Graduate School of Business Administration,Department of Business Administration
Saiki Yoshitaka


1. Data-driven ODE modeling of high-frequency complex dynamics via a low-frequency dynamics model (Peer-reviewed)
Natsuki Tsutsumi, Kengo Nakai, Yoshitaka Saiki
Physical Review E Vol.111,pp.014212- 2025.1
2. Laminar chaotic saddle within a turbulent attractor (Peer-reviewed)
Hibiki Kato, Miki U Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Saiki, James A. Yorke
Physical Review E Vol.110,No.5,pp.L052202- 2024.11
3. Synchronization analysis between exchange rates on the basis of purchasing power parity using the Hilbert transform (Peer-reviewed)
Makoto Muto, Yoshitaka Saiki
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance Vol.74,pp.102191 2024.10
4. Lyapunov analysis of data-driven models of high dimensional dynamics using reservoir computing: Lorenz-96 system and fluid flow (Peer-reviewed)
Miki U Kobayashi, Kengo Nakai, Yoshitaka Saiki
Journal of Physics: Complexity 2024.6
doi Link Link
5. Characterizing small-scale dynamics of Navier-Stokes turbulence with transverse Lyapunov exponents: A data assimilation approach (Peer-reviewed)
Masanobu Inubushi, Yoshitaka Saiki, Miki U. Kobayashi, Susumu Goto
Physical Review Letters Vol.131,No.25,pp.254001- 2023.12
6. Constructing low-dimensional ordinary differential equations from chaotic time series of high- or infinite-dimensional systems using radial-function-based regression (Peer-reviewed)
Natsuki Tsutsumi, Kengo Nakai, Yoshitaka Saiki
Physical Review E Vol.108,No.5,pp.054220- 2023.11
7. Hausdorff dimension of Cantor intersections and robust heterodimensional cycles for heterochaos horseshoe maps (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, Hiroki Takahasi, James A. Yorke
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems Vol.22,No.3,pp.1852-1876 2023.7
8. Can the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings Shift a Tornado into Texas—Without Chaos? (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, James A. Yorke
Atmosphere Vol.14,No.5,pp.821 2023.5
doi Link
9. Regional Synchronization during Economic Contraction: The Case of the U.S. and Japan (Peer-reviewed)
M. Muto, T. Onozaki, Y. Saiki
Applied Economics Vol.55,No.30,pp.3472-3486 2023.5
10. The twisted baker map (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki, H. Takahasi, J. A. Yorke
Nonlinearity Vol.36,No.3,pp.1776-1788 2023.2
11. Constructing differential equations using only a scalar time-series about continuous time chaotic dynamics (Peer-reviewed)
N. Tsutsumi, K. Nakai, Y. Saiki
Chaos Vol.32,No.9,pp.091101- 2022.9
12. Dynamical system analysis of a data-driven model constructed by reservoir computing (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
M. U. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, Y. Saiki, N. Tsutsumi
Physical Review E Vol.104,No.4,pp.044215- 2021.10
13. Piecewise-linear maps with heterogeneous chaos (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki, H. Takahasi, J. A. Yorke
Nonlinearity Vol.34,No.8,pp.5744- 2021.7
14. Machine-learning construction of a model for a macroscopic fluid variable using the delay-coordinate of a scalar observable (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kengo Nakai, Yoshitaka Saiki
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System S Vol.14,No.3,pp.1079-1092 2021.3
15. Solving the Babylonian Problem of quasiperiodic rotation rates (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
S. Das, Y. Saiki, E. Sander, J. A. Yorke
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S Vol.12,No.8,pp.2279-2305 2019.12
16. Quasiperiodic orbits in Siegel disks/balls and the Babylonian problem (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, James A. Yorke
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics Vol.23,No.6 2018.12
17. Low-dimensional paradigms for high-dimensional hetero-chaos (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, Miguel F. Sanjuan, James A. Yorke
Chaos Vol.28,pp.103110- 2018.10
18. Machine-learning inference of fluid variables from data using reservoir computing (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Kengo Nakai, Yoshitaka Saiki
Physical Review E Vol.98,pp.023111- 2018.8
19. Intermittent transition between synchronization and desynchronization in multi-regional business cycles (Peer-reviewed)
Kunihiko Esashi, Tamotsu Onozaki, Yoshitaka Saiki, Yuzuru Sato
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Vol.44,pp.68-76 2018.3
20. Empirical evaluated SDE modelling for dimensionality reduction systems and its predictability estimates (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
N. Nakano, M. Inatsu, S. Kusuoka, Y. Saiki
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.35,No.2,pp.553-589 2018.2
21. Quantitative quasiperiodicity (Peer-reviewed)
Suddhasattwa Das, Yoshitaka Saiki, Evelyn Sander, James A. Yorke
NONLINEARITY Vol.30,No.11,pp.4111-4140 2017.11
22. Network analysis of chaotic systems through unstable periodic orbits (Peer-reviewed)
Miki U. Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Saiki
CHAOS Vol.27,No.8,pp.081103:1-6 2017.8
23. Generalized Lorenz equations on a three-sphere (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, Evelyn Sander, James A. Yorke
24. Measuring quasiperiodicity (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
S. Das, C. B. Dock, Y. Saiki, M. Salgado-Flores, E. Sander, J. Wu, J. A. Yorke
Europhysics Letters Vol.114,pp.40005- 2016.6
25. Reconstruction of chaotic saddles by classification of unstable periodic orbits: Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, Michio Yamada, Abraham C. -L. Chian, Rodrigo A. Miranda, Erico L. Rempel
CHAOS Vol.25,No.10,pp.103123- 2015.10
26. 重み付きバーコフ平均に基づく準周期軌道に纏わる計算の高速化
Suddhasattwa Das, Yoshitaka Saiki, Evelyn Sander, James A Yorke
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 Vol.2028,pp.91-97 2017.5
27. Quasiperiodicity: Rotation Numbers (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
S. Das, Y. Saiki, E. Sander, J. A. Yorke
The Foundations of Chaos Revisited: From Poincare to Recent Advancements pp.103-117 2016.4
28. Chaotic Itinerancy in Regional Business Cycle Synchronization (jointly worked)
K. Esashi, T. Onozaki, Y. Saiki, Y. Sato
立正大学経済学会ディスカッション・ペーパー No.1 2015.11
29. Chaotic Itinerancy in Regional Business Cycle Synchronization (jointly worked)
K. Esashi, T. Onozaki, Y. Saiki, Y. Sato
Discussion Paper, Institute of Economic Research, Chuo University No.237 2014.10
30. 時系列データに対する確率微分方程式モデルの統計的係数決定公式と軌道の予測可能性について (共著)
中野直人, 稲津將, 楠岡誠一郎, 齊木吉隆
数理解析研究所講究録 Vol.1919,pp.38-60 2014.9
31. Manifold structures of Unstable Periodic Orbits and the Appearance of a Periodic Window in Chaotic Systems (jointly worked) (Peer-reviewed)
Miki U Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Saiki
Physical Review E Vol.89,pp.022904- 2014.4
32. Time Averaged Properties Along Unstable Periodic Orbits of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki
Nankai Series in Pure, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Vol.10,pp.145-154 2013.4
33. Economic intermittency in a two-country model of business cycles coupled by investment (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki, A. Chian, H. Yoshida
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol.44,pp.418-428 2011.4
Yoshitaka Saiki, Ken-Ichi Ishiyama
35. Reply to "Comment on `Time averaged properties of unstable periodic orbits and chaotic orbits in ordinary differential equation systems'" (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki, M. Yamada
Physical Review E Vol.81,pp.019202:1-2 2010.4
36. Numerical identification of nonhyperbolicity of the Lorenz system through Lyapunov vectors (Peer-reviewed)
Saiki Yoshitaka, Kobayashi Miki U.
JSIAM Letters Vol.2,pp.107-110 2010.4
doi Link
37. Amplitude-Phase Synchronization at the Onset of Permanent Spatiotemporal Chaos (Peer-reviewed)
A. Chian, R. Miranda, E. Rempel, Y. Saiki, M. Yamada
Physical Review Letters Vol.104,pp.254102:1-4 2010.4
38. Time-averaged properties of unstable periodic orbits and chaotic orbits in ordinary differential equation systems (Peer-reviewed)
Yoshitaka Saiki, Michio Yamada
PHYSICAL REVIEW E Vol.79,No.1,pp.015201:1-4 2009.1
39. Time averaged properties along unstable periodic orbits and chaotic orbits in two map systems (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki, M. Yamada
40. Chaotic properties of a fully developed model turbulence (Peer-reviewed)
M. Yamada, Y. Sailki
41. Numerical detection of unstable periodic orbits in continuous-time dynamical systems with chaotic behaviors (Peer-reviewed)
Y. Saiki
42. Unstable Periodic Orbits embedded in a Chaotic Economic Dynamics Model : A Typical Structure of a Generalized Goodwin Model (Peer-reviewed)
K. Ishiyama, Y. Saiki
Applied Economics Letters Vol.12,pp.749-753 2005.4
43. Unstable periodic orbits and chaotic economic growth (Peer-reviewed)
K. Ishiyama, Y. Saiki
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Vol.26,pp.33-42 2005.4

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1. On the relations between statistical values along unstable periodic orbits in differential equation systems (Nonlinear Dynamics in Macro-economics)
SAIKI Yoshitaka, YAMADA Michio
数理解析研究所講究録 Vol.1768,pp.143-149 2011.10
2. 28pQD-6 Mechanism of a temporal intermittency in the shell model turbulence
Kobayashi M. U., Yamada M., Saiki Y.
Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan Vol.64,No.2,pp.245 2009.8

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. New Developments in Fluid Dynamics Research Based on Dynamical Systems Theory
Kiban B
( Awarding organization: JSPS System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2024.4 - 2028.3
2. Data-driven modeling of ordinary differential equations using regression
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2023.4 - 2025.3
3. Dynamical System and reservoir computing
( Awarding organization: Japan System name: 二国間交流事業 )
2022.7 - 2024.3
4. Expediting and Elaborating Business Forecast Using Machine Learning
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2021.7 - 2024.3
5. Intermittency due to hetero-chaotic property and its inference
Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.10 - 2023.3
6. Fast Computation of Birkhoff Average along a Quasi-periodic Orbit and its Applications
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2017.4 - 2020.3
7. Construction of a synchronization theory based on hetero-dimensional cycle: Toward an understanding of complex phenomena
( Awarding organization: JST(Japan Science and Technology Agency) System name: Strategic Basic Research Programs )
2016.10 - 2020.3
8. 物理と数学の協働による乱流クロージャー問題解決に向けた機械学習理論の創出
( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2024.4 - 2029.3
9. Construction and exploration of nonlinear economic dynamic models with dynamically changing time evolution rules
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2024.4 - 2027.3
10. Data analysis and large-scale simulation of regional business cycles
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2019.4 - 2022.3
11. Mathematical characterization of chaotic itinerancy
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2014.4 - 2017.3
12. Construction of mathematical models for long-term forecast of atmospheric variation by climate time-series
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2015.3
13. Understanding Synchronization of Business Cycles Using Wavelet Analysis and Nonlinear Coupled Oscillator Models
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2012.4 - 2014.3
14. Analysis of non-hyperbolic systems through unstable periodic orbits
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2011 - 2013
15. Analysis of unstable periodic orbits in a chaotic dynamical system and its applications
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2007 - 2009

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