Graduate School of Economics
OKAMURO Hiroyuki

Books and Other Publications

1. 研究開発支援の経済学 : エビデンスに基づく政策立案に向けて
岡室, 博之, 西村, 淳一 (Joint author)
有斐閣 2022.12 (ISBN : 9784641166097)
2. 技術連携の経済分析 中小企業の企業間共同研究開発と産学官連携
岡室 博之 (Sole author)
同友館 2009.4
3. 中小企業の経済学 (監修)
岡室 博之, 商工組合中央金庫編 (Supervisor (editorial))
千倉書房 2016.3 (ISBN : 9784805110881)
4. 独占禁止法の経済学 審判決の事例分析 (共著)
岡室 博之, 林 (Joint author)
東京大学出版会 2009.6 (ISBN : 9784130460996)
5. 技術革新(リーディングス日本の労働 11)
岡室 博之 (Joint editor)
日本労働研究機構 1999.9
6. 技術革新(リーディングス日本の労働 11)
岡室 博之 (Joint editor)
日本労働研究機構 1999.9
7. Die Entwicklung des Abhaengigkeitsverhaeltnisses im Zulieferer-Abnehmer-Netzwerk (下請ネットワークにおける依存関係の展開)
岡室 博之 (Sole translator)
ボン大学博士学位論文 1992.4

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1. Multilevel policy governance and territorial adaptability: Evidence from Japanese SME policy programmes (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura, Fumi Kitagawa
Regional Studies Vol.53,No.6,pp.803-814 2018.7
2. Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of publicly funded R&D consortia (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Research Policy 2018.3
3. Whose business is your project? A comparative study of different subsidy policy schemes for collaborative R&D (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol.127,pp.85-96 2018.2
doi Link
4. Not just financial support? Another role of public subsidy in university-industry research collaborations (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, J. Nishimura
Economics of Innovation and New Technology Vol.24,No.7,pp.633-659 2015.7
5. Does founders’ human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japanese start-ups (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Y. Honjo, M. Kato
Journal of Small Business Management Vol.53,No.1,pp.114-128 2015.1
6. R&D investment of start-up firms: does founders' human capital matter? (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Y. Honjo, M. Kato
Small Business Economics Vol.42,No.2,pp.207-220 2014.11
7. Bridging the cultural divide: Trust formation in university-industry research collaborations in the US, Japan, and South Korea (Peer-reviewed)
Martin Hemmert, Ludwig Bstieler, Hiroyuki Okamuro
Technovation Vol.34,No.10,pp.605-616 2014
8. Impact of university intellectual property policy on the performance of university-industry research collaboration (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Journal of Technology Transfer Vol.38,No.3,pp.273-301 2013
9. Subsidy and networking: The effects of direct and indirect support programs of the cluster policy (Peer-reviewed)
Junichi Nishimura, Hiroyuki Okamuro
RESEARCH POLICY Vol.40,No.5,pp.714-727 2011.6
doi Link
10. Determinants of R&D cooperation in Japanese start-ups (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
RESEARCH POLICY Vol.40,No.5,pp.728-738 2011.6
doi Link
11. R&D productivity and the organization of cluster policy: an empirical evaluation of the Industrial Cluster Project in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
Junichi Nishimura, Hiroyuki Okamuro
JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Vol.36,No.2,pp.117-144 2011.4
doi Link
12. Does ownership matter in mergers? A comparative study of the causes and consequences of mergers by family and non-family firms (Peer-reviewed)
Jungwook Shim, Hiroyuki Okamuro
JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE Vol.35,No.1,pp.193-203 2011.1
doi Link
13. How different are the regional factors of high-tech and low-tech start-ups? Evidence from Japanese manufacturing industries (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Vol.4,No.2,pp.199-215 2008.6
doi Link
14. Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
Research Policy Vol.36,No.10,pp.1529-1544 2007.4
15. Risk sharing in the supplier relationship:New evidence from the Japanese Automotive Industry (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol.45,pp.361-381 2001.4
16. Der Einfluss kultureller Faktoren auf den Innovationsprozess (with Horst Albach and Diana de Pay) (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Horst Albach, Diana de Pay
Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft, Ergaenzungsheft 1989.4
17. 地方自治体の創業支援と地域中小企業の対応ー自治体・企業アンケート調査の結果を踏まえてー (Peer-reviewed)
岡室博之, 西村淳一
日本中小企業学会論集 No.42,pp.125-138 2023.7
18. Impact of Consumer Awareness and Behavior on Business Exits in the Hospitality, Tourism, Entertainment, and Culture Industries under the COVID-19 Pandemic (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Yasushi Hara, Yunosuke Iwaki
Administrative Sciences Vol.12,No.4,pp.169 2022.11
doi Link
19. Local R&D support as a driver of network diversification? A comparative evaluation of innovation policies in neighboring prefectures in Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Keisuke Takano, Hiroyuki Okamuro
Science and Public Policy Vol.48,No.6,pp.776-787 2021.8
20. Supporting the supporters: an empirical evaluation of a multilevel policy collaboration for startup promotion (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro
日本中小企業学会論集 Vol.40,pp.153-166 2021.7
21. Does natural cluster increase start-ups? An empirical analysis on the Great East-Japan Earthquake (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Tomofumi Sarugaku
Entrepreneurial Studies Vol.18,pp.1-22 2021.7
22. Effects of multilevel policy mix of public R&D subsidies: Empirical evidence from Japanese local SMEs (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Science and Public Policy Vol.48,No.6,pp.829-840 2021.6
23. What shapes local innovation policies? Evidence from Japanese cities (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Administrative Sciences Vol.10,No.11,pp.11 2020.2
doi Link
24. 知的クラスター政策における産学官連携支援の効果 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室博之, 池内健太
企業家研究 Vol.16,pp.25-44 2019
25. Determinants of start-up support policies by loca authorities (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Toshiki Iizuka, Hiroyuki Okamuro
JASBS Annual Meeting Proceedings Vol.37,pp.129-142 2018.8
26. Governance and performance of publicly funded R&D consortia (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Innovation in the Asia Pacific: From Manufacturing to the Knowledge Economy pp.147-159 2017.10
27. Understanding the drivers of an 'entrepreneurial' economy: lessons from Japan and the Netherlands (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Andre van Stel, Ingrid Verheul
J. Bonnet, M. Dejardin, D. Garcia-Perez-de-Lema (eds.), Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes. Edward Elgar pp.3-21 2017.7
28. 自治体による地域中小企業への研究開発助成—地域間格差とその要因ー (共著) (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之, 西村 淳一
日本中小企業学会論集 No.36,pp.16-28 2017.7
29. 企業成長のエンジンとしての産学官連携?知的クラスター政策の評価 (共著)
岡室 博之, 池内 健太
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No.17-J-037 2017.6
30. Work-life balance and gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Kenta Ikeuchi
International Review of Entrepreneurship Vol.15,No.1,pp.107-130 2017.4
31. 地域経済活性化の主体:企業と自治体の役割
岡室 博之
『中小商工業研究』(中小商工業研究所),巻頭言,4-7頁 No.130,pp.4-7 2017.1
32. 優越的地位濫用の規制趣旨と要件該当性—トイザらス事件— (共著)
岡室 博之, 伊永大輔
岡田羊祐・川濱昇・林秀弥編『独禁法審判決の法と経済学 事例で読み解く日本の競争政策』,東京大学出版会,第11章 pp.249-266 2017.1
33. Determinants of academic start-ups' orientation towards international business expansion (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Shinya Suzuki, Hiroyuki Okamuro
Administrative Sciences Vol.7,No.1 2016.12
34. 「中小企業によるイノベーションの可能性」(商工総合研究所設立30周年記念号特集論文)
岡室 博之
『商工金融』(商工総合研究所) Vol.66,No.12,pp.47-62 2016.12
35. [書評]中林真幸・石黒真吾編『企業の経済学—構造と成長—』
岡室 博之
『社会経済史学』 Vol.82,No.3,pp.298-300 2016.11
36. [書評]通商産業政策史編纂委員会編『通商産業政策史』(経済産業調査会),『第3巻 産業政策』(岡崎哲二編著)
岡室 博之
『経済研究』(一橋大学経済研究所) Vol.67,No.2 2016.4
37. Promotion and selection of white-collar workers during the prewar period : An empirical analysis using Mitsubishi Shipbuilding employee micro data (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之, 吉田 幸司
経営史学 Vol.50,No.4,pp.3-26 2016.3
38. 開業希望と準備の要因に関する計量分析
松田尚子, 土屋隆一郎, 池内健太, 岡室博之
RIETI Discussion Paper Series Vol.16-J-009 2016
39. Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, J. Nishimura
Science and Public Policy Vol.42 2015.12
40. Local management of national cluster policies: Comparative case studies of Japanese, German, and French biotechnology clusters (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Junichi Nishimura
Administrative Sciences Vol.5,No.4,pp.213-239 2015.11
41. Determinants of business and financial network formation by Japanese start-up firms: Does founder's human capital matter? (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, K. Ikeuchi
T. Watanabe et al. (eds.), The Economics of Interfirm Networks, Springer 2015, Chapter 7 pp.135-156 2015.7
42. Decreased Start-up Ratio in Japan : What Can and Should the Public Policy Do?
岡室 博之
『日本労働研究雑誌』(労働政策研究・研修機構) Vol.56,No.649,pp.30-38 2014.8
43. 「中小企業経営者」
岡室 博之
宮本又郎・宮本又郎・加護野忠男・企業家研究フォーラム編『企業家学のすすめ』(有斐閣),第III部 第8章 pp.292-303 2014.7
44. 新規開業企業の研究開発活動と創業者の人的資本
岡室 博之
『商工金融』(商工総合研究所) Vol.64,No.7,pp.15-18 2014.7
45. 望ましい中小企業政策とは何か:理論と実証に基づく政策評価・立案に向けて
岡室 博之
『商工金融』(商工総合研究所) Vol.64,No.4,pp.2 2014.4
46. R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms
Kenta Ikeuchi, Hiroyuki Okamuro
NISTEP Discussion Paper No.104 2013.12
47. 「中小企業の研究開発とその課題」,特集「研究開発型企業への挑戦」
岡室 博之
『商工ジャーナル』(商工中金経済研究所) Vol.39,No.10,pp.14-17 2013.10
48. 「中小企業の産学連携への取り組み」,特集「グローバル化のなかでの中小企業の対応」
岡室 博之
『統計』(日本統計協会) Vol.64,No.10,pp.15-20 2013.10
49. イノベーションをどのように促進するか?
岡室 博之
齊藤誠編著『教養としての経済学』(有斐閣),第1部第9章 2013.2
50. スタートアップ企業における雇用の成長と構成変化の決定要因––研究開発型企業とそれ以外の企業の比較分析–– (共著)
岡室 博之, 加藤雅俊
『フィナンシャル・レビュー』(財務省財務総合政策研究所) Vol.2013,No.112,pp.8-25 2013.1
51. [書評]『グローバル化と日本型企業システムの変容 1985〜 2008【講座・日本経営史6】』(橘川武郎・久保文克編著)
岡室 博之
『経営史学』 Vol.47,No.3 2012.12
52. 知的クラスター政策の国際比較と評価––中小企業のイノベーション促進の視点から–– (共著)
岡室 博之, 西村淳一
『中小企業研究センター年報』2012年版 pp.3-17 2012.11
53. Work-life balance and gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan (jointly worked)
岡室 博之, K. Ikeuchi
Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No. 260, Hitotsubashi University 2012.11
54. 新規開業者の事業継続意欲:『就業構造基本調査』匿名ミクロデータによる実証分析 (共著)
岡室 博之, 池内健太
Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No. 261, Hitotsubashi University 2012.11
55. 日本の新規開業企業の特徴と動態––二つのパネル調査の比較に基づく一考察–– (共著)
岡室 博之, 鈴木正明
『日本政策金融公庫論集』 No.17,pp.1-20 2012.11
56. 研究開発型スタートアップ企業の特徴と創業後の変化
岡室 博之
『商工金融』(商工総合研究所) Vol.62,No.5,pp.22-35 2012.5
57. 産学官コンソーシアム支援と企業の研究開発投資インセンティブ (共著)
岡室 博之, 西村淳一
政策研ニュース(医薬産業政策研究所) No.35,pp.28-34 2012.3
58. Effects of regional human capital structure on business entry: a comparison of independent start-ups and new subsidiaries in different industries (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Kenta Ikeuchi
in: M. Raposo, D. Smallbone, K. Balaton, and L. Hortovanyi (eds.), Entrepreneurship, Growth and Economic Development (Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research 23) pp.118-153 2011.12
59. Management of cluster policies: Case studies of Japanese, German, and French bio-clusters (jointly worked)
岡室 博之, J. Nishimura
CEI Working Paper Series 2011-7, Center for Economic Institutions, Hitotsubashi University 2011.10
60. 研究開発型中小企業の追跡調査 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
日本中小企業学会論集 No.30,pp.171-183 2011.9
61. クラスター政策のガバナンスー日本,ドイツ,フランスのバイオクラスターのケースー (共著)
岡室 博之, 西村淳一
政策研ニュース(医薬産業政策研究所) No.33,pp.36-41 2011.7
62. 製造業集積地における企業間のつながりー取引ネットワークに関するアンケート調査(2009年12月実施)の結果概要— (共著)
岡室 博之, 植杉威一郎, 平田英明, 大久保俊亮
Design of Interfirm Network to Achieve Sustainable Economic Growth Working Paper Series No. 2, 一橋大学経済研究所 2010.12
63. Selling, passing on or closing? Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions on exit modes (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, M. Battisti
Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series No. 151, Hitotsubashi University, October 2010.10
64. Understanding the drivers of 'Entrepreneurial' Economy: Lessons from Japan and the Netherlands (jointly worked)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, A. van Stel, I. Verheul
CCES discussion paper No. 36, Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems, Hitotsubashi University, September 2010.9
65. 産業クラスター政策と企業パフォーマンス― 研究開発支援とネットワーキング支援の効果― (共著)
岡室 博之, 西村淳一
政策研ニュース(医薬産業政策研究所) No.29,pp.27-32 2010.1
66. Shareholding by venture capitalists and R&D investment of start-up firms (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Jian Xiong Zhang
Corporate Ownership and Control Vol.7,No.4 A,pp.142-150 2010
doi Link
67. 優越的地位の濫用 三井住友銀行事件とドン・キホーテ事件 (共著)
岡室 博之, 林秀弥
岡田羊祐・林秀弥編『独占禁止法の経済学 審判決の事例分析』東京大学出版会,6月,第13章 pp.273-294 2009.6
68. Determinants of R&D Activities by Start-up Firms: Evidence from Japan
Hiroyuki Okamuro
J. E. Michaels and L. F. Piraro (eds.), Small Business: Innovation, Problems and Strategy, New York (Nova Science Publishers), Chapter 1 pp.27-44 2009.4
69. 製造業の新規開業―地域要因からのアプローチ―
岡室 博之
日本政策金融公庫調査月報 2月号 No.5,pp.34-39 2009.2
70. 企業規模別に見る産学連携の内容と成果―独自の企業アンケート調査から
岡室 博之
企業診断(企業診断協会)1月号 Vol.56,No.1,pp.60-65 2009.1
71. Survival of New Firms in an Industry Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Using Telephone Directory of Tokyo in the 1980s
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Business and Economic History On-Line No.6 2009.1
72. 中小企業の産学連携の実態:バイオ,ME,ソフトウェア分野の比較調査結果
岡室 博之
信金中金月報 1月号 pp.1-16 2009.1
73. An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea (jointly worked)
Martin Hemmert, Hiroyuki Okamuro, Ludwig Bstieler, Klaus Ruth
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.49,No.2,pp.163-180 2008.12
Martin Hemmert, Hiroyuki Okamuro, Ludwig Bstieler, Klaus Ruth
HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Vol.49,No.2,pp.163-180 2008.12
75. 日本企業の所有構造の発展過程(1950-2004) (共著)
岡室博之, 沈政郁, ユパナ・ウィワッタナカンタン
COE/RES Discussion Paper Series, No. 265 2008.3
76. Effects of venture capitalist (VC) characteristics on tbe growth of IPO firms
岡室 博之, 比佐 優子
Security analysts journal Vol.45,No.9,pp.68-78 2007.9
77. 存続・成長と地域特性
岡室 博之
樋口美雄・村上義昭・鈴木正明・国民生活金融公庫総合研究所編著『新規開業企業の成長と撤退』勁草書房 第3章 pp.95-122 2007.4
78. The effects of inter-firm business alliances : a comparative analysis of small and large firms using micro data
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Chuo business review No.10,pp.35-54 2007.2
79. 開業率の地域別格差は何によって決まるのか
岡室 博之
橘木俊詔・安田武彦編著『企業の一生の経済学: 中小企業のライフサイクルと日本経済の活性化』ナカニシヤ出版,第1部第3章 pp.87-118 2006.12
80. 開業率日本一の沖縄県宜野湾市
岡室 博之
橘木俊詔・安田武彦編著『企業の一生の経済学 : 中小企業のライフサイクルと日本経済の活性化』 ナカニシヤ出版 第1部第3章 補論B pp.119-131 2006.12
81. 中小企業による産学連携相手の選択と連携成果
岡室 博之
中小企業総合研究』(中小企業金融公庫総合研究所) No.5,pp.21-36 2006.11
82. [書評]『産業政策と企業統治の経済史―日本経済発展のミクロ分析―』(宮島英昭) (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
経営史学 Vol.41,No.2,pp.76-78 2006.9
83. 中小企業の技術連携への取り組みは大企業とどのように異なるのか
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.56,No.6,pp.35-51 2006.6
84. 製造業の開業率への地域要因の影響:ハイテク業種とローテク業種の比較分析 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 06-J-049 (独立行政法人経済産業研究所) 2006.6
85. 中小企業研究における計量分析の意義と課題
岡室 博之
中小企業季報 Vol.1,pp.1-7 2006.4
86. The impact of regional factors on the start-up ratio in Japan (Peer-reviewed)
H Okamuro, N Kobayashi
87. 高度成長期の新規上場企業のコーポレート・ガバナンスと企業家の役割 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
『経済研究』 (一橋大学経済研究所) Vol.57,No.4,pp.303-313 2006.4
88. 書評『大学発ベンチャー 新事業創出と発展のプロセス』(S. シェーン)
岡室 博之
中小企業総合研究 Vol.3,pp.64-65 2006.3
89. 中小企業の産学連携への取り組みと成果の要因
岡室 博之
中小公庫マンスリー Vol.52,No.11,pp.6-11 2005.12
90. 書評 D.J.ストーリー著(惣那憲治, 安田武彦, 高橋徳行訳)『アントレプレナーシップ入門』
岡室 博之
企業家研究 Vol.2,No.2,pp.70-72 2005.6
91. 企業の創業・発展とネットワーク
岡室 博之
産業立地 Vol.44,No.3,pp.9-14 2005.5
92. Business Relationship and Post-Entry Performance of Start-up Firms
岡室 博之
忽那憲治・安田武彦編著『日本の新規開業企業』白桃書房,第5章 pp.101-125 2005.4
93. 中小企業の共同研究開発と知的財産 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
日本中小企業学会論集 No.24,pp.3-16 2005.4
94. スタートアップ期中小企業の研究開発投資の決定要因
岡室 博之
RIETI Discussion Paper 05-J-015, 独立行政法人経済産業研究所 2005.3
95. Evolution of the supplier network in the German automotive industry from the prewar to postwar period: a comparative perspective with the Japanese experience
岡室 博之
Business and Economic History on-line No.2 2004.12
96. デフレ経済下における中小製造業の研究開発活動の決定要因
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.54,No.6,pp.5-19 2004.6
97. 新規開業企業の取引関係と成長率
岡室 博之
調査季報(国民生活金融公庫総合研究所) Vol.69,No.69,pp.1-18 2004.5
98. Business Relationship and Post-Entry Performance of Start-up Firms in Japan
岡室 博之
COE-RES discussion paper series No.50 2004.3
99. 中小企業の連携による経済活性化
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.54,No.1,pp.37-42 2004.1
100. Evolution of the Manufacturer-Supplier Relationship in the German Automotive Industry : How and Why It Changed from the Prewar to Postwar Period (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Keiei Shigaku (Japan Business History Review) Vol.38,No.2,pp.59-83 2003.9
doi Link
101. 零細企業・小規模企業
岡室 博之
中小企業総合研究機構編『日本の中小企業研究1990-1999』第1巻「成果と課題」,同友館 pp.531-551 2003.4
102. 零細企業・小規模企業
岡室 博之
中小企業総合研究機構編『日本の中小企業研究1990-1999』第2巻「主要文献解題」,同友館 pp.471-484 2003.4
103. Inter-firm Co-operation of the Japanese SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector: An Empirical Analysis on the Organizational and Contractual Structure of Co-operation
Hiroyuki Okamuro
商工金融 Vol.53,No.1,pp.21-31 2003.1
104. Long-term effects of the bank-firm relationship on firm performance: Comparing the influence of the main bank and the other banks (Peer-reviewed)
H Okamuro, JP Li
105. Recent Changes in Japan's Small Business Sector and Subcontracting Relationship
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Asian Productivity Organization (APO) (ed.), Strengthening of Supporting Industries: Asian Experiences, APO pp.40-53 2002.4
106. Long-term effects of the bank-firm relationship on firm performance (jointly worked)
岡室 博之
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.43,No.1,pp.41-54 2002.4
107. 中小企業のコーポレート・ガバナンスと経営成果
岡室 博之
中小公庫マンスリー Vol.49,No.2,pp.6-11 2002.2
108. 近年のパネル分析に見るドイツの創業研究の動向
岡室 博之
調査季報(国民生活金融公庫総合研究所) No.58,pp.19-38 2001.8
109. Growth Rate, Profit Rate, and the Governance Structure of the Medium-Sized Firms in Japan
Hiroyuki Okamuro
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.125,No.6,pp.615-632 2001.6
doi Link
110. 企業間連携の経済的効果の分析 (Peer-reviewed)
岡室 博之
日本中小企業学会論集 No.20,pp.184-195 2001.4
111. 中小企業の戦略的連携の経済効果
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.50,No.7,pp.5-22 2000.7
112. CAD/CAM Utilization Patterns in Japan and Germany
Hiroyuki Okamuro
Ulrich Juergens(ed.), New Product Development and Production Networks, Berlin (Springer-Verlag) pp.407-424 2000.4
113. 東独地域における部品取引の再生と現状
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.49,No.2,pp.3-23 1999.4
114. Competition and Cooperation in the Supplier Relationship of Automotive Components : A Case from the Period of the High Economic Growth in Germany
Hiroyuki Okamuro
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.120,No.6,pp.851-869 1998.12
doi Link
115. Impacts of the Japanese Investment in the UK on the Local Supplier Relationship
岡室 博之
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.38,No.2,pp.167-181 1997.4
116. 賃金・生産性の企業規模間格差に関する一考察:国際比較と分析課題の整理
岡室 博之
小林靖雄・瀧澤菊太郎編『中小企業研究55年・中小企業とは何か』有斐閣 pp.196-210 1996.4
117. 部品取引におけるリスク・シェアリングの検討 : 自動車産業に関する計量分析
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.45,No.7,pp.4-23 1995.7
118. Changing Subcontracting Relationship and Risk-Sharing in Japan: An Econometric Analysis of the Automobile Industry
岡室 博之
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol.36,No.2,pp.207-218 1995.4
119. 自動車産業における経営情報ネットワークと部品取引関係、ー企業アンケート調査の結果を中心にー
岡室 博之
情報科学研究(日本大学情報科学研究所) No.5,pp.69-87 1995.4
120. How to Study Economics : A Comparison of German (Bonn) and Japanese (Hitotsubashi) Case
Hiroyuki Okamuro
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.111,No.4,pp.671-683 1994.4
doi Link
121. 企業規模・下請取引構造と企業情報ネットワークードイツ自動車産業に関する実証分析-
岡室 博之
中小企業季報 Vol.1993,No.4,pp.1-8 1994.4
122. 自動車産業における企業間情報ネットワークの展開 : 国際比較と競争政策上の評価
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.44,No.1,pp.8-24 1994.1
123. Computer Networks and Subcontracting Relations : A Comparative Study of Japanese and German Automotive Industry
Hiroyuki Okamuro
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.110,No.6,pp.912-932 1993.12
doi Link
124. Die Machtbeziehung im Zulieferwesen der Bundesrepublik Dentschland (Peer-reviewed)
Hiroyuki Okamuro
The Hitotsubashi review Vol.100,No.6,pp.834-855 1988.12
doi Link

▼display all


1. Governance and Performance of Publicly Funded R&D Consortia
Nishimura Junichi||Okamuro Hiroyuki
GEM bulletin Vol.29,pp.1-18 2015.12
2. 書評 西牟田祐二著『ナチズムとドイツ自動車工業』
岡室 博之
経営史学 Vol.35,No.4,pp.116-119 2001
3. 英国における部品取引関係の「日本化」--日系企業と現地中小企業の協力関係 (第25回国際中小企業会議特集)
岡室 博之
商工金融 Vol.48,No.12,pp.20-30 1998.12


No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. University-industry R&D collaboration as an engine of firm growth? An empirical evaluation of knowledge cluster policies in Japan(7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (APIC))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.30
Victoria University Business School, Wellington, New Zealand
2. The variety of regional innovation policies in Japan: Some empirical evidence on subsidy designs(RENT 2017 Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.15
3. 地域における創業支援策の導入要因(日本中小企業学会第37回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.7
4. 地域における創業支援策の導入要因(企業家研究フォーラム2017年度年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.7.15
5. "Who wishes to be an entrepreneur and who prepares for that? "(Tokyo Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.3.17
6. "The variety of regional innovation policies in Japan: Some empirical evidence on its patterns and factors"(7th APIC (Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.11.19
Fukuoka, Japan
7. "The variety of regional innovation policies for local SMEs in Japan"(4th ACSB Asian SME Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.9.14
Jakarta, Indonesia
8. 「自治体による地域中小企業への研究開発助成:地域間格差とその要因」(西村淳一と共同)(日本中小企業学会第36回全国大会統一論題報告)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.9.11
9. 「企業家のコミットメントと産学連携の成果:2つの政策の比較分析」(企業家研究フォーラム第14回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.7.17
10. "Who wishes to be an entrepreneur and who prepares for that? "(61st ICSB (International Council for Small Business) World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.17
New Jersey and New York,USA
11. "Who wishes to be an entrepreneur and who prepares for that? "(3rd CoDE, ZEW Mannheim)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.6.7
12. Whose business is your project? A comparative study of different support policy schemes for collaborative R&D projects in Japan(6th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.19
13. Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of R&D consortia(AIEA-NBER 3rd Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.8.19
14. Promoting university-industry R&D collaboration and intellectual clusters in Japan(JSPS France-Japan Forum 2015)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.19
15. Determinants of academic startup's orientation toward international business expansion(DRUID 2015 Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.6.15
16. Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of R&D consortia(LEI-BRICK Workshop on the Organization, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.5.11
17. "Determinants of orientation towards international business expansion of academic start-ups" (with S. Suzuki)(5th APIC(Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.29
Sydney (Australia)
18. "Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of R&D consortia" (with J. Nishimura)(5th APIC (Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.11.29
Sydney (Australia)
19. "Determinants of orientation towards international business expansion of academic start-ups" (with S. Suzuki)(2nd ACSB (Asian Council for Small Business) Annual Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.30
Seoul (South Korea)
20. "Determinants of orientation towards international business expansion of academic start-ups" (with S. Suzuki)(日本経済学会2014年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.11
21. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(日本経済学会2014年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.11
22. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(日本経済学会2014年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.10.11
23. "R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms" (with K. Ikeuchi)(15th ISS (International J.A. Schumpeter Society) Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.7.30
Jena (Germany)
24. "Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of R&D consortia" (with J. Nishimura)(15th ISS (International J.A. Schumpeter Society) Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.7.28
Jena (Germany)
25. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(15th ISS (International J.A. Schumpeter Society) Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.7.28
Jena (Germany)
26. "R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms" (with K. Ikeuchi)(59th ICSB World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.13
Dublin (Ireland)
27. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(59th ICSB World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.13
Dublin (Ireland)
28. "Internal and external discipline: The effect of project leadership and government monitoring on the performance of R&D consortia" (with J. Nishimura)(ERIM Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.3.14
Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
29. "R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms" (with K. Ikeuchi)(4th APIC (Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.12.6
Taipei (Taiwan)
30. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(4th APIC (Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.12.6
Taipei (Taiwan)
31. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXVII. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.11.22
Vilnius (Lithuania)
32. "R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison with established firms" (with K. Ikeuchi)(ACSB (Asian Council for Small Business) 1st Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.31
Seoul (South Korea)
33. "Determinants of quantitative and qualitative employment growth: A comparison between R&D-oriented and other start-ups in Japan" (with M. Kato)(ACSB (Asian Council for Small Business) 1st Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.31
Seoul (South Korea)
34. 「戦前期ホワイトカラーの昇進・選抜過程—三菱造船の職員データに基づく実証分析」(吉田幸司と共著)(経営史学会第49回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.10.26
35. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(40th Annual Conference of EARIE (European Association for the Research in Industrial Economics))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.8.1
Evora (Portugal)
36. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(11th IECER (Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.3.14
Brescia (Italy)
37. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(HIT-TDB-RIETI International Workshop on the Economics of Interfirm Networks)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.30
38. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXVI. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.23
Lyon (France)
39. " Determinants of business and financial network formation by Japanese start-up firms: Does founders’ human capital matter ?" (with K. Ikeuchi)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXVI. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.23
Lyon (France)
40. " Determinants of business and financial network formation by Japanese start-up firms: Does founders’ human capital matter ?" (with K. Ikeuchi)(ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.10.4
Mannheim (Germany)
41. "Knowledge and rent spillovers through government-sponsored R&D consortia," (with J. Nishimura)(3rd APIC (Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.10.1
Seoul (Korea)
42. " Does founders’ human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japan,"(with M. Kato and Y. Honjo)(39th Annual Conference of EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.9.4
Rome (Italy)
43. 「研究開発型企業の創業者とイノベーション」(企業家研究フォーラム2012年度年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.7.7
44. " Another role of public subsidy in university-industry research collaborations," (with J. Nishimura)(日本経済学会2012年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.6.24
45. "Work-life balance and the gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan," (with K. Ikeuchi)(日本経済学会2012年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.6.24
46. " Does founders’ human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japan,"(with M. Kato and Y. Honjo)(10th IIOC (International Industrial Organization Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.3.17
Arlington (USA)
47. " Does founders’ human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japan,"(with M. Kato and Y. Honjo)(10th IECER (Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.2.16
Regensburg (Germany)
48. " Management of cluster policies for innovation: Case studies on Japanese, German, and French bio-clusters," (with J. Nishimura)(10th IECER (Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research),)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.2.16
Regensburg (Germany)
49. "Work-life balance and the gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan," (with K. Ikeuchi)(10th IECER (Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.2.15
Regensburg (Germany)
50. "Work-life balance and the gender differences in self-employment income during the start-up stage in Japan," (with K. Ikeuchi)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXV. Conference,)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.1
Bodo (Norway)
51. " Another role of public subsidy in university-industry research collaborations," (with J. Nishimura)(日本経済政策学会 10th International Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.19
52. " Another role of public subsidy in university-industry research collaborations," (with J. Nishimura)(38th Annual Conference of EARIE (European Association for the Research in Industrial Economics))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.4.1
Stockholm (Sweden)
53. "R&D financing of start-up firms: How much does founders' human capital matter?," (with Y. Honjo and M. Kato)(9th IECER(Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.2.17
Munich (Germany)
54. " Another role of public subsidy in university-industry research collaborations," (with J. Nishimura)(9th IECER (Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.2.1
Munich (Germany)
55. "Understanding the Drivers of 'Entrepreneurial' Economy: Lessons from Japan and the Netherlands," (with A. van Stel and I. Verheul)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIV. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.1
Maastricht(the Netherlands)
56. "R&D financing of start-up firms: How much does founders' human capital matter?," (with Y. Honjo and M. Kato)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIV. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.1
Maastricht(the Netherlands)
57. "Determinants and success factors of university-industry research collaborations by small businesses in Japan," (with J. Nishimura)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIV. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.1
Maastricht(the Netherlands)
58. "Selling, passing on or closing? Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions on exit modes," (with M. Battisti)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIV. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.11.1
Maastricht(the Netherlands)
59. "Subsidy and networking: the effects of direct and indirect support programs in the cluster policy" (with J. Nishimura)(37th Annual Conference of EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9.1
Istanbul (Turkey)
60. 「研究開発型スタートアップ企業の追跡調査」(日本中小企業学会第30回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9
61. "Subsidy and networking: the effects of direct and indirect support programs in the cluster policy" (with J. Nishimura)(8th IIOC (International Industrial Organization Conference))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.5.1
Vancouver (Canada)
62. * "Determinants and Success Factors of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan"(Global Conference on University-Industry Collaboration, Korea University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.4.1
Seoul, Korea
63. "Subsidy and networking: the effects of direct and indirect support programs in the cluster policy" (with J. Nishimura)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIII. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.1
Budapest (Hungary)
64. "Determinants of research partnership formation by Japanese high-tech start-ups" (with M. Kato and Y. Honjo)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIII. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.1
Budapest (Hungary)
65. "Determinants of Regional Startup Ratio: Independent Startups and New Subsidiaries in Different Industries" (with K. Ikeuchi)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXIII. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.1
Budapest (Hungary)
66. "Determinants of research partnership formation by Japanese high-tech start-ups" (with M. Kato and Y. Honjo)(CAED (Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data) Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.10.1
67. "R&D productivity and the organization of cluster policy: An empirical evaluation of the Industrial Cluster Project in Japan" (with J. Nishimura)(36th Annual Conference of EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.9.1
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
68. "R&D productivity and the organization of cluster policy: An empirical evaluation of the Industrial Cluster Project in Japan" (with J. Nishimura)(DRUID (Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics) Summer Conference 2009)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.6.30
Copenhagen (Denmark)
69. "Trust Formation in the Research Collaboration between Small Businesses and Universities: A Comparative Study of Four Countries" (with M. Hemmert)(International Council for Small Business (ICSB) 54. World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.6.1
Seoul, Korea
70. "Has the Industrial Cluster Project Improved the R&D Efficiency of Indistry-University Partnership in Japan?" (with J. Nishimura)(Applied Econometrics Association, 97th International Conference "Patent and Innovation")
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.12.1
Hitotsubashi University
71. "Has the Industrial Cluster Project Improved the R&D Efficiency of Indistry-University Partnership in Japan?" (with J. Nishimura)(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XXII. Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.11.1
Covilha (Portugal)
72. "Survival of New Firms in an Industry Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Using Telephone Directories of Tokyo"(Business History Conference (BHC), 54. Annual Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.1
Sacramento (USA)
73. "Business Relationship and the Growth of Start-up Firms in Japan"(International Council for Small Business (ICSB) 53. World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.1
Halifax (Canada)
74. "Mergers by Family and Non-family Firms in Japan, 1955-1973: Does Ownership Matter?"(with J.-W. Shim)(日本経済学会2008年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.5.31
75. "Determinants and Effects of Partner Choice in the Research Partnership between Small Businesses and Universities"(Conference on R&D and Firm Performance)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.3.1
Hitotsubashi University
76. "Mergers by Family and Non-family Firms in Japan, 1955-1973: Does Ownership Matter?"(with J.-W. Shim)(International Conference on Business History)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.1.1
77. 「中小企業による産学連携相手の選択と連携成果」(日本経済学会2007年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.6.2
78. " How Different Are the Regional Factors of High-tech and Low-tech Start-ups? Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Industries"(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XX Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.11.1
Brussels (Belgium)
79. 「製造業の開業率は地域要因に左右されるか」(日本経済学会2006年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.10.1
80. 「選別か育成か:株式公開前後の成長率に対するVCの影響」(比佐優子と共同)(企業家研究フォーラム第4回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.7.15
81. 「ベンチャーキャピタルの関与とIPO前後の企業成長率」(比佐優子と共同)(日本経済学会2006年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.6.3
82. " Ownership Structure and R&D Investment of Japanese Start-up Firms" (joint with Zhang, J. X.)(CEBR Conference on Entrepreneurship)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.6.1
Copenhagen (Denmark)
83. 「中小企業の産学連携の計量分析:企業家の属性は戦略に影響するのか」(企業家研究フォーラム冬季部会・経営史学会関東部会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.12.1
84. " Determinants of R&D Activities by Start-up Firms: Evidence from Japan"(RENT (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XIX Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.11.1
Napoli (Italy)
85. 「共同研究開発の組織・契約形態の決定要因」(組織学会2005年度年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.10.30
86. 「市町村データによる開業率の決定要因分析」(日本経済学会2005年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.6.1
87. " Determinants of Regional Variations in the Start-up Ratio: Evidence from Japan"(International Council for Small Business (ICSB) 50. World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.6.1
Washington D. C. (USA)
88. " Cooperative R&D in Japanese SMEs: Some Results of the Empirical Analysis"(Asian Productivity Organization Symposium on Strategic Alliances among SMEs through Technology Fusion)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.11.1
Lahore (Pakistan)
89. 「中小企業の共同研究開発と知的財産」(日本中小企業学会第24回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.10.9
90. " Survival of New Firms in an Industry Agglomeration: An Empirical Analysis Using Telephone Directories of Tokyo"(-)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.9.25
91. 「高度成長期の新規上場企業のコーポレート・ガバナンスと経営者の役割」(企業家研究フォーラム第2回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.7.1
92. " Evolution of the supplier network in the German automotive industry from the prewar to postwar period: a comparative perspective with the Japanese experience"(50.Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.6.1
Le Creusot (France)
93. 「企業間事業連携の効果:個票データによる企業規模別比較分析」(日本経済学会2003年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.10.12
94. 「創業後の取引関係と企業成長」(企業家研究フォーラム第1 回年次大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.6.29
95. 「中小企業の共同研究開発の成功要因」(日本経済学会2003年度春季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.6.14
96. " Support Network for R&D of the Japanese SMEs"(48.International Council of Small Business (ICSB) World Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2003.6.1
Belfast (UK)
97. 「高度成長期の中堅企業のガバナンス構造と経営成果」(日本経済学会2002年度秋季大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.10.13
98. " Inter-firm Co-operation of the Japanese SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector: An Empirical Analysis on the Organizational and Contractual Structure of Co-operation"(29. International Small Business Congress (ISBC))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.10.1
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
99. 「ドイツにおけるサプライヤ・システムの形成―ダイムラー・ベンツ社を中心に―」(経営史学会第38回全国大会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2002.9.21

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No. Award name Year
1. エコノミスト賞 2023.3
2. 企業家研究フォーラム賞(図書の部) 2023.7
3. 企業家研究フォーラム賞 2015.8
4. Best Paper Award, ACSB (Asian Council for Small Business) 1st Conference, Seoul (South Korea) 2013.10
5. 中小企業研究奨励賞 経済部門本賞 2010.2
6. 企業家研究フォーラム賞 2008.7
7. 中小企業研究奨励賞 2008.2
8. 中小企業研究奨励賞 2006.2
9. 中小企業研究奨励賞 2004.2
10. 沖永賞 2002.1

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Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. 地域の起業・イノベーションエコシステムの政策支援の研究;ミクロ計量分析による評価
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2. Quantitative and Qualitative Study on the Life Cycle and Innovation of Research-intensive Firms
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2008.4 - 2012.3
3. 地域イノベーション・エコシステムにおける大学の役割についてのミクロ実証研究
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024.4 - 2027.3
4. 「帝国銀行会社要録」府県別会社情報データベース作成プロジェクト
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
5. 「帝国銀行会社要録」府県別会社情報データベース作成プロジェクト
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2019.4 - 2020.3
6. 知的財産権と競争(研究代表者・大野由香)研究分担者
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2017.4 -
7. Empirical study of IPR strategy of start-up firms

( System name: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.4 -
8. Intellectual Property Rights and Competition
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.4 - 2021.3
9. 「起業の希望と準備の個人的要因の長期的動向:1979年 - 2012年」,一橋大学経済研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点事業プロジェクト研究,研究代表者

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2016.4 - 2017.3
10. innovation policy by local authorities

( System name: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 -
11. ミクロ計量分析に基づく地域のイノベーション支援制度の評価と設計
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2015.4 - 2018.3
12. 「独占禁止法審判決研究会」(研究代表者:岡田羊祐),研究分担者

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2015.4 - 2018.3
13. A Legal and Economic Analysis of Antimonopoly Law: Japanese Competition Policy Evolving through Recent Court and Tribunal Decisions in the Global Economy
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2015.4 - 2018.3
14. 「企業成長のエンジン」研究会,経済産業研究所(研究代表者:細野薫),研究分担者

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2015.4 - 2017.3
15. 「科学技術イノベーション政策と補完的な政策・制度整備の政策提言」,科学技術振興機構(JST),(研究代表者:青木玲子),事業推進担当者

( System name: 共同研究(国内共同研究) )
2013.10 - 2016.9
16. 「独禁法審判決の事例分析」(研究代表者・岡田羊祐)研究分担者
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2012.3 - 2015.3
17. 「イノベーション支援の制度設計と政策評価」一橋大学学内プロジェクト,研究代表者

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2012.3 - 2014.3
18. 「日本・アジア・ヨーロッパにおける企業の参入と地域活性化に関する実証研究」一橋大学学内プロジェクト(研究代表者:深尾京司),研究分担者

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2009.4 - 2011.3
19. evaluation of science and technology policy

( System name: The Other Research Programs )
2009.3 -
20. 「持続的成長を可能にする産業・金融ネットワークの設計」日本学術振興会「近未来の課題解決を目指した実証的社会科学研究推進事業(研究代表者:渡辺努),研究分担者

( System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2008.4 - 2013.3
21. 「社会科学の高度統計・実証分析拠点構築」日本学術振興会グローバルCOEプロジェクト(研究代表者:深尾京司),事業推進担当者

( Awarding organization: 深尾京司 System name: 共同研究(学内共同研究) )
2008.4 - 2013.3
22. Dynamic Studies on Corporate Governance in Japan and East Asia

( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: Joint Research(Domestic joint research) )
2006.4 - 2011.3
23. The Determinants, Organization, and Outcomes of University-Industry-Interaction in Innovation Systems: A Comparison among Germany, the United States, Japan and South Korea

( Awarding organization: Volkswagen Foundation System name: Joint Research(International joint research) )
2006.4 - 2009.3
24. The Dynamic Analysis of Corporate Governance in East Asia and Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2006 - 2008
25. the life cycle of small businesses

( Awarding organization: 経済産業研究所 System name: Joint Research(Domestic joint research) )
2004.4 - 2006.3
26. 中小企業の共同研究開発及び産学官連携の経済効果に関する計量的分析
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2004.4 - 2006.3
27. Normative Evaluation and Social Choice of Contemporary Economic Systems

( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: Joint Research(Joint research within the school) )
2003.4 - 2008.3
28. management of small businesses under depression

( Awarding organization: 商工総合研究所 System name: Joint Research(Commissioned research with funding) )
2003.4 - 2004.3
29. Determinants of start-up and performance of the start-up firms
2002.4 -
30. start-up firms in Japan

( Awarding organization: 中小企業総合研究機構 System name: Joint Research(Domestic joint research) )
2002.4 - 2003.3
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2001 - 2002
32. Cooperative R&D between firms and university-industry relationship in small businesses
2000.4 -

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