resource management in East Asian Firms
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2010.4 - 2013.3 |
9. | The Skill Formation and Career Ladders for Young Fixed-Term Workers : Toward Labour Market Reform
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2009 - 2010 |
10. | A Sociological Study on Contractor's Indirect Employment System in Contemporary Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2008 - 2010 |
11. | An Empirical Study on the Foreign Workers in the Contemporary Japanese Service Industry
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ) |
2005 - 2007 |