Graduate School of Language and Society
/ Position
Graduate School of Language and Society / Professor
Name KOIZUMI Masaya


Degree : 博士(学術) (The University of Tokyo)
The University of Tokyo
Graduate School, Division of General Culture
Year : 2008.9
The University of Tokyo
Graduate School, Division of General Culture
Year : 2001.3
The University of Tokyo
Faculty of Liberal Arts
French Area Studies
Year : 1998.3

Research Areas

Research Areas
Keywords : ナビ派, Art Collecting, History of modern art in Europe, ポスト印象派, Museology, 東京商科大学, Cultural Resources, Paul Gauguin, Paul Sérusier, History of French Art, 商品資料
Research Areas : Humanities & Social Sciences / Aesthetics and art studies, Humanities & Social Sciences / History of arts, Humanities & Social Sciences / Museology

Research History

2007.4 - 2012.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Home Economics, Japan Women's University
2007.4 - 2013.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Hosei University
2009.10 - 2012.3 Researcher, Center for Philosphy, The University of Tokyo
2009.9 - 2010.3 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Liberal Arts, Aoyama Gakuin Women's Junior College
2010.4 - 2012.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Kokugakuin University
2010.4 - 2013.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Jissen Women's University
2011.9 - 2012.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Science Division I, Tokyo University of Science
2011.9 - 2012.3 Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Letters, Japan Women's University
2012.4 - 2020.3 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University
2013.9 - 2014.3 Part-time Assistant Professor, 文学部史学科, Japan Women's University
2015.4 - 2015.9 Part-time Assistant Professor, 文学部史学科, Japan Women's University
2015.4 - 2015.9 Part-time Assistant Professor, 大学院人文科学研究科, Gakushuin University
2016.9 - 2017.3 Part-time Assistant Professor, 大学院人文科学研究科, Gakushuin University
2018.4 - 2021.9 Part-time Assistant Professor, 教養教育部, Musashino University
2020.4 - Professor, Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University
2021.4 - 2022.3 Visiting Professor, 東京多摩学習センター, The Open University of Japan
2023.9 - 2025.3 立教大学文学部

Academic Society Affiliations

No. Institute Name
1. 日本比較文学会
2. Society for the Study of Japonisme
3. The Association for the Study of Cultural Resources
4. The Japan Art History Society
5. French Japanese Society for the Study of Art and Archaeology
6. Tokyo University Comparative Literature Association
7. 一橋大学「芸術と社会」研究会

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Committee Memberships

No. Committee Group Year
1. 会長 一橋大学「芸術と社会」研究会 2024.9 -
2. 副会長 文化資源学会 2024.7 -
3. 編集委員 雑誌『西洋美術研究』 2024.5 -
4. 委員 静岡県立美術館第三者評価委員会 2022.7 -
5. 常任委員 日仏美術学会 2018.7 -
6. 理事 文化資源学会 2020.7 -
7. 編集委員 文化資源学会 2016.7 - 2020.7
8. 副会長 一橋大学「芸術と社会」研究会 2015.6 - 2024.9
9. 実行委員 ジャポニスム学会 2005.9 - 2007.12

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