Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study

Books and Other Publications

1. 文明と国際経済の地平
京都大学経済研究所附属先端政策分析研究センター, 松尾, 剛彦, 石川, 城太, 藤田, 昌久, 溝端, 佐登史, 服部, 崇
東洋経済新報社 2020.1 (ISBN : 9784492961742)
2. 国際経済学をつかむ (共著)
菊地徹, 椋寛 (Joint author)
有斐閣 2007.10 (ISBN : 9784641177048)
3. 国際貿易理論の展開 (共編著) (編著)
石川 城太 (Joint editor)
文眞堂 2005.4
4. 翻訳:M. G. マンキュー 『マンキュー経済学Ⅱマクロ編』 (足立英之,小川英治,地主敏樹,中馬宏之,柳川隆との共訳)
石川 城太 (Joint translator)
東洋経済新報社 2001.4
5. 翻訳:M. G. マンキュー 『マンキュー経済学Ⅰミクロ編』 (足立英之,小川英治,地主敏樹,中馬宏之,柳川隆との共訳)
石川 城太 (Joint translator)
東洋経済新報社 2000.4


1. You Can't Always Get What You Want: Protectionist Policies with the Transport Sector (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Nori Tarui
Economics Letters Vol.207 2021.10
doi Link
2. Transfer pricing regulation and tax competition (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jay Pil Choi, Taiji Furusawa, Jota Ishikawa
Journal of International Economics Vol.127 2020.11
doi Link
3. What goes around comes around: Export-enhancing effects of import-tariff reductions (Peer-reviewed)
Kazunobu Hayakawa, Jota Ishikawa, Nori Tarui
Journal of International Economics Vol.126 2020.9
doi Link
4. Parallel imports and repair services (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hodaka Morita, Hiroshi Mukunoki
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol.172,pp.137-160 2020.4
5. Cross-border Technology Licensing and Trade Policy (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Yoshimasa Komoriya, Yoichi Sugita
International Economy 2020
6. Trade Liberalization, Absorptive Capacity and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Arghya Ghosh, Jota Ishikawa
Review of International Economics Vol.26,No.5,pp.997-1020 2018.11
7. Backfiring with backhaul problems: Trade and industrial policies with endogenous transport costs (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Nori Tarui
Journal of International Economics Vol.111,pp.81-98 2018.3
8. Greenhouse-Gas Emission Controls and Firm Locations in North-South Trade (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Toshihiro Okubo
ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS Vol.67,No.4,pp.637-660 2017.8
9. Trade liberalization and aftermarket services for imports (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hodaka Morita, Hiroshi Mukunoki
ECONOMIC THEORY Vol.62,No.4,pp.719-764 2016.10
10. Greenhouse-gas Emission Controls and International Carbon Leakage through Trade Liberalization (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Toshihiro Okubo
International Economy Vol.19,pp.1-22 2016.9
11. Environmental management policy under international carbon leakage (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuharu Kiyono, Jota Ishikawa
International Economic Review Vol.54,No.3,pp.1057-1083 2013.8
12. Reexamination of Strategic Public Policies (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuharu Kiyono, Jota Ishikawa
JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW Vol.64,No.2,pp.201-231 2013.6
13. Is Emission Trading Beneficial?(with K. Kiyono and M. Yomogida) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, K. Kiyono, M. Yomogida
Japanese Economic Review Vol.63,pp.185-203 2012.5
14. Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets (with E.Horiuchi) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, E. Horiuchi
Economic Record Vol.88,pp.229-242 2012.2
15. Environmental Product Standards in North-South Trade(with T. Okubo) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, T. Okubo
Review of Development Economics Vol.15,pp.458-473 2011.12
16. Commercial Policy and Foreign Ownership (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Y. Sugita, L. Zhao
Review of International Economics Vol.19,pp.300-312 2011.12
17. FDI in post-production services and product market competition (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hodaka Morita, Hiroshi Mukunoki
doi Link
18. Stay or Leave? Choice of Plant Location with Cost Heterogeneity (with Y. Komoriya) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
J. Ishikawa, Y. Komoriya
Japanese Economic Review Vol.61,pp.97-115 2010.4
19. Environmental and Trade Policies for Oligopolistic Industry in the Presence of Consumption Externalities (with T. Okubo) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
J. Ishikawa, T. Okubo
International Economy No.14,pp.59-76 2010.4
20. Trade costs, wage rates, technologies, and reverse imports (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Yoshimasa Komoriya
doi Link
21. Corporate Control, Foreign Ownership Regulations and Technology Transfer(with Y. Sugita and L. Zhao) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Yoichi Sugita, Laixun Zhao
Economic Record No.85,pp.197-209 2009.4
22. Tariffs and technology transfer through an intermediate product (Peer-reviewed)
Eiji Horiuchi, Jota Ishikawa
Review of International Economics Vol.17,No.2,pp.310-326 2009
23. Price undertakings, VERs, and foreign direct investment - The case of foreign rivalry(with K. Miyagiwa). (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Kaz Miyagiwa
Canadian Journal of Economics No.41,pp.954-970 2008.4
24. Spillover Effects of Economic Integration in a Three-Country Model(with H. Mukunoki) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hiroshi Mukunoki
Japanese Economic Review No.59,pp.211-227 2008.4
25. Effects of Multilateral Trade Liberalization on Prices (with H. Mukunoki) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hiroshi Mukunoki
Review of International Economics No.16,pp.37-44 2008.4
26. Subsidies and Countervailing Duties with Firm Heterogeneity (with Y. Komoriya) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Yoshimasa Komoriya
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics No.14,pp.279-291 2007.4
27. Export Subsidies Versus Export Quotas with Incompletely Informed Policy Makers(with T. Kuroda) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda
Japanese Economic Review Vol.58,pp.118-126 2007.4
28. How effective are emission taxes in an open economy? (with T. Kuroda) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Tomohiro Kuroda
Review of Development Economics Vol.11,pp.359-368 2007.4
29. Economic Integration and Rules of Origin under International Oligopoly (with H. Mukunoki and Y. Mizoguchi) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Hiroshi Mukunoki, Yoshihiro Mizoguchi
International Economic Review Vol.48,pp.185-210 2007.4
30. Greenhouse-gas Emission Controls in an Open Economy (with K. Kiyono). (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Kazuharu Kiyono
International Economic Review Vol.47,pp.431-450 2006.4
31. Strategic Emission Tax-quota Non-equivalence under International Carbon Leakage(with K. Kiyono) (jointly worked)
Jota Ishikawa, K. Kiyono
H. Ursprung and S. Katayama (ed.) International Economic Policies in a Globalized World, Springer Verlag pp.133-150 2004.4
32. From Segmented Markets to Integrated Markets: An Analysis of Economic Integration and Antidumping Legislation (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Review of International Economics Vol.12,pp.706-722 2004.4
33. Tariffs Versus Quotas in the Presence of Imperfect Competition and Cross-Border Externalities(with T. Furusawa and K. Higashida) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, T. Furusawa, K. Higashida
Canadian Journal of Economics Vol.37,pp.445-448 2004.4
34. Trade Liberalization and Strategic Outsourcing (with Y. Chen and Z. Yu) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
J. Ishikawa, Y. Chen, Z. Yu
Journal of International Economics Vol.63,pp.419-436 2004.4
35. What information is needed for welfare-enhancing policies under international oligopoly? (Peer-reviewed)
T Furusawa, K Higashida, J Ishikawa
JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY Vol.15,No.1,pp.31-46 2003.1
doi Link
36. Eco-labelling, Environment, and International Trade(with K. Abe and K. Higashida) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, K. Abe, K. Higashida
Issues and Options for U.S.-Japan Trade Policies ed. by Robert M. Stern (University of Michigan Press),Ch.10 pp.227-248 2002.4
37. Foreign Monopoly and Trade Policy under Segmented and Integrated Markets (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
『経済研究』 Vol.51,No.4,pp.321-336 2000.4
38. Expanding the Purchase of Foreign Intermediate Good: An Analysis of VIEs and Content Protection under Oligopoly
Jota Ishikawa
Ryuzo Sato, Rama V. Ramachandran and Kazuo Mino eds. Global Competition and Integration, (Kluwer Academic Publishers), Chapter 6 pp.99-126 1999.4
39. Rent-shifting Export Subsidies with an Intermediate Product(with B. J. Spencer) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Barbara Spencer
Journal of International Economics Vol.48,No.2,pp.199-232 1999.4
40. Who benefits from voluntary export restraints? (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Review of International Economics Vol.6,No.1,pp.129-141 1998
41. Backfiring Tariffs in Vertically Related Markets(with K. Lee) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, K. Lee
Journal of International Economics Vol.42,pp.395-423 1997.4
42. Diagrammatic demonstration of the cournot equilibrium (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Japanese Economic Review Vol.48,No.1,pp.90-100 1997
43. Voluntary export restraints and economic welfare (Peer-reviewed)
Kotaro Suzumura, Jota Ishikawa
Japanese Economic Review Vol.48,No.2,pp.176-186 1997
44. Diagrammatic Demonstration of Oligopsonies: An Alternative Method
Jota Ishikawa
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.37,No.2,pp.185-188 1996.4
45. Scale Economies in Factor Supplies, International Trade and Migration (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Canadian Journal of Economics Vol.29,No.3,pp.573-594 1996.4
46. Revisiting the Stolper-Samuelson and Rybczynski Theorems with Production Externalities (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Canadian Journal of Economics Vol.27,No.1,pp.101-111 1994.4
47. Ranking alternative trade-restricting policies under international duopoly (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Japan and The World Economy Vol.6,No.2,pp.157-169 1994
48. Trade patterns and gains from trade with an intermediate good produced under increasing returns to scale (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Journal of International Economics Vol.32,No.1-2,pp.57-81 1992
49. Learning by doing, changes in industrial structure and trade patterns, and economic growth in a small open economy (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
Journal of International Economics Vol.33,No.3-4,pp.221-244 1992
50. Dynamic increasing returns, technology and economic growth in a small open economy (Peer-reviewed)
Ka-yiu Michael Fung, Jota Ishikawa
Journal of Development Economics Vol.37,No.1-2,pp.63-87 1991
ECONOMICS LETTERS Vol.35,No.4,pp.429-433 1991
ECONOMICS LETTERS Vol.36,No.4,pp.397-401 1991
53. Assessing Carbon Emissions Embodied in International Trade Based on Shared Responsibility
Palizha Airebule, Haitao Cheng, Jota Ishikawa
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies pp.101260 2023.4
54. Tax havens and cross-border licensing with transfer pricing regulation
Jay Pil Choi, Jota Ishikawa, Hirofumi Okoshi
International Tax and Public Finance Vol.31,No.2,pp.333-366 2022.12
doi Link Link
55. Carbon pricing and cross-border carbon leakage with international transport (Peer-reviewed)
Keisaku Higashida, Jota Ishikawa, Nori Tarui
VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal 2022.3
56. Shared responsibility criterion for allocating carbon emissions across countries (Peer-reviewed)
Palizha Airebule, Haitao Cheng, Jota Ishikawa
VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal 2022.2
57. Carbon tax, cross-border carbon leakage, and border tax adjustments (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Haitao Cheng, Jota Ishikawa
VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal 2021.9
58. バイデン大統領就任 強硬な対中通商政策が続く WTO活用、対抗手段に
石川 城太
西日本新聞・信濃毎日新聞・日本海新聞・山陰中央新報・茨城新聞・中部経済新聞・北海道新聞・中国新聞・高知新聞・沖縄タイムス・新潟日報・神戸新聞 2021.1
59. 米中分断の行方 環太平洋 主導権争い、波乱も
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』12月18日付朝刊 2020.12
60. Transfer pricing of intangible assets with the arm's length principle (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jay Pil Choi, Jota Ishikawa, Hirofumi Okoshi
VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal 2020.7
61. Transfer pricing regulation and tax competition (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jay Pil Choi, Taiji Furusawa, Jota Ishikawa
VoxEU CEPR Policy Portal 2020.6
62. Progress of Digital Trade & the Current Status of Rule-Making
Jota Ishikawa
Japan SPOTLIGHT 2020.5
63. 日米貿易交渉 どうみるか デジタル協定、他交渉を先導
日本経済新聞『経済教室』10月25日付朝刊 2019.10
64. 日米通商交渉入りへ(上)「車」「為替」で厳しい立場に 米中協議次第で圧力増も
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』1月14日付朝刊 2019.1
65. US Trade Policy and World Economy
Jota Ishikawa
国際問題 No.677,pp.6-16 2018.12
66. 米輸入制限の弊害 報復の連鎖、世界大混乱に
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』4月6日付朝刊 2018.4
67. メガFTA全体の行方を左右するTPP11
石川 城太
公明 No.139,pp.39-43 2017.7
68. Effects of the backhaul problem on global trade (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa, Nori Tarui
VOX CEPR Policy Portal 2017.2
69. Theory & Practice in Free Trade
Jota Ishikawa
Japan Spotlight No.211 2017.1
70. 自由貿易の意義 社会全体の満足度高める
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』8月25日版 2016.8
71. TPP大筋合意後の課題(中)自由貿易圏の拡大主導を RCEPと融合カギ
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』10月26日付朝刊 2015.10
72. Parallel Imports and Repair Services (with H. MORITA and H. MUKUNOKI) (jointly worked)
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-060 2015.5
73. 「手前勝手な英語力測定法」UHHAスペシャルコラム世界見聞録
石川 城太
UHHA(University Hub Haneda Airport Web site) 10月 2014.10
74. 「居酒屋の特訓」
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『交遊抄』3月3日版 2014.3
75. 「随想「お・も・て・な・し」考」
石川 城太
『月刊金融ジャーナル』 12月号 2013.12
76. 「賛否両論のTPP: 二分法に陥らずに本質を理解しよう」 (Peer-reviewed)
石川 城太
一橋大学経済学部編『教養としての経済学:生き抜く力を培うために』第1章2,有斐閣 2013.2
77. 「TPP参加 日本の選択(中):ルール形成への関与急げ」
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』8月28日版 2012.8
78. Environmental product standards in North-South trade
石川 城太
RIETI highlight No.30,pp.18-21 2010.8
79. 経済危機下の産業政策考(下):政府、過度な肩入れ避けよ
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』4月15日付朝刊 2009.4
80. New Model of Wild-Geese-Flying Pattern Theory
Jota Ishikawa
New Outline of International Economy pp.235-250 2009.4
81. Trade Liberalization: The Fallacies of Regional Trade Agreements (Peer-reviewed)
J. Ishikawa
Akita Kotera, Ichiro Araki and Tsuyoshi Kawase eds., The Future of the Multilateral Trading System: East Asian Perspectives,(Cameron May) pp.273-294 2009.4
82. Paul Krugman's winning of the Nobel Prize in economics – Contributions to international trade theory (Peer-reviewed)
Jota Ishikawa
VOX CEPR Policy Portal 2009.1
83. Trade Liberalization and Technology Transfer through an Intermediate Product
Jota Ishikawa
International Economy No.11,pp.3-10 2007.4
doi Link Link
84. Environmental Policy under International Dependance (jointly worked)
石川 城太, 奥野正寛, 清野一治
清野一治・新保一成編 『地球環境保護への制度設計』 第3章 東京大学出版会 pp.137-146 2007.4
85. Rules of Origin under Regional Economic Integration
石川 城太
鈴村興太郎・長岡貞男・花崎正晴編 『経済制度の生成と設計』 第5章 東京大学出版会 pp.154-170 2006.4
86. 大詰めのWTO交渉 農業での妥協拒むな
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』11月9日付朝刊 2005.11
87. Economic Integration and Rules of Origin under International Oligopoly
Ishikawa Jota, Mizoguchi Yoshihiro, Mukunoki Hiroshi
KOKUSAI KEIZAI Vol.2004,No.55,pp.201-202 2004
doi Link
88. FTA戦略と日本(中)
石川 城太
日本経済新聞『経済教室』7月24日付朝刊 2003.7
89. 日本のFTA 推進における農業問題
石川 城太
『ESP』 No.380,pp.22-26 2003.4
90. 岩本武和・阿部顕三編集 『岩波小辞典 国際経済・金融』 一部執筆
石川 城太
岩波書店 2003.4
91. Environmental Policy and International Trade
石川 城太
国際日本経済論 (池間誠・大山道広編) 第7 章 文眞堂 pp.114-129 2002.4
92. Strategic trade policy
石川 城太
国際経済理論の地平(井川一宏・大山道広編) 第19章 東洋経済新報社 pp.287-308 2001.4
93. WTOにおける貿易自由化促進と国際ルール作り
石川 城太
『経済と労働』 2000-1 pp.11-17 2001.4
94. The Ricardo-Viner Trade Model with an Intermediate Good
Jota Ishikawa
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.41,pp.65-75 2000.4
95. 貿易政策の効果を検証する
石川 城太
経済セミナー No.533,pp.16-20 1999.4
96. Trade, Investment and Pacific Economic Integration by Kiyoshi Kojima
石川 城太
The International Economy No.3,pp.59-60 1997
doi Link
97. A Vertically Integrated Firm and Tariffs (jointly worked)
石川 城太, 李基東との共著
三田学会雑誌 Vol.89,No.2,pp.35-45 1996.4
98. Is it Possible to Find any Theory of International Trade in My Life ?
Jota Ishikawa
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.109,No.4,pp.487-501 1993.4
doi Link
99. Essays on International Trade Theory in the Presence of Increasing Returns (Peer-reviewed)
J. Ishikawa
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Western Ontario 1990.6
100. Liberalization of Capital Movements with Increasing Returns to Scale (Peer-reviewed)
石川 城太
一橋論叢 Vol.95,No.3,pp.450-466 1986.4
101. Patterns of Trade and Gains from Trade under Imperfect Competition
Jota Ishikawa
世界経済評論 Vol.29,No.7,pp.63-67, 69 1985.7

▼display all


1. アジア巡る自由貿易圏の形成 TPPとRCEPの両にらみで
石川 城太
エコノミスト Vol.92,No.4,pp.80-81 2014.1
2. TPPの貿易理論 相互に恩恵もたらす自由貿易 ルール作りへの関与が重要 (経済学で読み解く日本経済) -- (アベノミクスの効用と矛盾)
石川 城太
エコノミスト Vol.91,No.15,pp.46-47 2013.4
3. Voluntary Export Restraints and Economic Welfare (Symposium on the Welfare Economics of International Trade and Investment)
Suzumura Kotaro, Ishikawa Jota
Japanese Economic Review Vol.48,No.2,pp.176-186 1997.6
4. <Book Review> W.W.Chang and S.Katayama, Imperfect Competition in International Trade
Ishikawa Jota
Journal of economics and business administration Vol.175,No.2,pp.71-75 1997.2
Link Link
5. A Vertically Integrated Firm and Tariffs (Conference : Trade and Development)
Ishikawa Jota, Lee Ki-Dong
Mita journal of economics Vol.89,No.2,pp.175-185 1996.7


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Carbon Tax and Border Tax Adjustments with Technology and Location Choices(Workshop on Trade and the Labor Market)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.2.5
2. Who should be responsible for greenhouse gas emissions?(2021年度ジェトロメンバーズ交流会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.3.7
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.1.4
4. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing with Transfer Pricing Regulation(Global Value Chain Training and Research Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.8.25
5. Carbon Tax and Border Tax Adjustments with Technology and Location Choices(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.26
6. Cross-border Technology Licensing and Trade Policy(Workshop on Trade and FDI)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.12.22
7. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.12.13
8. Cross-border Technology Licensing and Trade Policy(大山道広先生・池間誠先生追悼コンファレンス)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.17
Keio University
9. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(龍谷大学経済学ワークショップ)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.25
Ryukoku University
10. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(Workshop on Trade, Innovation & Global Value Chains)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.11
11. What Goes Around Comes Around: Export-Enhancing Effects of Import-Tariff Reductions(京都大学 都市経済学ワークショップ)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.10.4
Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
12. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(IIPF Annual Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.21
13. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(Frontiers in Research on Offshoring)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.8.2
14. 自由貿易を巡って(文明と国際経済の地平~G20大阪サミットを受けて~)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.7.6
15. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.29
16. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(2019 CCER (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University) Summer Institute)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.6.22
17. Tax Havens and Cross-border Licensing(Hawaii-Hitotsubashi-Keio Trade Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.3.28
18. Licensing from North to South with South's R&D Opportunity(Australasian Trade Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.3.23
19. Transfer Pricing and the Arm’s Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Kobe International Conference on “Time Zones, Offshoring, Economic Growth and Dynamics”)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.3.1
20. Licensing from North to South with South's R&D Opportunity(Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.12.14
21. Licensing from North to South with South's R&D Opportunity(Deakin 5th Trade & Development Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.8
22. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.8.31
23. Licensing from North to South with South's R&D Opportunity(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.29
24. Transfer Pricing and the Arm’s Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Hitotsubashi-Peking University Second Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.5.12
25. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.12.14
26. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI, 2017)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.12.9
27. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Joint Workshop on International Trade & Industrial Organization between National Taiwan University and National University of Kaohsiung)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.18
28. Transfer Pricing and the Arm's Length Principle under Imperfect Competition(Deakin 4th Trade & Development Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.9
29. Trade liberalization, absorptive capacity and the protection of intellectual property rights(Creative Perspectives on International Trade and FDI: A Celebration to Honor Jim Markusen)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.1
30. What Goes Around Comes Around: Export-Enhancing Effects of Import-Tariff Reductions(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.16
31. What Goes Around Comes Around: Export-Enhancing Effects of Import-Tariff Reductions(Australasian Trade Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.3.18
32. Backfiring with backhaul problems(European Trade Study Group)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.10
33. Backfiring with backhaul problems(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.26
Australian National University
34. Backfiring with backhaul problems(Australasian Trade Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.4.7
35. "Backfiring with Backhaul Problems: Trade and Industrial Policies with Endogenous Transport Costs" (with N. Tarui)(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI 2014)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.12.13
36. "Backfiring with Backhaul Problems: Trade and Industrial Policies with Endogenous Transport Costs" (with N. Tarui)(Kobe International Conference on Fragmentation, Time Zones, and their Dynamic Consequences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.14
37. "Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports" (with H. Morita and H. Mukunoki)(Bari Workshop on Economics of Global Interaction: New Perspectives on Trade, Factor Mobility and Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.7
University of Bari
38. "Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports" (with H. Morita and H. Mukunoki)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2014)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.27
Sogang University
39. "Trade and Industrial Policy Subtleties with International Licensing" (with T. Okubo)(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI 2013)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.12.7
40. "Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports" (with H. Morita and H. Mukunoki)(Hitotsubashi-Sogang Trade Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.11.23
Sogang University
41. "Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports" (with H. Morita and H. Mukunoki)(European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.8.31
42. "Trade and Industrial Policy Subtleties with International Licensing" (with T. Okubo)(Australasian Trade Workshop 2013)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.3.22
University of Melbourne
43. "Trade and Industrial Policy Subtleties with International Licensing" (with T. okubo)(4th Villars Research Workshop on International Trade)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.2.8
Villars, Switzerland
44. "International Licensing and Rent-shifting" (with T. Okubo)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2012)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.14
45. "Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage" (with K. Kiyono)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2012)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.7.2
Singapore Management University
46. "Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage" (with K. Kiyono)(Australasian Trade Workshop 2012)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.3.9
University of New South Wales
47. "Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage" (with K. Kiyono)(Politics, Economics and Global Governance: The European Dimensions, Research Workshop on International Trade)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.2.3
Villars, Switzerland
48. " Strategic Foreign Direct Investment in Vertically Related Markets, " (with E. Horiuchi)(Hitotsubashi-UNSW Conference on International Trade & FDI 2012)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.10
University of New South Wales
49. "Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage" (with K. Kiyono)(日本国際経済学会中部支部冬季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.1
50. "IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade" (with A. Ghosh) nd Licensing" (with T. Okubo)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2011)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.9.3
Copenhagen Business School
51. "IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade" (with A. Ghosh)(Preferential Trade Agreements Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.9.1
Copenhagen Business School
52. "IPR Protection and Absorptive Capacity in North-South Trade" (with A. Ghosh)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2011)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.6.1
University of Hawaii
53. "International Rent-shifting under Foreign Entry through R&D and Licensing" (with T. Okubo)(Politics, Economics and Global Governance: The European Dimensions, Research Workshop on International Trade)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.3.3
54. "International Rent-shifting under Foreign Entry through R&D and Licensing" (with T. Okubo)(Australasian Trade Workshop 2011)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.3.1
University of Aderaide
55. "Is International Emission Trading Beneficial?" (with K. Kiyono and M. Yomogida)(Bari Workshop on Economics of Global Interaction: New Perspectives on Trade, Factor Mobility and Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9.1
University of Bari
56. "Is International Emission Trading Beneficial?" (with K. Kiyono and M. Yomogida)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2010)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9.1
University of Lausanne
57. "Is International Emission Trading Beneficial?" (with K. Kiyono and M. Yomogida)(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and Industrial Organization)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.7.1
58. "International Rent-shifting under Foreign Entry through R&D and Licensing," (with T. Okubo)(AuAsia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2010)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.6.1
59. "Is International Emission Trading Beneficial?" (with K. Kiyono and M. Yomogida)(Australasian Trade Workshop 2010)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.3.1
Australian National University
60. "Environmental Standards under International Oligopoly" (with T. Okubo)(Hitotsubashi COE Conference on International Trade and FDI 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.12.1
61. "Environmental Standards under International Oligopoly" (with T. Okubo)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.9.1
University of Rome
62. "Environmental Standards under International Oligopoly" (with T. Okubo)(Far Eastern and South Asian Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.8.1
63. "Environmental Standards under International Oligopoly" (with T. Okubo)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.6.1
University of Hong Kong
64. "Environmental and Trade Policies for Oligopolistic Industry in the Presence of Consumption Externalities"(with T. Okubo)(EFS Japan Annual Meeting 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.5.1
University of International Business and Economics
65. "FDI in Post-Production Services and Product Market Competition" (with Hiroshi Mukunoki and Hodaka Morita)(IEFS Japan Annual Meeting 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.4.1
66. "Environmental and Trade Policies for Oligopolistic Industry in the Presence of Consumption Externalities"(with T. Okubo)(Otago Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.3.1
University of Otago
67. "FDI in Post-Production Services and Product Market Competition" (with Hiroshi Mukunoki and Hodaka Morita)(Hitotsubashi COE Conference on International Trade and FDI 2008)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.12.1
68. "Greenhouse-gas Emission Controls and International Carbon Leakage through Trade Liberalisation" (with Toshihiro Okubo)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2008)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.9.1
University of Warsaw
69. "Strategic FDI in Vertically Related Markets" (with Eiji Horiuchi)(Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.9.1
Toulouse School of Economics
70. "Greenhouse-gas Emission Controls and International Carbon Leakage through Trade Liberalisation" (with Toshihiro Okubo)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2008)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.7.1
University of Sydney
71. *"FDI in Post-Production Services and Product Market Competition" (with Hiroshi Mukunoki and Hodaka Morita)(早稲田大学現代政治経済研究所30周年記念シンポジウム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.1
72. *"FDI in Post-Production Services and Product Market Competition" (with Hiroshi Mukunoki and Hodaka Morita)(日本国際経済学会関東支部大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.1
73. "FDI in Post-Production Services and Product Market Competition" (with Hiroshi Mukunoki and Hodaka Morita)(Otago Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.3.1
University of Otago
74. "Strategic Technology Transfer through FDI in Vertically Related Markets" (with Eiji Horiuchi)(Hitotsubashi COE/RES Conference on International Trade and FDI 2007)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.12.1
75. "Strategic Technology Transfer through FDI in Vertically Related Markets" (with Eiji Horiuchi)(European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2007 Athens University of Economics and Business)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.9.1
Athens University
76. "Strategic Technology Transfer through FDI in Vertically Related Markets" (with Eiji Horiuchi)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2007 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.7.1
77. "Subsidies and Countervailing Duties with Firm Heterogeneity" (with Yoshimasa Komoriya)(The 2007 APJAE Symposium on Strategic Trade Theory and Economic Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.5.1
City University of Hong Kong
78. "Trade Costs, Wage Rates, Technologies, and Offshore Outsourcing" (with Yoshimasa Komoriya)(Hitotsubashi COE/RES Conference on International Trade and FDI 2006)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.12.1
79. "International Trade Theory with Intermediate Inputs,"(-)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.10.1
80. "Stay or Leave?: Choice of Plant Location with Cost Heterogeneity" (with Yoshimasa Komoriya)(European Trade Study Group, 8th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.9.1
University of Vienna
81. "Stay or Leave?: Choice of Plant Location with Cost Heterogeneity" (with Yoshimasa Komoriya)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2006)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.7.1
82. "Stay or Leave?: Choice of Plant Location with Cost Heterogeneity" (with Yoshimasa Komoriya)(Otago Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.3.1
University of Otago
83. "Corporate Control, Foreign Ownership Regulation and Technology Transfer" (with Yoichi Sugita and Laixun Zhao)(European Trade Study Group, 7th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.9.1
University College, Dublin
84. "Corporate Control, Foreign Ownership Regulation and Technology Transfer" (with Yoichi Sugita and Laixun Zhao)(Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) 2005)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.7.1
85. "Corporate Control, Foreign Ownership Regulation and Technology Transfer" (with Yoichi Sugita and Laixun Zhao)(International Workshop "Recent Advances in International Economics IV: Empirical Analyses of International Trade Issues")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.5.1
City University of Hong Kong
86. "Corporate Control, Foreign Ownership Regulation and Technology Transfer" (with Yoichi Sugita and Laixun Zhao)(IEFS Japan Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.12.1
87. "Commercial Policy under Cross-Boarder Ownership and Control" (with Y. Sugita and L. Zhao)(-)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.10.1
88. "Commercial Policy under Cross-Boarder Ownership and Control" (with Y. Sugita and L. Zhao),(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and FDI 2004)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.10.1
89. "Commercial Policy under Cross-Boarder Ownership and Control" (with Y. Sugita and L. Zhao),(European Trade Study Group, 6th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.9.1
University of Nottingham
90. "Spillover Effects of Trade Policy in the Presence of a Third Country"(with Hiroshi Mukunoki),(Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and FDI 2003)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.12.1
91. "Economic Integration and Rules of Origin under International Oligopoly" (with Y. Mizoguchi and H. Mukunoki)(European Trade Study Group, 5th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.9.1
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
92. "Economic Integration and Rules of Origin under International Oligopoly" (with Yoshihiro Mizoguchi and Hiroshi Mukunoki)(The Academic Frontier Project of International Symposium: International Trade and Factor Mobility)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.7.1
93. "What Information is Needed for Welfare-Enhancing Policies under International Oligopoly? ,"(European Trade Study Group)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.9.1
University of Kiel
94. "Green-Gas Emission Controls in a Small Open Economy," (with K. Kiyono),(IEFS Japan Meeting 2002)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.7.1
95. "What Information is Needed for Welfare-Enhancing Policies under International Oligopoly? ,"(The 18th Annual Japan-U.S. Technical Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.4.1

▼display all


No. Award name Year
1. Kiyoshi Kojima Research Awards 2006.10
2. SNC Curriculum Development Award 2006
3. T. Meritt Brown Thesis Prize 1990.6

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. グローバル・バリュー・チェーンの変容と新国際経済秩序の構築
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024.4 - 2029.3
2. デジタルエコノミーにおける国際分業変容の分析
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
3. 新たな視点からの産業組織論分析 : 「ヒト」に光をあてる
( System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
4. グローバル生産ネットワークと産業集積
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2017.4 -
5. グローバル経済におけるリスクの経済分析~国際経済学の視点から~
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2014.4 - 2019.3
6. 「耐久財と中古品の国際貿易に関する研究」科学研究費補助金「基盤研究(C)」学習院大学,研究分担者
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2014.4 - 2017.3
7. 「文化と国際貿易を融合した新理論の構築」大阪大学, 研究分担者
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2013.4 - 2016.3
8. グローバル経済におけるリスクの経済分析~国際貿易論の視点から~
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2010.4 - 2015.3
9. 「社会科学の高度統計・実証分析拠点構築」COEプロジェクト

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2008.4 - 2013.3
10. 非経済的価値の国際的相違・対立と新しい貿易体制の構築に関する研究
( System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2007.4 - 2010.3
11. 「現代経済システムの規範的評価と社会選択」COEプロジェクト

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2003.4 - 2008.3
12. 国際貿易・直接投資理論の構築とデータの基盤整備
( Awarding organization: 文部科学省 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2000.4 - 2005.3
13. 経済制度の実証分析と設計
( Awarding organization: 文部科学省 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2000.4 - 2005.3
14. 世界経済の統合と分裂の分析-世界経済の安定と発展の視点から-
( System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
1993.4 - 1994.3
15. Analysis on Trade Policy
1985.4 -

▼display all