Graduate School of Economics

Books and Other Publications

1. Capital Accumulation, Intergenerational Transfer, and the Taxation
Kan Takeuchi (Contributor)
Japan Securities Research Institute 2021.9 (ISBN : 9784890320608)
2. Behavioral Economics 101
Kan Takeuchi (Contributor)
Nikkei Publishing 2017.12 (ISBN : 9784532198473)
3. Behavioral Economics of Preferences, Choices, and Happiness
Kan Takeuchi (Contributor)
Springer 2016 (ISBN : 9784431554011)
4. Economics for the Young
Kan Takeuchi (Contributor)
Yuhikaku 2013.2 (ISBN : 9784641164048)
5. Earthquake risk management founded on human behaviors: Designing the new social systems
Kan Takeuchi (Contributor)
Keiso Shobo 2012.3 (ISBN : 9784326503636)
6. Essays on Time Preference and Combinatorial Auctions
Kan Takeuchi (Sole author)
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Michigan 2007.4

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1. Non-parametric test of time consistency: Present bias and future bias (Peer-reviewed)
Kan Takeuchi
GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Vol.71,No.2,pp.456-478 2011.3
2. Scheduling with package auctions (Peer-reviewed)
Kan Takeuchi, John C. Lin, Yan Chen, Thomas A. Finholt
EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS Vol.13,No.4,pp.476-499 2010.12
3. Multi-object auctions with package bidding: An experimental comparison of Vickrey and iBEA (Peer-reviewed)
Yan Chen, Kan Takeuchi
GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR Vol.68,No.2,pp.557-579 2010.3
4. ztree2stata: a data converter for z-Tree and Stata users (Peer-reviewed)
Kan Takeuchi
Journal of the Economic Science Association Vol.9,pp.136-146 2023.4
doi Link Link
5. パターナリズムはそこにあるのか―先延ばし行動の経済モデルで考える
法と哲学 No.8,pp.133-160 2022.7
6. The Behavioral Economics for Social Security: Should it be Corrective or Inductive?
Kan Takeuchi
社会保障研究 Vol.6,No.3,pp.233-244 2021.12
7. Behavioral economics and nudges in healthcare
Kan Takeuchi
Japanese Journal of Health Economics and Policy Vol.31,No.2,pp.65-75 2020.3
doi Link
8. Time Discounting: The Concavity of Time Discount Function: An Experimental Study (Peer-reviewed)
竹内 幹
Journal of Behavioral Economics and Finance Vol.5,pp.2-9 2012.6
doi Link
9. 耐震マンションを好む人はどこを見ているか:アイトラッカーを用いた研究
竹内 幹, 齊藤誠
齊藤誠・中川雅之(編著)『人間行動から考える地震リスクのマネジメント: 新しい社会制度を設計する』勁草書房 pp.207-229 2012.3
10. The Behavioral Economics of the Annuity Puzzle : Framing Effect and Mental Accounting
Kan Takeuchi
Hitotsubashi economics Vol.4,No.1,pp.79-93 2011.1
doi Link
11. 「東京都の学校選択制度」
竹内 幹
『経済セミナー』 Vol.647,No.4/5月号,pp.85-88 2009.4
12. Shake It Up Baby: Scheduling with Package Auctions (Peer-reviewed)
Kan Takeuchi, John C. Lin, Yan Chen, Thomas A. Finholt

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1. (経済季評)「税の取られ損」感じるわけは 公共心、政府への信頼が鍵
朝日新聞 2023.1
2. (経済季評)女性に「負」を選ばせてきた社会 活躍推進より差別清算が先
朝日新聞 2022.7
3. (経済季評)下がり続ける実質賃金 インフレ、備える仕組みは
朝日新聞 2022.1
4. (やさしい経済学)マーケットデザインを考える
日本経済新聞 2021.6
5. (The Economic Review) The Significance of Raising the Minimum Wage: The Cost of Living as a Human Being
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2021.4
6. The investment in the broader sense
Kan Takeuchi
Newsweek Japan pp.32-33 2019.10
7. 石先生から受けた御恩とゼミの思い出
経済セミナー No.705,pp.53-54 2018.12
8. Prof. Thaler 's "Behavioral Economics": Heterodoxy has become non-heterodoxy
Kan Takeuchi
Finance Vol.53,No.12,pp.77-82 2018.3
9. 非合理な意思決定を実験で分析 最善の選択を促す、行動経済学的「ナッジ」とは?
竹内 幹
wisdom 2017.12
10. 少子高齢化時代の選挙制度――世代別選挙区と平均余命による議席配分
竹内 幹
世界思想 No.43,pp.25-30 2016.4
11. 男女の行動の違い
竹内 幹
『やさしいこころと経済学』日本経済新聞,2014年12月4日 - 12月17日 2014.12
12. Why humans debate: Eye movements and economic decision makings
Kan Takeuchi
Kakenhi NEWS Vol.1,pp.5 2014.6
13. 「年齢別選挙区」で子どもの声を政治に生かせ ドメイン投票より現実的。余命に応じて議席配分を
竹内 幹
『新しい経済の教科書2012』,日経BP社 pp.44-46 2012.4
14. (経済季評)「国」の豊かさと私たちの幸福 どんな未来へも、希望をつなごう
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2023.7
15. (経済季評)AIには不可能で、人間にしかできないこと そのために育むべきもの
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2023.5
16. 長寿リスクと終身年金 行動経済学を制度設計に活かすために
企業年金 pp.8-11 2022.11
17. (経済季評)ノーベル賞、米大学君臨のわけ 「無用の用」も覚悟の競争
朝日新聞 2022.10
18. 経済学における再現性の危機――経済実験での評価と対応
経済セミナー No.726,pp.30-34 2022.6
19. (経済季評)命にも、青春にもつけられぬ値段 コロナ対策からこぼれた若者の未来
朝日新聞 2022.4
20. (The Economic Review) Game theory and elections: The difference in manifesto is the difference in philosophy
Kan Takeuchi
朝日新聞 2021.10
21. Behavioral Economics and "Nudge"
Kan Takeuchi
旬刊経理情報 Vol.1619,pp.1 2021.8
22. (The Economic Review) Leaders Confront Mistakes: Apology is a Way to Restore Trust
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2021.7
23. Book Review
Kan Takeuchi
行動経済学 Vol.14,pp.10-12 2021.6
24. (Economic Quarterly Review) Decision Making in Times of Crisis: Insensitivity Caused by Distributed Responsibility
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2021.1
25. Seasonal Review of Economy: Democracy and Economic Growth. Well-being beyond thorough discussion
Asahi Shimbun 2020.10
26. 書評 那須耕介・橋本努[編]『ナッジ!?』勁草書房. 支援なのか 模範の押し付けなのか
週刊読書人 No.3354,pp.7- 2020.8
27. Seasonal Review of Economy: Racism in Economics. Fight against the Systemic Discrimination.
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2020.7
28. 【鼎談】社会で活きるナッジの手法(竹内幹×星野崇宏×山根承子)
竹内幹, 星野崇宏, 山根承子
経済セミナー No.714,pp.7-17 2020.5
29. 経済学としてのナッジ
経済セミナー No.714,pp.18-22 2020.5
30. Seasonal Review of Economy: Behind the Stock Price. The market remembers the "Rare disaster"
Kan Takeuchi
Asahi Shimbun 2020.4
31. Behavioral economics and decision makings
Kan Takeuchi
NTTデータ経営研究所『応用脳科学アドバンスコース「脳と認知・行動・社会」』 2018.10
32. Biases in decision makings: Irrational investment behavior and behavioral economics
Kan Takeuchi
The Securities Analysts Association of Japan 2018.8
33. Behavioral economics and decision makings
Kan Takeuchi
NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting/Consortium for Applied Neuroscience 2018.2
34. Behavioral economics of investments
Kan Takeuchi
NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting/Consortium for Applied Neuroscience 2016.12
35. インタビュー カブトムシのゲーム理論と余命別選挙制度
竹内 幹
公研 Vol.54,No.7,pp.76-83 2016.7
36. 合理的選択とは何か? 人はどこまで合理的か?
竹内 幹
現代社会へのとびら No.3,pp.1-4 2016.2
37. Eye movement and economic behavior
Kan Takeuchi
NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting/Consortium for Applied Neuroscience 2015.10
38. Lab experiments versus field experiments: What is wrong with student participants
Kan Takeuchi
Keizai Seminar No.684,pp.58-63 2015.6
39. 実験経済学と行動経済学:実験しなきゃ始まらない
竹内 幹
『経済セミナー』 2014年8/9月号 No.679,pp.37-41 2014.8
40. 終身年金は本当に嫌われているのか―行動経済学的考察―
竹内 幹
『季刊個人金融』 2014年夏号 Vol.9,No.2,pp.22-31 2014.8
41. Deregulation is not the way to increase fertility rate
Kan Takeuchi
『金融ジャーナル』 No.5月号,pp.88-89 2014.5
42. 合理的戦略とは何か:経済実験を通じた考察
竹内 幹
『受験サプリ 学問研究ツアー:大学での学問を覗いてみよう』,2014年5月17日 2014.5
43. 5分間クイズに挑戦、「思考の弱点」がわかる
竹内 幹
『プレジデント』 2013年9月2日号 pp.26-28 2013.9
44. 保育園〜知恵の木の実を食べても終わらないエデンの園
竹内 幹
『HQ』 Vol.2013年夏号,pp.50- 2013.8
45. 景観論争から考える「良い経済学、悪い経済学」
竹内 幹
『新しい経済の教科書 2013-2014年版』 日経BP社 pp.102-104 2013.6
46. 第9章 人口衰弱(シナリオ原案)
竹内 幹
財団法人日本再建イニシアティブ『日本最悪のシナリオ 9つの死角』新潮社 2013.4
47. 高齢者と将来世代、どちらを重視するか?
竹内 幹
『中央公論』128巻4号(2013年4月号) Vol.128,No.4,pp.120-123 2013.4
48. 書評:『実験ミクロ経済学』 教室実験を通じて新しい経済教育のインフラを提供する
竹内 幹
『経済セミナー』 670号(2013年2/3月号) pp.129- 2013.2
49. Donation Culture Becoming Established in Japan through Kizuna after 3.11 Earthquake
Kan Takeuchi
Economy, Culture & History JAPAN SPOTLIGHT, November/December, pp. 42-45. 2012.11
50. 景観論争から考える「良い経済学、悪い経済学」法律の「正義」と経済学の「正義」の違いとは
竹内 幹
『日経ビジネスオンライン』, 7月31日 2012.7
51. Anti-ageing Treatment for your governance: Proposal for National Election System Based on Constituency by Life Expectancy
Kan Takeuchi
Economy, Culture & History JAPAN SPOTLIGHT, May/June, pp. 21-23. 2012.5
52. 行動経済学に基づいた新しい制度設計:住宅市場を中心として(齊藤誠・中川雅之・佐藤主光との共著)
竹内 幹, 齊藤誠, 中川雅之, 佐藤主光
『経済セミナー』,2/3月号 No.658,pp.75-80 2011.2
53. 気鋭の論点:耐震性に付加価値あり マンションと行動経済学
竹内 幹
日経ビジネス pp.78- 2011.1
54. 連載:はじめての実験経済学
竹内 幹
『日経ビジネスアソシエ』1月 - 7月(全12回) 2009.1
55. 特集 ニッポンの最先端は,ここにあります。“実験経済学”が経済学を塗り替える
竹内 幹
『GQ JAPAN』10月号 pp.56- 2008.10
56. 特集 実験経済学がわかる 教室実験をやってみよう!:ゲーム理論への誘い
竹内 幹
『経済セミナー』10月号 No.642,pp.20-24 2008.10
57. Interview with Prof. Colin Camerer, the Behavioral Economist on the Frontier
Kan Takeuchi
Nikkei Business Associate pp.20-21 2008.7
58. リターンと機会費用で考える
竹内 幹
『日経ビジネスアソシエ』6月3日号 pp.35- 2008.6
59. CSR and Human Rights Issues: Boycott of Coca Cola in the US
Kan Takeuchi, Renge Jibu
Amnesty International Japan pp.4-5 2006.5
60. おじさんは知らないイケてるBusiness Person 1 マイケル・セッションズ 米国ミシガン州ヒルズデール市市長
竹内 幹
日経ビジネスassocie Vol.5,No.1,pp.108-110 2006.1

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No. Name of subject/Conference Name Year Site
1. On the Intuition-Free Modeling of Human Decision-Makings(Dialogue between Philosophy and Economics: Taking Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-being Seriously in Its Formulation and Measurement for Social Evaluation)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2024.2.8
2. 行動経済学とナッジ理論を活かした政策づくり(秩父地域まちづくり協議会)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.11.20
3. 家庭と職場の行動経済学(いたばしパパ月間)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.10.25
4. 育休とったらみえてきた?!~私のワークライフバランス
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2023.10.14
5. ジェンダー格差解消に資する経済学(現場からの医療改革推進協議会 第17回シンポジウム)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.11.27
6. Pessimism as a determinant in decision-makings: An answer of machine Learning approaches(2022 North-American ESA Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.11.11
Santa Barbara, CA
7. Traffic Information and behavioral change: Geofence data analysis(2022 World ESA Meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2022.6.15
Boston, MA
8. Behavioral economics in economics education(Symposium on "The death of behavioral economics")
Holding date : 2021.10.23
Presentation date : 2021.10.23
9. 家事・育児の行動経済学(いたばしパパ月間)
Holding date : 2020.10.15 - 2020.10.17
Presentation date : 2020.10.15
10. Panel Discussion "Neuroeconomics" Autumn Meeting of Japanese Economics Association(2020 Autumn Meeting of Japanese Economics Association)
Holding date : 2020.10.10 - 2020.10.11
Presentation date : 2020.10.11
11. 行動経済学と『ナッジ』:意思決定は合理的か(FPフェアin東京)
Holding date : 2020.10.10
Presentation date : 2020.10.10
12. Eye tracking for Debiasing the Present Bias(The 23rd Experimental Social Science Conference)
Holding date : 2019.11.30 - 2019.12.1
Presentation date : 2019.12.1
13. Teaching Behavioral Economics(The 13th Meeting of Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance)
Holding date : 2019.11.9 - 2019.11.10
Presentation date : 2019.11.9
14. KAKENHI Research Fund: From application to the acceptance(2019 Japanese Economic Association Autumn Meeting: Mentoring Session)
Holding date : 2019.10.13
Presentation date : 2019.10.13
15. The Sad Music Changes Risk Preference(The 22nd Experimental Social Science Conference)
Holding date : 2018.12.20 - 2018.12.23
Presentation date : 2018.12.22
16. Behavioral Economics on Risk and Ambiguity(The 8th Asia Policy Forum)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2018.11.1
Renmin University of China
17. Biases in decision makings: Irrational investment behavior and behavioral economics(The Securities Analysts Association of Japan)
Holding date : 2018.8
Presentation date : 2018.8
18. Beetles play Nash: Mixed strategy equilibrium in their horn length(Behavioural economics: Foundations and applied research (Sydney))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.11.11
19. Beetles play Nash: Mixed strategy equilibrium in their horn length(ESA North-American Meeting (Richmond))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.10.21
Richmond, VA
20. Beetles play Nash: Mixed strategy equilibrium in their horn length(ESA Asia-Pacific Meeting (Taipei))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2017.2.17
National Taiwan University
21. Has the fusion of experiments and social science had any impact on the society?(The 20th Experimental Social Sciences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.10.30
Doshisha University
22. KANSEI: The Implications from Economic Experiments on Music and Decision-making(International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2016)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2016.3.21
Kogakuin University
23. Panel Discussion: Behavioral Economics and Education(Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance: The 8th meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.11.29
Kindai University
24. Eye-tracking on the debating behavior(ESA European meeting (Heidelberg))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.9.2
Heidelberg, Germany
25. Eyetracking on HEMS monitors: What do users see for energy saving?(The 3rd Kyoto Experimental Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2015.1.31
Kyoto University
26. Eyetracking on HEMS monitors: What do users see for energy saving?(2014 BEHAVIOR, ENERGY &CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE (DC))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.12.9
27. Literature on gender differences(Kyoto field experiments workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.9.30
Kyoto University
28. Drift-diffusion model and Gaze Cascade(ESA International Meeting (Hawaii))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.6.28
University of Hawaii
29. Eye movement, drift-diffusion model and the choice(Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.2.17
Kansai University
30. Eye tracking under uncertainty(The 2nd Kyoto Experimental Economics Workshop)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.2.16
Kyoto University
31. Non-parametric test of time consistency: Present bias and future bias(The development of behavioral economics and finances)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2014.2.15
Research Center for Behavioral Economics
32. Experimental Economics: The trends in publications and the due-diligence of researches(The Inaugural workshop of Economic Experimental Laboratory at Kyoto University)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2013.2.2
Kyoto University
33. Eyemovement and decision making models: Eyatracking analysis(Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance: The 6th meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.12.8
Aoyama Gakuin University
34. The inverse S-shaped time discounting function and the future bias(GCOE: Economic conference on dynamics and preferences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.11.23
Osaka University
35. An eye-tracking analysis of willingness to pay for quake-resistance(NUS Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2012.3.1
Natinal University of Singapole
36. IRB procedure(Experimental Social Sciences Winter School 2011)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.25
Waseda University
37. The future bias and the concavity of time discount function(Distinguished Research Seminar Series)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.20
University of Tokyo
38. The Concavity of Time Discount Function: An Experimental Study(ESA Asia-Pacific Conference (Xiamen))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.12.15
Xiamen, China
39. 時間選好とリスク選好の分離(公立はこだて未来大学セミナー)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.11.30
40. Towards a Unified Theory of Action for the Social Sciences(8th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (JGFoS))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.10.30
41. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(The 6th Pan-Pacific Conference on Game Theory)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2011.3.2
Tokyo Institute of Technology
42. Behavioral Economics of Annuity Puzzle(Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance: The 4th meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.12.4
Sophia University
43. An eye-tracking analysis of willingness to pay for quake-resistance(Yokohama National University Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.10.21
Yokohama National University
44. The role of experiments in social sciences(Experimental Social Sciences Summer School 2010)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.9.13
Shinshu University
45. An eye-tracking analysis of willingness to pay for quake-resistance(Osaka University Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2010.7.11
Osaka University
46. The effect of music listening on decision making under uncertainty: An experimental study(ESA North-American Meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.11.12
Tucson, AZ
47. Eye-tracking analysis of bidding behavior in combinatorial auctions(The 13th Experimental Social Science Conference)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2009.9.1
Kobe University
48. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(Shinshu University Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.12.7
Shinshu University
49. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(ESA North-American Meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.11.14
Tucson, AZ
50. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.10.31
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University
51. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(Osaka University Seminar)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.10.30
Osaka University
52. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(HKUST Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.9.12
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
53. Eye-tracking Analysis of Bidding Behavior in Combinatorial Auctions(ESA North-American Meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.6.28
California Institute of Technology
54. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(University of Amsterdam Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2008.2.8
University of Amsterdam
55. IRB procedure(Experimental Social Sciences)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.11.24
Hokkaido University
56. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(ESA North-American Meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.10.22
Tucson, AZ
57. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(California Institute of Technology Seminer)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.10.13
California Institute of Technology
58. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(Japanese Economic Association Autumn meeting)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.9.23
59. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(ESA Asia-Pacific Conference (Shanghai))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.8.4
Shanghai Jiotang University
60. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(INFORMS (Puerto Rico))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.7.10
Puerto Rico
61. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(French Economic Association (Lyon))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.5.25
62. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(MEA Annual meeting (Minneapolis))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.3.23
63. When Does the Future Really Start: Non-monotonic Time Preference(ESA Asia-Pacific Conference (Osaka))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2007.2.14
64. Shake It Up Baby: Scheduling with Package Auctions(INFORMS (Pittsburgh))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.11.7
65. Shake It Up Baby: Scheduling with Package Auctions(ESA North-American Meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.9.30
Tucson, AZ
66. The Cumulative Effect of Inequality: A Computational Study of Conflict Models(Academy of Economics and Finance (Huston))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2006.2.9
Huston, TX
67. Multi-object auctions with package bidding: An experimental comparison of Vickrey and iBEA(16th Jerusalem Summer School in Economic Theory)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.7.15
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
68. Median Voter Theorem Revisited: The Policy Convergence and the Chaotic Behavior(MEA Annual meeting (Milwaukee))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2005.3.11
69. Multi-object auctions with package bidding: An experimental comparison of Vickrey and iBEA(The 8th Experimental Economics Confernece)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.11.28
70. Multi-object auctions with package bidding: An experimental comparison of Vickrey and iBEA(ESA North-American meeting (Tucson))
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.11.5
Osaka University
71. International Foundation For Research In Experimental Economics
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.8.17
Interdisciplinary Center For Economic Science At George Mason University
72. Mannheim Empirical Research Summer School (MERSS)
Holding date :
Presentation date : 2004.7.2
Mannheim University

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No. Award name Year
1. Presidential Teaching Award 2020.1
2. Outstanding GSI Award 2006.3

Research Projects

No. Research subject Research item(Awarding organization, System name) Year
1. The project to promote voluntary measures by households, etc., through the dissemination of information (nudges) to encourage changes in low-carbon-type behavior

( Awarding organization: Ministry of the Environment )
2021.2 - 2022.3
2. Empirical study of decision-making theory by economic experiments with insects
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research )
2016.4 - 2020.3
3. Time preference and eye movement: Economic Experiments with eyetracking

( Awarding organization: The Seimeikai Foundation System name: Joint Research (Commissioned research from non-profit sector) )
2014.4 - 2015.3
4. Economic incentives and Evaluations on Energy Saving Behavior

( Awarding organization: Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., and Japan Gas Association System name: Joint Research (Commissioned research from business sector) )
2014.3 - 2015.3
5. Eye-movement and Economic Decision-making: Experimental Study using Eyetracking
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2013.4 - 2016.3
6. Risk management for market and public sectors: Asian perspective on public sector
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2012.4 - 2015.3
7. Experimental economics study of risk and time preferences
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) )
2010.4 - 2013.3
8. 高質の住宅ストックを生み出し支える社会システムの設計研究メンバー(研究代表者:齊藤誠)

( System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2008.4 - 2013.3
9. 税と社会保障の一体的改革―格差問題と国際化への対応研究分担者(研究代表者:田近栄治)

( Awarding organization: 日本学術振興会 System name: 科学研究費助成事業 )
2008.4 - 2012.3
10. Design and Analysis of Resource Allocation Mechanisms : Theory and Experiment
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
( Awarding organization: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science System name: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research )
2008 - 2011

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