1. |
12の問いから始める オリンピック・パラリンピック研究
(Joint author)
かもがわ出版 2019.1 |
2. |
Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace
Holly Collison, Simon C. Darnell, Richard Giulianotti, P. David Howe他
(Joint author)
Routledge 2018.10
(ISBN : 9781315455174)
3. |
社会(スポーツ)を遊ぶガイドブック〜サッカーがつくる居心地の良い社会 (編著)
鈴木直文, 逢坂仁葵, 栗栖由喜, 千葉佳奈子, 大森亮平
特定非営利活動法人ビッグイシュー基金 2018.3 |
4. |
航思社 2016.8
(ISBN : 9784906738205)
5. |
承認 社会哲学と社会政策の対話
法政大学出版局 2016.3
(ISBN : 9784588625299)
6. |
Sport and International Cooperation (co-authored and co-edited)
Kazuhiko Saito, Chiaki Okada, Naofumi Suzuki
(Joint editor)
Taishukan Shoten 2015.3 |
7. |
Sport, Social Development and Peace (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Volume 8)
Kevin Young, Chiaki Okada
(Joint author)
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2014.1
(ISBN : 9781783508853)
8. |
Governance of Natural Resources: Uncovering the Social Purpose of Materials in Nature
Jin Sato
(Joint author)
United Nations University Press 2013.8 |
9. |
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, Volume 7
Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Hans Westlund, Hayeong Jeong
(Joint author)
MARG 2012.1 |
10. |
(Joint author)
笹川スポーツ財団 2011.2 |
11. |
Innovations in Collaborative Urban Regeneration
Masahide Horita, Hideki Koizumi
(Joint author)
Springer 2009.1 |
12. |
Community Cohesion in Crisis?: New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference (jointly worked)
John Flint, David Robinson
(Joint author)
Policy Press 2008.7
(ISBN : 9781847420244)
1. |
開催費用をコロナ対策へ オリンピックに経済効果なし
鈴木 直文
週刊金曜日 No.1318,pp.16-17 2021.3 |
2. |
What would Tokyo be left with after the Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Naofumi Suzuki
Social Policy Vol.12,No.3,pp.11-21 2021.3 |
3. |
Diversity Soccer's approach to creating inclusive sporting environment: a microcosm of inclusive society
Naofumi Suzuki
Monthly Social Education Vol.64,No.12,pp.19-24 2020.12 |
4. |
What would Tokyo be left with after the Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Naofumi Suzuki
JASPS Bulletin Vol.6,pp.4-16 2020.10
5. |
坂上康博, 鈴木直文
世界 No.2019年1月,pp.113-123 2018.12 |
6. |
Non-governmental organizations in the SDP system
Naofumi Suzuki
Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace pp.70-79 2018.10 |
7. |
The Right to Adequate Housing: Evictions of the Homeless and the Elderly Caused by the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Naofumi Suzuki
Leisure Studies Vol.37,No.1,pp.89-96 2017.7 |
8. |
A Capability Approach to Understanding Sport for Social Inclusion: Agency, Structure and Organisations (Peer-reviewed) Naofumi Suzuki
Social Inclusion Vol.5,No.2,pp.150-158 2017.6
9. |
鈴木 直文
kotoba Vol.28,pp.120-123 2017.6 |
10. |
Reinterpreting Olympic legacies: the emergent process of long-term post-event strategic planning of Hakuba after the 1998 Nagano Winter Games (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Hidemasa Nakamura, Naofumi Suzuki
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 2017.2 |
11. |
小林 竜也, 鈴木 直文
一橋スポーツ研究 No.35,pp.31-42 2016.12
12. |
祝賀資本主義と惨事便乗型資本主義 五輪で都市は儲からない
鈴木 直文
建築ジャーナル No.1259,pp.20-23 2016.11
13. |
鈴木 直文
建設労働のひろば No.100,pp.29-32 2016.10 |
14. |
鈴木 直文
月刊 東京 No.377,pp.36-40 2016.8 |
15. |
鈴木 直文
月刊 東京 No.370,pp.2-11 2015.12 |
16. |
図書紹介:Jules Boykoff著『Celebration Capitalism and the Olympic Games』
鈴木 直文
一橋大学スポーツ研究 Vol.34,No.34,pp.60-70 2015.12
17. |
スポーツによる社会変革のためのNGO/NPOの実効性(特集 スポーツによる地域開発)
鈴木 直文
体育の科学 Vol.65,pp.108-112 2015.2 |
18. |
Exploring the Localization Process of an International "Sport-in-Development" NGO: A Case Study of Lick4Life in the Kingdom of Lesotho
Naofumi SUZUKI
一橋大学スポーツ研究 Vol.33,No.33,pp.3-15 2014.12
19. |
アフリカにおけるサッカーを通じた開発(特集 スポーツを通した国際貢献のいま)
鈴木 直文
現代スポーツ評論 Vol.31,No.31,pp.52-65 2014.11
20. |
FIFA World Cup 2010 and Its Legacy on “Sport and Development” Practices in South African Cities
Naofumi SUZUKI
SUR: Sustainable Urban Regeneration Vol.31,pp.102-107 2013.3 |
21. |
Tokyo and the Social Aftershocks of March 11:Our Experiences of the Earthquake and its Aftermath
Naofumi SUZUKI
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.4,pp.30-36 2013.3
22. |
Reconsidering 'Sport and Community'
Naofumi SUZUKI
一橋大学スポーツ研究 Vol.31,pp.3-18 2012.10
23. |
Introduction: Toward an Interdisciplinary Collaboration on Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
Naofumi SUZUKI
DISASTER, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SOCIETY: Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan = 災害・基盤・社会――東日本大震災から考える No.2,pp.6-13 2012.6
24. |
A Survey of Social Support Networks in a Depopulating Japanese Village (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Yukari YAGI, Kohei NAGAI, Naofumi SUZUKI, Petr MATOUS
Journal of Society for Social Management Systems Vol.SMS12,No.4216 2012.1 |
25. |
Measuring the Process of Rural Regeneration: A Social Network Approach to Understanding Community Dynamics (Peer-reviewed) Naofumi SUZUKI
Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas Vol.7,pp.57-67 2012.1 |
26. |
The Recent Trend in Sport-for-Development and Its Potential Risks
Naofumi SUZUKI
Hitotsubashi annual of sport studies Vol.30,pp.15-23 2011.10
27. |
The Relevance of Symbolic Physical Environment to the Formation of Social Networks for Rural Regeneration (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Naofumi Suzuki, Petr Matous
Journal of Society for Social Management Systems Vol.SMS10,No.142 2010.1 |
28. |
A Study On The Living Space Of The Residents In A Remote Mountainous Village: A Case Of Choja Village In Niyodogawa-Cho, Kochi, Japan. (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Haruka NISHIMOTO, Kohei NAGAI, Naofumi SUZUKI
Journal of Society for Social Management Systems Vol.SMS10,No.141 2010.1 |
29. |
Naofumi Suzuki
SUR: Sustainable Urban Regeneration Vol.3,pp.26-27 2010.1 |
30. |
Exploring the Role of Leaders in Constructing Effective Environmental Management Systems in the Private Sector (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed) Reina Doi, Naofumi Suzuki, Kazumasa Ozawa
Journal of Society for Social Management Systems Vol.SMS09,No.181 2009.1 |
31. |
英国グラスゴーの都市貧困地域における社会的包摂プログラムに関する研究 (Peer-reviewed) 鈴木直文
建設マネジメント研究論文集 Vol.15,pp.61-70 2008.1 |
32. |
Implications of Sen's Capability Approach for Research into Sport, Social Exclusion and Young People: a Methodological Consideration on Evaluation of Sport-Related Programmes Targeted at Young People in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods (Peer-reviewed) Naofumi Suzuki
LSA Publication Vol.88,pp.3-21 2005.1 |
Name of subject/Conference Name
1. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2019.3.9 |
福岡大学 |
2. |
Playfulness means inclusiveness: A case of Diversity Cup in Japan(THE NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT 39th Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.10.31 |
3. |
シンポジウム I 「スポーツマネジメント概念の拡張:スポーツで達成する持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」(日本スポーツマネジメント学会第10回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2018.3.4 |
早稲田大学 |
4. |
Theorizing Sport for Social Inclusion(2017 Global Sport Science Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2017.7.13 |
5. |
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2016.3.20 |
6. |
Sporting Mega-Events and International Development through Sport(The 1st Symposium of NIFS International Sport Academy)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2015.3.7 |
7. |
Kick4Life as a Case of the “New Breed” of Sport-in-Development Organization(2nd International Symposium on International Development through Sport)
Holding date :
Presentation date :
2014.12.13 |
Shinagawa Prince Hotel Main Tower |