Graduate School of Law

Books and Other Publications

1. Law and International Relations as Liberal Arts: Bridges to New Fields of Scholarship
Hitotsubashi Lecture, Series on Law, International Relations Editorial Committee (Joint author)
KOKUSAI SHOIN 2024.2 (ISBN : 9784877913274)
2. Legal Culture of Manuals
Junichiro Matsuzono, Makoto Tajimi (Joint author)
3. 中国夢の法治 : その来し方行く末
伹見, 亮
成文堂 2019.9 (ISBN : 9784792333911)
4. 中国不法行為法の研究 : 公平責任と補充責任を中心に
文, 元春, 王, 成, 張, 愛軍, 亓, 培氷, 瀬川, 信久, 小口, 彦太, 伹見, 亮, 長, 友昭 (Joint author)
成文堂 2019.7 (ISBN : 9784792333881)
5. 中国刑法―在祛魅中前行的中国刑事法律研究
但見亮等 (Joint author)
中国大百科全書出版社 2018.8

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1. Endeavors to Realize ”Chinese Democracy”(3)
Makoto Tajimi
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.22,No.2,pp.275-311 2023.7
2. From the Perspective of Chinese Law: What is the Chinese model of the Rule of Law?
Makoto Tajimi
Comparative Law Journal Vol.83,pp.156-163 2023.2
3. Endeavors to Realize ”Chinese Democracy”(2) (Peer-reviewed)
Makoto Tajimi
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.21,No.3,pp.247-280 2022.11
4. Endeavors to Realize ”Chinese Democracy”(1) (Peer-reviewed)
Makoto Tajimi
The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies Vol.21,No.2,pp.165-199 2022.7
5. Law and Order in China: past, present and future
Makoto Tajimi
JC ECONOMIC JOURNAL Vol.22,No.4,pp.6-10 2022.4

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1. 中国法と日本社会 (特集 基礎法学で世界を知る)
但見 亮
法学セミナー Vol.55,No.10,pp.29-31 2010.10
2. 情報化社会と裁判の適正・中国的司法の展望 (第六回[早稲田大学]総合研究機構研究成果報告会 中国における経済発展・法整備と日系企業) -- (中国の経済発展と評価)
但見 亮
プロジェクト研究 No.6,pp.71-75 2010
3. 「矛盾」から読み解く中国
ワセダアジアレビュー Vol.2,pp.50-55 2007
4. 法律
中国年鑑 Vol.2004年版 2004
5. 法律
中国年鑑/中国研究所 Vol.2003年版 2003

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Party-State Structural Reform and “Rule of Law”(現代中国法研究会)
Holding date : 2021.9.3 - 2021.9.4
Presentation date : 2021.9.4
2. "Rule of Law" in "New Era" in Mainland China(中国法制比較研究報告)
Holding date : 2019.12.16
Presentation date : 2019.12.16
3. 中国における法のマニュアル(法文化学会)
Holding date : 2019.10.26
Presentation date : 2019.10.26
4. 日中の法律及び法学における交流(世界中国学フォーラム)
Holding date : 2019.9.10 - 2019.9.12
Presentation date : 2019.9.11
5. Lay Participation in China; A Brief Comparison with Japan(International Workshop: Environmental Governance in China)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.3

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. A Study on Public participation and Environmental Organization in Environmental Policy and suit of China
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 - 2019.3
2. Identity and Nationalism on "China"
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2016.3
3. 中国における「民主」と「憲政」の展望-制度改革に見る「上から」と「下から」の動き
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2005 - 2007
4. 中国の司法制度改革
2003 - 2006
5. Studies on the Reform of the Legal System in China
2003 - 2006

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