Graduate School of Law
AONO Toshihiko

Books and Other Publications

1. 新版 国際関係学 ――地球社会を理解するために
山田敦, 和田洋典, 倉科一希 (Contributor)
有信堂高文社 2025.3 (ISBN : 9784842055893)
2. 1インチの攻防 (下) -NATO拡大とポスト冷戦秩序の構築
M.E.サロッティ 著, 岩間 陽子, 細谷 雄一, 板橋 拓己, 山本 健 訳, 妹尾 哲志, 堀田 主 訳, 青野 利彦, 小川 浩之, 齋藤 嘉臣, 倉科 一希, 小林 弘幸, 立石 洋子, 合六 強 訳
岩波書店 2024.12 (ISBN : 9784000616744)
3. 1インチの攻防 (上) -NATO拡大とポスト冷戦秩序の構築
M.E.サロッティ 著, 岩間 陽子, 細谷 雄一, 板橋 拓己, 山本 健 訳, 妹尾 哲志, 堀田 主 訳, 青野 利彦, 小川 浩之, 齋藤 嘉臣, 倉科 一希, 小林 弘幸, 立石 洋子, 合六 強 訳
岩波書店 2024.12 (ISBN : 9784000616737)
4. An introduction to international history
Hiroyuki Ogawa, Takumi Itabashi, Toshihiko Aono (Joint author)
Yuhikaku Publisher 2024.10 (ISBN : 9784641151260)
5. Asia Rising: A Handbook of History and International Relations in East, South and Southeast Asia
Ryo Sahashi, Yasuhiro Matsuda, Waka Aoyama eds (Joint author)
Springer 2024.9
Link Link
6. History of the Cold War: From the Emergence of Superpowers to the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Masuda Minoru, Saito Yoshiomi, Aono Toshihiko e (Joint author)
Horitsh Bunkasha 2024.3 (ISBN : 9784589043245)
7. The Cold War vol. 2: From the Vietnam War to the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Toshihiko Aono
中央公論新社 2023.12 (ISBN : 4121027825)
8. The Cold War, vol. 1: From the End of the Second World War to the Cuban Missile Crisis
青野, 利彦
中央公論新社 2023.12 (ISBN : 9784121027818)
9. The Cold War and Decolonization: The Second Half of the Twentieth Century
Eds. Yoichi Kibata and Satoshi Nakano
Iwanami shoten 2023.7 (ISBN : 9784000114325)
10. From Détente to the New Cold War: The Unraveling of the International Order in a Globalizing World
Minoru Masuda, Yoshiomi Saito, Yasuyuki Miyake (Joint author)
Minerva Shobo 2022.4 (ISBN : 9784589042125)
11. Political and Diplomatic History of the United States: From the "American Century" to the "America First"
Toshihiko Aono (Joint editor)
Minerva Shobo 2020.4
12. Major Problems in the History of the Western World
藤井, 崇, 青谷, 秀紀, 古谷, 大輔, 坂本, 優一郎, 小野沢, 透, 金澤, 周作
Minerva Shobo 2020.4 (ISBN : 9784623087792)
13. The Cold War: A Very Short Introduction
McMahon, Robert J, Aono、Toshihiko (Commenta, Hirai Kazuya
Keiso Shobo 2018.7 (ISBN : 9784326351756)
14. An Introduction to International History (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Ogawa, Takumi Itabashi, Toshihiko Aono (Joint author)
Yuhikaku 2018.4
15. Power Shift and Global Governance (jointly worked)
Toshihiko Aono (Joint author)
Yuhikaku Publicher 2018.4
16. Hideki Kan and Ryuhei Hatsuse eds., The Nuclear Governance by the Untied States (jointly worked)
Toshihiko Aono (Sole author)
Koyo Shobo 2017.11
17. N. Kimiduka, Y. Hosoya, and T. Nagano eds., Britain and the United States: Four Hundred Years of World Order Making
Naotaka Kimizuka, Yuichi Hosoya, Takayuki Nagano ed, Tokyo, Keiso Shobo (Joint author)
Keiso Shobo 2016.7
18. Re-examining the Cold War History: Cold Wars and Other Historical Trends (co-authored and co-edited)
Minoru Masuda, Ryo Ikeda, Toshihiko Aono, Yoshiomi Saito (Joint editor)
Minerva Shobo 2015.12
19. David Gioe, Len Scott, Christopher Andrew, eds., An International History of the Cuban Missile Crisis: A 50-year retrospective (jointly worked)
Toshihiko Aono (Joint author)
Routledge 2014.4
20. M. Masuda and H. Ogawa eds., A Political Diplomatic History of the West,
青野 利彦 (Joint author)
Minerva Shobo 2013.3
21. The Cold War and the Western Alliance during the Crisis Years: Berlin, Cuba, and Detente, 1961-1963
Toshihiko Aono (Sole author)
Yuuhikaku 2012.11

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1. "Book Review: The Silent Guns of Two Octobers: Kennedy and Khrushchev Play the Double Game by Theodore Voorhees"
Toshihiko Aono
Diplomacy & Statecraft Vol.33,No.4,pp.856-857 2022.10
doi Link
2. "Introduction: Alliance Politics in Context"
Toshihiko Aono
International Relations No.206,pp.1-16 2022.3
3. 「書評 菅英輝『冷戦と「アメリカの世紀」ーアジアにおける非公式帝国の秩序形成』(岩波書店、2016年)
青野 利彦
『国際政治』 No.194 2018.12
4. 「書評 小野沢透『幻の同盟--冷戦初期アメリカの中東政策』上下(名古屋大学出版会、2016年)」
青野 利彦
『アメリカ史評論』 Vol.35 2018.3
5. Current Status of Cold War Studies: An Overview
Aono Toshihiko
International Relations Vol.2012,No.169,pp.154-163 2012.6
6. "It Is Not Easy for the United States to Carry the Whole Load": Anglo-American Relations during the Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962 (Peer-reviewed)
Toshihiko Aono
DIPLOMATIC HISTORY Vol.34,No.2,pp.325-356 2010.4
7. "The Limits of the 1963 Détente : Superpower Negotiations and Alliance Politics after the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962-63"
Toshihiko Aono
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.8,No.2,pp.121-168 2009.7
doi Link
8. "The Berlin Crisis and Third World Neutralism, 1960-61" (Peer-reviewed)
青野 利彦
『国際政治』 No.126,pp.115-31 2008.3

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1. 『国際政治史〔新版〕』刊行によせて【上】
小川浩之, 板橋拓己, 青野利彦
2. 『国際政治史〔新版〕』刊行によせて【中】
3. 『国際政治史〔新版〕』刊行によせて【下】
小川浩之, 板橋拓己, 青野利彦
4. "US History in Context"
Toshihiko Aono
Chū-ō Kōron Vol.2024,No.10,pp.42-45 2024.10
5. 「第三者」に大事な役割 <考える広場> キューバ危機60年 その教訓は
『東京新聞』電子版 2022.10


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. The End of the Cold War in East Asia: A Comparison with the Cold War between the Superpowers and that in Europe(International Institute of American Studies, Doshisha University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.12.6
2. Self-commentary: Toshihiko Aono "The Cold War" (2 vols. Tokyo: Chuo Koron shinsha, 2024)(2024 Annual Meeting, the Japanese Association of International Relations)
Holding date : 2024.11.15 - 2024.11.17
Presentation date : 2024.11.16
3. “The scope and major arguments of 'Reisen-Shi' (History of Cold War)”(The 58th Japanese Association of American Studies Annual Meeting, Section Meeting: Studies in International History)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.6.7
4. The End of the Cold War in East Asia: An Overview(Japan Seminar, Centre for Japanese Studies, The University of East Anglia)
Holding date : 2024.3.11
Presentation date : 2024.3.11
5. The End of the Cold War in East Asia: An Overview(East Asia Seminar, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.10.16
6. Globalization of International Economy and the Cold War: From the 1970s to the early 1980s(The 5th GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Institute for Global Governance Research, Hitotsubashi University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.6.29
7. 討論者「冷戦終結と今後の日本外交史研究」(日本国際政治学会20201年度研究大会日本外交史分科会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.10.29
8. 分科会討論者「「新冷戦」とは何であったのか―《同盟・デタント・冷戦の終焉》と東西対立の最前線」(日本政治学会2021年度研究大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.9.25
9. ABMs for Allies?: The Johnson Administration, Japan, NATO and the Anti-ballistic Missiles(Cambridge Workshop: Conflicts, Geography, and Pax Americana in Cold War East Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.7.26
University of Cambridge(オンライン)
10. 「米欧同盟史の再考―渡邊啓貴『アメリカとヨーロッパ―揺れる同盟の80年』を読む―アメリカの視点から」(CHIR-JAPAN(国際関係史学会)研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.26
11. 部会討論者「日本外交と同盟」(日本国際政治学会2019年度研究大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.19
12. "How Cold Wars Ended?: A Comparative Analysis of Superpowers, Europe, East-Asia, and Third World"(2019Annual Conference of the Japanese Political Science Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.6
Seikei University
13. 「同盟とグローバル・ガバナンス:冷戦期と冷戦後のNATOを事例として」(グローバル・ガバナンス学会第12回研究大会 共通論題1)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.5.11
14. 「ロバート・マクマン『冷戦史』の冷戦解釈とその位置をめぐって」(冷戦研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.1.12
15. シンポジウム討論者「『トランプの時代』を歴史的に考える」(日本アメリカ史学会第15回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.9.22
16. 「ジョンソン政権と相互兵力削減(MFR)問題、1966-68年」(世界政治研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.5.12
17. ラウンド・テーブル「グローバル化と冷戦― 1960 年代後半から 70 年代初頭に かけての西側の経済・安全保障ダイナミズム」(日本国際政治学会2016年度研究大会・アメリカ政治外交分科会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.16
18. "JFK, Alliance Politics, and Detente in 1963"(Cold War Connections: A Symposium in Honor of Tsuyoshi Hasegawa)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.4.29
University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
19. "JFK, Alliance Politics, and Detente in 1963"(International History Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.2.16
Institute of Historical Research, London, UK
20. "The Limits of 1963 Détente: Superpower Negotiations and Alliance Politics after the Cuban Missile Crisis"(LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.10.7
London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
21. キューバ・ミサイル危機における『同盟要因』 ——米英の政策決定過程を中心に——(現代史研究会2013-14年1月例会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.1.26
22. 「危機の年」の冷戦と同盟――ベルリン、キューバ、デタント、1961―63年(アメリカ政治研究会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.7.13
23. 「書評―ウォルター・ラフィーバー著、平田 雅己・伊藤 裕子監訳『アメ リカVS ロシア 冷戦時代とその遺産 1945-2006』(芦書房,2012 年)」(日本アメリカ学会第47回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.6.2
24. Leading from behind: Anglo-American diplomacy and third party mediation during the Cuban Missile Crisis(The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Fifty Year Retrospective Assessment)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.10.25
Gregynog Hall, Wales , UK
25. シンポジウム討論者 「アメリカ例外論再考」(日本アメリカ史学会第9回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.22
26. "Leading from behind: Anglo-American diplomacy and third party mediation during the Cuban Missile Crisis"(The British International History Group Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.6
De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
27. 「デタントの限界:キューバ危機後の東西交渉と西側同盟内政治 1962-63 年」(日本アメリカ学会第42回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.1

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No. Award name Year
1. The 5th Nakahara nobuyuki Award 2024.6
2. Researcher Exchange Support Program, 2022
3. International Fellowship 2014
4. The 18th Shimizu Hiroshi Award 2013.6

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. The Historical Process of Development of the East Asian International Order: The Connection of Non-Western International Relations Theory and Area Studies
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2024.4 - 2027.3
2. US Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War in East Asia
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2023.4 - 2027.3
3. “Nuclear Alliances” in the Changing International Order: A Comparative Analysis of NATO and US-Japanese Alliance

( Awarding organization: The Kajima Foundation System name: Researcher Exchange Support, Short-term )
2022.7 - 2022.10
4. Various endings of the Cold War: resolution of global conflicts and transformation of local orders
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2021.4 - 2025.3
5. 1970年代の日米欧三極国際秩序の模索―日米関係史と日欧関係史の総合化の試み
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2021.4 - 2024.3
6. 「アメリカの覇権的秩序」に代わる戦後世界秩序像の探求:J・F・ダレスを焦点に
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2018.4 - 2023.3
7. 米国による同盟の戦略的調整に関する比較歴史研究:脅威認識・安心供与・コスト負担
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2018.4 - 2022.3
8. Globalization of the world and the transformation of the Cold War international order
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.4 - 2021.3
9. Alliance politics, decolonization and cultural transformation - a new history of the Cold War through three perspectives
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2014.4 - 2017.3
10. International Political History of Detente and Globalization during the 1960s and the 1970s
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2016.3
11. The U.S.-Japan Relations, 'the Nuclear' Issues, and Asia in the 1950s and the 70s
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2016.3
12. Boundaries of the Cold War - towards a new perspective
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011.4 - 2014.3
13. Detente, the Western Alliance, and the Johnson Administration,1963-68.
Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2010.4 - 2013.3

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