Institute of Economic Research,Research Division of Comparative and World Economics
KUMO Kazuhiro

Books and Other Publications

1. Gendering Post-Soviet Space: Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research
Karabchuk, T, K. Kumo, K. Gatskova, E. Skoglund (Joint editor)
Springer Nature 2021.2
2. アジア長期経済統計 10 ロシア
久保庭 眞彰, 雲 和広, 志田仁完 (Joint editor)
東洋経済新報社 2020.7 (ISBN : 9784492816059)
3. Russian Economic Development over Three Centuries: New Data and Inferences
Masaaki Kuboniwa, Yasushi Nakamura, Kazuhiro Kumo, Yoshisada Shida (Joint author)
Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK 2020.3
4. Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present
T.Karabchuk, K.Kumo, E.Selezneva (Joint author)
Palgrave Macmillan, UK 2016.12 (ISBN : 9781137518507)
5. ロシア人口の歴史と現在
雲 和広 (Sole author)
岩波書店 2014.2 (ISBN : 9784000099226)
6. ロシアの人口問題-人が減りつづける社会-
雲 和広 (Sole author)
東洋書店 2011.10 (ISBN : 9784864590105)
7. Migration and Migration Policy of the Russia Federation
雲 和広 (Joint author)
Российская академия наук, Москва 2011.9
8. ソ連・ロシアにおける地域開発と人口移動 -経済地理学的アプローチ-』
雲 和広 (Sole author)
大学教育出版 2003.6 (ISBN : 4887305230)
9. Migration and regional development in the Soviet Union and Russia: A geographical approach
Kazuhiro KUMO (Sole author)
Beck Publishers Russia 2003.5

▼display all


1. Внутренне различия в динамке населения Республики Саха (Якутии) влияющие на нее факторы (Peer-reviewed)
Литвиненко, Т, Кумо, К
forthcoming in "Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Науки о земле" 2025
2. Soviet Population Redistribution: Re-assessing the Myth of Siberian Curse (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K., Shadrina, E.
forthcoming in "Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia" 2025
3. Impact of Digitalization on Corporate Financial Profitability: The Case of Russia
Yu, W., Kumo, K., Lee, H.
forthcoming in Post-Communist Economies 2025
4. Religion, Gender Norms and Fertility in Muslim Post-Communist Economies (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K., Pergini, C.
"Post-Communist Economies". Vol.36,No.7,pp.1-31 2024.12
5. Bright Lights of Cities: Reassessing Siberian Curse through the Lens of Nighttime Lights (Peer-reviewed)
Keola, S, Kumo, K, Tsubota, K, Ueda, A
Regional Research of Russia, Springer Vol.14,pp.458-467 2024.9
6. 最果てのチュクチ自治管区:生き残りをかけて
『ロシア極東・シベリアを知るための70章』服部倫卓・吉田睦著 第70章 2024.5
7. シベリア・極東の人口減少問題:90年代の混乱と2000年代の安定化
『ロシア極東・シベリアを知るための70章』服部倫卓・吉田睦著 第43章 2024.5
8. Changes in the Living Standards of Transition Economies and Determinants of Poverty (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economies, Oxford University Press. 2024.1
9. J-Curved Growth Path: Economic Crisis and Recovery in Post-Socialist Economies (Peer-reviewed)
Ichiro Iwasaki, Kazuhiro Kumo
Oxford Handbook of Post-Socialist Economies, Oxford University Press. 2024.1
10. 「ロシアの年金制度」
『年金と経済』,年金シニアプラン総合研究機構 2024
11. Fertility in Russia: A Re-Examination Using Microdata (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo, Anna Kechetova
Economies Vol.11,No.10 2023.10
doi Link
12. 「ソビエト・ロシアにおける階層型都市構造の変遷」 (Peer-reviewed)
雲和広, E. シャドリナ
『経済研究』(一橋大学経済研究所) Vol.74,No.1-2 2023.10
13. 「人口動態とその諸要因:サハ(ヤクーチア)における民族と地域的特性」 (Peer-reviewed)
雲和広, T. リトヴィネンコ
『ロシア・ユーラシアの社会』 Vol.1068,pp.18-39 2023
14. Inter-regional Migration: Reexamination of Population Redistribution in Russia at the Late Soviet Period (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro KUMO
"Landmarks for Spatial Development: Equality or Differentiation", Martinat, S., V. Kumar, A. Torre, Yu. Lavrikova and E. Kuzmin, eds., Springer pp.5-36 2023
15. 「女性の声:タジク女性に対するインタビューの記録」 (Peer-reviewed)
五十嵐徳子, 雲和広
『ロシア・ユーラシアの社会』 Vol.1068,pp.59-99 2023
16. Зависит ли вероятность рождения ребенка от уровня благосостояния и его субъективного восприятия в российских домохозяйствах: в поиске ответов на извечные вопросы (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо К
Демографическое обозрение Vol.10,No.1,pp.44-78 2023
17. Population Dynamics and Its Factors: Ethnicity and Regional Characteristics in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (Peer-reviewed)
K. Kumo, T. V. Litvinenko
Regional Research of Russia Vol.12,No.4,pp.495-507 2022.12
doi Link Link
18. 「ロシアの人口減少と外国人労働の受容:ロシアからみた移民政策」
『国際問題研究』 No.708,pp.31-41 2022.8
19. 「ジェンダー規範に見る旧社会主義圏の特異性:ミクロデータによる接近,ロシアの場合」
『ロシア・東欧研究』 Vol.50,pp.42-58 2022.6
20. On the Evolution of Hierarchical Urban Systems in Soviet Russia, 1897–1989 (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo, Elena Shadrina
Sustainability Vol.13,No.20 2021.10
21. Старение населения, низкая рождаемость и социальная защита в России (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо К
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.41,pp.1-17 2021.6
22. Population Aging, Low Fertility, and Social Security in Russia (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo K
Xinxin Ma ed., Employment, Retirement and Lifestyle in Aging East Asia, Palgrave Macmillan pp.283-299 2021.6
23. Стратегии экономического восстановления после пандемии COVID-19: опыт республики Корея и Японии (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К, Коргун, И.
Россия и современный мир Vol.2021,No.3,pp.88-113 2021.6
24. ロシアの渋滞問題とその解決方法としてのスマート信号システム (共著)
ザリーナ・アバチェワ, 雲 和広
『ロシア・ユーラシアの社会』 No.1055,pp.2-27 2021.6
25. 中央アジアの人口統計 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
『比較経済研究』 Vol.58,No.1,pp.25-38 2021.2
26. Women's Voices: Work-Life Balance and Power Relationship in the Household in Tajikistan (jointly worked)
Igarashi, N, K. Kumo
in Karabchuk, T., Kumo, K., Gatskova, K and Skoglund, E. eds., Gendering Post-Soviet Space: Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research, Springer Nature pp.303-332 2021.2
27. ロシアにおける出生率:マイクロデータによる再検討 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
『経済研究』 Vol.72,No.1,pp.20-37 2021.1
28. Rural Population Dynamics in the Russian Extreme North IN 1989–2019: A Case Of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Litvinenko T.V, Kumo K, Savvinova A.N, Filippova V.V
doi Link
29. 労働 (共著)
志田仁完, 中村靖, 雲和広, 大津定美, 石川健, 日臺健雄
久保庭眞彰・雲和広・志田仁完編『アジア長期経済統計10 ロシア』東洋経済新報社 2020.7
30. 人口 (共著)
雲和広, 森永貴子, 志田仁完
久保庭眞彰・雲和広・志田仁完編『アジア長期経済統計 10 ロシア』東洋経済新報社 2020.7
31. The Collapse of the COMECON System and Trade in Transition Countries (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Uegaki A, K. Kumo
in Iwasaki, I. ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies pp.263-284 2020.4
32. Transformational Recession and Recovery: Determinants of the J-Curved Growth Path (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Iwasaki, I, K. Kumo
in Iwasaki, I. ed.,The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies pp.67-118 2020.4
33. Human Resource Management in Transition (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Horie N, K. Kumo
in Iwasaki, I. ed., The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies pp.239-262 2020.4
34. Economic Transition and Poverty: Changes in the Determinants of Poverty (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
in Iwasaki, I. ed.,The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies, Routledge pp.119-144 2020.4
35. Determinants of regional fertility in Russia: a dynamic panel data analysis
Ichiro Iwasaki, Kazuhiro Kumo
Post-Communist Economies Vol.32,No.2,pp.176-214 2020.2
Филиппова В. В, Кумо К, Литвиненко Т. В, Саввинова А
Географическая среда и живые системы Vol.2,pp.63-75 2020.2
37. Determinants of Regional Fertility in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Iwasaki, I, K. Kumo
Post-Communist Economies Vol.32,No.2,pp.176-214 2020.1
doi Link
38. Instability and Stability in the Population Dynamics of Chukotka and Its Settlements in the Post-Soviet Period: Regional Features and Intraregional and Local Differences (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K, T. V. Litvinenko
Regional Research of Russia (Springer) Vol.10,No.1,pp.71-85 2020.1
39. География и внешняя торговля для регионально-го роста в России, 2000–2017
Кумо Казухиро
Новая азиатская политика и развитие Дальнего Востока Росси, под ред. П.А. Минакира ; Институт эко-номических исследований ДВО РАН. pp.16-23 2020
40. Пересмотр межрегиональной миграции в Советской России (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К
Пространственная экономика Vol.15,No.4 2019.12
41. Нестабильность и стабильность в динамике населения Чукотки и ее населенных пунктов в постсоветский период: региональные особенности, внутрирегиональные и локальные различия (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К, Т. В. Литвиненк
Известия РАН. Серия Географическая Vol.6,pp.107-125 2019.12
42. Labor (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K, Y. Nakamura, Y. Shida
Kuboniwa, K., Y. Nakamura, K. Kumo and Y. Shida eds., Russian Economic Development over Three Centuries: New Data and Inferences, Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom pp.105-132 2019.12
43. Population
Kauhiro Kumo
Kuboniwa, K., Y. Nakamura, K. Kumo and Y. Shida eds., Russian Economic Development over Three Centuries: New Data and Inferences, Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom pp.59-103 2019.12
44. Post-Soviet population dynamics in the Russian Extreme North: A case of Chukotka (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K, T. Litvinenko
Polar Science Vol.21,pp.58-67 2019.9
45. J-Curve in Transition Economies: A Large Meta-analysis of the Determinants of Output Changes (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Iwasaki, I, K. Kumo
Comparative Economic Studies Vol.61,No.1,pp.149-191 2019.3
46. Foreign Trade and Regional Inequality: the Case of the Russian Federation
Kumo, K, I.Korgun, A.Koval, O.Trofimenko
Ekonomika Regiona [Economy of Region] Vol.14,No.3,pp.884-895 2018.12
47. Изменения факторов миграции населения в Росси' анализ с исползованием матриц
Кумо, К
Материалы ХХХII Российско-Японского симпозиума ученых-экономистов Дальнего Востока России и района Кансай (Япония), ИЭИ ДВО РАН, Хабаровск, 2018 pp.63-74 2018.12
48. ロシア経済を取り巻く環境変化
雲 和広
『學士會会報』 Vol.933,pp.23-28 2018.11
49. 転換不況と経済復興:Jカーブ型成長経路発生のメカニズム (共著)
雲 和広, 岩﨑一郎
岩崎一郎編『比較経済論講義』日本評論社 pp.139-185 2018.7
50. コメコン体制の崩壊と移行国の貿易 (共著)
雲 和広, 上垣 彰
岩崎一郎編『比較経済論講義』日本評論社 pp.393-417 2018.7
51. 社会主義的遺制と人事労務管理 (共著)
雲 和広, 堀江典生
岩崎一郎編『比較経済論講義』日本評論社 pp.309-339 2018.7
52. ウズベキスタンの人口動態
雲 和広
帯谷知可編『ウズベキスタンを知るための60章』明石書店 pp.201-205 2018.5
53. 体制転換と貧困:困窮化決定要因の推移
雲 和広
岩﨑一郎編『比較経済論講義』日本評論社 pp.187-213 2018.4
54. ロシアの社会政策課題―プーチン政権第3期の取組と現状— (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
『ロシアNIS調査月報』 No.4月,pp.20-30 2018.4
55. コメコン体制の崩壊と移行国の貿易:メタ分析 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広, 上垣彰
『比較経済研究』 Vol.55,No.1,pp.45-60 2018.1
56. Post-Soviet Period Changes in Resource Utilization and Their Impact on Population Dynamics in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Litvinenko, Tamara, Kumo, Kazuhiro
Geography, Environment, Sustainability Vol.10,No.3 2017.12
57. Голоса Женщин: Гендерное исследование в Таджикистане (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo, Noriko Igarashi
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.3,pp.50-66 2017.2
58. ロシア極東の人口動態とその展望:チュコートカを事例として (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広, T.リトビネンコ
『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』 Vol.1012,No.1012,pp.2-22 2017.1
59. ポスト・ソビエト期における資源利用の変化と人口動態への影響 : チュクチ自治管区 (特集 極北のロシア : チュコートカ) (Peer-reviewed)
リトヴィネンコ タマーラ・ヴィタリエヴナ, 雲 和広, 志田 仁完
ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会 Vol.1012,No.1012,pp.23-46 2017.1
60. Population Statistics of Russia: The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, Kazuhiro
T.Karabchuk, K.Kumo, E.Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, UK pp.11-62 2016.12
61. Interregional Migration: Analysis of Origin-to-Destination Matrix (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, Kazuhiro
T.Karabchuk, K.Kumo, E.Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, UK pp.261-314 2016.12
62. Changes in Mortality: Meta-Analysis (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, Kazuhiro
T.Karabchuk, K.Kumo, E.Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, UK pp.219-259 2016.12
63. Население Чукотки в пространстве и времени // Российские регионы (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広, Т. Литвиненко
взгляд в будущее Vol.3,pp.50-66 2016.11
64. Determinants of Decline and Growth in Transition Economies : A Meta-Analysis of the Transition Literature (Peer-reviewed)
岩﨑 一郎, 雲 和広
『経済研究』 Vol.67,No.4,pp.326-338 2016.10
Link Link
65. Inter-regional Population Migration in Russia Revisited: Analysis on Origin-to-Destination Matrix, 1990-2013 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
『経済研究』 Vol.67,No.3,pp.215-237 2016.7
66. Research on Poverty in Transition Economies: A Meta-analysis on Changes in the Determinants of Poverty (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
Transition Studies Review Vol.23,No.1 2016.3
67. ロシアの経済発展とシベリア極東開発
雲 和広
『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』 Vol.No.1000記念号,No.1000,pp.52-64 2015.12
68. Внешняя торговля и экономическое развитие российских регионов в 2000-2012 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
И. Коргун, Кумо, К
Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Университета: Серия Экономика Vol.2,pp.47-71 2015.8
69. ロシアの人口動態:市場構造と労働供給の今後
雲 和広
『ロシアNIS 経済調査月報』 Vol.60,No.8,pp.1-12 2015.7
70. Social Security and Changes in the Socio-economic Environment in Russia
雲 和広
『海外社会保障研究』 Vol.191,No.191,pp.6-15 2015.7
71. Economic Development, Geography, and Trade: Evidence from Russian Regions, 2000-2012 (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo, Irina Korgun
Global Policy and Governance Vol.4,No.2,pp.71-88 2015.6
72. 特集の趣旨
雲 和広
『海外社会保障研究』 Vol.191,pp.4-5 2015.6
73. 文書館資料とマイクロデータに見るソ連・ロシアの人口
雲 和広
『Eco-Forum』 Vol.30,No.3,pp.39-44 2015.3
74. Socialist Legacies of Personnel and Human Resource Management in European Transition Economies: An Analytical Review (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
堀江典生, 雲和広
The Economic Review Vol.66,No.1,pp.55-71 2015.1
75. Poverty Studies in Transitional Economies: Meta-Analysis on Trends in Poverty Determinants (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
The Economic Review Vol.66,No.1,pp.72-93 2015.1
76. ミクロデータを利用したロシア・旧ソ連諸国におけるジェンダー状況把握の可能性 (Peer-reviewed)
雲和広, M.ブルコヴァ
『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』 Vol.965,No.965,pp.37-48 2013.1
77. タジク女性の声-タジキスタンミクロサーベイより- (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
五十嵐徳子, 雲和広
『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』 No.965,pp.2-25 2013.1
78. Demographic Situations and Development Programs in the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
Studies on Russia: Time and Space of Risks and Opportunities, Kyong-Wan Lee et al. eds., LIT-Verlag, Munich pp.65-86 2012.10
79. 減少する人口
堀内賢志・齋藤大輔・濵野剛(編)『ロシア極東ハンドブック』東洋書店 pp.150-155 2012.8
80. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia: A Micro-data Approach
Kazuhiro Kumo
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.53,No.1,pp.49-69 2012.6
doi Link
81. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited-A Survey- (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.63,No.2,pp.171-187 2012.4
82. Tajik labour migrants and their remittances: Is Tajik migration pro-poor? (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
Post-Communist Economies Vol.24,No.1,pp.87-109 2012.3
doi Link
83. Тенденции и детерминанты рождаемости в России// Материалы XXVII
Kazuhiro Kumo
Российско-японского симпозиума историков и экономистов ДВО РАН и района Кансай (Япония), Дальнаука, Владивосток pp.212-219 2012.1
84. Таджикские трудовые мигранты и их денежные переводы (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
Экономика региона Vol.30,No.2,pp.285-301 2012.1
85. ロシア長期家計モニタリング調査(Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey : RLMS)からみた居住環境と住宅政策の問題 (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
道上真有, 雲和広
『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』 No.952,pp.2-22 2011.12
86. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances
Кумо, К
Миграционный мост между Центральной Азией и Россией, Рязанцев , С.В. и Каримов, О.К. ред., Москва, Экон-информ pp.308-315 2011.10
87. Women's Voices: Gender Survey in Tajikistan (jointly worked)
Игараси, Н. и Кумо
Migration Bridge between the Central Asia and Russia pp.222-230 2011.10
88. Tajiki Migrants and Their Remittances--Are Tajik Migration Pro-Poor?-- (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.62,No.2,pp.113-128 2011.4
89. Fertility Trends in Russia: Viewed through Micro-Data and Demographic Structure (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.31,pp.81-92 2011.3
90. Explaining Fertility Trends in Russia
Kumo, K
Natural Resource Development, Population and Environment in Russia, Japan Foundation & Institute MIRBIS, Moscow pp.69-77 2011.3
91. Demographic Problems in Russia : On Fertility Dynamics
雲 和広
『ユーラシア研究』 Vol.43,No.43,pp.27-32 2010.11
92. Explaining Fertility Trends in Russia
Kumo, K
Россия и страны Северо-восточной Азии: Вопросы экономического сотрудничества, под. ред. Татаркина, А.И., Институт экономики Уральского отделения РАН, Екатеринбург pp.19-27 2010.10
93. 国境周辺の地域経済と発展計画 (共著)
雲和広, 松野周二
『中ロ経済論』(大津定美・松野周二・堀江典生 編)ミネルヴァ書房 pp.35-64 2010.7
94. 「ロシア極東および東シベリアからの中国向け木材輸出・現状と傾向」(A.ランキン;著) (共著)
雲和広, 森永貴子, 大津定美
『中ロ経済論』(大津定美・松野周二・堀江典生 編)ミネルヴァ書房 2010.7
95. 中央アジア地域の人的資源と社会状況:ロシアとの経済連関
雲 和広
『現代中央アジア・ロシア移民論』(堀江典生 編)ミネルヴァ書房 pp.3-301 2010.4
96. ロシアの出生動向:その要因をどうみるか
雲 和広
Global COE Hi-STAT Vox Vol.13 2010.4
97. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia -A Micro-Data Approach- (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu) Vol.61,No.1,pp.1-17 2010.1
98. Economic Situations in the Russian Far East and North-East Asia (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.29,pp.27-48 2009.3
99. Long-term population statistics of Russia, 1867-2002 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広, 森永 貴子, 志田 仁完
The Economic review Vol.59,No.1,pp.74-93 2008.1
doi Link Link
100. Population Migration in Post-Soviet Russia (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К
Economic Science in Contemporary Russia Vol.2,pp.132-145 2007.12
101. ロシア極東経済の展望
雲 和広
『えーじぇっく・れぽーと』 北陸AJEC Vol.44,pp.22-28 2007.7
102. ロシアにおける経済地理学の課題と現代ロシア地域経済 (共著)
雲和広, P.Ya.バクラーノフ
『ロシア・ユーラシア経済』(森永貴子・志田仁完訳) Vol.899,No.899,pp.2-15 2007.5
103. Inter-regional population migration in Russia: Using an origin-to-destination matrix (Peer-reviewed)
Kazuhiro Kumo
POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES Vol.19,No.2,pp.131-152 2007
doi Link
104. Interregional Population Migration in Russia -Utilization of an Origin-to-Destination Table- (Peer-reviewed)
The Economic review Vol.57,No.3,pp.208-223 2006.7
105. Trade Policy and WTO Accession: Implications for the Regions of Russia (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Кумо, К, Юничи Гото и Наталья Зубаревич
Торговая политика и значение вступления в ВТО для развития России и стран СНГ: Руководство, ред. Дэвида Г. Тарра, Всемирный Банк (The World Bank), Москва, Глава 41 pp.559-567 2006.4
106. Economic Geography and the Regions of Russia (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
co-authored with Масашита Фуджита и Наталья Зубаревич
Trade Policy and WTO Accession for Economic Development: Application for Russia and the CIS (The World Bank) pp.545-558 2006.4
107. Экономика Российского Дальнего Востока и Северо-Восточная Азия: Взгляд из Японии (Economic Situations in the Russian Far East and North-East Asia)
Кумо, К
Problems in Modern Economics Vol.5 2006.4
108. "Игорь Р. Савельев, Миграция и Государство: Китайская, Корейская и Японская Диаспора на Российском Дальнем Востоке в 1860-1917 гг. (Токио, Очаномизу Шобо, 2005), 323 стр."
КУМО Каздухиро
Japanese Slavic and East European studies Vol.26,pp.167-170 2006.4
Link Link
109. ロシア極東の地域開発と北東アジア
『東アジアへの視点』 国際東アジア研究センター pp.24-35 2005.9
110. ロシアにおける地域間人口移動とその背景
雲 和広
『北東アジアにおける国際労働移動と地域経済開発』(大津定美 編)ミネルヴァ書房 pp.141-158 2005.2
111. 「中国人のロシアへの流入:人口動態の文脈で」(Zh. A. ザイオンチコーフスカヤ;著)
雲 和広
『北東アジアにおける国際労働移動と地域経済開発』(大津定美 編)ミネルヴァ書房 pp.213-232 2005.2
112. 拡大する地域経済格差
雲 和広
『世界経済叢書 ロシア・東欧経済論』(大津定美・吉井昌彦 編)ミネルヴァ書房 pp.153-169 2004.12
113. Soviet industrial location: A re-examination (Peer-reviewed)
K Kumo
EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES Vol.56,No.4,pp.595-613 2004.6
doi Link
114. ソビエト初期地域工業化過程:ソ連中央統計局内部資料による再検討
『経済研究(大阪府立大学)』 宮本勝浩教授記念号 Vol.50,No.1,pp.81-94 2004.4
115. Regional Economies and Interregional Population Migration: A Case of Russia
Kumo, K
『経済論叢』 香川大学 (井原健雄教授記念号) Vol.143,No.3,pp.213-224 2003.12
116. ロシアにおける地域経済と人口移動:現状と展望
『ロシア・ユーラシア経済調査資料』 No.856,pp.2-13 2003.10
117. Population Redistribution in the USSR: Time-Series Analysis on Inter-Union Republican Migration in the Former Soviet Union (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.23,No.23,pp.33-56 2003.5
118. ロシアにおける人口移動:重力モデルの適用 (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
『比較経済体制学会年報』 Vol.41,No.1,pp.49-56 2003.4
119. Migration and Regional Economy in Russia: Recent Trends and Their Backgrounds (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
Far Eastern Studies Vol.2,No.2,pp.1-14 2003.3
doi Link
120. Time-series Analysis on Industrial Location Patterns in the Soviet Union (1)
雲 和広
Roshia-Yuhrasia Keizai Chousa Shiryou Vol.835,No.835,pp.2-16 2002.4
121. Time-series Analysis on Industrial Location Patterns in the Soviet Union
雲 和広
Roshia-Yuhrasia Keizai Chousa Shiryou Vol.836,No.836,pp.2-18 2002.4
122. Soviet Regions Revisited : A Note on Trends in Regional TFP
雲 和広
Annals of Economic Studies Vol.40,pp.109-135 2001.4
123. Soviet Industrial Location: Estimating Industrial Output by Region
Kumo, K
『研究年報』(香川大学経済研究所) Vol.40,pp.68-108 2001.3
124. Industrial Location and Regional Productivity Differentials in the USSR: Estimating the Production Function (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
『ロシア・東欧学会年報』 Vol.27,pp.92-101 1999.4
125. Regional Economy in Russia under Transition : Regional Characteristics and Interregional Migration
雲 和広
Bulletin of the Former Soviet Union Economy No.809,pp.2-14 1999.4
126. Russian Economy through the Net.
雲 和広
Russian Economy pp.277-281 1998.4
127. A Note on Regional Economy Under Transition (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
『ロシア・東欧学会年報』 Vol.26,pp.64-73 1998.4
128. Collapse of the Sovit Union and Regional Economy in Russia
雲 和広
Russian Economy pp.117-129 1998.3
129. Studies on Interregional Migration in the Former Soviet Union and Russia: A Survey
Kumo, K
『比較経済体制学会会報』 Vol.34,No.34,pp.72-80 1997.4
130. Effects of Economic Incentives on Population migration (Peer-reviewed)
雲 和広
Kyoto University Economic Review Vol.159,No.4,pp.45-70 1997.4
131. The interelationship between changes in the Russian Labor market and internal migration patterns in Russia (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo Kazuhiro
Annals of the Japanese Association for Russian and East European Studies Vol.25,No.25,pp.65-73 1997.4
132. Studies on Interegional Migration in the Former Soviet Union and Russia : A Survey.
Kumo, K
『比較経済体制学会年報』 Vol.34,No.34,pp.72-80 1997.4
133. Economic System Conversion and Migration Transition in Russia (Peer-reviewed)
Kumo, K
Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies Vol.9,No.1,pp.20-36 1997.4
doi Link

▼display all


1. Book review: Mie Nakachi, Replacing the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Postwar Soviet Union (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Kazuhiro Kumo
Japanese Slavic and East European Studies Vol.44,pp.24-26 2024.3
2. 書評 安達祐子著『現代ロシア経済 資源・国家・企業統治』名古屋大学出版会,2016年2月
雲 和広
『社会経済史』 Vol.84,No.3,pp.124-126 2018.12
3. チュコート自治管区・アナディリ市,及びアナディリ近郊の廃居住区訪問 (特集 極北のロシア : チュコートカ)
雲 和広
ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会 No.1012,pp.47-49 2017.1
4. Foreign Economic Relations and Regional Growth in North East Asia: Russia's WTO Accession and its Effects (jointly worked)
Kumo, K, Korgun, I
IER Discussion Papers Series Vol.B-44 2015.3
5. Neil Robinson eds, The Political Economy of Russia, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Plymouth, 2013, xi + 228 pp
Kazuhiro Kumo
Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies Vol.11,pp.92-96 2014.1
6. 「ロシア極東地域の対外貿易関係構造」(E.I.デヴァーエヴァ;著)
雲 和広
『アジア太平洋地域へ向かうロシア極東・再論』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.61-65 2009.8
7. 翻訳 コルナイ,J.著「医療部門とソフトな予算制約」
久保庭眞彰, 岩﨑一郎, 雲和広, 横川和穂
『比較経済研究』 Vol.46,No.2,pp.35-50 2009.6
doi Link
8. 「2008年ロシア試行人口センサス調査表<資料><翻訳>」
雲 和広
Russian Research Center Working Paper Series Vol.14 2009.4
9. 人的・社会的指標から見る中央アジア・コーカサス地域
雲 和広
『CIS地域の実効経済圏と産業政策』トヨタ自動車株式会社受託調査報告書 pp.24-61 2009.4
10. 『2005年におけるヴォロネジ州人口の自然動態について ロシア連邦統計局ヴォロネジ州地域支部 報告書 2006年』 (共著)
雲 和広, 菅沼桂子
Russian Research Center Working Paper Series Vol.6 2008.6
11. ロシア極東ザバイカル地域開発と人口動態
雲 和広
『極東・東シベリアに関する調査』外務省受託調査(環日本海経済研究所)報告書 pp.141-152 2008.3
12. Book reviews: Shanping Yan, Migration and peasant migrants in the 1990's China: an empirical analysis based on macro-micro data
雲 和広
Japanese journal of comparative economics Vol.44,No.2,pp.65-68 2007.6
13. 2007年4月,モスクワ
雲 和広
『ERINA オピニオン ロシア』 2007.5
14. ロシア極東地域開発の展望
雲 和広
『ロシア中央アジアの石油・天然ガス投資環境調査』 独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構受託調査報告書 2007.4
15. ロシア地域経済の展望
『ERINA オピニオン ロシア』 2007.1
16. ロシア極東の経済開発と北東アジア
雲 和広
『ERINA Business News』 Vol.59,pp.27-33 2007.1
17. 「ロシア極東の金融システムに見られる新しい現象」(O. M. レンジン;著) (共著)
志田仁完, 雲和広
『第22回日ロ極東学術シンポジウムの記録』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.43-47 2007.1
18. 『ソ連・ロシアにおける工業の地域的展開-体制転換と移行期社会の経済地理-』小俣利男 著、原書房
雲 和広
『比較経済体制学会年報』 2006.12
19. ロシア極東経済への視座
『ERINA オピニオン ロシア』 2006.9
20. ロシアの地域経済・極東を中心に
『JICインフォメーション』 JIC旅行センター No.140,pp.2-5 2006.9
21. 古い日本車が走る極東の市場拡大への期待
『週刊エコノミスト』 毎日新聞社 Vol.502,pp.34-35 2006.7
22. New Generation of Russian Economic Studies (co-authored and co-edited)
Kumo, K, Sugiura, F, d
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Vol.B34 2006.1
23. ロシア経済いまむかし
『JICインフォメーション』JIC旅行センター Vol.134,pp.2-5 2005.9
24. 「連邦中央とロシア構成主体間の関係とその調整に影響を与える種々の要因」(菫暁陽;著)
『21世紀初頭のロシア極東地域と日本』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.53-61 2005.8
25. Book Review: Gary Krueger, Enterprise Restructuring and the Role of Managers in Russia: Case Studies of Firms in Transition. London & Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2004
Kazuhiro Kumo
Europe-Asia Studies Vol.57,No.4,pp.619-621 2005.6
26. 人口動態
『中央ユーラシアを知る辞典』 (小松久男・梅村坦・宇山智彦・帯谷知可・堀川徹 監修) 平凡社 pp.264-266 2005.4
27. ロシア経済の展望
『バンコク日本人商工会議所 所報』盤谷日本人商工会議所 Vol.503,pp.28-36 2004.2
28. ロシアにおける消費市場の動態
『バンコク日本人商工会議所 所報』盤谷日本人商工会議所 Vol.502,pp.70-78 2004.1
29. 地域経済格差
『新版 ロシアを知る辞典』 (川端香男里・佐藤経明・中村喜和・和田春樹・塩川伸明・栖原学・沼野充義 監修) 平凡社 2004.1
30. ロシアのマクロ経済
『バンコク日本人商工会議所 所報』盤谷日本人商工会議所 Vol.501,pp.51-59 2003.12
31. 『毛沢東時代の工業化戦略』(呉暁林 著;御茶ノ水書房、東京、2002年)」
『比較経済体制学会年報』 Vol.40,No.2,pp.68-71 2003.6
32. 「ロシア極東地域住民の所得:現在の動向」(N.N. ミへーエヴァ;著)
雲 和広
『ロシア極東地域の総合分析-現状と展望-』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.55-63 2001.8
33. 「極東の対外経済関係:現状と展望」(E.I. デヴァーエヴァ;著)
雲 和広
『21世紀を前にしたロシア極東地域と日本』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.31-38 1999.8
34. 「ロシアにおける国境地帯の持続的発展によせて」(P. Ya. バクラーノフ;著)
『アジア太平洋地域との協力を模索するロシア極東地域と日本』(日ロ極東学術交流会 編)日ロ極東学術交流会 pp.15-23 1997.7

▼display all


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. Уникальность бывшего социалистического блока с точки зрения гендерных норм: Подход на основе микроданных на примере России("Россия и Япония на пути устойчивого развития" (Петербург))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.11.22
2. Siberian Curse Revisited: Had Communist Planners Left the Soviet Union out in the Cold?(Moscow School of Economics (Moscow University, Russia) Regular Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.11.18
3. ”Siberian Curse” Revisited: Had Communist Planners Left the Soviet Union out in the Cold?(比較経済体制学会2024年度大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.6.30
4. Modern Social-demographc norms in Russia(The Second International Forum ""Economics of the Emerging Markets" held by RUDN)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.11.16
5. Gender Norms in the Former Socialist States: An approach using micro data in a case of Russia(Invited Lecture at the Department of Government and Society, College of Humanities & Social Science, UAE University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.2.21
6. ロシアの人口減少と外国人労働の受容:ロシアからみた移民政策(『国際問題』ウェビナー「人口減少と新興国の行動原理」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.9.22
7. Демографические тенденции на Дальнем Востоке России(Экономические исследования по проблемам развития Дальнего Востока, Институт Экономики РАН Хабаровк, Россия)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.11.11
8. ジェンダー規範に見る旧社会主義圏の特異性:ミクロデータによる接近、ロシアの場合(ロシア東欧学会全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.10.17
9. ソビエト・ロシアにおける階層型都市システムの変遷、1897―1989 年(ロシア東欧学会全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.10.16
10. Inter-Regional Population Re-distribution in Soviet Russia Revisited(VI International Regional Economics Conference (REC-2021), Institute of Economic Research, Russian Academy of Science, Ekatelinburg, Russia.)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.23
11. On the Evolution of Hierarchical Urban Systems in Soviet Russia, 1897-1989(比較経済体制学会全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.5
12. ロシアにおける出生率:マイクロデータによる再検討(比較経済体制学会全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2021.6.5
13. Здравоохранение, медицинское обслуживание и Ковид-19 в Японии(Regular Seminar of the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.11
Online (Russian Academy of Science, Moscow)
14. ロシアの保健・医療とCovid-19(環日本海学術ネットワーク特定テーマ研究支援事業シンポジウム SDGs x COVID-19: 北東アジアの経験)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2020.10
15. Geography and Trade for Regional Growth in Russia, 2000-2017(New Asian Policy and the Growth of Russian Far East)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.12.4
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Khabarovsk, Russia
16. Post-Soviet Population Dynamics in the Russian Extreme North: An Implication to Remote Areas(Sustainable Development in China and Russia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.29
Toyama International Conference Center
17. Demography of Japan: A Society of Losing Population(Invited Lecture at the Department of Government and Society, United Arab Emirates University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.11.4
Invited Lecture at the Department of Government and Society, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
18. Gender Situation in Russia through the Mirror of Micro-Data(XXXV Russo-Japanese Academic Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.9.9
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Khabarovsk, Russia
19. Interregional Population Migration in the Late Soviet Period: A Re-examination(Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2019.4.13
University of Cambridge
20. Demographic Situation And Its Perspectives In The Russian Far East: A Case Of Chukotka(The 2018 Institute of Geography Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.6.5
IG Russian Academy of Science
21. International Trade after the Collapse of Socialism(British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.4.14
University of Cambridge
22. Demography of Japan: A Society of Losing Population(Novosibirsk State University Department of Asian Studies Special Invited Lecture)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.1.25
Novosibirsk, Russia
23. ロシア世論調査に見る政治的姿勢(一橋大学政策フォーラム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.1.19
24. Post-Soviet Population Dynamics in the Russian Extreme North: A Case of Chukotka(5th International Symposium on Arctic Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.1.16
Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan
25. Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present(地域研究コンソーシアム「研究作品賞」受賞記念講演,地域研究コンソーシアム第7回大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.28
26. Women's Voices: Gender Survey in Tajikistan(ロシア東欧学会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.22
27. Women's Voices: Gender Survey in Tajikistan(ロシア東欧学会全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.22
28. International Trade after the Collapse of Socialism(比較経済体制学会2017年全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.17
29. Inter-regional Population Migration Revisited: Analysis on Migration matrix, 1990-2013(Russo-Japanese Academic Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.9.4
Institute of Economic Research, Russian Academy of Science Far Eastern Branch, Khabarovsk, Russia
30. Trade after the Collapse of Socialism(World Congress of Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.17
Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
31. Inter-regional Population Migration Revisited: Analysis on Migration Matrix, 1990-2013(East Asian Conference on Slavic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.6.4
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
32. Trade after the Collapse of Socialism(Eurasian Business and Economics Society Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.5.24
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
33. Inter-regional Population Migration Revisited: Analysis on Migration Matrix, 1990-2013(British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.4.1
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
34. Inter-regional Population Migration in Russia Revisited: Analysis on Origin-to-Destination Matrix, 1990-2013(比較経済体制学会2016年秋期大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.11.12
35. ロシアにおける主観的厚生と政治的姿勢:社会調査による観察(ロシア東欧学会全国大会共通論題報告)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.29
36. Demographic Situation and its Perspectives in the Russian Far East: A Case of Chukotka(Conference on "Russia's Pivot to Asia")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.28
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea
37. Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present(7th East Asian Conference on Slavic-Eurasian Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.9.25
Shanghai Normal University, China
38. Inter-regional Population Migration Revisited: Analysis on Migration matrix, 1990-2013(Bi-annual Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.9.9
University of Regensburg, Regensburg Germany
39. Poverty Studies in Transitional Economies: Meta-Analysis on Trends in Poverty Determinants(Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.4.1
University of Cambridge
40. Poverty Studies in Transitional Economies: Meta-Analysis on Trends in Poverty Determinants(the 6th International Conference of the Laboratory for Comparative Sociological Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.16
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
41. Poverty Studies in Transitional Economies: Meta-Analysis on Trends in Poverty Determinants(the 31st Russo-Japanese Academic Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.7
Institute of Economic Research, RAS Far East, Khabarovsk, Russia
42. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited: A Systematic Survey(International Council for Central and East European Studies Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.8.5
Makuhari, Chiba, Japan
43. Poverty Studies in Transitional Economies: Meta-Analysis on Trends in Poverty Determinants(World Congress of Comparative Economics)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.25
Roma Tre University, Department of Economics, Rome (Italy)
44. ロシア極東の人口動態とその経済学的展望(東北大学東北アジア研究センターシンポジウム「越境の東北アジア・統治の動揺と地域流動化」)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.3.8
東北大学東京分室, サピアタワー
45. 移行経済諸国における所得貧困研究:貧困決定要因変化のメタ分析(比較経済体制学会秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.25
西武文理大学, 埼玉
46. Geography and Trade for Russian Regional Growth, Evidence from Russia, 2000-2011(Hallym University International Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.1
Hallym University, Chuncheon, South Korea
47. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited: A Systematic Survey(Bi-annual Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.4
Corvinus University of Economics, Budapest, Hungary
48. Geography and Trade for Russian Regional Growth, Evidence from Russia, 2000-2011(Third Pacific Rim Conference on Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.5.14
Waikoloa Marriott Resort and Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
49. Geography and Trade for Russian Regional Growth, Evidence from Russia(Third Pacific Rim Conference on Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.5.14
Waikoloa Marriott Resort and Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
50. Geography and Trade for Russian Regional Growth, Evidence from Russia(2000-2011, Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.4.6
University of Cambridge, UK
51. Geography and Trade in Russian Regional Growth, 2000-2011(Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.4.5
University of Cambridge
52. Tajik labour migrants and their remittances. Is Tajik migration pro-poor?(Seminarreihe des Arbeitsbereichs Okonomie AM IOS)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.29
Osteurope Institut, Regensburg, Germany
53. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited: A Systematic Survey(Fifth East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.8.10
Osaka university of Law and Economics
54. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited: A Systematic Survey(Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.4.5
University of Cambridge, UK
55. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances: Is Tajik Migration Pro-Poor?(Intercultural Interaction in the World of Globalization)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.19
Saint-Petersburg University
56. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances: Is Tajik Migration Pro-Poor?(European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, the 12th Bi-Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.6
University of West Scotland, Paisley, United Kingdom
57. Mortality Trends in Russia Revisited: A Systematic Survey(Pacific-Rim Conference on Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.5.19
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
58. Таджикские трудовые мигранты и их денежные переводы(The 3rd International Symposium ≪A Role of Migration in Modernization and Innovative Development of Economy of the Countries Sending and Accepting Migrants≫)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.28
Khujand, Tajikistan
59. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances: Is Tajik Migration Pro-Poor? Comparative Sociology in Quantitative Perspective(Reporting Conference of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.25
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
60. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances: Is Tajik Migration Pro-Poor?(Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.20
Omni Hotel Washington DC, US
61. Determinants of Childbirth In Russia(the 24th Russo-Japanese Academic Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.9.6
Institute of Economic Research, Russian Academy of Science, Khabarovsk
62. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia(Third East Asian Conference of Slavic-Eurasian Studies 2011)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.8.27
Beijing, China
63. Tajik Labor Migrants and Their Remittances: Is Tajik Migration Pro Poor?(2011 WCU Young Researchers' Workshop on Economic Transition and Development)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.5.20
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
64. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia: A Micro-Data Approach(Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.18
Westin Los Angeles, United States
65. Explaining Fertility Trends in Russia("Natural Resource Development, 16 Population and Environment in Russia," organized by Institute of Geography, the RussianAcademy of Science)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9.13
Morozovka Hotel, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation
66. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia: A Micro-Data Approach(European Association for Comparative Economic Studies the 11th Bi-annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.8.27
Tartu, Estonia
67. Long-Term Population Statistics For Russia, 1867-2002(ICCEES VIII World Congress)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.7.28
Stockholm, Sweden
68. Long-Term Population Statistics for Russia, 1867-2002(American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies National Convention)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.12
69. Russian Shockwave: Some Comments(International Workshop on "Global Shock Wave: The Asian Pacific Discussion")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.10.3
70. Determinants of Childbirth in Russia: A Micro-Data Approach(Institute of Russian and CIS Studies Lecture)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.9
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
71. Demographic Situations and Development Programs in the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye, Risks and Opportunities in Siberia and the Russian Far East for Sustainable Energy Development(Humanities Korea 1st International Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.5
Institute of Russian and CIS Studies, Inchon Memorial Hall, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
72. Long-Term Population Statistics for Russia, 1867-2002(European Association for Comparative Economic Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.8.29
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, the Russian Federation
73. Interregional Migration in Russia: Using an Origin-to-Destination Matrix(U.S.-Japan Dialogue on Russia and Northeast Asia)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.4.12
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., the United States
74. Migration and Regional Economies in Russia: An Application of the Gravity Model(the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Comparative Economic Systems)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.6
University of Tokyo
75. Migration and Regional Economy in Russia: Trends and Tendencies(the 18th Russo-Japanese Far Eastern Academic Symposium)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.11
Campus-Plaza Kyoto
76. Soviet Industrial Location: A Reexamination(the 31st annual meeting of the Association for Russian and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.10
Sophia University
77. Soviet Regions Revisited: A Note on Interregional TFP Differentials(the 29th annual meeting of the Association for Russian and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2000.10
Kanagawa University
78. Russian Regional Economy: Regional Specifics and its Polarization(the 14th annual meeting of the Association for Japanese Slavic and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1999.12
Osaka Prefectural University
79. Political Economy of Soviet Industrial Location: A Geographical Approach(the 27th annual meeting of the Association for Russian and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1998.9
Keio University
80. Recent Regional Data and Empirical Analysis on Russian Regions(the 26th annual meeting of the Association for Russian and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1997.10
Kyoto University
81. Economic System Conversion and Migration Transition in Russia(the 10th annual meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1996.12
Ehime University
82. Interregional Labor Migration in Russia(the 25th annual meeting of the Association for Russian and East European Studies)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1996.10
Nigata University
83. Population Migration in the Soviet Union and Russia(the 36th annual meeting of the Association for Comparative Economic Systems)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 1996.6
Ritsumeikan University

▼display all


No. Award name Year
1. Honorary Professor 2017.11
2. 地域研究コンソーシアム(JCAS)賞(研究作品部門) 2017.10

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. ロシアにおける人口減少の研究:大規模個票データとミクロヒストリーの融合(代表)
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2019.4 - 2024.3
2. Empirical Analyses of Long-term Economic Development in Russia: 1860-2010
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 - 2019.3
3. ロシアにおける人口動態の研究: ミクロ計量分析による総合的把握(代表)
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2014.4 - 2018.3
4. Study on the social reorganization and symbiotic relations in the past and present of Northeast Asia
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011.4 - 2015.3
5. Toward Comparative Transition Economics: A Meta-Analysis of the 20-Year History of Post-Communist Transition to a Market Economy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011.4 - 2015.3
6. ロシアにおける出生規定要因の総合的研究:ミクロデータによる多層的接近(代表)
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2011.4 - 2014.3
7. Historical Quantitative Analysis on Regional Industrialization in the Soviet Union and Russia
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2009.4 - 2011.3
8. Development Potentials of Russian Far East : Economic relations between Russia and China on the border region
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2009 - 2011
9. Quantitative Analyses on the Soviet/Russian Regional Economy: Re-examination by Soviet Ministerial Conference Internal Documents
Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2007.4 - 2009.3
10. Demographic Crisis and Labour Shortage, Economic Growth in Russia -In Search of Structural Changes in Labour Market-
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2007 - 2009
11. An Analysis of Medium-and-Long Term Developments of the Russian Economy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2005.4 - 2009.3
12. 「北東アジア経済の連携と地域開発」(財団法人サントリー文化財団研究助成,研究代表者・雲和広)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究(国際共同研究) )
2005.4 - 2007.3
13. Russian Capitalism and the Flow of Financial Resources
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2005 - 2008
14. 「北東アジア諸国の経済連携強化と地域開発―中国・ロシアのWTO加盟と極東地域の雇用創出・ソーシャルネット構築の課題」(文部科学省科学研究費補助 基盤研究B,研究代表者・大津定美大阪産業大学経済学部教授)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2004.4 - 2008.3
15. 旧ソ連構成諸国における産業立地と労働力移動の計量分析(財団法人 稲盛財団)(代表)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究 )
2004.4 - 2007.3
16. Trade Capacity Building in Russian Speaking Countries (The World Bank Trust Funds, The World Bank, Development Research Group, led by Dr. David Tarr, Lead Economist, the World Bank)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究(国際共同研究) )
2004.4 - 2006.3
17. ソ連・ロシアにおける人口移動と産業立地の歴史的計量分析(代表)
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2004.4 - 2006.3
18. 中四国における人口流動とその将来像の研究(財団法人 南海育英会)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究 )
2003.4 - 2005.3
19. 旧ソ連構成諸国における産業立地と労働力移動の計量分析(財団法人 日本証券奨学財団)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究 )
2003.4 - 2005.3
20. ソ連・ロシア北東アジア地域における地域経済の歴史的計量分析(財団法人 三島海雲記念財団)

( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究 )
2002.4 - 2004.3
21. ソ連・ロシアにおける地域経済の歴史的計量分析:人口移動・産業立地を中心に(財団法人 全国銀行学術研究振興財団)(代表)
( Awarding organization: - System name: 共同研究 )
2002.4 - 2004.3
22. Migration and Regional Economy in the Soviet Union, the Nankai Scholarship Association

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research )
2001.4 - 2003.3
23. Migration, Industrial Location, and Regional Economic Growth : A Case of the USSR and Russia, the Matsushita/Panasonic International Foundation

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research )
2000.4 - 2003.3
24. Migration, Industrial Location, and Regional Economic Growth : A Case of the USSR and Russia, the Yamada Public Trust of Toyo Bank

( Awarding organization: - System name: Joint Research )
2000.4 - 2002.3
25. 都市・地域経済成長と地域間要素移動
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
1998 - 1999

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