1. |
Do geographic distance, cultural distance, and political hazards equally matter for Japanese firms' outbound mergers and acquisitions? A firm‐ and deal‐level empirical analysis (Peer-reviewed) Yanwen Jiang, Mikiharu Noma
Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 2024.10
2. |
Do geographic distances proxy a high probability of foreign divestment? Evidence from Japanese multinational firms (Peer-reviewed) Yanwen Jiang, Mikiharu Noma
Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Vol.35,No.1,pp.146-165 2024.1
3. |
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴, 成川旦人, 岩井菜々美
産業経理 Vol.83,No.3,pp.15-26 2023.10 |
4. |
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.11,pp.221-233 2023.8 |
5. |
企業会計 Vol.75,No.8,pp.25-32 2023.8 |
6. |
野中郁次郎, 野間幹晴, 川田弓子
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.70,No.4,pp.96-119 2023.3 |
7. |
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.8,pp.187-199 2022.11 |
8. |
糸川友信, 野間幹晴
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.6,pp.119-131 2022.5 |
9. |
経営者予想と精度とのれんの減損損失 (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
明大商学論叢 Vol.104,No.1,pp.81-93 2022.1 |
10. |
野間幹晴, 藤本洋
Disclosure&IR Vol.19,pp.46-50 2021.11 |
11. |
関口智和, 野間幹晴
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.4,pp.141-152 2021.11 |
12. |
産業経理 Vol.81,No.3,pp.34-43 2021.10 |
13. |
野間幹晴, 齊藤彩子
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.3,pp.127-140 2021.8 |
14. |
ガバナンス改革の経済的帰結 : 日本企業はキャッシュフローへの意識向上を
企業会計 Vol.73,No.7,pp.16-22 2021.7 |
15. |
事業ポートフォリオの組替えとROIC経営 : 富士フイルムホールディングスの事例
樋口昌之, 野間幹晴
企業会計 Vol.73,No.7,pp.58-65 2021.7 |
16. |
金融・資本市場リサーチ No.2,pp.57-67 2021.5 |
17. |
Unintended Consequences of Governance Reform: Reduction of R&D Investment
Mikiharu Noma
Finance and Capital Market Research No.1,pp.12-22 2021.3 |
18. |
Book Review by Izumi Watanabe, "Accounting for Return to Origin-Toward the Correction of Economic Disparities"
Mikiharu Noma
Accounting Vol.第199巻,No.第2号 2021.2 |
19. |
Unfunded Pension Liabilites and M&A
Mikiharu Noma
Accounting Vol.第198巻,No.第4号,pp.27-40 2020.10 |
20. |
Corporate Venturing and Post-Maturity: Life Cycle and Profitability of Japanese and American Firms (Peer-reviewed) Mikiharu Noma
Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol.68,No.1,pp.32-42 2020.6 |
21. |
Corporate Venturing and Post-Maturity: Life Cycle and Profitability of Japanese and American Firms
Mikiharu Noma
Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol.第68巻,No.第1号,pp.32-42 2020.6 |
22. |
アナリスト予想の分散がアナリスト・カバレッジとアナリスト予想の価値関連性に及ぼす影響 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間 幹晴
明大商学論叢 Vol.102,No.4,pp.27-44 2020.3 |
23. |
野間 幹晴
NEXTCOM Vol.40 2019.12 |
24. |
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.196,No.3,pp.43-56 2019.9 |
25. |
経営者予想のスラックに対してアナリストが与える影響ーターゲット・ラチェットに基づく実証分析 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 内田浩一, 野間 幹晴
会計プログレス No.20 2019.7 |
26. |
野間 幹晴
企業会計 Vol.71,No.4,pp.551-554 2019.4 |
27. |
損害保険会社の支払備金積立の決定要因と課税状態の影響 (共著)
高橋 隆幸, 野間 幹晴, 植原 真莉
會計 2019.4 |
28. |
The Effect of Bank Loan Dependence on Management and Analyst Forecasts (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
The Japanese Accounting Review 2019.3 |
29. |
フィンテック革命と世界の金融機関の経営 (共著)
野間幹晴, 藤田勉
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.66,No.3,pp.134-146 2018.12 |
30. |
確定拠出年金の導入が投資行動・株主還元に与える影響 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
日本会計研究学会第77回全国大会,神奈川大学横浜キャンパス,2018年9月6日 2018.9 |
31. |
損害保険会社の支払備金積立の決定要因と課税状態の影響 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 高橋 隆幸, 野間 幹晴, 植原 真莉
日本会計研究学会第77回全国大会,神奈川大学横浜キャンパス,2018年9月6日 2018.9 |
32. |
野間 幹晴
企業会計 Vol.70,No.7,pp.18-25 2018.7 |
33. |
退職給付に係る負債とイノベーション-出願特許数と被引用特許数 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
国際会計研究学会年報 No.42・43,pp.161-175 2018.7 |
34. |
野間 幹晴
産業経理 Vol.78,No.2,pp.131-143 2018.7 |
35. |
Slack-building and Institutional Investors: From the Perspectiveof Target Ratcheting (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Koichi Uchida, Mikiharu Noma
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Conference 2018,26th June 2018, Jeju Island, Korea 2018.6 |
36. |
退職給付に係る負債が社外取締役の導入に与える影響 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
日本ディスクロージャー研究学会第17回研究大会,横浜市立大学・金沢八景キャンパス,5月19日 Vol.11 2018.5 |
37. |
海外子会社の資本構成に対する現地過小資本税制の影響 (共著)
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴, 中野武
會計 Vol.193,No.3,pp.80-93 2018.3 |
38. |
野間 幹晴
税理 Vol.61,No.3,pp.2-9 2018.3 |
39. |
進化する電子決済技術 (共著)
野間幹晴, 藤田勉
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.65,No.3,pp.140-154 2017.12 |
40. |
Forecast Accuracy and Value Relevance by Firm Size: A Comparison of Management and Analyst Forecasts (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Saori Nara, Mikiharu Noma
明大商学論叢 Vol.100,No.1,pp.69-95 2017.12 |
41. |
AI革命で進化するフィンテック (共著)
野間幹晴, 藤田勉
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.65,No.2,pp.130-143 2017.9
42. |
税制適格条項と利益調整行動 (共著)
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴, 酒井佳貴
會計 Vol.192,No.3,pp.95-109 2017.9 |
43. |
Dividend Policy and Unfunded Pension Liability
會計 Vol.192,No.1,pp.54-67 2017.7
44. |
FinTech革命が引き起こす会計情報革命 (共著)
岡田幸彦, 野間幹晴
企業会計 Vol.69,No.6,pp.31-39 2017.6 |
45. |
フィンテックと家計の資産運用のこれから (共著)
野間幹晴, 藤田勉
証券アナリストジャーナル Vol.55,No.5,pp.25-35 2017.5 |
46. |
Tax Credit/Detection and Tax Expenditure : Empirical Study of the Economic Effects of Public Benefit Corporations (Peer-reviewed) 高橋 隆幸, 野間 幹晴, 黒木 淳, 八幡 修啓
会計検査研究 No.55,pp.79-96 2017.3
47. |
野間 幹晴
一橋ビジネスレビュー Vol.64,No.2,pp.8-23 2016.8
48. |
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.190,No.2,pp.69-82 2016.8 |
49. |
Examining the Tax Exemption Rule of Dividends from Foreign Subsidiaries
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.190,No.1,pp.81-93 2016.7
50. |
Determinants of Prepaid Pension Cost and Firm's Value
野間 幹晴
税務会計研究 No.27,pp.205-211 2016.7
51. |
Empirical Analyses of International Income Shifting in Japanese Multinational Corporations
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴, 菅大樹
會計 Vol.187,No.6,pp.766-778 2015.6
52. |
The Relation between Unfunded Pension Liability and Risk Taking
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.187,No.2,pp.251-264 2015.2
53. |
The Frequency of Management Forecast and R & D Activities
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.186,No.5,pp.568-582 2014.11
54. |
野間 幹晴
一橋ビジネスレビュー 2014.9 |
55. |
Effect of Corporate Income Taxes on Defined-Benefit Pension Plan Contributions by Japanese Corporations : Empirical Test by Marginal Tax Rates
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴
會計 Vol.186,No.2,pp.179-192 2014.8
56. |
The Effect of Japanese Taxation System on Dividend Policy and Share Prices : Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴, 山田真広
税務会計研究 No.25,pp.225-231 2014.7
57. |
Analyst Herding Around Management Forecast
Mikiharu Noma
International Perspectives on Accounting and Corporate Behavior 2014.1 |
58. |
Forecast Precision and Value Relevance between QUICK and IFIS Forecast
奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
明大商學論叢 Vol.96,No.1,pp.11-25 2013.10
59. |
取締役のダイバーシティ (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
企業会計 2013.10 |
60. |
業績予想と資本市場 (共著)
伊藤邦雄, 円谷昭一, 野間幹晴
会計情報の有用性 2013.9 |
61. |
世界のベストCEOと在任期間 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
企業会計 2013.9 |
62. |
Do Analysts Add Value after Management Forecast Revisions? (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
証券アナリストジャーナル Vol.51,No.8,pp.88-98 2013.8
63. |
アナリスト予想の価値関連性 (共著)
奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
會計 2013.8 |
64. |
資本剰余金を原資とする配当の決定要因 (共著)
奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
証券アナリストジャーナル 2013.2 |
65. |
業績予想開示の柔軟化とアナリスト予想 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
企業会計のダイナミズム 2012.5 |
66. |
経営者予想修正時の割安株効果 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
経営財務研究 2011.12 |
67. |
The determinants to adopt the profit-linked salary to executive officers: response to the tax reform of 2006 by Japanese corporations
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴
Accounting Vol.180,No.5,pp.694-709 2011.11
68. |
Management Forecast of Excellent Disclosure Firm : An Analysis of Management Forecast Error and Revision (Peer-reviewed) 奈良沙織, 野間幹晴
現代ディスクロージャー研究 No.11,pp.15-35 2011.5
69. |
La valorisation des depenses de R&D au Japon (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) P. Nguyen, S. Nivoix, M. Noma
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 2011.1 |
70. |
The valuation of R&D expenditures in Japan (Peer-reviewed) Pascal Nguyen, Sophie Nivoix, Mikiharu Noma
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Vol.50,No.4,pp.899-920 2010.12
71. |
Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis
Mikiharu Noma
Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management Vol.44,No.1,pp.29-46 2010.10
72. |
The effect of taxes on the structure of acquisitions
高橋隆幸, 野間幹晴
Accounting Vol.178,No.4,pp.547-563 2010.10
73. |
Corporate diversification and accuracy of management forecasts (Peer-reviewed) 有馬純一, 野間幹晴
Security analysts journal Vol.48,No.10,pp.83-94 2010.10
74. |
To recover competitive advantage: the myth of payout and investment policy
野間 幹晴
Hitotsubashi business review Vol.58,No.2,pp.74-89 2010.9
75. |
野間 幹晴
- 2009.4 |
76. |
野間 幹晴
- 2009.4 |
77. |
野間 幹晴
『企業会計』 Vol.60,No.7,pp.48-54 2008.7 |
78. |
社外役員の独立性と企業価値・業績 (共著) (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
経営財務研究 Vol.28,No.1,pp.38-55 2008.6 |
79. |
野間 幹晴
『企業会計』 Vol.60,No.5,pp.116-122 2008.5 |
80. |
Earnings forecast and momentum
野間 幹晴
Accounting Vol.174,No.4,pp.569-583 2008.4 |
81. |
Diversification strategy and cost of equity
野間 幹晴
Security analysts journal Vol.45,No.10,pp.84-97 2007.10 |
82. |
Hedging and Taking Risk: On the Role of Derivatives and Stock Options (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
Investment Research & Analysis Journal Vol.1 No.2 2006.4 |
83. |
野間 幹晴
會計 Vol.168,No.1,pp.15-28 2005.7 |
84. |
野間 幹晴
『MARR』 2005.5 |
85. |
『コーポレート・ファイナンス入門』 (共著)
野間 幹晴
共立出版 2005.4 |
86. |
「EVAと企業価値経営」 (共著)
野間 幹晴
『週刊東洋経済』 2005年12月3日号 2005.4 |
87. |
野間 幹晴
『横浜市立大学論叢』 Vol.56,No.2,pp.109-129 2005.3 |
88. |
野間 幹晴
『JICPAジャーナル』 Vol.16,No.7,pp.38-39 2004.7 |
89. |
利益の持続性と会計発生高の信頼性 (Peer-reviewed) 野間 幹晴
会計プログレス No.5,pp.77-90 2004.4 |
90. |
野間 幹晴
『企業会計』 Vol.56,No.4,pp.49-55 2004.4 |
91. |
野間 幹晴
『企業会計』 第55巻 第3号;同4号,7 8-80頁;126-128頁 Vol.55,No.4,pp.574-576 2003.4 |
92. |
The logic of Fair Value Accounting for Financial Instruments : Perspective from Management Discretionary Behavior
NOMA Mikiharu
The journal of the Yokohama City University. Social science Vol.6,pp.1-39 2003.3 |
93. |
野間 幹晴
『會計』 Vol.162,No.5,pp.728-742 2002.11 |
94. |
野間 幹晴
一橋大学大学院商学研究科博士学位論文 2002.3 |
95. |
Discretionary Behavior with Respect to Allowance for Loan Losses and the Behavior of Capital Maekets
Mikiharu Noma
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.126,No.5,pp.584-600 2001.11
96. |
The Impact of Derivatives on Firm Risk
Mikiharu Noma
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.126,No.4,pp.445-460 2001.10
97. |
The Association between Income Smoothing by Two Methods and Cost of Capital : Relative Impact of Derivatives and Accounting Policy
Mikiharu Noma
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.125,No.5,pp.527-544 2001.5
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
"Do Managers fully Understand Accrual Accounting?: Management Earnings Forecasts and Earnings Quality"(19th. American Accounting Association)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.8.1 |
Anaheim, CA, USA |
2. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2008.3.1 |
専修大学 |
3. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.10.1 |
立命館大学 |
4. |
"Do Managers fully Understand Accrual Accounting?: Management Earnings Forecasts and Accrual Quality"(19th. Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2007.10.1 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
5. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.11.1 |
早稲田大学 |
6. |
「アナリスト予測とバリュー・小型株効果」 奈良沙織との共同研究(日本経営財務学会 第30回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.9.1 |
学習院大学 |
7. |
"Why Does Market Undervalue Research and Development Expenditures? Functional Fixation Hypothesis vs. Information Asymmetry Hypothesis,"(Asian Academic Accounting Association, 7th Annual Conference 2006)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.9.1 |
Sydney |
8. |
"Hedging and Taking Risk: On the Role of Derivatives and Stock Options,"(1st International Conference on Accounting and Finance,.)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.9.1 |
Thessaloniki, Greece |
9. |
"Why Does Market Undervalue Research and Development Expenditures? :Functional Fixation Hypothesis vs. Information Asymmetry Hypothesis,"(European Accounting Association 29th. Annual Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2006.5.1 |
Dublin,Ireland. |
10. |
『無形資産会計・報告の課題と展望』(学会特別委員会の最終報告)(日本会計研究学会 「研究開発投資に対する株式市場の評価」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.9.1 |
関西大学 |
11. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.6.1 |
横浜国立大学 |
12. |
"Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis,"(Korea University Accounting Symposium in Celebration of KU Centennial)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.5.1 |
Seoul, Korea |
13. |
"Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis,"(European Accounting Association 28th. Annual Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2005.5.1 |
Goteborg, Sweden. |
14. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.11.1 |
法政大学 |
15. |
"On the Relation between Derivatives and Firm Risk: Evidence from Japanese Non-financial Firms,"(-)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.10.1 |
明治大学 |
16. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.9.1 |
中央大学 |
17. |
『無形資産会計・報告の課題と展望』 (学会特別委員会の中間報告)(日本会計研究学会 「研究開発投資に対する株式市場の評価」)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.9.1 |
中央大学 |
18. |
"Value Investing and Financial Statement Analysis"(-)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2004.5.1 |
中央大学 |
Research subject
Research item(Awarding organization, System name)
1. |
Empirical Studies of Taxation on Executive Stock-Based Compensation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2026.3 |
2. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2024.3 |
3. |
Empirical Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2025.3 |
4. |
Empirical Studies of the Impact of the Tax System on Corporate Entertainment Expenses
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2022.3 |
5. |
The importance of non-financial information in the Japanese markets
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2021.3 |
6. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2021.3 |
7. |
Longitudinal International Comparison of Entreprenuership
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2020.3 |
8. |
Redesigning corporate disclosure system in Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2018.3 |
9. |
Empirical Studies in Tax Systems of Executive Compensations
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2018.3 |
10. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2018.3 |
11. |
Empirical Studies in Tax Systems of Employee Benefits
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2015.3 |
12. |
A multifaceted research on the relation between accounting and reporting system and corporate short-termism
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2015.3 |
13. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2014.3 |
14. |
Taxations in global economy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2011 |
15. |
Accounting Information and Value-from the perspective of Earnings Management and Capital Market
Young Scientists (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2011.3 |
16. |
Empirical Research of Voluntary Disclosures
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2010 |
17. |
Analysis of Portfolio Management - Risk Characteristics of New Investment Opportunities and Strategies
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2009 |
18. |
The effect of Taxes on Executive Compensations
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2007 |
19. |
Awarding organization:
System name:
- 2008.3 |
20. |
Measuring and Reporting the intangible assets
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Awarding organization:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
System name:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- 2007 |